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So pathetic it's funny...


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A few days after the update, I visited some RWT services and quite a lot still offer to sell gold. Usually, they offer to grind/macroe it for you, but sometimes they seriously claim to have found a way around it (an example can be found here). I really doubt Jagex can kill it all without removing any kind of player interaction.




Of course they are still offering to sell right now.




See how well they are doing AFTER the January update makes it so ALL accounts can't trade more than 3k in an unbalanced trade.




And I know of ONE way to do the trades that would have worked even after the trade lock. It involved noting and un-noting certain objects. As soon as the cheat sites found it, Jagex found out and either has removed it, or will remove it this update.




Contrary to popular belief Jagex DOES watch these cheat sites to keep up with them. And right now they are their OWN worst enemy, as soon as they find a "loophole" Jagex missed, they brag about it and Jagex fixes it.

"Here lies one whose name was writ in water."

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You guys don't seem to frickin get it.




There's always going to be ways around COMPLETELY stopping RWT.




But if you make the masses not want to do it - if you make it highly unprofitable in comparison to other games, they will move on. Which they're doing.




There are a lot of ways to ban bots, and to ban RWT accounts (like if you give someone your pass and they work it for you)...




Jagex said they simply couldn't keep up with the new accounts being built and botting for resources (for instance, building a level 60 char to kill greens takes hours, not days) - there's a big difference between resources botting and account building. I don't doubt these types of accounts won't be banned or found easily.




But yeah, these updates... definatly are pathetic....its so funny...


i very much agree. it's the same as using torches to keep away the mosquitoes. you get rid of the majority that was really causing a problem, and only a few stupid ones still come at you only to get burnt.




and jagex/help sites have been putting up warnings against scam sites since forever. you are just foolish and ignorant if you go to one, sorry!

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Question: Who would give away their password to a possibly untrustwothy site? :wall:


The same idiots that bought gold from them no doubt.




Some players think they DESERVE to cheat, and will do whatever it takes.




I TRULY hope that Jagex starts posting the names of players they ban again. Now that they won't be banning hundreds of bots a day it should be well with in their capability to do so.

"Here lies one whose name was writ in water."

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Question: Who would give away their password to a possibly untrustwothy site? :wall:


The same idiots that bought gold from them no doubt.




Some players think they DESERVE to cheat, and will do whatever it takes.




I TRULY hope that Jagex starts posting the names of players they ban again. Now that they won't be banning hundreds of bots a day it should be well with in their capability to do so.








People think they deserve to cheat because they have a job. Right.




I worked at a fat camp as a junior counselor, and did that give me the right to be a cheating moron? No.




The game.

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nothing you said gets around the updates, there has to be like 20 people in the tournament room for a tourney to start even and a minimum amount of people PLUS you have to be a high rank to stake that much and its 1mil at a time PLUS people can join and beat you PLUS you lose rank if you are just losing to give out 1mils so it wont last long.




for party room if over 1mil is dropped people get FREE teleports to the party room and obviously people will be messaging friends to get there fast and switch worlds and it takes 10mins for the drop party to start.




rwt is ruined, your acting like its going to be hard for them to switch to wow.


4000000657th to 99 cookin

555555406th to 99 flethcin

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I think what he said (my friend went on the site and told me the same thing) is that the farmers actually go onto *your* account and get money for you that way.




yes u pay them so that they get money on your account or trai your skills up


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I think what he said (my friend went on the site and told me the same thing) is that the farmers actually go onto *your* account and get money for you that way.




yes u pay them so that they get money on your account or trai your skills up




Which will lead to either a ban for botting on your account.




Or a ban from account sharing.




Think about it. These RWT sites are promising to put 1 mill gold on ANY account for a set amount.




Getting 1 million gold on a high level is one thing, it may take a day or so.




But getting that 1 million on a lvl 3 NEW account would take a ot longer.




So how are they going to charge the SAME for either? They are going to run BOTS to get it.




And it's rather obvious something dodgy is going on if your account logs out in America, and logs in ten minutes later in another country.

"Here lies one whose name was writ in water."

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If you ask me, every one of Jagex's updates made it harder for RWT'ers. They didn't make it impossible (if yuo were desperate you could always trade 3k at a time... but try doing that with 2 mil...) RWT'ers realize that now its way too hard to make profit, they'll move on. We've rid the game of its rule breakers, and sent them all off to other games :D


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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LoL...I'm a skiller im not affected by most of these updates besides the trade thing. Anyway..Jagex are morons...to be honest i'd rather have classic atm, it begging to look a lot better than rs2. It honestly seem like their trying to kill off pures, high lvls, rich ppl, and skillers. It hasent done anything to the RWT's just make them more happy that they found a way through. So...They need to keep it as is and stop ruining the game..... =D>

Skillerz own | Skillerz own | Skillerz own | Skillerz own | Skillerz own | Skillerz own | Skillerz own | Skillerz own | Skillerz own |


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LoL...I'm a skiller im not affected by most of these updates besides the trade thing. Anyway..Jagex are morons...to be honest i'd rather have classic atm, it begging to look a lot better than rs2. It honestly seem like their trying to kill off pures, high lvls, rich ppl, and skillers. It hasent done anything to the RWT's just make them more happy that they found a way through. So...They need to keep it as is and stop ruining the game..... =D>




Wow. This is one of the most awful posts in the history of tip it. So many things wrong with it.




Just because it doesn't effect you, directly, doesn't mean it won't soon...


Jagex are morons? That's so subjective it's disgusting, get a grip over yourself. Being developers of this type of massive game isn't easy - there's ALWAYS going to be people like you who don't agree with everything, and because you don't agree, you label stupidity. Well, I label you STUPIDER (oh yeah, look it up!)


It seems like they're trying to write off pures, high levels, rich people, and skillers? What the hell are you smoking? You just said you're a skiller and it doesn't effect you. And I consider myself to be "rich" and nothing is ruined for me... since I will give them TIME to adapt and tweak their new changes, unlike some over-reacting people.


Hasn't done anything to RWT? Have you EVEN PLAYED lately? And you're saying this off a post by a kid who visits RWT sites, posts a thread here about them finding a way through, but "can't remember" their way? Are you kidding me?




They're not keeping anything as is, and not going to stop making changes to "stop ruining the game". December 10th should be a clear enough message for you that they're doing whatever it takes.



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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LoL...I'm a skiller im not affected by most of these updates besides the trade thing. Anyway..Jagex are morons...to be honest i'd rather have classic atm, it begging to look a lot better than rs2. It honestly seem like their trying to kill off pures, high lvls, rich ppl, and skillers. It hasent done anything to the RWT's just make them more happy that they found a way through. So...They need to keep it as is and stop ruining the game..... =D>




Interesting that you'd bring up classic, a game RUINED by bots. I can still log into classic. The game was overrun by bots, RS2 was NOTHING compared to Classic. Most honest players stopped playing it, and were locked out when Jagex started the 6 month rule. Now I play a game with maybe 10 other humans, and the other 100 are ALL bots. The prices of botted resources are extremely low, and that's IF you can find a buyer. Seeing as it's the PKers that are running the bots.




They aren't trying to ruin anything but RWT.




If a player CHOOSE to make a certain account that exploited only PART of the game, it's THEIR problem when that part is changed and they are left high and dry.




I'm lvl 123. I'm still playing, will I change how I play? Yes. Has Jagex ruined the game for me? NOPE.




Rich people are still rich. It's STILL easy to make money in runescape. It's still easy to make a million or more a day relying on SKILLS alone.




I've got 1920 skill total. The game isn't ruined for skillers. Still plenty of ways to make money.




And it hasn't done anything to the RWT? Check out ANY F2P world. If you refuse to see the MASS reduction in bots there then there's nothing we can do for you.




This update has done exactly what Jagex said it would, made it unprofitable for RWT to run dozens of bots at a time.

"Here lies one whose name was writ in water."

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LoL...I'm a skiller im not affected by most of these updates besides the trade thing. Anyway..Jagex are morons...to be honest i'd rather have classic atm, it begging to look a lot better than rs2. It honestly seem like their trying to kill off pures, high lvls, rich ppl, and skillers. It hasent done anything to the RWT's just make them more happy that they found a way through. So...They need to keep it as is and stop ruining the game..... =D>




Interesting that you'd bring up classic, a game RUINED by bots. I can still log into classic. The game was overrun by bots, RS2 was NOTHING compared to Classic. Most honest players stopped playing it, and were locked out when Jagex started the 6 month rule. Now I play a game with maybe 10 other humans, and the other 100 are ALL bots. The prices of botted resources are extremely low, and that's IF you can find a buyer. Seeing as it's the PKers that are running the bots.




They aren't trying to ruin anything but RWT.




If a player CHOOSE to make a certain account that exploited only PART of the game, it's THEIR problem when that part is changed and they are left high and dry.




I'm lvl 123. I'm still playing, will I change how I play? Yes. Has Jagex ruined the game for me? NOPE.




Rich people are still rich. It's STILL easy to make money in runescape. It's still easy to make a million or more a day relying on SKILLS alone.




I've got 1920 skill total. The game isn't ruined for skillers. Still plenty of ways to make money.




And it hasn't done anything to the RWT? Check out ANY F2P world. If you refuse to see the MASS reduction in bots there then there's nothing we can do for you.




This update has done exactly what Jagex said it would, made it unprofitable for RWT to run dozens of bots at a time.




Quality - Pure quality.




I have found my new intellectual man-crush!



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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Well, I really hate what the updates have done to the game, but its nice to have the autoers gone. Oh well, I can still just play more cwars...






Just a bit here:




It takes 84 hours (3.5 days) to transfer 1.008 m. I don't think anyone would have the patience for that.




Yesterday, I went to W1 varrock, and I looked at 2 different yew spawns. The one by the church was empty. The three trees behind the castle were being cut by ~6 people, all above level 50. I got similar results in the other worlds I visited. RWTers are gone. The real question is; was it really worth it to destroy most of the kindness and fun that existed in RS just to take out some selfish players and their suppliers?

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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The real question is; was it really worth it to destroy most of the kindness and fun that existed in RS just to take out some selfish players and their suppliers?




I think your question is a good one, I like the fact you're posing a question for us, and not choosing a side and shoving it down our throat.




But I don't think you have it worded quite right - I don't think "kindness and fun" were "destroyed" and I don't think it was to "take out some selfish players and their suppliers"




I'm not quite sure how to word it myself, but I think something along the lines of:




Was it really worth it for Jagex to alter the way we PK (and the rewards we get from it), the way we trade and acquire money to prevent RWT (the stopping of players from abusing the game's mechanics, economy, and real players work ethics)?




And my personal answer to this question?







Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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LoL...I'm a skiller im not affected by most of these updates besides the trade thing. Anyway..Jagex are morons...to be honest i'd rather have classic atm, it begging to look a lot better than rs2. It honestly seem like their trying to kill off pures, high lvls, rich ppl, and skillers. It hasent done anything to the RWT's just make them more happy that they found a way through. So...They need to keep it as is and stop ruining the game..... =D>




Interesting that you'd bring up classic, a game RUINED by bots. I can still log into classic. The game was overrun by bots, RS2 was NOTHING compared to Classic. Most honest players stopped playing it, and were locked out when Jagex started the 6 month rule. Now I play a game with maybe 10 other humans, and the other 100 are ALL bots. The prices of botted resources are extremely low, and that's IF you can find a buyer. Seeing as it's the PKers that are running the bots.




They aren't trying to ruin anything but RWT.




If a player CHOOSE to make a certain account that exploited only PART of the game, it's THEIR problem when that part is changed and they are left high and dry.




I'm lvl 123. I'm still playing, will I change how I play? Yes. Has Jagex ruined the game for me? NOPE.




Rich people are still rich. It's STILL easy to make money in runescape. It's still easy to make a million or more a day relying on SKILLS alone.




I've got 1920 skill total. The game isn't ruined for skillers. Still plenty of ways to make money.




And it hasn't done anything to the RWT? Check out ANY F2P world. If you refuse to see the MASS reduction in bots there then there's nothing we can do for you.




This update has done exactly what Jagex said it would, made it unprofitable for RWT to run dozens of bots at a time.




Quality - Pure quality.




I have found my new intellectual man-crush!




:oops: I better not let the wife know... :oops:

"Here lies one whose name was writ in water."

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Some RWTs might have found a way around the new system, but I'm sure that the most of them are gone now. And if you report that website, which I really hope that you have done, then the information of how you get around Jagex's new system won't spread to other RWts.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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