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The importance of F2P in Runescape


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Yup, the price of yew log will drop eventually when more people start cutting them legitimately. it probably wont drop to 215 ea before (and hopefully not).




But it also shows another aspect how people want fast lvling without losing all the cash, pretty much, the cost of raw materials you buy, and get the end items, as well as making them to get the xp, tend to be a money losing process, unless the final products, whether alc it or sell it in half done for, bars and bows for example, will balance the initial buy.




Yew logs are controlled by the value that yew longs high alch for, therefore unless that changes, they won't drop very far unless nature runes shoot up (unlikely as they've dropped so much already) or flax goes up (possible but not necessary). No one will ever be able to profit from high alching yew longs since so many people can make em, unless they actually collect all the raw material or runes themselves. Plain and simple.










Prices have drastically dropped for many raw materials partially due to the fact that merchanters would gather material cheap from sometimes hundreds of lower level players and sell with a "middle-man" fee. Now that the middle-man has been essentially eliminated, most of these players now sell to the G.E. at the same price that they were selling originally. Once they realize how much their hard work is truly worth, and once the backlash of no-bots kicks in, I believe prices will start to steadily increase, and then halt at similar prices to what was before, or possibly a bit more for massively botted materials.




Its been stated many times on this thread (and it should be common knowledge) that since f2p make up a much larger population than p2pers, and since they have on average lower "incomes" and levels, compounded by less choices, they provide the bulk of basic raw material.




We won't truly feel the effects of botters leaving Runescape until January, and Jagex could technically so to say "buffer" the effect with control over prices. Only time will tell...

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I'd always assumed that members would have higher intelligence than non-members, but this thread just reminded me that no matter what, the average IQ of runescape players is below the norm.




Just to make this clear, I am a p2p.




However, before some members start spouting random nonsense, first feel free (at your infinite leisure of course) to read the topic before posting. It usually helps to improve the discussion.




The OP never said anything about wanting more and more updates. He simply wanted to point out that f2ps are a vital part of the economy, and deserved at least some respect by the members, many of whom, like certain posters, have never actually enjoyed using their minds, and apparently never learned to read beyond a 2nd grade level (author's purpose anyone? How about the theme of the post? Simple things indeed).




If you can't figure out how f2p affects the p2p economy, then the most clear example would be rune essences.




Normal rune essence was around 30gp last I played. They had just introduced pure essence when I decided to take a break from RS, and the price of pure essence was around 110. Before, when normal ess could be used for everything, rune essence cost around 35 gp. When rune essence was changed into two parts, the f2p essence fell to around 30 gp, while p2p pure essence cost 110 gp.




Now, those of you in members who enjoy having certain millions in your banks, consider if you had to play triple times the price for yews, coal etc. Wouldn't be fun would it?




That's the point the OP was making. Hopefully I was simple enough for your understanding. Perhaps you guys might want to try looking up "economics' on wikipedia for a basic understanding of supply and demand. Or, if wikipedia's level is far too advanced, feel free to use wikisimple. I tried using as simple words as possible. Excuse me if I wasn't simple enough however, there was only so much I could do to write in an eight year old style.

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Side notes: Of course, we dont' know what will happen once some updates like the restriction trade come into effect next year. In terms of RWT, and the dramatic reduction of bots in P2p and F2p worlds should promote some players gathering resources again compare to before. There really wont be any distinction if the F2P will make any larger contribution or not, only time will tell.

a happy Runescaper

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Hmm, people should read what others post in the reply before they really post a response.




In anycase, both P2P and F2P contribute to the game, the main reason I just think is that, Jagex will Always focus on P2P instead of F2P, and they WILL, since the MEMBERS pay for the game update and content update.




But, F2p dont really need alot of attention, from Jagex, in fact, we dont really need any more update from Jagex, we just want some respect from our P2P brethrens, to know that we are also players too, we dont deserve much rather then playing the game we are now. This is not to say we should also deserve appluase from P2pers.




Just to goes on like this everyday is good,



Member: So you got those 1k coal? (or raw lobs, or Yew logs)


Non member: Yup, here you go


Member: thanks, here is your XXXk amount


Non member: thanks


Member: Np



There, everyone got what they want, both sides happy, a simple ty, and np will do.




Same thing will apply between F2p to F2p, or P2p to P2p, but there is no difference between the 2 fundmentally, because from basic view, both parties are players, and want respect and honesty from each other respectively.




My conversation goes more like this:




Random guy: Selling 1000 coal


Me: You F2P or P2P


Random guy: F2P *Smiles* :)


Me: Get the f out newb im not dealing with f2p newbz ty.


Random guy: ohh no. Everyone hates me


Random guy *thinking IRL*: I need some respect, without me economy would crash, I better make topic tbh.






In a land were dogs are dogs. :roll:




They do that you know since they assume that all P2P are rich and will pay more then a F2Per.

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Yes we (f2p) are absolutely vital to the economy and are the greater gatherers of the raw resources.


Over the past couple of weeks the biggest complaints have been from pkers, stakers and duellers and there appear to many of them. The vast majority of these players obviously have no interest in many of the skills that ultimately provide their wealth. This is absolutely right and such activities are why people become members.


Activities such as mining are very intensive and most members will not do it because they are not members just to grind.


There are of course a few thousand members who train all skills but let us remember who it was buying Gold.


The game has developed since it began in this symbiotic way.We all need each other. If f2p was deleted then the game would cease simply because this relationship forms the basis of the game.


Please do not give us summoning because we all know who will end up providing the mats for the beasts to wipe their feet.

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Theoretically, all these non-skill updates (GE, Duel Arena, BH) were to bolster the economy.




I see too many low lvl "noobs" begging still.




"Can I have 1k gp?"


"May I have a few coins?"


"I want an addy pl8body free"


"I want steel arrows!"




Blah blah blah. It's a real noob-fest in f2p GE. These updates were meant for legit players to gather raw materials and sell legit. Unfortunately, all the newcomer noobs and 2nd or multiple accounts are coming on, and taking advantage of not doing any work.









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Theoretically, all these non-skill updates (GE, Duel Arena, BH) were to bolster the economy.








JaGeX did them so that they would make up for the past losses in wilderness/other stuff.




Um, are you stupid or something? I did say "Theoretically". I didn't say "Ultimately". Ultimately, no that wasn't the case. Sure the GE, at first, people put in a lot of stuff to sell, no one was buying. Slowly, it changed. People buy more and sell more. Money is somewhat flowing, but more or less stagnant still. BH is controlled elitist pvp, to the point that in 10 people, those who have uber pures can still pwn in the wildy, without it being the old pking. Duel Arena - I can see people making other accounts to use, like a lvl 10 pure str account, who will stake duel only, wearing full iron, holdin a rune scimmy. There's still a little bit of hope as to whether pures are still worthwhile. Although, 3k per 15mins is still horrible.




"Past losses in the wilderness/other stuff" - care to explain that, windbag?

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Maybe if everyone stopped jumping down each others throats and making this a two sided battle with no middle ground, we could actually get somewhere.




Me for one, likes that f2p gets small updates to keep them around and helping thier fellow f2pers and my fellow p2pers. The fact is, without members paying to play this game wouldn't be updated nearly as much and they would have to start loading up the ad banners even more to try and keep the game afloat.




I have never called a F2P person a F2P CHOOOB or anything because I know they are a fellow runescapian. I just think that if there was no f2p, the lower level members or people who wanted to make money from gathering raw material would do it. I don't like how most F2P members think I don't gather my own resources and they act like its sooooooo easy to just buy a 99 skill. I go down and mine essence if I really need it, I go chop my own yew trees, I even mine my own coal, or use MTK to gather it for me.




Anyway, I am just trying to say that I look at everyone the same. I just don't like it when F2P looks at me like Jagex gives me a Mil a month for just paying 5$ to them. And then on top of that F2P gets the game for free, but still wants more and more MAJOR updates like the summoning skill coming out. Be happy that you can play such a great game for free whenever you'd like and that Jagex gives you updates now and then so you can get a taste of what members is like.




Go ahead and flame me now for being a self riteous P2P player. No I don't think I am better than anyone that plays runescape, I just think I pay 5$ a month, while others choose not to.

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