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13 year old girl gets detention for hugging two friends


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Happened in my middle school too, boys could barely sit next to girls... :roll:




In my High School though, the rule is completely nonexistant, thankfully... Walking to math, I see atleast 4 couples making out a day, it's ridiculous.... Thats 4 urges just walking to math a day to yell: Get a room! :roll:

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my shool banned hugging :( people get detentions all the time from it


If something like that happened in our school, we'd simply boycott these rules, even at the cost of getting a detention for everyone in the grade, and we'd write extensive formal letters to the principal/administrator, probably getting the support of some liberal teachers on the way. Why don't you try to organise your fellow students if you really are upset about that?

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tbh detentions aren't worth giving to students.......




schools are so strict there ain't anything to do at lunch anyways....




at my old school peeps got detentions to get in air-con during those hot summers :thumbsup:

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This isn't new. We've gotten stories like this many times before. I agree it's ridiculous, but there's nothing we can do about it. If the school bans it, it's banned. They probably won't change their minds.




If it happens at my school though, I'll be furious. :x




In fact, we had the same story here. Just about three months ago.


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lol, America




That's the first thing that comes to mind really :P




I went to a catholic, well, high-school equivalent I suppose you could call it, and nobody really cared at all if you hugged, or god forbid, kissed someone.




Displays of affection should not occur on the school campus at any time. It is in poor taste, reflects poor judgment, and brings discredit to the school and to the persons involved.




That's almost scary :|




agreed. Some weird policies there in the US.




at the christian high-school equivalent people regularly snogged in the corridors. Not me though, I get sick when I even look at it, but the school definitely didn't care.




I suppose that in america it's more normal to show hate than to show affection? next they'll ban marriage altogether? or is it only illegal for kids? (as if kids cannot love?)


Playing RS since Nov. 2002 (but with various breaks)

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agreed. Some weird policies there in the US.




at the christian high-school equivalent people regularly snogged in the corridors. Not me though, I get sick when I even look at it, but the school definitely didn't care.




I suppose that in america it's more normal to show hate than to show affection? next they'll ban marriage altogether? or is it only illegal for kids? (as if kids cannot love?)


Christ kid, one school administrator pulled a stupid, a year ago. Don't act like it's the frikkin' downfall of society or something :| .

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why should it matter that it's a year ago? it's bad enough that it happened


society fell down a long time ago anyway


and I'm not a kid anymore (I was until recently, but currently I'm studying Computer Science at the university of Utrecht (netherlands))




glad to be out of school, I can assure you that it is the root of all evil


Playing RS since Nov. 2002 (but with various breaks)

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