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Why would summoning be f2p...?




A few Jmods have leaked info. Basically saying that Summoning will be f2p too




Personally I don't think it really matters. Jagex are giving f2p summoning, not new quests, not new members items. If they place summoning in between varrock and mortanya: A Souls Bane (No matter how futile the quest seemed), will still remain p2p. Limestone (once again, how little it matters) will still remain p2p.




Anyways. I'm just excited about a new skill :D








Other sources with the top dog mods indicate the lesser mods were misinformed or talking about stuff they had no knowledge of. It seems pretty solid this skill is only P2P now.




Not that I care either. Only quoting because I came back to edit my post above yours. :P




Oh really? Then please explain to us how they're going to handle past members being less powerful than f2p players of their levels? They're not going to punish players for buying members right?




example : 2 characters are level 60.


One goes p2p and gets his combat up to 80 by using summoning.


The other one stays f2p and level his melee stats so that his combat is 80 too,


When the first player with summoning stats will come back to F2P he will have the same level, but in reality be 20 combat levels weaker since he cant use these 20 combat levels.




This is why they have to make a part of summoning f2p. And besides this would make Runescape's popularity grow up tons! Every old player will come back to play the new free skill, and Runescape will gain alot of new paying members! So in the end Jagex gets money, and players get a brand new skill! Everyone (with a brain) is happy!




Edit : Oh and please dont answers things like they will just make your combat level go down when you go f2p, that is impossible. This would lead to so much abuse, whining, exploiting.. and is probably impossible for them to do properly.




1) Abvously you have no idea what your talking about. You saying theres no possible way to Jagex to code a person to go from 138 in p2p, to 126 in f2p. If thats the case, then you lose all validity in your statement. Jagex MADE this game, a simple readjustment of your combat levels is well withing the bounds of this games ability. Its no different than making a quest, or calculating your combat to begin with...




All they have to do is make it so your combat is based on summon in p2p, and on f2p worlds your combat is recalculated to the current system, its really not hard to do at all..




2) It sounds to me like your giving reasons WHY Jagex should make summon f2p. Now im not one to say f2p dosent deserve any updates, so ill stay off that as all It will do is induce flaming, but I will say this. Even if f2p gets summoning you must remember. (No matter how much you want to deny it) Free to play is still a Demo, or Trial if you will, of the "Full" (Members) game.




Free to play is no different than any other game trial, its parts of the game on a limited basis. That being said, if summon is f2p (Which I personal doubt) it will be simiar to prayer in which f2p can only use say the first few levels of it.




that ALSO being said, I would like to point out something as well..




So far, all of the "Beginner" resouces for summoning are P2P:


The Petshop, The Birds Egs, The Tzharr eggs, Taverly, Braindead Island monster Drops




Again we go to the concept of the Free to play being a "Trial" game. Now if f2p had summoning, they would have access to all the lower level abilities. But Currenly only P2P has acess to these.. This leads me to believe it will not involve f2p at all.




Only time will tell.

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If they open Taverly up to f2p I might unsubscribe. No one knows that it will be f2p.
Whats so great about Taverly that it couldn't be F2P? Considering that all it has is a herblore shop and the druids...
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Edit: Removed original Post.




Summoning is P2P only so there will not be any taverly changes so original post is pretty moot lol.




But Jagex Mods already said it's f2p -.-




I think they can just set the quest right outside the gates in f2p area. It makes the most sense to me.


If you base all reasoning on one picture than also check this one out..





Well it seems we have another confirmation, but it seems for P2P only (if real)




Credit to Dezolude for taking the picture and zot_mutske for posting




Seems like Jagex has no communication skills


I'm going to ask Samywamy if this is real, seeming as I've known him for about a year, strange coincidence :-k


There is a fair chance it will be p2p, if Taverly involves the quest to start summoning they will not make it f2p.

The picture could be easily faked; it's one guy in a remote location. And since when do the Corporate Giants talk to us peons?


Edit: Also notice the mispellings...

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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I have a feeling Taverly is going to have a huge makeover when Summoning comes out. It's the next on the list since it was the first members area. Minus the f2p areas like Alkharid (have to the whole desert) and Karamija (have to do the whole island).

Quit RuneScape :)

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Why would summoning be f2p...?




A few Jmods have leaked info. Basically saying that Summoning will be f2p too




Personally I don't think it really matters. Jagex are giving f2p summoning, not new quests, not new members items. If they place summoning in between varrock and mortanya: A Souls Bane (No matter how futile the quest seemed), will still remain p2p. Limestone (once again, how little it matters) will still remain p2p.




Anyways. I'm just excited about a new skill :D








Other sources with the top dog mods indicate the lesser mods were misinformed or talking about stuff they had no knowledge of. It seems pretty solid this skill is only P2P now.




Not that I care either. Only quoting because I came back to edit my post above yours. :P




Oh really? Then please explain to us how they're going to handle past members being less powerful than f2p players of their levels? They're not going to punish players for buying members right?




example : 2 characters are level 60.


One goes p2p and gets his combat up to 80 by using summoning.


The other one stays f2p and level his melee stats so that his combat is 80 too,


When the first player with summoning stats will come back to F2P he will have the same level, but in reality be 20 combat levels weaker since he cant use these 20 combat levels.




This is why they have to make a part of summoning f2p. And besides this would make Runescape's popularity grow up tons! Every old player will come back to play the new free skill, and Runescape will gain alot of new paying members! So in the end Jagex gets money, and players get a brand new skill! Everyone (with a brain) is happy!




Edit : Oh and please dont answers things like they will just make your combat level go down when you go f2p, that is impossible. This would lead to so much abuse, whining, exploiting.. and is probably impossible for them to do properly.




1) Abvously you have no idea what your talking about. You saying theres no possible way to Jagex to code a person to go from 138 in p2p, to 126 in f2p. If thats the case, then you lose all validity in your statement. Jagex MADE this game, a simple readjustment of your combat levels is well withing the bounds of this games ability. Its no different than making a quest, or calculating your combat to begin with...




All they have to do is make it so your combat is based on summon in p2p, and on f2p worlds your combat is recalculated to the current system, its really not hard to do at all..




2) It sounds to me like your giving reasons WHY Jagex should make summon f2p. Now im not one to say f2p dosent deserve any updates, so ill stay off that as all It will do is induce flaming, but I will say this. Even if f2p gets summoning you must remember. (No matter how much you want to deny it) Free to play is still a Demo, or Trial if you will, of the "Full" (Members) game.




Free to play is no different than any other game trial, its parts of the game on a limited basis. That being said, if summon is f2p (Which I personal doubt) it will be simiar to prayer in which f2p can only use say the first few levels of it.




that ALSO being said, I would like to point out something as well..




So far, all of the "Beginner" resouces for summoning are P2P:


The Petshop, The Birds Egs, The Tzharr eggs, Taverly, Braindead Island monster Drops




Again we go to the concept of the Free to play being a "Trial" game. Now if f2p had summoning, they would have access to all the lower level abilities. But Currenly only P2P has acess to these.. This leads me to believe it will not involve f2p at all.




Only time will tell.




Okies... so lets take this in order.




1)I agree with this lol. But it may make switch-world lag (30 seconds I believe) even longer....




2) a) Ok, I have no idea who to give credit to the last person I saw that said this....


F2p is not a demo, P2p is just an expansion.


This is true because this whole game started out as f2p. Then they made a members part of it eventually. Therefore making it an expansion (like teh sims, WoW *I think...*, ect.) and not a trial/demo.




B) You have no idea if some of those things are the beggining parts. Sure the pet shop will be, but the Braindead island drops (the ones that I have no idea how to spell xD) were some mod's (Paul's?) favorite summoned monster. And I bet they would make it kind of high level...




c) Yep, lets wait before jumping towards conclusions k?




And for my view on the whole summoning being f2p/p2p thing... I'm just waiting for it to come out. It only matters what JaGex decides...

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Why would summoning be f2p...?




A few Jmods have leaked info. Basically saying that Summoning will be f2p too




Personally I don't think it really matters. Jagex are giving f2p summoning, not new quests, not new members items. If they place summoning in between varrock and mortanya: A Souls Bane (No matter how futile the quest seemed), will still remain p2p. Limestone (once again, how little it matters) will still remain p2p.




Anyways. I'm just excited about a new skill :D








Other sources with the top dog mods indicate the lesser mods were misinformed or talking about stuff they had no knowledge of. It seems pretty solid this skill is only P2P now.




Not that I care either. Only quoting because I came back to edit my post above yours. :P




Oh really? Then please explain to us how they're going to handle past members being less powerful than f2p players of their levels? They're not going to punish players for buying members right?




example : 2 characters are level 60.


One goes p2p and gets his combat up to 80 by using summoning.


The other one stays f2p and level his melee stats so that his combat is 80 too,


When the first player with summoning stats will come back to F2P he will have the same level, but in reality be 20 combat levels weaker since he cant use these 20 combat levels.




This is why they have to make a part of summoning f2p. And besides this would make Runescape's popularity grow up tons! Every old player will come back to play the new free skill, and Runescape will gain alot of new paying members! So in the end Jagex gets money, and players get a brand new skill! Everyone (with a brain) is happy!




Edit : Oh and please dont answers things like they will just make your combat level go down when you go f2p, that is impossible. This would lead to so much abuse, whining, exploiting.. and is probably impossible for them to do properly.




1) Abvously you have no idea what your talking about. You saying theres no possible way to Jagex to code a person to go from 138 in p2p, to 126 in f2p. If thats the case, then you lose all validity in your statement. Jagex MADE this game, a simple readjustment of your combat levels is well withing the bounds of this games ability. Its no different than making a quest, or calculating your combat to begin with...




All they have to do is make it so your combat is based on summon in p2p, and on f2p worlds your combat is recalculated to the current system, its really not hard to do at all..




2) It sounds to me like your giving reasons WHY Jagex should make summon f2p. Now im not one to say f2p dosent deserve any updates, so ill stay off that as all It will do is induce flaming, but I will say this. Even if f2p gets summoning you must remember. (No matter how much you want to deny it) Free to play is still a Demo, or Trial if you will, of the "Full" (Members) game.




Free to play is no different than any other game trial, its parts of the game on a limited basis. That being said, if summon is f2p (Which I personal doubt) it will be simiar to prayer in which f2p can only use say the first few levels of it.




that ALSO being said, I would like to point out something as well..




So far, all of the "Beginner" resouces for summoning are P2P:


The Petshop, The Birds Egs, The Tzharr eggs, Taverly, Braindead Island monster Drops




Again we go to the concept of the Free to play being a "Trial" game. Now if f2p had summoning, they would have access to all the lower level abilities. But Currenly only P2P has acess to these.. This leads me to believe it will not involve f2p at all.




Only time will tell.




Okies... so lets take this in order.




1)I agree with this lol. But it may make switch-world lag (30 seconds I believe) even longer....




2) a) Ok, I have no idea who to give credit to the last person I saw that said this....


F2p is not a demo, P2p is just an expansion.


This is true because this whole game started out as f2p. Then they made a members part of it eventually. Therefore making it an expansion (like teh sims, WoW *I think...*, ect.) and not a trial/demo.




B) You have no idea if some of those things are the beggining parts. Sure the pet shop will be, but the Braindead island drops (the ones that I have no idea how to spell xD) were some mod's (Paul's?) favorite summoned monster. And I bet they would make it kind of high level...




c) Yep, lets wait before jumping towards conclusions k?




And for my view on the whole summoning being f2p/p2p thing... I'm just waiting for it to come out. It only matters what JaGex decides...







just wait -.-

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TBH the only place they might make f2p is the area between Varrock and Morytania. This would open up the Soul's Bane quest (that quest isn't even too important anyway). This wouldn't give them access to Morytania because Priest in Peril will still be p2p. My idea also solves the problem of f2p not having enough QP's to give gifts.




Yeah, because one more questpoint will add so much to the cash you can trade :roll:

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Oh really? Then please explain to us how they're going to handle past members being less powerful than f2p players of their levels? They're not going to punish players for buying members right?




example : 2 characters are level 60.


One goes p2p and gets his combat up to 80 by using summoning.


The other one stays f2p and level his melee stats so that his combat is 80 too,


When the first player with summoning stats will come back to F2P he will have the same level, but in reality be 20 combat levels weaker since he cant use these 20 combat levels.


You just described the current pure system which was both f2p and p2p.

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i really do not see why people care if f2p gets updates as they are members






then give the complaint, why am i paying?






do you remember what it was like to be f2p? it sucked [wagon]. nothing special, let those people play it. seems like jagex's decision to update the game for the free players and its obvious that they dont care how many people disagree with what they do. they do what they want, and stick with it, especially if it costs them money, and if it has potential to make them more money, they who honestly cares? in the long run if f2p gets summoning and causes more members to enter the population it means jagex has more potential $ to create better updates.




Yeah it sucked [wagon]. That's why we became members -.- . Tbh I'm going to be one of those people that says "they don't pay why should they get anything?" I honestly think that part of summoning (although very little) will be f2p so they can raise their cmb. Besides that though, NO!



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I know this is a bit off-topic, but I find it very interesting.




Under the screenshots section on the RuneScape website, the "create and use magic potions" on page 4 of the members screenshots is down, and I believe that screenshot was in Taverley.




Also, there's a rumor on the RSOF about a new Summoning-based advert.



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I know this is a bit off-topic, but I find it very interesting.




Under the screenshots section on the RuneScape website, the "create and use magic potions" on page 4 of the members screenshots is down, and I believe that screenshot was in Taverley.




Also, there's a rumor on the RSOF about a new Summoning-based advert.




They've also been doing a lot of maintenance on the login servers and website. Able to handle much more of a load now?




I've found where the quest is going to begin! Look at the Taverly overhead map in the area guides on the knowledge base. There's only five quests that start there, but there's six quest markers!




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I know this is a bit off-topic, but I find it very interesting.




Under the screenshots section on the RuneScape website, the "create and use magic potions" on page 4 of the members screenshots is down, and I believe that screenshot was in Taverley.




Also, there's a rumor on the RSOF about a new Summoning-based advert.




Yes from looking at the source code for that page it should have







In there..... if you try and access that url then you will find the image fully removed

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I still don't get why members hate F2Ps getting stuff. If we get enough stuff to make it not worth being members, that $5 a month they save. :twisted:

P2P forever!... Or at least 'til <insert excuse here> happens


98% of people have signatures with made up statistics in them. If you're one of the 2% that doesn't, copy this and add it to your signature.

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I know this is a bit off-topic, but I find it very interesting.




Under the screenshots section on the RuneScape website, the "create and use magic potions" on page 4 of the members screenshots is down, and I believe that screenshot was in Taverley.




Also, there's a rumor on the RSOF about a new Summoning-based advert.




Yes from looking at the source code for that page it should have







In there..... if you try and access that url then you will find the image fully removed




Do you feel that's enough to prove there will be an update today?




I do :-k



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I know this is a bit off-topic, but I find it very interesting.




Under the screenshots section on the RuneScape website, the "create and use magic potions" on page 4 of the members screenshots is down, and I believe that screenshot was in Taverley.




Also, there's a rumor on the RSOF about a new Summoning-based advert.




Yes from looking at the source code for that page it should have







In there..... if you try and access that url then you will find the image fully removed




Do you feel that's enough to prove there will be an update today?




I do :-k






I very much doubt we will be getting an update this week..... a major quest only came out a few days ago....

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Why has no one thought up, that Jagex might just wait for when they take the servers down, to implement the aspects of f2p summoning in the current f2p boundaries?




This applies for when RC'ing was launched, Security Stronghold etc.


Its not necessarily necessary to open up a p2p area you see?




To be honest I'd prefer not having p2p area's opened, just to spare the 100+ posts that will pop up whining about how little f2p deserved it.




servers are down atm... :S



Click My Signature For Training Guide/LSK respectively.

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I think there will be a update to that are, but only graphically because it the BTS it mentions:




For one, Guthix has seen fit to give his loyal subjects some crisp new robes, and their rocky buildings a bit of a wax...




So it kinda says that there gonna be a graphical update to Taverly and the druids which are there.


(buildings a wax = graphical update) (crisp new robes = druids makeover)





my thoughts too. but the part after that says something about the summoning quest near taverly :-k

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I know this is a bit off-topic, but I find it very interesting.




Under the screenshots section on the RuneScape website, the "create and use magic potions" on page 4 of the members screenshots is down, and I believe that screenshot was in Taverley.




Also, there's a rumor on the RSOF about a new Summoning-based advert.




Yes from looking at the source code for that page it should have







In there..... if you try and access that url then you will find the image fully removed




Do you feel that's enough to prove there will be an update today?




I do :-k






I very much doubt we will be getting an update this week..... a major quest only came out a few days ago....

A MAJOR quest? You have to be kidding me... A major quest would be something that adds a new skill like... oh, I don't know... Summoning?!?
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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