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Officers told her 'rights' were 'only in the movies'


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Guys I got the full story, and I'm now leaning towards a, 'drop it and leave it alone' kind of things.




Apparantly, it was his father that refused paramedic treatment, though they did get a look at the boy. The father was a Vietnam medic, and was treating his boy just fine. However, the paramedics went to social services and reported a 'seriously potentially threatening' head injury. The POLICE, not the SWAT, got a search warrant and went to the house immediately. They did NOT manhandle any of the members of the family, and they took the boy away to hospital and did not allow his father in (This is the worst part, in my opinion.) He was released shortly after with the instructions to keep under cold pressure and apply Aspirin when...needed.




At any rate, similiar story, only a little less extreme but a little more...weird. The father was a Vietnam Army Medic, so he was clearly trained...so it was an unncessary procedure. However, the Police did have a search warrant so it was legal. No rights were needed to be read, since there was arresting involved.




All in all, I say a good day. You can choose to believe or not to believe this story, but that's the buzz around my school, my parents, and a few local newspapers I found. O:)




Good luck all.




The one I posted was from Worldnet Daily..

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Yes, but as that Moderator said...it's frankly not the best source of information. <.<


Besides, I live in Colorado, it's in a number of local newspapers. I'm just listing the things that they all agreed on.




In my time (I sound old <.< ) I've found that usually NEWSpapers close to the source and other written sources tend to be better than websites.

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Calling in SWAT was utter overkill: a regular police officer and maybe someone from social services should have been called in before swat was even thought of.




And for not treating his injury: i have fallen down a flight of concrete steps (head first), been hit with a brick, gold ball, golf club, and baseball bat all in the head. I did not go to the hospital once, why? because my parents arent idiots and they knew it was just a bad bump, if i had started getting tired or a little clumsy they would have kept me awake and rushed me to the hospital,




a couple years ago my littlest sister actually bumped her head really bad, we kept her awake, and after a few hours she was running around like nothing had happened, my mom did not take an eye off of her for a second during that day after she hit her head, i would bet any amount of money that kid's mother was doing the same




most people by the time they are 20 know if you go to the docotor for a little bump your gonna end up waiting 3 hours and paying $20 just to learn you should put ice on the kid's head




There is absolutely no way you can justify sending in SWAT just to have a 7 year old boy get the bump on his head checked. There are so many other things they should have done before SWAT was even thought of.

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Yes, but as that Moderator said...it's frankly not the best source of information. <.<


Besides, I live in Colorado, it's in a number of local newspapers. I'm just listing the things that they all agreed on.




In my time (I sound old <.< ) I've found that usually NEWSpapers close to the source and other written sources tend to be better than websites.




Since when have the Moderators always been right?


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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That makes me sick.








i though SWAT were agianst "baddies" obviously not :?


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Another news report on it, not from Worldnet Daily





Do you have a source from a respected website?



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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It's closer, but there still wasn't SWAT team from what I guessed.




But you got the 'Nam part right \'




I don't really want to talk about this, anymore. Technically, nothing illegal occured so there really isn't any case.




End argument?

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where is the seach warrent for all this?




Also did the swat team tell the family what they were doing? no they didn't they ran in, cuff'd you, put ur head down with guns and ran out with ur baby. Skar'd

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

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It might not be illegal but it is certainly over the top. But, that aside, it's scary to think this sort of thing happens (and the statement about rights in movies) in the US, who prides itself on the Bill of Rights they have, and so on and so forth (admittedly, the most I hear in Aus is about the 2nd Ammendment right to bear arms), but still.




It's even scarier to think that in Australia, a massive majority of our rights are implied, and not protected by law (we have the basic basic rights protected in our constitution). The only Western Nation to not have a BoR, and one of four in the world ([bleep], even north korea has one).




Anyways, i blogged about it.






[bleep] OFF HOW ARE U SO [bleep]ING LUCKY U PIECE OF [bleep]ING SHIT [bleep] [bleep] [wagon] MUNCHER



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They didn't read them their rights. Big no-no. :shame:




They had no reason to do this. When they waste their time doing this, the real criminals get away, and arrest the wrong people. Stupid frikkin idiots.




They didn't even ARREST THEM. Your rights are read when you are ARRESTED.

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They didn't read them their rights. Big no-no. :shame:




They had no reason to do this. When they waste their time doing this, the real criminals get away, and arrest the wrong people. Stupid frikkin idiots.




They didn't even ARREST THEM. Your rights are read when you are ARRESTED.




What he said. Frankly, believe it or not, but this isn't an out of the norm kind of things. Operating on minimum intel, you have to be careful...or people can get hurt.

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Even if it is a fake story.. It could easily be real. I really wouldn't be that surprised if it was, tbh.






And people wonder why I'm paranoid...




Even if its fake it could be real? wtf... :wall: Your paranoid because your a moron. We hear all these horror stories about police brutality (most of the time with out knowing the whole story) and it scares the heck out of people, but police do a lot more good than they do bad (not saying that police never act irresponsibly) and it is completely irrational to be "paranoid" of them. Just dont be so quick to jump to conclusions when hearing or seeing about police stories. A lot of time they are exaggerated and you don't see/get all the information.






Another news report on it, not from Worldnet Daily





Do you have a source from a respected website?




I would like to see a trusted source also.


How do so many people keep arguing and not seem to care where this story is coming from? FFS tip.it is so freaking opinionated that they will argue about anything without even caring where the topic of interest came from.

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Even if it is a fake story.. It could easily be real. I really wouldn't be that surprised if it was, tbh.






And people wonder why I'm paranoid...




Even if its fake it could be real? wtf... :wall: Your paranoid because your a moron.




I don't see what's hard to grasp. Even if the story was "fake", it's easily something that could happen and nobody would be surprised if it appeared on BBC, CNN etc.




But yes, the police at least in western countries do much more good than bad. The media does report good stuff the police does occassionally, but only if the story is interesting enough to gather advertising bucks/make people buy a newspaper.




You hear about a crazy parent killing her own children, but you never hear of the parent who died prematurely at age 50 after being the best possible mother who devoted her life to her family.




You hear about criminals being busted for drugs almost every week, but you never hear about the 99% of drugs that don't get caught by customs.




It works both ways, as long as they can raise some response in the readers (and make them spend money :lol:).

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Even if it is a fake story.. It could easily be real. I really wouldn't be that surprised if it was, tbh.






And people wonder why I'm paranoid...




Even if its fake it could be real? wtf... :wall: Your paranoid because your a moron.




I don't see what's hard to grasp. Even if the story was "fake", it's easily something that could happen and nobody would be surprised if it appeared on BBC, CNN etc.





But if it is fake I dont see any reason to be arguing the specific event. We can discuss police brutality but there is no point in arguing the article if it is not accurate. (Not saying it isnt real, but Im not sure I fully believe it until I get a reliable source)


He said "and people wonder why I'm paranoid" (I assumed he was referring to the article when he said this) and I think its pretty stupid of him to make that kind of statement based on something that he even admits could be fake.

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You guys say "oh this is terrible".. or perhaps "uh oh, they violated the rights of the constitution".




Well guess what.




Nothing is being done about it. Yes, nothing. Nothing is being done about it from the government or you as a individual or me. Therefor, what does it matter that you think its against the rules if one can get away from it.




"The consitution is nothing but a dam piece of paper" - George Washington

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