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More Grand Excrement Lies


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They will adjust them eventually, kinda surprising that you expected them to get it SPOT ON within, like, the first few hours of the release




I expected them to do what they SAID they were going to do, and let PLAYERS decide the prices instead of pulling ridiculous numbers out of their derrieres.








Look, the skill is new.




Therefore people would put INSANE prices.




Jagex will most likely remove it in time, and let the players DECIDE then.




Let the skill be out for a while first.




so what? if i want to spend my bank account for one chicken pouch or w/e it is...i should be able to

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For ONCE people who play 15 hours a day wont make billions from an update. I say HOORAY.




Price restrictions are there to make the trade process more fluid, if you really think that people who play runescape are mature enough to work out an accurate price for new things then you are deluded. Just because some of you did economics 107 doesn't mean everyone did.

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Ah yes, lets have no limits on it after it first comes out.




Yay for insane prices!

Huzzah! Back when construction came out, I made a mint just by running from the sawmill to Rimmington with items. After all, anything is worth whatever its purchaser will pay for it.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Yes, heaven forbid that people should be FREE to decide their own prices for things.




For people to agree on mutually acceptable terms.




No, we are all sheep and need Jagex to tell us how much to buy and sell things for.




Never mind that 225 gp doesn't even cover the COST of making a pouch!

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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They will adjust them eventually, kinda surprising that you expected them to get it SPOT ON within, like, the first few hours of the release




I expected them to do what they SAID they were going to do, and let PLAYERS decide the prices instead of pulling ridiculous numbers out of their derrieres.




:roll: Yeah that'll be the day. When JaGex actually does what they tell us what they're going to do :wall:



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Ah yes, lets have no limits on it after it first comes out.




Yay for insane prices!




That, my boy, is called supply and demand.




Let's say, there are 100 of the new items in the game and there are 100000 people trying to get them (could happen with very rare items).




Should the 100 items be sold at incredibly low prices, just because, huh, because of what actually? :ohnoes:

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I think this is great. This means that people aren't going to get ridiculously rich over something that will be worthless in a few weeks.




Okay, so you like having the terms of everything you do dictated to you by Mommy. Some people don't.




Then don't play the damn game qeltar. All I see from you recently is having a go at a company which you used to love but now hate because of certain updates and you feel they've betrayed you in some obscure way. If you don't like it, quit, simple as Pi.

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Ah yes, lets have no limits on it after it first comes out.




Yay for insane prices!




That, my boy, is called supply and demand.




Let's say, there are 100 of the new items in the game and there are 100000 people trying to get them (could happen with very rare items).




Should the 100 items be sold at incredibly low prices, just because, huh, because of what actually? :ohnoes:




Why not?


Let me ask you this. Do you think that had there been restrictions all along that we would have this thread? No.. it is just a game and someone is mad because they can't make billions off some poor sap.




I am happy because it will mean that I can afford it. So, in essence, we are all being selfish but for different reasons.




Qeltar is being selfish because of lack of profits.


I am being selfish because I can afford something.




It is up to you to decide which one you agree with. I am sure that if I wanted to I could see the argument from qeltar. I just like it this way better.

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Ah yes, lets have no limits on it after it first comes out.




Yay for insane prices!




That, my boy, is called supply and demand.




Let's say, there are 100 of the new items in the game and there are 100000 people trying to get them (could happen with very rare items).




Should the 100 items be sold at incredibly low prices, just because, huh, because of what actually? :ohnoes:




Why not?


Let me ask you this. Do you think that had there been restrictions all along that we would have this thread? No.. it is just a game and someone is mad because they can't make billions off some poor sap.




I am happy because it will mean that I can afford it. So, in essence, we are all being selfish but for different reasons.




Qeltar is being selfish because of lack of profits.


I am being selfish because I can afford something.




It is up to you to decide which one you agree with. I am sure that if I wanted to I could see the argument from qeltar. I just like it this way better.

You can only afford this skill with obscene amounts of money and a name like Richy McRich or Scrooge McDuck. Or Donald Trump.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Qeltar is being selfish because of lack of profits.




for someone who is against merchanting and such...i hardly feel he's after profits...




Yet whining about not being able to make profit. Which is perfectly understandable if he doesn't plan on merchanting.


Just remember that the GE also grants 100% anonymity.

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As stated, prices are based on players' offering and demand - one of the basics of Grand Exchange. If this new item has very high demand it's price will obviosly rise, takes time, but it will. When the demand stays it will start to rise even faster as people can offer even more over average. Silly to blame Jagex for it, when players started to set "their own" price at the moment all those new items were released.




I'm not happy with many new prices, which I've to use to sell my items and still, you are the one who should be happy as these are exactly the prices which players have set (what they are setting).

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Who is actually going to sell those pouches at 225 gp :lol: .


No supply, thus no market.




If people were the ones who would sell them for their, it would be atleast 1k. Ifnot higher if demand lets it to rise.




And Qeltar as a costumer has the right to complain. And suggest to help the company make a better product.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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Why not?



Because it's not fair to those who make the items OR those who want to buy them.




And because they said they wouldn't do this. :wall:

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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Qeltar is being selfish because of lack of profits.




for someone who is against merchanting and such...i hardly feel he's after profits...




You must be a media major. You took my whole post out of context. Read his original post. He is upset because he can't sell it for a higher price. Which indicates to me that he is upset that he can't make money.

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Qeltar is being selfish because of lack of profits.




for someone who is against merchanting and such...i hardly feel he's after profits...




You must be a media major. You took my whole post out of context. Read his original post. He is upset because he can't sell it for a higher price. Which indicates to me that he is upset that he can't make money.




And that comment indicates that you don't really understand what my complaint is at all.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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Qeltar is being selfish because of lack of profits.




for someone who is against merchanting and such...i hardly feel he's after profits...




Yet whining about not being able to make profit. Which is perfectly understandable if he doesn't plan on merchanting.


Just remember that the GE also grants 100% anonymity.




he's not whining about profit...he's whining (with good reason) because Jagex did not do what they said they would.




what if the dragon large wasn't released yet and they released it today? and they set the price at like 12 million or something. why should that be the case in a market that thrives on supply and demand?




it's ridiculous.

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Why not?



Because it's not fair to those who make the items OR those who want to buy them.




And because they said they wouldn't do this. :wall:




But the GE is flexible, and come tommorow, the price will be higher , and the day after, perhaps higher, depending on demand. I can see the sense in putting a set price on the first day. After all, its up to the players to push the price higher and higher, or lower or lower. Jagex has simply set the scene , allowing players like yourself and others to set the price in the future.


If you truly are interested in higher pricing for pouches like alot of others, you will sell at highest GE price, pushing the price up the following days. Welcome to the new, revised RS post 10th december '07 :P

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Why not?



Because it's not fair to those who make the items OR those who want to buy them.




And because they said they wouldn't do this. :wall:




But the GE is flexible, and come tommorow, the price will be higher , and the day after, perhaps higher, depending on demand. I can see the sense in putting a set price on the first day. After all, its up to the players to push the price higher and higher, or lower or lower. Jagex has simply set the scene , allowing players like yourself and others to set the price in the future.


If you truly are interested in higher pricing for pouches like alot of others, you will sell at highest GE price, pushing the price up the following days. Welcome to the new, revised RS post 10th december '07 :P

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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The point is NOT that Qeltar cannot make money. The point is that Jagex LIED.




Now you may all be quite happy being lied to by a gaming company, or anyone else, but I'm not. I value my self respect and I feel that that is violated.




I would not have been one of the people rushing to get rich from selling summoning stuff. Best I would have aimed for is breaking even, like I have with other skills.




Really people, baaaaaaaaa!

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Qeltar is being selfish because of lack of profits.




for someone who is against merchanting and such...i hardly feel he's after profits...




You must be a media major. You took my whole post out of context. Read his original post. He is upset because he can't sell it for a higher price. Which indicates to me that he is upset that he can't make money.




Aerospace Engineer




and i didn't take it out of context...taking something out of context distorts the meaning of what was originally said to prove a point in one's favor...and what you meant was that qeltar is being selfish because he won't profit...WHICH IS NOT TRUE BECAUSE HE IS STATING THAT JAGEX DID NOT DO WHAT THEY SAID AND THAT IS WHY HE IS UPSET ABOUT IT!





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I think this is utter bullcrap. If Jagex said they were going to make new items unrestricted, that's what they should be doing.




And why is it so fricking WRONG for people to make money off of a new skill? Isn't that what happens IRL in a new industry? Well, yeah, that's exactly what happens... in a Capitalist country. In a Communist one? Nope.

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