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Naw i was just trolling you.


I dont like that little mouse thing, and im basing my team on ones i havent used before.




And im not TMing any of mine until I actually get some decent ones, so no ice beam for nerdtillery.


Still has high atk and sp atk.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Naw i was just trolling you.


I dont like that little mouse thing, and im basing my team on ones i havent used before.




And im not TMing any of mine until I actually get some decent ones, so no ice beam for nerdtillery.


Still has high atk and sp atk.




Oh I see lol. I thought you were serious about going into a semi-competitive battle with Aurora Beam and Psybeam... XD




Still, I have a new team I made. It's completely UU, and it's working out semi-OK so far. If you want I'll battle you sometime with it. Or anyone else. It's on Shoddy right now but I could build a similar team pretty fast on the DS, and since WiFi lets you raise all Pokemon to 100, leveling doesn't matter.

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No my octillery is only like level 37 atm, so :lol: i dont think it has many good things.




Im working a team until the E4, keeping one or 2 and changing the rest - so I just want to finish the main storyline so I can get on.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I'm just wondering; Does anyone IV-breed? Or does everyone just use AR for competitive pokes?




Are you asking about people here or elsewhere?




I didn't use AR codes (past tense since I haven't touched the game for a while now) except for cloning (for event Pokemon) and no timer (for VS Seeker and Pokeradar, walking around between activations got redundant).




The best way to IV Breed is to just use two hacked parents (trade for them on Gamefaqs or something) with 31 in all, then pretty much every child with have two 31s... just keep hatching until you get the 31s where you want them and you have the right nature (use an everstone). Going for near perfects is a waste of time.




However, you could just also play on Shoddy or Netbattle, which is a simulator that lets you use whatever IVs you want.

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I'm just wondering; Does anyone IV-breed? Or does everyone just use AR for competitive pokes?




Are you asking about people here or elsewhere?




I didn't use AR codes (past tense since I haven't touched the game for a while now) except for cloning (for event Pokemon) and no timer (for VS Seeker and Pokeradar, walking around between activations got redundant).




The best way to IV Breed is to just use two hacked parents (trade for them on Gamefaqs or something) with 31 in all, then pretty much every child with have two 31s... just keep hatching until you get the 31s where you want them and you have the right nature (use an everstone). Going for near perfects is a waste of time.




However, you could just also play on Shoddy or Netbattle, which is a simulator that lets you use whatever IVs you want.


I asked people here. But I have yet to see a forum/community (all sorts) with pokemon fanatics who don't use AR, and it bugs me, as I play and breed so-called "legit" pokemon myself without any hacks at all.




And I used to play Shoddy, on the Smogon server, but with Shaymin S and the Rotoms I have grown tired of it.

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I'd be an AR user that does that too. I can't stand all of those maxed IV hacks.


Used mine to fill the Pokedex, get items, and get some shinies I thought looked better than the regular forms (Umbreon <3: ) though, so really can't talk about legit vs. hacks. I have more fun building the team than using it *shrug*

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This is until I beat the E4.




THEN my team will change alot. TRUST ME.




Octillery has a great movepool - torterra is my fave starter ever, Blaziken is the best fire type i could get - and its by far the best non legendary =P, Garchomp.. 'nuff said. Staraptor is really kinda built atm.


And alakazam is my favourite pokemon evar.


















Which of these? (2 of them)









I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Started a new game in Crystal. Just beat Jasmine with my highest level Pokemon being 26 lol. GF level 35 Steelix.




That's quite owned.






I plan on using blaziken and garchomp then, thanks o.o

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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wont load again :roll:




Anyways, I thought of something.


Marowak with thick club = 2x attack right?


It has a base 110 defence, and base 80 attack.


So thats base 160 attack and 110 defence with the club right?


Add that with swords dance at least ONE time, and you get serious epicness.


EV's into attack and speed, add in Thunderpunch and, say, iron defence if you want to be defensive. Or something like Firepunch.




Thunderpunch and firepunch to defend against grass/water types.


Add this with gyarados.


(Earthquake doesnt hit gyarados, but hits a rock type which would take out gyarados, while marowaks ability, lightningrod, takes all electric hits)




I win.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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wont load again :roll:




Anyways, I thought of something.


Marowak with thick club = 2x attack right?


It has a base 110 defence, and base 80 attack.


So thats base 160 attack and 110 defence with the club right?


Add that with swords dance at least ONE time, and you get serious epicness.


EV's into attack and speed, add in Thunderpunch and, say, iron defence if you want to be defensive. Or something like Firepunch.




Thunderpunch and firepunch to defend against grass/water types.


Add this with gyarados.


(Earthquake doesnt hit gyarados, but hits a rock type which would take out gyarados, while marowaks ability, lightningrod, takes all electric hits)




I win.


Wouldn't discharge counter lighning rod due to it hitting everything.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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wont load again :roll:




Anyways, I thought of something.


Marowak with thick club = 2x attack right?


It has a base 110 defence, and base 80 attack.


So thats base 160 attack and 110 defence with the club right?


Add that with swords dance at least ONE time, and you get serious epicness.


EV's into attack and speed, add in Thunderpunch and, say, iron defence if you want to be defensive. Or something like Firepunch.




Thunderpunch and firepunch to defend against grass/water types.


Add this with gyarados.


(Earthquake doesnt hit gyarados, but hits a rock type which would take out gyarados, while marowaks ability, lightningrod, takes all electric hits)




I win.


Wouldn't discharge counter lighning rod due to it hitting everything.




Also, Gyarados shouldn't be fearing electric anyways. There's always Jolteons, Electivires, Gliscors, or something else waiting behind the lines to take Gyarados's spot. People rarely go after Gyara with an electric attack until they have scouted out the opponent's team, or have little to no choice.




Unfortunately, most Stone Edges are also used unSTABed nowadays. You don't see a lot of rock types anyhow... barring everyone's hated/favorite Tyranitar.




Speaking of Tyranitar, it's usually status, sandstorm/hail, and stealth rock that gets to Gyarados, not his electric or rock weakness.

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Electivire can get some amazing type coverage. Thunder punch, ice punch, cross chop and earthquake gives Electivire super effective attacks against 13 types. Add in an expert belt (Damage increase of 20% when attack is super effective) or a life orb (Damage is increased 30% but each attack causes 10% damage to the user) and you can do some pretty good damage. Electivire has 123 base attack.




As for Scizor, I don't know too much about him...




LOL @ sweeper with 95 speed and 75 BP STAB. Scizor is [bleep]ing amazing, one weakness, several resists, Tech bullet punch and swords dance make him a better sweeper than vire will ever be.




If you spend a month reading Smogon instead of serebii or tip.it your battling skills and team building skills will incease dramatically. Smogon appeals to the less-kidy aspects of pokemon, the numbers and mind games. less about looks and such.





Marowak with thick club = 2x attack right?


Attack power or speed alone will not make a good sweeper. You need both to be effective, marowak and rampardos suck for those reasons.

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Noone uses discharge in OU/UU play, its usually thunderbolt or thunder since more pokemon learn it and both are stronger :|




Never said I wanted Marowak to be much of a sweeper, I wanted to see if I could add him into my new after game team, and with thick club, it can have base 500+ attack on a hindering nature at lv 100.




So I got a skorupi - lonely natured with snipe, bred with screech and x scissor. =s

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Noone uses discharge in OU/UU play, its usually thunderbolt or thunder since more pokemon learn it and both are stronger :|




Never said I wanted Marowak to be much of a sweeper, I wanted to see if I could add him into my new after game team, and with thick club, it can have base 500+ attack on a hindering nature at lv 100.




So I got a skorupi - lonely natured with snipe, bred with screech and x scissor. =s


Really? Cause I personally have to say that a porygonz w/ discharge, partnered with an electivire = awesome. A speed boost for my heavy hitter while sending out damage to the opponent's pokemon fails to look like a bad thing to me.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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In pokemon competative play, there's no real use of powering up your pokemon like that, scoot.


As swords dance/nasty plot often does enough of it, and many pokemon can OHKO others just after one.


Teams are also more tactical really.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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