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Repost of my submission form:


Hawt siggeh please? ::'




Description: A short, twisted tree grows out of a plain full of brownish, dead, grass. Jagged mountains rise in the backround, and a small hawk flies through the clouds above them.


Size: 450x200 :)


Subtext: Supernova190 (either up in the clouds or down on the plain)




Idea of tree- http://www.ecovoxrecords.com/tree/donne ... _tree.jpeg


Idea for mountains- (I'd like this to be a slightly recognizable representation of the mountains, because they're the Tetons, and I love them <3:http://leinysgarage.com/photopage1/imag ... /wy-32.jpg (hehe, clouds <3: )




Thanks for considering this ::'


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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Description: A ray of light, coming through the tree's, with the ray of light going onto the leaves and other stuffs on the ground.


Size: What ever you feel comfortable, and is within the Tip.It Limits, and is no higher than 175 Pixels.


Subtext: Ouchy_S




Here is something similar, taken by fellow Tip.Iter, Woopidoo ;) http://woopidoo2.deviantart.com/art/Dis ... -104382338

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Z0mg-Omg-0mg! You misspelled it. It is INSANITYV2, not ISANITYV2.






*don't tell anybody*




Oh dear... I'd better go fix that.. :wall:




Here. :oops:








OMG! Epicness! Thank you so much uno! I <3 you!

So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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Repost of my submission form:


Hawt siggeh please? ::'




Description: A short, twisted tree grows out of a plain full of brownish, dead, grass. Jagged mountains rise in the backround, and a small hawk flies through the clouds above them.


Size: 450x200 :)


Subtext: Supernova190 (either up in the clouds or down on the plain)




Idea of tree- http://www.ecovoxrecords.com/tree/donne ... _tree.jpeg


Idea for mountains- (I'd like this to be a slightly recognizable representation of the mountains, because they're the Tetons, and I love them <3:http://leinysgarage.com/photopage1/imag ... /wy-32.jpg (hehe, clouds <3: )




Thanks for considering this ::'




I rather like this one. I probably with end up doing it first, in fact...


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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[hide=]Repost of my submission form:


Hawt siggeh please? ::'




Description: A short, twisted tree grows out of a plain full of brownish, dead, grass. Jagged mountains rise in the backround, and a small hawk flies through the clouds above them.


Size: 450x200 :)


Subtext: Supernova190 (either up in the clouds or down on the plain)




Idea of tree- http://www.ecovoxrecords.com/tree/donne ... _tree.jpeg


Idea for mountains- (I'd like this to be a slightly recognizable representation of the mountains, because they're the Tetons, and I love them <3:http://leinysgarage.com/photopage1/imag ... /wy-32.jpg (hehe, clouds <3: )




Thanks for considering this ::'[/hide]




I rather like this one. I probably with end up doing it first, in fact...




<3: Thanks.


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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I can haz a hawt pixel plawks?




*pops in quarter*




Description: A dark green A-10 warthog flying at sunrise. go nuts with it.


*edit* i'd like linkzelda on the sig somewhere.


Size: whatever looks good.


More Reference pics than you'll ever need:




if you dont want to pixel aircraft, pleas let me know and ill pick somethig else.


i know you could do amazing things with this, and ill love you forever if you make me it <3:



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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Anyways, you make so 1337 pixels that I want one too.




Description: A boy is holding a basketball in his hands, and is watching up to cloudy sky. The boy should be on a grass field and there should be some cows around him and mountains behind him.


Size: You are so good, that you choose the size.


Subtext: Saq Prets, Basketball player.


I reposted it, hope you don't mind. I also made a few changes. At start, I wanted to do a pixel signature for myself, but I think I will never have patience for doing a FULL sized sig.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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Hi!I need a signature, and i see that your work is really good, so here is what i want.I need 3 "poses" in my signature. If you can make an transition effect between each poses, it would be really nice. I dont care about the dimmensions, it just need to respect the tip.it forum signature max size.




First pose :


Place : left


Main character description/action : My character is riding a red dragon, aiming a dark bow with an dragon arrow to an target(we dont see it on the singnature, only my character aiming)at the bottom. She is wearing the same clothes as this picture(http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/2506 ... apeyh1.png),but in black dragonhide material.


Background : Black clouds with 1 or 2 flash of lightning.




Second pose :


Place : Middle


Main character description/action : My character is piercing the side of the body of another character. My character are wearing a full dragon with no helm,a zamorak godsword and an obsidian cape(sorry, no picture). The other character are wearing full black with a dragon longsword.


Background : wilderness-like background




Third pose :


Place : right


Main character description/action : My character is in that pose(http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/7324 ... ageue9.png)(please add a mage book, i dont have one), making a fireball with a hand and reading the mage book with the other. I need she o have a ninja-like impling on the shoulder, but with biggers wings, like demons.


Background : Ruined castle, like the one in the wilderness.




If you could make all that for me, it would be really nice. If you can, too, i would like a matching avatar(do what you want). If you accept, PM me to let me know he details. Thanks alot!




Note : please add an fury amulet to all my characters, i forgot it. Thanks

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if you could please....






helm-Strength hood












cape-str cape




shield-rune defender








Action:leaning against tree








time of day-morning


details-If you could...can you have like a sun rising above the trees




Text:Abbydog95 (small) click for blog in lower right hand corner)




thank you soooo much!!!!


PSN: Skaterguy1224 Tactical Nukes - 22

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*Drops in 4 quarters*


Description: A guy in his house rocking out to some music playing his guitar. With more guitars in the back.


Size: Sig(W/e you want).(300x200)


Subtext: Pat_61 or Pat 61 what ever looks better.






Guitar-http://www2.gibson.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/Les-Paul/Gibson-USA/DarkFire/Overview.aspx(Put the others in the list below if this one) or


http://www.gibson.com/files/USA/LesPauls/RBLSTWR_RobotLPStudioLtd_h.jpg or






Boombot- What ever you want.




BG Guitars(any/all)-http://www.gibson.com/en-us/divisions/gibson%20usa/products/designer/robot%20flying%20v%20limited/











I Support TET!| If you want bunny PM Me.|Click For My DevArt


^ Cowboy is the Best ^


Hell yeah I do. Whats your msn?

That's how it all starts.


Next he's going to ask you what flavor of candy you enjoy and whats your favorite color van.

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Hi!I need a signature, and i see that your work is really good, so here is what i want.[hide=]I need 3 "poses" in my signature. If you can make an transition effect between each poses, it would be really nice. I dont care about the dimmensions, it just need to respect the tip.it forum signature max size.




First pose :


Place : left


Main character description/action : My character is riding a red dragon, aiming a dark bow with an dragon arrow to an target(we dont see it on the singnature, only my character aiming)at the bottom. She is wearing the same clothes as this picture(http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/2506/poserangerunescapeyh1.png),but in black dragonhide material.


Background : Black clouds with 1 or 2 flash of lightning.




Second pose :


Place : Middle


Main character description/action : My character is piercing the side of the body of another character. My character are wearing a full dragon with no helm,a zamorak godsword and an obsidian cape(sorry, no picture). The other character are wearing full black with a dragon longsword.


Background : wilderness-like background




Third pose :


Place : right


Main character description/action : My character is in that pose(http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/366/posesrunescaperm2.png),in that equipment(http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/7324/posersmageue9.png)(please add a mage book, i dont have one), making a fireball with a hand and reading the mage book with the other. I need she o have a ninja-like impling on the shoulder, but with biggers wings, like demons.


Background : Ruined castle, like the one in the wilderness.




If you could make all that for me, it would be really nice. If you can, too, i would like a matching avatar(do what you want). If you accept, PM me to let me know he details. Thanks alot!




Note : please add an fury amulet to all my characters, i forgot it.[/hide] Thanks




if you could please....






helm-Strength hood












cape-str cape




shield-rune defender








Action:leaning against tree








time of day-morning


details-If you could...can you have like a sun rising above the trees




Text:Abbydog95 (small) click for blog in lower right hand corner)[/hide]




thank you soooo much!!!!




Just wondering, did you guys see the part where Uno said no Runescape siggies? You can always try, but I wouldn't pin my hopes on it. ;)


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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I need a banner for my new blog...


heres it:




A guy sitting in his living room drinking beer and a woodctting cape is hanging on the wall behid him.








Use the order form.


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Just a quick question Uno. Why would you ruin the city pixel with the filter :( It looked good before :(




He asked for it to fade from light to black...




I still have the original-






Oh, and here's my progress as of late.






Frank_ragnar... I'm sorry, but I don't usually do banners. They take WAY too much time.


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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So I'd like something sort of like what I've been trying lately...




Description: A juggler, in tri-jester hat and scarf, perhaps performing in a circus setting? I haven't given much thought to the actual setting... If he could be wearing something like this it would be great, but I'd just really like the jester hat. ::'


Size: Sig, whatever size you want.


Subtext: hawkxs




Also, if I could get a matching avvy, that'd be wonderful.


Ref pic for the juggler (would put in hide tags... but it won't let me?)



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Just a quick question Uno. Why would you ruin the city pixel with the filter :( It looked good before :(




He asked for it to fade from light to black...




I still have the original-






Oh, and here's my progress as of late.






Frank_ragnar... I'm sorry, but I don't usually do banners. They take WAY too much time.




Silly customers ruining yer pixels.




Also with the latest one, if theres gonna be something in the foreground taking the focus, I'd make the darker sections in the grass lighter, it's just too busy and distracting at the moment. If not, I'd still consider it, it all depends on your focal point, which I doubt would be a slab of grass.

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oooh, that city is really pretty without the extra junk on it. uno, is it al right if i ask if my request is "in the running"?



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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