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Monday Poll: More or Less Excited?


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It got me very,very,very,very excited \' I'm really looking forward to the new interface omg :o i was not expecting that at all and i'm sure all the spooky places will look much...spookier lol i can't wait =P~

I resemble that remark!

Achieved quest cape for first time on: 4-2-09 WOOHOO!

Beat Nomad on 6-24-10 WOOHOO!.


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I always look forward to development diaries because i am interested in game programing and stuff but this one just blew me away. =D> \' :thumbsup: :D


me looking at diary -> :) :D :o :shock: 8-)


Doing random stuff on runescape. Always happy to have a random conversation, just pm me.

It looks like a puke covered dragon face that is screaming
Thanks Unoalexi for my awesome avatar!
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Hopefully a very good, thank you for being patient with the December updates!




There wouldnt be a graphic update if it wasnt for the december update;


half of jagex's staff would be out hunting scammers and real world traders...




The december update was one of the best updates ever, because jagex got so much more time to develop the game after the update.


But i must say; that i liked the wildy to, and there probably were a much better way of stopping real world traders, than completly shutting down pvp in the wilderness




EDIT: oh, and i look forward to the update too 8-)

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:D noone asked you cubfin, the graphix are a huge improvement to what they are now. i used to think it was great when they would update one city, this is way better though. this could easily double the rs population \:D/

Woot are are the king

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I see an option "I do not meet the system requirements."


How the heck can that happen? Those requirements are so darned low it's almost an insult!


What about all those gamers with 3GHz quad cores, 4GB ram and 512MB+ video memory? (that would be me, too)


But I suppose it will be better than it used to be..




A computer that meets those specs can be made for less than 100, seriously (obviously you'll have to make it yourself)




The edge of the water looks a bit "polygony", the grass is still just a texture instead of geometry, the ropes aren't detailed enough and the fog is too nearby


It's an improvement, but it still doesn't compare to stand-alone games


Playing RS since Nov. 2002 (but with various breaks)

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I'm really excited, the graphics are a great improvement!! However I'm worried that I won't be able to use this uber-high def without using full screen, which I don't want to do because I use messengers. Plus questing would be awesome with the graphics! But if i can't see the guide.... haha. Hopefully we can play it in window size too.

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I really like the look of the new graphics but one thing does come to mind regarding the fullscreen option. I recently re-aquired my quest cape and when reading about the fullscreen mode it made me wonder how the quest cutscenes might appear. I get the feeling the different view might interfere with some of them as they were designed with the default view in mind but hopefully it has been taken into account.


As the flames that made up the phoenix slowly burned out,

Only ashes were left where once it stood,

It would be reborn from the ashes,

The phoenix would rise again.

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Hawtest thing I ever seen about Runescape :wall:

Dharoks, emo's ultimate weapon if you know what i'm sayin. :lol:
Very nice 10/10

For a second when I was looking at your drop-list picture. Ilooked at the dragon longsword and said "They have a dragon longsword now??" ohh I'm tired :wall:

..., then I noticed a gravestone where our tank was supposed to be and my health was a 1 digit number again.

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I see an option "I do not meet the system requirements."


How the heck can that happen? Those requirements are so darned low it's almost an insult!


What about all those gamers with 3GHz quad cores, 4GB ram and 512MB+ video memory? (that would be me, too)


But I suppose it will be better than it used to be..




A computer that meets those specs can be made for less than 100, seriously (obviously you'll have to make it yourself)




The edge of the water looks a bit "polygony", the grass is still just a texture instead of geometry, the ropes aren't detailed enough and the fog is too nearby


It's an improvement, but it still doesn't compare to stand-alone games




well for one thing, as we all know, when i gaming company states minimum and required specifications, they are kidding themselves and on the verge of lying. I mean LMAO have you seen the requirements for Supreme Commander, good luck playing even a 1v1 skirmish on a smallish map with the recommended specifications, don't even start me with the minimum ones, it will psychically boot up but don't expect to be able to play. It's going to be the same with this IMO, that's probably whats needed if you turn down all the new optional settings that will be released to low. I bet it's more like a 2.2ghz processor, 512mb-1024mb ram and a 128mb card. Still that's not much but I'm saying i bet there estimate is a bit low.




Another thing is, about your complaint, not everyone owns an £700 machine( that's what it costs if you build it yourself to get a Q6600, 4gb DDR2 800mhz ram(decent brand), say a 8800GT, a nice £60-70 case, an OS, power supply to handle that( that one crap out on you) etc)




I'm going for an interview tomorrow, hoping i get the job, and yes after around 9 months of saving i'll hopefully save the money( by saving i mean like spending nothing :P ) to buy a replacement for this old machine:




2.6ghz Intel celeron


1.25ghz ram










i mean theres a lot worse then that out there, a lot of runescape players wont have the money to buy a gaming rig, their parents sure aren't going to fork out the cash because trust me, parents do not understand computers, parents do not understand how slow their computer is until they try a good gaming rig( lol my mum does realize how crap our comp is now though after seeing the loading time on my friends £1k rig)






Basically runescape's market is the player without a computer that plays games, well games that aren't more then 3 or so years old, basically :P

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I must admit, I do not meet the system requirements. (This old buddy of mine is 5 years old, has a stock graphics card, and 1300ghz processor) However, It did look amazing, especially for a flash game.

Will get a new Siggy, if I get around to it[/size]

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Yipee! RS finally is starting to go crazy with its graphic.... Wish the HUD could be on the side so they don't copy other game like WoW (although I don't play any...). Jagex must have really geeky people there to do this much... with JAVA!!!.




I dedicate this video to the jagex Staff





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I'm more exited than i was atleast. also i'm hoping that my user might even get a proper looking face ::'

Republicans have nothing but bad ideas and Democrats have no ideas. ~Lewis black.


Bandos drops from world 6: shards 1,2,3: 17---hilts:4---chestplates:7---tassets:4---boots:0 <---:(

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I'm extremely excited, that screenshot of the game and interface had my jaw dropped for a good 90 seconds, I can't [cabbage] wait!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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looks aesome, but i dont meet the system requirements because im still running on an 8mb grafics card #-o . oh well, mabee i will be able 2 play it on my friends computer :thumbsup:

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