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Insomnia problems :\


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Hey guys. Well, I haven't slept regularly in the past 3 weeks. It all started with me only getting 6 hours of sleep (Total) and waking up every hour after sleeping to getting three hours of sleep (Total) and waking up every half an hour. These extents of sleep is the time after I wake up and spend about a half an hour sitting there and then falling back asleep.




The thing is I haven't been dreaming and when I wake up so much stuff goes through my head that I can't even recall what I was thinking about that caused me to stay up for that half hour. I am getting pretty worried about my health because I am not sleeping regularly or getting decent hours of sleep. I am so tired throughout the day, but I can't fall asleep. As I am typing this, my body is physically tired, but I can't go to bed. I sit there for a couple hours before getting my half an hour of sleep.




I am taking classes online (As of Monday) and a test popped up in it. It was a stress test. Well, I took it. Out of 1000, this is what I got:








Some of the signs of extreme stress are lack of sleep and not eating as much. My nickname is "The Garbage Disposal" because I can continue eating, not get full, and not gain a pound. I have not been eating regularly either as I used to scarf down a box of Mac N Cheese, but now I can only eat like 1/5th of it before getting full. I am kind of worried. I went from like 16 meals a day to just some of dinner.




Does anyone have any remedies or things I can try to relax, get some sleep, and return to my normal eating habits?




Some info:




I've been having girl problems.


Work/school conflict.


I haven't changed my eating habits (Eating different foods, etc.)




Those are normal things for people to experience. I think the rest might be subconscious.




Anything that can help me will be wonderful and much appreciated!


I <3 Gears of War 2.


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Some info:




I've been having girl problems.


Work/school conflict.


I haven't changed my eating habits (Eating different foods, etc.)



You said you have been having school/work and girl problems.


I would take a guess and say that's what's wrong with you there.


Try work out them problems and see what happens.




Those are normal things for people to experience. I think the rest might be subconscious.


That as it may be, were all humans so we all take different stuff/happenings different ways, so what might be affecting you mightn't affect everyone in the same way. So what's normal for you mightn't be normal for some/alot of other people.






(But bear in mind I'm no expert on this, this is only a guess on what I have observed.)


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The girl problem is a lost cause. It's way out of control :(




The school conflict/work conflict should be worked out by August which is two months away. From my lack of sleep, I might die before then...


I <3 Gears of War 2.


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Go to a doctor. You sound like you might be on the verge of a burn-out. Sometimes "stuff" just becomes too much and you need to step on the brake to get things back to normal. Do you have a summer break coming up? If you do, use that time to really take a break from everything and spend all that time on yourself, if possible, take a holiday somewhere-that-is-not-where-you-are-right-now. Maybe the doctor could prescribe you a very mild sleeping pill that will help you restore your depleted energy levels...

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I guess I should go to the doctor. Sleeping pills might work.


That really isn't the cure.




Firstly, your diet seems a bit unhealthy and that can lead to mood swings and stress. Even if you don't want to eat, make sure you eat as much as you used to. Also, generally try to improve on your diet. Try to stick to three regular meals a day, maybe a snack before bed.




Secondly, your lifestyle needs to change. It sounds to me like you're struggling to maintain a balance between work, school and play. By play I mean your own personal time where you do whatever you want and relax. It's important that everyone has at least some time to themselves, even if it's only a couple of hours a day, or as Sumpta says, you'll just burn out.




Sleeping pills really aren't gonna stop this problem mate. Maybe it'll stop the symptoms, but first it's the insomnia and then there's the complete breakdown afterwards. No amount of sleeping pills will make that part easier, so evade it now. Have you considered counselling if you're stressed out? That's what they're there for.

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You can take a pill but does that take away your problems? no it doesn't.




Solve your problems and you'll get to sleep. Better than any sleeping pill.




A trick I learned - Stay away from absolutes in your thoughts and speaking. Words like "should", "must" etc they make you more anxious, upset, mad, frustrated than you actually need to be.




Stop and think about the energy that you're wasting, is it really worth it?




Instead of "it should have been this way" - Try saying "it would have been nice if things went that way but it didn't."




Ask yourself questions, What is the problem? Can you fix it right now? Is there anyway you can make it better? Are things going to change if you react to them?




Also meditate, if you don't know how, look it up. If this is a long term thing with stress take up thai chi.




Please give it a try before you go asking about sleeping pills.




From the above methods alone and applied to my own stressful situations I've been able to bring something I've rated as 99/100 (100 being the worst you can handle something) to a 40.




If you feel up to it, shoot me a message about the girl problems and the work/school conflict.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I am going to talk to my parents later today (Just woke up and going to try and go back to bed). I am going to talk about alternatives such as counseling, going to a psychologist, talking to the girl, and talking about school. This has been going on for too long and I am starting to feel the affects. I will post an update later.




I'll make sure to take you up on your offer, IGoddessI, once I figure more of the situation out.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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I've been having girl problems.


Work/school conflict.




#1 will screw you up every time, if you actually care and weren't just in it for the sex. even then, you won't be getting whatever you got out of the relationship, and it can still mess you up till you get over it or fix it.




#2 big stress causer, without conflict between the 2.




as for solutions, try talking to the chick, see if you can come to some agreement. or just drop her and walk away. as for work/school talk with your supervisor and try to get your hours figured out, or if that doesn't work, quit in a storm of fury preferably lighting things on fire. then get a new job far away. and if all else doesn't work, talk to a professional, but i guarantee playing with fire or something similar(read knives) always unstresses me.




EDIT: i'm available for a pm too if you want, i can be quite good at advice, i've advised quite a few people about serious topics.

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

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Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

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Well, first you have to assess your girl problem, see if your relatioship is over, and if there isn't anything you can do about it, no point in losing sleep over it because they won't bring her back.




Secondly, for the work/school conflict, sometimes you need to find something to relieve this stress. some people do that y having repetitive hobbies such as knitting, etc. but I much prefer my method, because its quite quick and efficent, all you have to do is when ever in doubt, be full of yourself and you crush the stress because your affirming yourself of your efficency and ability.




If insomnia and stress continues, consult a psychologist.


Talking to a psychologist helps, because by surfacing the problem its more easily pin-pointed, and from there you can find a solution. Sometimes our problems are like glass, we have to change the angle to see it.




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Let it all out. I suggest a murderous rampage. Always calms me down.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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if your stress level is that high, thats not good, could lead to things worse than insomnia, on the topic of you not dreaming, dreams are a very important part of proper cognitive functioning and without them certain problems may possibly arise, but you may be dreaming and just not remembering... i also wouldnt suggest that you start taking any sleep aids without seeking proffesional advice because they can carry some risk of dependency (needing to take them all the time to go to sleep) and that can be a much worse problem as well. My advice would be start eating healthier (if you aren't right now), avoid using your bed for things besides sleep, like eating, also if your a smoker avoid smoking before your going to bed, and also i would try if you are watching lots of tv while lying in bed b4 you go to sleep, possibly cut that out as well... if the insomnia problem persists and is starting to impact your sleep severely then i would go set up an apointment with a sleep specialist/ school counselor, they should be able to help you figure it out, this stage of insomnia you are experiencing could pass though ... hope that dvice helps, it has helped me before, it is hard though to help give proper advice over a forum without knowing all the facts of your recent behaviors... i hope you start getting some much needed zzz's :)

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Link to said stress test?




It's from of my classes online.






Okay, been doing some stuff over the last few days...




First day, I went and got some sleeping tea. It didn't really work and it tasted awful. Second day, I went and talked to my parents. They offered me some advice on the girl problem and maybe thought it would be good to go see a psychologist. Third day, I went and talked to the girl. I completely ended everything and said there was trust issues and I was sure it would never work out.




I hope it helps :\


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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