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[TF2] It's MANN Vs. Machine!


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How very quiant. I've suddenly become really good with the Spy. I mean, I've played as him for 2 years, but I could never be good at Spying because of my terrible Wi-Fi connection.


TBH, I'm only good because I sold my Fez and gave up with that pathetic excuse for a Spy set. I mean, it looks nice, but it changes the Spy into something he shouldn't be - a class that runs in and tries for a kill. Spies are supposed to lurk in the shadows, disguised, etc. Not run around and hope for the 1st kill to set it all in motion >_<


And ^

JESUS CHRIST. £40 for ALL of those games?!?



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Haven't played in a few weeks or so. Games end up being the same thing each time, more or less... Though sticking to the same two servers may have something to do with that.

That, and the teams in public games are [cabbage] when it comes to teamwork, or even common sense like not being a sniper when you're on offense and there are three others in the class already. Very rarely are the teams evenly matched in regards to skill, as well.

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That, and the teams in public games are [cabbage] when it comes to teamwork, or even common sense like not being a sniper when you're on offense and there are three others in the class already. Very rarely are the teams evenly matched in regards to skill, as well.

It is a game after all. :wink:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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That, and the teams in public games are [cabbage] when it comes to teamwork, or even common sense like not being a sniper when you're on offense and there are three others in the class already. Very rarely are the teams evenly matched in regards to skill, as well.

It is a game after all. :wink:

Besides, everyone knows the all sniper strategy offers guaranteed victory.


Although, the all medic strategy on defense can negate that.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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^An all Spy game on either or both sides is tons of fun.


Recently I've been doing some aggressive sniping. It's enjoyable, but I'm never sure if I should be fiddling around with my mouse sensitivity.

How very quiant. I've suddenly become really good with the Spy. I mean, I've played as him for 2 years, but I could never be good at Spying because of my terrible Wi-Fi connection.


TBH, I'm only good because I sold my Fez and gave up with that pathetic excuse for a Spy set. I mean, it looks nice, but it changes the Spy into something he shouldn't be - a class that runs in and tries for a kill. Spies are supposed to lurk in the shadows, disguised, etc. Not run around and hope for the 1st kill to set it all in motion >_<

Are you criticizing the YER? The two effective setups I've seen for spies are YER+IW and Knife+DR. I use YER, and it seems more skill-based to me because you don't just activate DR and run away after a couple kills.


Haven't played in a few weeks or so. Games end up being the same thing each time, more or less... Though sticking to the same two servers may have something to do with that.

That, and the teams in public games are [cabbage] when it comes to teamwork, or even common sense like not being a sniper when you're on offense and there are three others in the class already. Very rarely are the teams evenly matched in regards to skill, as well.

You're just on the wrong server when it comes to teamwork. The main server I play on has enough clan members that anyone without enough common sense to not stack classes ragequits eventually anyways. There are also limits on some classes, I think.

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It's probably just me. I don't like the YER, mainly cause every time I have the best opportunity to get a backstab I lag out and explode. With the normal Spy set, I can at least disguise and blend in. And it's lovely getting 5 backstabs in a row on Turbine when the opposite is pushing into your base. Pretty hard to do with YER considering the amount of Sentries everywhere >x<


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The best use of YER:


Have a scout dash behind lines. Backstab heavy being healed by 98%-uber'ed medic while he looks at the scout. Medic turns around, sees you as his heavy, ubercharges.


High fives, claps, and laughs result.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Alternately, if you feel like pissing off an entire server, get a medic friend to join the other team and heal/uber you. Nobody suspects a disguised spy who's being healed, and the ubers continue when you un-disguise as long as the medic doesn't click away.


By the way, the Reddit Midwest (US) server at is heavenly - I'm in MA (on the east coast) and it runs better than my normal server, even in chaotic situations. Plus, they've got some crazy custom maps in the nomination rotation. Today I played this map where it's in medieval mode, and it's a 9 by 9 grid with doors seperating each square which open and close periodically, and a KOTH control point in the center. It was crazily fun, and not laggy at all.

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I sometimes throw YER on once I make the enemy team absurdly paranoid.



Been getting back into Spy the last couple days after learning more tricks of the trade mainly the legit way to Face-stab and improving my Stairs, Corners, Side Stabs.


Been topping teams non-stop so far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I almost had the demoman one where you need to kill 3 sperate locations with the scott' resistance without putting down extra stickies, but a pyro airblasted the guy just as I triggered the last one ;__;


Also, you can now craft the gear from RIFT.


Degreaser + Powerjack + 1 Refined for "Sharpened Volcano Fragment"

3 Reclaimed + Boston Basher for "Sun-on-a-Stick"


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Yeah, they'll be worth half a scrap in a couple weeks anyways. As far as I know, they aren't rare as drops, so wasting a refined on each is just stupid.


Plus, they're not really great weapons. The axe might be worthwhile in some cases, but how often do you come across a burning enemy as a scout?

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but yeah, the drop rates are truely [cabbage] lately. I get crates 80% of the time, I've never once gotten a hat from a drop, and most weapons I DO get are multi-classed so I dont have enough to make scrap and end up with stockpiles of different classed weapons.


On the other side, I made the axe. It's quite useful.


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I've been playing alot of Sniper lately, and getting pretty good with it too. :thumbup:

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I've been bored recently, so I tried fooling around with ridiculous loadouts. I've found a pyro that uses only the flare gun and the airblast part of the flamethrower is tons of fun.

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New TF2 Items are out from Shogun War 2.


If your a skilled spy, might wanna get your hands on it.


Also, alot of things are bugged atm; eyelanders head count, Volcanoe Axe doesnt ignite on hit, seems to be a melee weapon thing.


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The Fan O'War is really useful. When hit it causes the opponenet to take mini-crits from EVERYONE. I dunno if its until they're dead because I was testing it on Saxton hale and lasted 10 seconds, still pretty damn useful. Gunna try the kunai out later, if you can avoid getting hit as a spy, its very deadly.


Also, the Volcanoe Fragment got a update, doesn't cause -20% damage anymore, just ignites them. :thumbup:


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