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I don't mind breast feeding, all mothers try to be respectful anyway.




I'm just wondering, what makes people 'uncomfortable' about breast feeding?




I think it's the fact there seeing a boob while they/there family/friends are trying to eat.


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I don't mind breast feeding, all mothers try to be respectful anyway.




I'm just wondering, what makes people 'uncomfortable' about breast feeding?




I think it's the fact there seeing a boob while they/there family/friends are trying to eat.


Seens like more of a distraction then something that'd make you feel uncomfortable.

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I'm for it. It's the way of the world; you see many animals do the same thing, so it must be.




The only part that makes me embarassed is a woman just casually showing their boob in public.


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Here's the way that I see it. If someone is too immature to just avert their eyes whenever someone is feeding their child, then they're proven incapable of functioning in public, and should be dealt with as such. If it's some trailer-trash crack [bleep] that is just doing it as some sort of advertisement, then yeah, you should be allowed to kick them out of the establishment. Otherwise, grow up.




So by your logic, looking away is the solve-all solution to any problem dealing with people getting uncomfortable when they see a certain thing? Then why isn't sex in public legal since people can just look away?






Some lines MUST be drawn somewhere; it's just that when it involves delaying something like the feeding of a child unreasonably (whose watching the other kids, and how long will it take to go outside to a suitable place?), I see that as less of defending your right to eat in a comfortable environment for you and more of defending your PERCEIVED right to complete control over other people where it might seem even mildly indecent. Let me put it this way: people tolerate miniskirts. People tolerate those ultra-short shirts which just barely go under a normal girl's bust line. What is the problem with someone taking the responsibility to take care of their youngest?

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Let me put it this way: people tolerate miniskirts. People tolerate those ultra-short shirts which just barely go under a normal girl's bust line. What is the problem with someone taking the responsibility to take care of their youngest?




Put it that way sure but it doesn't change anything. It's like saying, "What's so wrong about continuing our species?"




Besides, you're telling people how they should think. You can't help it if seeing breastfeeding makes you lose your appetite. You can't control that. However, you can control what approach you want to take when feeding your baby.

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I think its acceptable to tolerate public breastfeeding assuming the woman is at least trying to be respectable about it. ex. blanket or at least trying to be discrete about it, sure they have the right to but they should at least be reasonable about it.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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Well if its a private establishment, mothers shouldn't be all that surprised if asked to breastfeed someplace else. Public however, its a different story.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I'm probably going to regret this, but it is relevant to the discussion. Apparently, the Original Goon has gotten kicked from a website dedicated to breastfeeding because of how you'd expect he acts. For those who are prepared for some, *ahem* inappropriate language and some bad mental images, please go to this link. Personally, the dude should get kicked in the balls so that we won't have to deal with any more of his spawn down the road, but I digress. I can probably put hard bank on Dess wanting to be somewhat more creative than myself, though. Discuss as you wish.

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

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Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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We Americans are so strict, what would you say if someone talked within 1 inch of your face to you, you'd probably tell them to back up. In Spain and Morocco and many other countries this is natural.




Lol, if someone does that with me I try my best to get away :lol:. Can't stand it. And at least where I live (south of Spain) it's not natural, it tends to annoy most of the people I know.




Not saying I don't agree with you though, just find that funny. And here breastfeeding IS a natural thing, I don't think I have heard anyone complaining about it. Even 50 years ago, when you couldn't walk with your partner holding hands in public if you weren't married (there were some super-strict christian moral laws, you could even get fined for that), breastfeed was still allowed. It depends of culture, I guess...


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I'm going to repeat what the pro-breastfeeding people have said, with a little extra.




It's NATURAL, ffs! And no, the baby CANNOT wait. I have three siblings, one who's only recently (year and a half ago) weaned (after three and a half YEARS, thank you, yes actually six months is not enough time people! and sides I'm not allowed to be a hypocrite on time spent until weaning XD), and I remember quite well that when she wanted boobie she would NOT wait. She has a really banshee-like shriek when she's upset and feeling deprived, too.




Of course, I'm Canadian, and if I may be arrogant, we're better than those nutsos down south. :P





Balance may be power, but chaos is still pretty damn fun.


Canada can't be second rate, polar bears are their main mode of transportation.

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I never understood the "natural" argument. The same goes for marijuana. I mean, I'm not against the drug but I just think something being natural doesn't justify it. There are natural poisons. Greed is natural. Killing is natural. Sex is natural. Just because something is natural does not mean it's right.

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I never understood the "natural" argument. The same goes for marijuana. I mean, I'm not against the drug but I just think something being natural doesn't justify it. There are natural poisons. Greed is natural. Killing is natural. Sex is natural. Just because something is natural does not mean it's right.




So you are now saying that you want women to justify feeding their babies naturally?


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I never understood the "natural" argument. The same goes for marijuana. I mean, I'm not against the drug but I just think something being natural doesn't justify it. There are natural poisons. Greed is natural. Killing is natural. Sex is natural. Just because something is natural does not mean it's right.




So you are now saying that you want women to justify feeding their babies naturally?




He's being quite literal, and saying that just because something is natural doesnt mean its right. It doesn't indicate disapproval, its just pointing out a flaw in the reasoning that its natural therefore dont you dare disagree with it.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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I never understood the "natural" argument. The same goes for marijuana. I mean, I'm not against the drug but I just think something being natural doesn't justify it. There are natural poisons. Greed is natural. Killing is natural. Sex is natural. Just because something is natural does not mean it's right.




So you are now saying that you want women to justify feeding their babies naturally?


He's moreso asking people to justify why we can't do everything that's natural because after all, it's natural.

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