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SURVEY. RS God related to religion?


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Do NOT debate religion here. There's plenty other threads you can do that in.




I want to know if a person's chosen RuneScape god has any relation with their religion. If you choose to participate, please post your chosen RS god and your religion. You should have two words in your post: "[RuneScape god] [Religious affiliation]". So it will look like this:












If you don't want to participate, don't post at all. This is an optional survey,






Two words only! This is just a survey. This means I don't want your opinions on the survey (it increases the unrelated information I have to sift through), nor any other spam to increase your post count. Do that elsewhere, please.




Yes, I have to say it that many times. Some people actually forget the instructions they've been given if they aren't repeated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

wait, r u saying gods that r related 2 religion?




zammy = satanist


saradomin = christian/catholic


guthix = athiest


zaros = islamic version




and Ilbis (DT quest where u buy first ancient staff for a ripoff of 80k) is islamic for devil.

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No, XXXGod this is asking which RS god you follow (mostly), and your real life religion.




RS me: Guthix


RL me: Athiest




(But for the other idea Saradomin/Armadyl = Christian, Zamorak/Zaros = Satanist, Guthix = Buddhist.)

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are you kidding? you want only two words in each response?




how bout some damn supporting statements?




The point of that rule was mostly to discourage flame wars and responses that do not follow instructions. Even with all the repetition and format rules, some people manage to mess up. Ah well, it happens. ;)




Last time I tried this survey (apparently the wrong forum), people threw in things about preferred religion and it turned into a flame war. I just want to discourage that. Statements such as A_local_guy's and life_mage12's are (seemingly) harmless.




Continue posting! If I get enough information I will make a graph and see if there are any tendencies.

First skill to 70...


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