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Pagan Reference In Runescape?


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Yah it shocked me too. But my friend (Whom i will refer to as 'Bob') Believes that Saradomin, Guthix, etc. In Runescape gives off a pagan reference because of all the gods. Personally i believe he is paranoid becuase he hasnt played RuneScape til he thought of that. I don't know what to think. Has anyone noticed this also or is he just paranoid?

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86/99 Fletching. The siggy lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Yes, it's Pagan. So are many other games. It doesn't mean you are Pagan if you play it though, unless you start praying to Zamorak irl :P

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Yes, it's Pagan. So are many other games. It doesn't mean you are Pagan if you play it though, unless you start praying to Zamorak irl :P
Personally, I worship Saradomin in IRL. No different from praying to "Jesus". Some prayers get answered, some don't.


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

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It's not really paganistic. Paganism is to do with nature and gods commanding each element of and it and ritual sacrifice etc.




The runescape gods don't really reflect these qualities




If anything saradomin and guthix reflect christinity (churches etc) and druidism most closely.




Its stupid to try and apply real world religion to rs though. EVERY good fantasy world has its own religions setup based on thier own rituals and gods, it is however inevitable certain features relfect reality. Why? because thats the frame of reference. If your making a holy building or a holy ritual yor are going to base it on what you see in the real world from religion whether that means it relfects pagan styles, christian churches, muslim mosques or w/e




The issue is everyone WANTS to classify these things in terms they know, as such they see these things and are like oh they aren't christian or muslim or budist or w/e. Then most people just think oh many gods = paganism and therefore decide everything that isn't one of the big modern religions regardless of it being a fantasy or not is paganism. When in reality paganism is far more defined than most modern religions and most, if not all of them have stolen pagan festivals for thier own celebrations eg christmas was a pagan festival originally


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Yes, it's Pagan. So are many other games. It doesn't mean you are Pagan if you play it though, unless you start praying to Zamorak irl :P
Personally, I worship Saradomin in IRL. No different from praying to "Jesus". Some prayers get answered, some don't.


Thats cool but no offense but dont say "Jesus" with quotations, it shows offense. thanks. Back on topic...

I have not had a post locked since: July 17th, 2008. \:D/

Attempts at Beating GH3 on Expert: 16 and counting \:D/

Check out my new RuneScape-Only Forum at http://www.runeforum.moonfruit.com There's not a single mod there! Be in the first 100 to join! It's Free! OMG OMG OMG!! Lol, seriously there are no mods at all.


86/99 Fletching. The siggy lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Yes, it's Pagan. So are many other games. It doesn't mean you are Pagan if you play it though, unless you start praying to Zamorak irl :P
Personally, I worship Saradomin in IRL. No different from praying to "Jesus". Some prayers get answered, some don't.


Thats cool but no offense but dont say "Jesus" with quotations, it shows offense. thanks. Back on topic...

I put it in quotation marks because the name's origin is not from this language.


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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Runescape folk need faith too. Let the imaginary people worship their imaginary gods in an imaginary realm. I see no harm.




Thats cool but no offense but dont say "Jesus" with quotations, it shows offense. thanks




This is exactly why we can't have religion in General Discussion. Everyone gets all up in arms for no reason when it's mentioned...

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Yes, it's Pagan. So are many other games. It doesn't mean you are Pagan if you play it though, unless you start praying to Zamorak irl :P
Personally, I worship Saradomin in IRL. No different from praying to "Jesus". Some prayers get answered, some don't.


Thats cool but no offense but dont say "Jesus" with quotations, it shows offense. thanks. Back on topic...


He is not being offensive, you are just choosing to be offended by what he said.




I think all MMOs have gods... It's just interesting to be able to get equipment and skills that borrow power from them :)

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You could argue that the fact that there are druids in runescape means that it is pagansitic. It's not. Don't bother going searching for these tiny little references unless there is some kind of conclusion. So what it it was paganisitc? Unless it's uncovering part of runescape lore or something like that it has little to no importance.




Oh, and 'jesus'.



40 Barrows trips, 4 Barrows equipment (Guthans Helm, Veracs Helm, Ahrims Skirt, Dharoks Helm)

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Oh, and 'jesus'.





I have not had a post locked since: July 17th, 2008. \:D/

Attempts at Beating GH3 on Expert: 16 and counting \:D/

Check out my new RuneScape-Only Forum at http://www.runeforum.moonfruit.com There's not a single mod there! Be in the first 100 to join! It's Free! OMG OMG OMG!! Lol, seriously there are no mods at all.


86/99 Fletching. The siggy lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Please make sure that there is no flaming in this topic.




I know religion is a sensitive topic for some, and any flaming will be removed and possibly punished.





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Please make sure that there is no flaming in this topic.




I know religion is a sensitive topic for some, and any flaming will be removed and possibly punished.






Let's end it here. Im guessing were all saying 'Bob' is paranoid right? (see first post above)

I have not had a post locked since: July 17th, 2008. \:D/

Attempts at Beating GH3 on Expert: 16 and counting \:D/

Check out my new RuneScape-Only Forum at http://www.runeforum.moonfruit.com There's not a single mod there! Be in the first 100 to join! It's Free! OMG OMG OMG!! Lol, seriously there are no mods at all.


86/99 Fletching. The siggy lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Why would you see this as Pagan? This is a game, those "Gods" aren't real and everyone knows it. If someone says they are a "follower" of a certain RS "God" does not mean they are showing Pagan behaviour. It means they are role-playing their character, as does everyone else the minute they log in (unless you go around fighting Dragons irl).






Let's end it here. Im guessing were all saying 'Bob' is paranoid right? (see first post above)


Yeah, pretty much.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Please make sure that there is no flaming in this topic.




I know religion is a sensitive topic for some, and any flaming will be removed and possibly punished.






Let's end it here. Im guessing were all saying 'Bob' is paranoid right? (see first post above)


You were the only one that was paranoid, Bob was just stating a fact (whatever its true fact or false)

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o god please


the gods where made up as a bit of humor


and anyway imo god is a way of explaining the unexplainable and also because the human mind cannot accept that one day it will cease to be


(just my personal opinion i dont care how you spend/waste your time)


and btw isnt the topic from that noob?

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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While I don't worship one of the runescape gods IRL, I do have a personal philosophy that might concievably be called guthixian- Ie, one of seeking balance in my life (between time spent in physical activity and mental activity, between energy intake and output, etc).

Hail to The Great Big Penguin in the sky. And Guthix, of course.



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Runescape has a lot of similiarities to Germanic Neopaganism - this, however, does not make it a pagan game - but people here need to relax. You weren't suggesting it was.




The God of Wisdom for example - the evil Trickster God, Using Runes for Magic, Goblins, Giants, Dwarves... It's silly to say it doesn't take any ideas from Asatru.




I'm an Asatru myself - I don't worship the Runescape Gods, however. That's silly, as they are just fantasy. There is no real life material to even suggest that anyone has ever worshipped them, and it is a well known fact that they are created by a Corporation.




I worship Woden primarily, and then Thor's secondary. I sometimes honour other Gods, if I am in need of some good luck. (Freyja or Freyr if I'm having Relationship problems, for example).




o god please


the gods where made up as a bit of humor


and anyway imo god is a way of explaining the unexplainable and also because the human mind cannot accept that one day it will cease to be


(just my personal opinion i dont care how you spend/waste your time)


and btw isnt the topic from that noob?




That's pretty offensive.




You know - Science is just a theory too? ;)

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Runescape has a lot of similiarities to Germanic Neopaganism - this, however, does not make it a pagan game - but people here need to relax. You weren't suggesting it was.




The God of Wisdom for example - the evil Trickster God, Using Runes for Magic, Goblins, Giants, Dwarves... It's silly to say it doesn't take any ideas from Asatru.




I'm an Asatru myself - I don't worship the Runescape Gods, however. That's silly, as they are just fantasy. There is no real life material to even suggest that anyone has ever worshipped them, and it is a well known fact that they are created by a Corporation.




I worship Woden primarily, and then Thor's secondary. I sometimes honour other Gods, if I am in need of some good luck. (Freyja or Freyr if I'm having Relationship problems, for example).




o god please


the gods where made up as a bit of humor


and anyway imo god is a way of explaining the unexplainable and also because the human mind cannot accept that one day it will cease to be


(just my personal opinion i dont care how you spend/waste your time)


and btw isnt the topic from that noob?




That's pretty offensive.




You know - Science is just a theory too? ;)




science a theory?? :wall:


and btw im not being offensive im just posting my views if u think ur gonan go to hell for reading them cover your eyes and sing when u get my post ;)

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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Well, I love getting into religious discussions, not because i am religious, but because of research ive done, and many misconceptions about popular religion that people defend and believe, that I enjoy pointing out are indeed very wrong, and often fabricated.




What i WONT do in this post (because people have already shown to be very defensive about religion already) is go into great detail about the history of paganism and how it was all but removed from existence in about the 400-1200 AD time period.




Paganism, as many people believe it, is NOT the worship of the devil, (just pointing that out for those who may think it) this was a confusion, or diliberate lie, believed by the catholic church during the above time period, and for many years afterward that inevitably lead to the irradication of anyone following pagan rituals and lifestyles.




Paganism itself was the worship of nature in its many different aspects, and the use of sacrifices and rituals to try and become closer and 'in the good books' with nature. Paganism worshipped women, and saw them as more important than men, because they were the bringers of life, however the entire society was seen as equal.




Runescape consists of many gods, these gods do not range on nature, they range on virtue and moral- Zamorak (bad) Guthix (Neutral) Saradomin (good) Zaros (evil) Bandos (war?) Armadyl (from what i know, also on the side of good)




now each of these gods (and im sure there are more, we may not know of) represents how people are inside, rather than representing the forces of nature outside, although they do in some ways represent certain elements, fire earth water air etc.




all in all, theres a loose metaphorical if you want it to be, connection between RS and Paganism, however it isnt a satire or hidden reference to Jagex secretly being a pagan worshipping organization or brainwashers or some other nonsense. thats silly. dont even think about it.

Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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Runescape has a lot of similiarities to Germanic Neopaganism - this, however, does not make it a pagan game - but people here need to relax. You weren't suggesting it was.




The God of Wisdom for example - the evil Trickster God, Using Runes for Magic, Goblins, Giants, Dwarves... It's silly to say it doesn't take any ideas from Asatru.




I'm an Asatru myself - I don't worship the Runescape Gods, however. That's silly, as they are just fantasy. There is no real life material to even suggest that anyone has ever worshipped them, and it is a well known fact that they are created by a Corporation.




I worship Woden primarily, and then Thor's secondary. I sometimes honour other Gods, if I am in need of some good luck. (Freyja or Freyr if I'm having Relationship problems, for example).




o god please


the gods where made up as a bit of humor


and anyway imo god is a way of explaining the unexplainable and also because the human mind cannot accept that one day it will cease to be


(just my personal opinion i dont care how you spend/waste your time)


and btw isnt the topic from that noob?




That's pretty offensive.




You know - Science is just a theory too? ;)




science a theory?? :wall:


and btw im not being offensive im just posting my views if u think ur gonan go to hell for reading them cover your eyes and sing when u get my post ;)




Yes. Until Science can prove that the Big Bang is real - and that the Gods don't exist, it's just as true as religion.




Some Scientists are religious, you know?




And No, you are being offensive. You're trying to start a flame war - which is exactly what the administration here have asked for members to not do.




If you think religion is all fabricated rubbish - keep it to yourself. That's not what this thread is for.







Paganism itself was the worship of nature in its many different aspects, and the use of sacrifices and rituals to try and become closer and 'in the good books' with nature. Paganism worshipped women, and saw them as more important than men, because they were the bringers of life, however the entire society was seen as equal.




It depends what form of Paganism - it's a term used by modern society to refer to any religion that at the time, did not worship Christ, or Allah, or other mainstream religions. Paganism varied country to country - with different rituals and rules. Paganism, in itself, is a generalisation.

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Note that i didnt say paganism was a sole religion, paganism wasnt called paganism by its practitioners, its a hard thing to define, but the most generalistic view was a nature worshipping religioun that highly valued women, their practices were seen as rituals, often involving sacrifice. that description covers a fair chunk of all religion, at least before christianity took its rise.




I promised i wouldnt get into it, but i just have to say: 'paganism' would have been far better for the world, i wont go into details again, but just think about how over 5 million women were burned as 'witches' after paganism was seen as evil, or the millions more who died in: the crusades, or just in the name of christ, almost every war in western europe was fought in the name of christ, on both sides.




As for trying to silence someones opinion that religion isnt real: that makes you WORSE than him, because your denying him the right to express his views, what if he finds your boasting of 'Jesus' offensive? you have no right to dismiss his views, even if they clash with yours, because yours are the exact same to him as his are to you.






" the Ultramega God SupaHaxor of the Pew Pewz Lazorz" is about the same as the Flying Spaghetti monster (pastafarians ftw) Wiki or google the flying spaghetti monster for more info, its a really interesting story.

Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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As for trying to silence someones opinion that religion isnt real: that makes you WORSE than him, because your denying him the right to express his views, what if he finds your boasting of 'Jesus' offensive? you have no right to dismiss his views, even if they clash with yours, because yours are the exact same to him as his are to you.





That "Jesus" message was not me.




Regardless - his post was completely off-topic. We don't care if he doesn't believe in Religion - this thread is about whether or not Runescape is influenced by Paganism.

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Oh, I kno abut those who worship the flying spaghetti monster, but religion is really about belief. I choose to believe in god, not "Jesus", because jesus isn't a god in christianity, and I follow the bible loosely. I really doubt that by playing a game that has so called "pagan" gods in it will make me go to hell. -.-

No witty signatures for me :(

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From reading these posts, has anyone in here actually got the idea of the topic?




We're discussing WHETHER Runescape is influenced by Paganism, and then going on to find out what aspects of Runescape are Pagan influenced.




We're not meant to be discussing whether or not you believe in the Pagan gods, or whether you are Christian, or a Muslim, or a Hindu, or whatever.

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