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Who here hates the sandwich lady?


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Yeah I was fishing once, and she told me to have a baguette.




Excuse me?




What the f was a baguette. I picked something random, not a [developmentally delayed] choice like a kebab or pie, I picked the breadroll, and off I went to a far distance from a bank. This was back when they didn't have home teleport either, soo I had a long run.




You live and you learn. At least you learn real worldly applicable things from runescape. Baguettes are long french breads, accepting food from strangers can be fatal, and lunch ladies have fierce right hooks.




But it's just not right... someone offers you a baguette, and if you don't know what a baguette is you deserve to go in a high, snowy mountain and get lost in the process? Also, another thing to learn - it's perfectly normal for a robber to go up to you and give you some gold, unless you don't want it, in which case he'll kill you (and nobody cares at all). Damn desparate to hide that incriminating proof!



You're being watched.

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I hate here... that bread roll hurts!!! :? What do you say?? She is standing next 2 me?? :shock: *looks next to him* oh .. oh... :o *sandwich lady slams here bread roll trough my head* aaaaaaarggg!!! :cry: *gamertjecool ends up at the lumbridge cellar... ow dang :evil:

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sandwich lady just doesnt like me :mrgreen: Oh yeah, she is pretty annoying. I really feel like she has no purpose in the game, besides the fact she teleports but look at the bright side she might teleport you to the place you need to go :geek: (what will be the odds of that)




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I don't even know what the hell a bread roll is, there was nothing there that looked like something I would call a breadroll and I had very little time because the window only opened for like a second.




Well, you could have moved to a safespot, then checked the legend (bottom right in the Sandwhich Lady window).

100% F2P





99 Defense, Tuesday February 10th 2009

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the sandwich ladys Haaawwwwwwttttt. and that little pink outfit :thumbup:




Oh just wait until she bashes her baguette on your head. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


that only happened to me once and it teled me near where I wanted to go anyway. I wuv her... the free food only makes it better




and how do you mistake a kebab for a bread roll are that foodily challenged?


EDIT you ALL seem to be foodily challenged :XD:

how many runescapers does it take to change a lightbulb?


1 to change the lightbulb and the rest to complain about how the first one was better


There are lots of bad people in the world, but they're like slinkies; you can have so much fun pushing them down two flights of stairs...



My previous acount, 'WeirdAl_fan' was unable to be recovered after the crash...

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  • 3 months later...

They're all frustrating, especially when they pop up in the middle of combat and go off like a ticking time bomb while you're trying to finish off the monster you're fighting. Perhaps Molly annoys me the most because she doesn't even ask, she just rudely teleports you.

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Still the King....

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How many times has this thread been necromanced? :|


It'll all be over in a week. All the baguette-related nightmares will fade, and be replaced by visions of wild pies and marigolds.




Yeah wow lol. I remember replying to this thread a long long time ago.




All posts so far boil into the "Sandwich lady sucks" phrase.



R.I.P. Neko :[

5,445,898,965th to 99 Woodcutting

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Molly's far more annoying. I mean, how [developmently delayed] can you be? Losing your evil twin sister out of a bloody jail cell.




Or maybe she has an infinite number of evil twins. :shock: Maybe the sandwich lady is one of them. :ohnoes:

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

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Molly's far more annoying. I mean, how [developmently delayed] can you be? Losing your evil twin sister out of a bloody jail cell.




Or maybe she has an infinite number of evil twins. :shock: Maybe the sandwich lady is one of them. :ohnoes:




No kidding, Molly's twin must have mad lock-picking skills or something, she's escaped like, a million times.

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------Before you read this, this message may be offending for some people, including people who adore the sandich lady.------






I got to get this of my chest. I would like decapitate the sandwichlady with a SGS using the special attack and piety prayer. After that I would feed her body to hellhounds and go to the G.E and enjoy a bread roll or a kebab.

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