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Runescape's french version soon?


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A French version of Runescape has been rumored for quite some time, based on the job offers on Jagex.com. I've been checking on http://www.runescape.com/lang/fr/ for a while and today instead of a 404 error I reached an alternate version of the Runescape website. The only difference is that there are no news or polls at the moment, maybe it's waiting for news with the french tag?




I think this time (when they do release it) we can expect much more immediate affluence then for the German version of the game. The French version already has many existing players and a very strong community of Internet users and mmo players.




What I'm hoping for is a "neutral" French translation that's not filled in expressions, words and names only used in France. My hope is that they will be smart enough to do an international translation.






If you see some errors would you be so kind to pm them to me?

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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Monsieur,tu es le numero un!




Yes,you are,you freaking rock for going there.Can't wait.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Is it just me,or is that link still in English? They must still be translating.


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man sleepy and blind in the eyes.

Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!

If it's the thought that counts, why aren't humans innately telepathic?

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Hmm I can see French indeed become bigger than German since, no offence, most french people don't speak english that well (atleast the ones I know don't have to learn it in school, it's an optional choice).




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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Hmm I can see French indeed become bigger than German since, no offence, most french people don't speak english that well (atleast the ones I know don't have to learn it in school, it's an optional choice).




That depends. In Quebec almost everyone has english as a second language which is why many play Runescape. In france most dont know it.




Is it just me,or is that link still in English? They must still be translating.




They probably uploaded that as a test and will update it on the real release. Or it's just a teaser without any spoilers

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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Most guys in my clan said they wont use the french version of rs. Some words don't suit. Je vais t'attaquer avec mon fouet abyssal. No, just no. I might use it in the first few weeks...




Yeah that's another thing I'm scared of.. English words will lose their "Magic" in the translation XD. For instance Willow is alot prettier then Chêne.

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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I heard that all french children have to learn english now no matter what i school, so I wonder if it is a use to make french game, the same goes with German, they are both too lazy to learn the English language.






Please tell me that I was unable to understand what you were attempting to say. Please tell me you did not just say "Everyone should speak English. Those who don't are just lazy." Please please please tell me that if you did say that, you are not an American, as ignorant people are embarrassing our country enough. And please tell me that if you did say that, you will shoot yourself.








Ignorance should be a crime.

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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I heard that all french children have to learn english now no matter what i school, so I wonder if it is a use to make french game, the same goes with German, they are both too lazy to learn the English language.






Please tell me that I was unable to understand what you were attempting to say. Please tell me you did not just say "Everyone should speak English. Those who don't are just lazy." Please please please tell me that if you did say that, you are not an American, as ignorant people are embarrassing our country enough. And please tell me that if you did say that, you will shoot yourself.








Ignorance should be a crime.




100% agree


I think I'll do Baby Blacks :P
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Lol, death666bl00ms, not that I don't agree with you, but let's give Krampell the benefit of the doubt. And the truth is, the French and German can be as lamentable at English as the English at French/German.




Also, good job [Tip.It user(s)] who insists on using a French phrase, only to have the spelling/grammar wrong. Maybe I'm being too fussy, but if you want to prove you know the language, check what you're writing.




I look forward to a French version of RS. I'm already swapping between English and German servers, because I learn heaps (esp. from the German ones). Seeing that I've been speaking French a lot over the past year, it'll be fun to exercise a little through RS - seeing the written word a lot might help me brush up on my spelling.

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I'm going to try the French version of Runescape when it comes out, yes. They've been working on it for a while and it didn't take any longer than this for them to release the German version after it was first announced.


French might be different in other countries (France, Quebec, etc...) but I'm sure the blokes at Jagex Towers (don't you just love calling them that whenever you can?) are aware of that are are trying to work out a version to suit everyone.


And to death666bl00ms... *decides to save himself the trouble of typing something and just stabs him*




Who knows, it might be good for lulz. ::'


You'll finally be able to say "shower" in French! *twists mustache and laughs menacingly* :twisted:


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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The french version is going to be amazing :D I wonder what kind of community it will have... SMS french is horrible to read so I hope everybody there won't start typing like that




French is the same everywhere, except for expressions, and putting expressions is completely optional(eg: they won't put any).




Yeah that's another thing I'm scared of.. English words will lose their "Magic" in the translation XD. For instance Willow is alot prettier then Chêne.


Willow is saule you narb x.x Jeez...

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The french version is going to be amazing :D I wonder what kind of community it will have... SMS french is horrible to read so I hope everybody there won't start typing like that.


It's fairly easy to switch to French on your computer, you just have to switch to "French" in your Language bar (usually found in the Taskbar unless the user put it somewhere else)


Though most people don't know how to do it because they never pay attention to the little things and therefore never learn about it. :shame:




Wait, in French my username would be Maitre des Dragons... You're right it isn't as leet-sounding as before. :|


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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The french version is going to be amazing :D I wonder what kind of community it will have... SMS french is horrible to read so I hope everybody there won't start typing like that.


It's fairly easy to switch to French on your computer, you just have to switch to "French" in your Language bar (usually found in the Taskbar unless the user put it somewhere else)


Though most people don't know how to do it because they never pay attention to the little things and therefore never learn about it. :shame:




Wait, in French my username would be Maitre des Dragons... You're right it isn't as leet-sounding as before. :|


What the hell are you talking about. My computer is already in french, because I'm french, jeez. SMS french is what *actual* french people call the equivalent of leetspeak. And trust me, french leetspeak is WAY WAY worse than the english's. It's just not funny how off topic you are, look up what SMS means next time >.>

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I don't speak French, but i do think "Huzzah!" for you fellows that do. Me personally have enjoyed the German servers quite much. Although I do notice a lot of people who dont speak German going there because its not as full as the other servers. I wish you all luck with not having to deal with that.




Oh and to that one comment ....you guys know which one.


I was born in Germany and started learning English in the second grade. It was my choice, kind of glad too. Made playing RS alot easier.


I just came back from a long break. Back on bob.

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i think they will come soon. but i could really care less since im not french. besides the german servers dont really have many players and the players on their r trying to be sneaky and get into populated places on english servers. french might be a bigger hit but its always just ppl who go to those servers just because they can.

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I heard that all french children have to learn english now no matter what i school, so I wonder if it is a use to make french game, the same goes with German, they are both too lazy to learn the English language.




Are you trying to tell me that english isn't the only language? :shock:

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i think they will come soon. but i could really care less since im not french. besides the german servers dont really have many players and the players on their r trying to be sneaky and get into populated places on english servers. french might be a bigger hit but its always just ppl who go to those servers just because they can.




Just look at the Dutch servers, they're always crowded, with a very high percentage of users speaking Dutch. So I think the French version could turn out to be a hit as well.




The problem with the German servers is that they're put apart from the standard list. And that makes them less available somehow. It'd be neat if they'd include those servers in the list, just as they included the chat-speak worlds. Anyway, I also believe there isn't that big a German-speaking usercommunity. French, however, I've seen spoken frequently.

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A french version would be a lot more successful than a german one, I think. There's already a decent amount of quebecers playing, the game will attract france users possibly. There's also some francophones in french ex-colonies.

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Wont be at that address, the German version is at http://www.runescape.com/l=2/




yes, but you can also use http://www.runescape.com/lang/de/ to access the German version




You guys think we need german and (hopefully soon french) p-mod? So they can help out people that don't speak english and moderate stuff on german/french server only.




I'm sure there already German speaking player moderators, im sure there are f-mods too.



Thanks Gradeskip93 for my awesome sig!

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