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[bleep] ME. I had school. And it was a complete whiteout fifteen minutes after I got there. And we got two inches of snow. Which either blew away or melted within an hour. And now it's TWENTY [bleep] DEGREES, I can SEE THE SUN AND THE BLUE SKY, and there are massive snow flakes drifting around.






Christ dude, how far north are you? Past Oklahoma City? Because I used to live in OKC...




I'm pretty sure he lives in Texas. :lol:




I should check up on my relatives there... :ohnoes:

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[bleep] ME. I had school. And it was a complete whiteout fifteen minutes after I got there. And we got two inches of snow. Which either blew away or melted within an hour. And now it's TWENTY [bleep] DEGREES, I can SEE THE SUN AND THE BLUE SKY, and there are massive snow flakes drifting around.






Christ dude, how far north are you? Past Oklahoma City? Because I used to live in OKC...




I'm pretty sure he lives in Texas. :lol:




I should check up on my relatives there... :ohnoes:


Part of Texas is northwest of Oklahoma City.

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[bleep] ME. I had school. And it was a complete whiteout fifteen minutes after I got there. And we got two inches of snow. Which either blew away or melted within an hour. And now it's TWENTY [bleep] DEGREES, I can SEE THE SUN AND THE BLUE SKY, and there are massive snow flakes drifting around.






Christ dude, how far north are you? Past Oklahoma City? Because I used to live in OKC...




I'm pretty sure he lives in Texas. :lol:




I should check up on my relatives there... :ohnoes:


Part of Texas is northwest of Oklahoma City.




Ah, forgot about that. :wall:




I'm stupid.

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Woke up late and missed 1st period. Got through my classes and had a really nice day seems like everyone at school was cool with me haha. After I lifted some weights and me and my friend kickin it at his place playin some COD5 :D


Shout to LowFatMilk for the sig! Doin your body and sig good :lol:

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Christ dude, how far north are you? Past Oklahoma City? Because I used to live in OKC...


Apparently 335 miles NNW of San Antonio. Not that far north, maybe a hundred miles above Midland. Amarillo got hit bad, and they're a little south of OKC.




Storm's [bleep]ing ridiculous.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Christ dude, how far north are you? Past Oklahoma City? Because I used to live in OKC...


Apparently 335 miles NNW of San Antonio. Not that far north, maybe a hundred miles above Midland. Amarillo got hit bad, and they're a little south of OKC.




Storm's [bleep] ridiculous.


I live in New England and it was 60 and sunny :lol:

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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No school today. I woke up and went to my parent/teacher conferences, where I got advice on what classes I should take next year.




I later went to get a sports physical, and the doctor wasn't to gentle, especially on my genitals :wall:




I then went to work, and got home at about 10.




It was a 40 mile round trip to each of those things, making it 120 miles driven today, roughly $8 on gas.

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No school today. I woke up and went to my parent/teacher conferences, where I got advice on what classes I should take next year.




I later went to get a sports physical, and the doctor wasn't to gentle, especially on my genitals :wall:




I then went to work, and got home at about 10.




It was a 40 mile round trip to each of those things, making it 120 miles driven today, roughly $8 on gas.


:lol: Cough cough.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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No school today. I woke up and went to my parent/teacher conferences, where I got advice on what classes I should take next year.




I later went to get a sports physical, and the doctor wasn't to gentle, especially on my genitals :wall:




I then went to work, and got home at about 10.




It was a 40 mile round trip to each of those things, making it 120 miles driven today, roughly $8 on gas.


:lol: Cough cough.




more like cou-AAAAAAAAAAUUUU!!-gh

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No school today. I woke up and went to my parent/teacher conferences, where I got advice on what classes I should take next year.




I later went to get a sports physical, and the doctor wasn't to gentle, especially on my genitals :wall:




I then went to work, and got home at about 10.




It was a 40 mile round trip to each of those things, making it 120 miles driven today, roughly $8 on gas.


:lol: Cough cough.




more like cou-AAAAAAAAAAUUUU!!-gh


Haha, just curious, is it more awkward if you have a male or female doctor giving you a sports physical?




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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I'd say female. It was a female this time, and she also happened to be a lesbian. Even worse, she raped my dignity by completely swiping my gown aside, other doctors can at least keep the gown on when they're snooping around under there...

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I'd say female. It was a female this time, and she also happened to be a lesbian. Even worse, she raped my dignity by completely swiping my gown aside, other doctors can at least keep the gown on when they're snooping around under there...


I've had this image in my head that when a guy gets a sports physical by a female doctor they hi-five themselves in their head. Maybe not.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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I'd say female. It was a female this time, and she also happened to be a lesbian. Even worse, she raped my dignity by completely swiping my gown aside, other doctors can at least keep the gown on when they're snooping around under there...


I've had this image in my head that when a guy gets a sports physical by a female doctor they hi-five themselves in their head. Maybe not.


You could imagine it feeling like getting checked by a male gynecologist with the roles reversed....

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My last few physicals just took a look. I've only had one feel. I asked for a guy doctor, but all she did was bring him in and sit him down and talk to him while she finagled my junk. It was a major "What." moment.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I'd say female. It was a female this time, and she also happened to be a lesbian. Even worse, she raped my dignity by completely swiping my gown aside, other doctors can at least keep the gown on when they're snooping around under there...


I've had this image in my head that when a guy gets a sports physical by a female doctor they hi-five themselves in their head. Maybe not.


You could imagine it feeling like getting checked by a male gynecologist with the roles reversed....


Creepy. Reminds me of how a local GP put his face right up to an old woman's vagina so that he could 'feel the heat'. He had his face there for a while. (He was charged or something for sexual abuse)




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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I'd say female. It was a female this time, and she also happened to be a lesbian. Even worse, she raped my dignity by completely swiping my gown aside, other doctors can at least keep the gown on when they're snooping around under there...


I've had this image in my head that when a guy gets a sports physical by a female doctor they hi-five themselves in their head. Maybe not.


You could imagine it feeling like getting checked by a male gynecologist with the roles reversed....


Creepy. Reminds me of how a local GP put his face right up to an old woman's vagina so that he could 'feel the heat'. He had his face there for a while. (He was charged or something for sexual abuse)


That guy is pro. :lol:




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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I'd say female. It was a female this time, and she also happened to be a lesbian. Even worse, she raped my dignity by completely swiping my gown aside, other doctors can at least keep the gown on when they're snooping around under there...


I've had this image in my head that when a guy gets a sports physical by a female doctor they hi-five themselves in their head. Maybe not.


You could imagine it feeling like getting checked by a male gynecologist with the roles reversed....


Creepy. Reminds me of how a local GP put his face right up to an old woman's vagina so that he could 'feel the heat'. He had his face there for a while. (He was charged or something for sexual abuse)


That guy is pro. :lol:


Am I the only one that has never had that sort of physical?




It's scary to imagine :?


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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This morning I bought a $0.99 game for my Touch on the App Store. It's called Flight Control, if anyone has an iPhone/iPod Touch, get it, it's very very addicting. After playing that I went to the library and got some magazines. I am now currently downloading the new software version for my Touch...




Going to San Francisco tomorrow, I can't wait. :D I'll be in the car seven hours each day for two days, then we'll get there Monday evening, I think. Have to find things to entertain me in the car, it's going to be a lot of nothing out the window >_>


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This morning I bought a $0.99 game for my Touch on the App Store. It's called Flight Control, if anyone has an iPhone/iPod Touch, get it, it's very very addicting. After playing that I went to the library and got some magazines. I am now currently downloading the new software version for my Touch...




Going to San Francisco tomorrow, I can't wait. :D I'll be in the car seven hours each day for two days, then we'll get there Monday evening, I think. Have to find things to entertain me in the car, it's going to be a lot of nothing out the window >_>






Also, I'd recommend the Karajan Ear Trainer. It teaches you to recognize intervals, scales, chords, tempo, key signatures, and pitch and it's really easy to use. Only problem is the full version is $15, but I use the free version which works pretty well.

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This morning I bought a $0.99 game for my Touch on the App Store. It's called Flight Control, if anyone has an iPhone/iPod Touch, get it, it's very very addicting. After playing that I went to the library and got some magazines. I am now currently downloading the new software version for my Touch...




Going to San Francisco tomorrow, I can't wait. :D I'll be in the car seven hours each day for two days, then we'll get there Monday evening, I think. Have to find things to entertain me in the car, it's going to be a lot of nothing out the window >_>






Also, I'd recommend the Karajan Ear Trainer. It teaches you to recognize intervals, scales, chords, tempo, key signatures, and pitch and it's really easy to use. Only problem is the full version is $15, but I use the free version which works pretty well.


Yeah, magazines, I'm not up for book reading, but I figure I need something to keep my eyes on :P




The Karajan Ear Trainer app (the free one) is downloading now, it seems interesting.


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Yesterday my girlfriend came over at 8 in the morning. and left at 2


and we went to a concert at like 8-1 (show started at 9 40 ended at 12 50)


Tokyo police club and ruby coast were amazing.


and I got to see my girlfriend. :]] and yuh. it was a pretty amazing day. I forgot my money to bring to the concert though, so I couldn't buy a shirt.


I like it downtown. it's pretty amazing. so many places, and so many things that you can do. I should go there more often.


My room smells like her now.


and, It's 5 months today.

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I'm installing my college's anime club website's forum at the moment and getting all thinking ( :o ) about forums and that. I've made loaaaads of forums before - none of them a hit of course. They were all with free hosting things that set the forums up for you. First time I wanted to make a forum (G4fans4life :roll: ) I downloaded PhpBB and was like... *blink* what am I supposed to do with it now? But this is the first time I've acutually installed a forum to a server myself and it's gone really smoothly which makes me happy :D You don't know the sort of trouble I went through trying to install Wordpress :wall:


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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