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skeletal wyverns much?

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Trust me, wyverns are like the worst task you can get if you don't know what you are doing.




Good job though.




8/10 for the level, 10/10 when you get to 85.


So i have heard :P but i have looked at some guides and i think ill be alright






thanks to everyone else who is actually STAYING OT



1980 Berlinetta with a 350, bored, mild cam, intake carb, headers, exhaust

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Don't listen to the flamers, It's a great achievement! =D> ;)




I'd probably rate it a 7.5/10, as while it is a great level, it doesn't yield much talk, however, keep it up,


you have my full-fledged support!! :thumbsup: <3: :thumbup:



I left my wife for a level 59 tank mage
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So you're making it a 4/10? Dont quote people just to add '+1', it just promote spam post... If you cant be arsed to write something constructive, piss off.




Anyway, on topic. Its a pretty decent level, but as you have very high combat stats already, im'a give a 6/10 :)




Do what I do.


Report every post that has +1




Or just quotes, or just a smily.




Peoples lazyness gets me one step closer to modship :twisted: So I can ban you all


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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So you're making it a 4/10? Dont quote people just to add '+1', it just promote spam post... If you cant be arsed to write something constructive, piss off.




Anyway, on topic. Its a pretty decent level, but as you have very high combat stats already, im'a give a 6/10 :)




Why don't you go suck a [rooster]? +1 would be the same as posting 'Agreed', and quite honestly, your post wasn't too constructive yourself.






2/10, nothing special at all.



There's cake through here, apparently.
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Skully, it doesn't have to be an especially high level. Clearly there is still point to this thread. If a mod sees fit to lock this thread for that purpose then I stand corrected.




I rate 6/10, not great - but getting there ::' Good luck for the future.

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Nobody here is "flaming" or "trolling" they are giving their opinions and that's what the forum is for.




This is NOT warranting a thread, and is NOT a high level.




Have a nice day.




Looks like i missed the new forum Rule that all Threads in Rate This must be approved by Skully...




[bleep] head..

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5/10 its a decent level i guess. have fun, imo i think wyverns are the worst task and added them to my block list :s.




anyway, gl with 85 (don't be a noob and camp at abbies go to 99 :P)




What the hell guys, stop bumping this thread off the 2nd/3rd page, wtf is going on.


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