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Jagex announces the most challenging quest to date.


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I hope the stone of Jas will be included, i get the feeling that the stone can tie together most of the major storylines of the game.




I wonder if the subquest thing will be included? I found that very useful, turns rfd into a beginner-master quest depending on how far you want to go.




I hope that people can read threads before posting in them, I get the feeling that there's plenty of discussion about the stone in previous pages and people should build on it instead of restating it. The Stone of Jas could drag Lucien, the followers of Armadyl, Wizard Elriss, the WoM, and the cave goblins together, but it's hard to imagine the Arposandran gnomes, the Mourners, the vampyres, or the Red Axe getting involved.




The subquest thing would be nice, but if the Stone of Jas is involved, how would that be set up? A number of different parties searching for it, and you need to do something with each one individually? Seems a bit shaky to me.

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


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Perhaps the Tyras guard have a part to play in this?




As I talked to one of them during Catapult Construction (which I am currently doing), He said:




These are dark times, I must prepare for the coming battle.




So, if there could possibly be a battle in this quest?

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Perhaps the Tyras guard have a part to play in this?




As I talked to one of them during Catapult Construction (which I am currently doing), He said:




These are dark times, I must prepare for the coming battle.




So, if there could possibly be a battle in this quest?




A battle is pretty much 80% guaranteed in this new quest. RFD had like 5+ boss battles and subquests that required thinking, tedious walking or even smaller fighting. I can't imagine the new quest being a 10 hour puzzled quest, that would suck.








Break the Walls down!

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Perhaps the Tyras guard have a part to play in this?




As I talked to one of them during Catapult Construction (which I am currently doing), He said:




These are dark times, I must prepare for the coming battle.




So, if there could possibly be a battle in this quest?




A battle is pretty much 80% guaranteed in this new quest. RFD had like 5+ boss battles and subquests that required thinking, tedious walking or even smaller fighting. I can't imagine the new quest being a 10 hour puzzled quest, that would suck.




Don't attempt MEP2 then. :P




If the Tyras are in this quest, they will be attacking the elves? To stop trying to bring back Zamorack?

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Don't attempt MEP2 then. :P


If the Tyras are in this quest, they will be attacking the elves? To stop trying to bring back Zamorack?




*Cough* Quest Cape owner... *Cough*




But a Zamorak vs Saradomin quest would be a great idea.








Break the Walls down!

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Maybe that Daeyalt Ore found in Mourner's HQ will be involved in the quest...


Not probably, my thread got pwned when Jagex changed the carts :wall: , but i hope this new quest involves the elves.


About the ore in the cart, im starting to have my doubts if they are conected since they "fixed" it. But hey, the ore is gone, but there are slaves mining something in the hideout, maybe it has something to do with the ore in the cart, who knows.


Proud owner of a Questcape

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Now, I'm not a big quester, but looking at everything that's been said in this thread, and my own knowledge of the different storylines that I've gained from the quests I HAVE done, my personal theory is that this quest will center mainly around the Stone of Jas. I think the Wise Old Man is after the Stone, and that was the heist he alluded to. I think this quest is gonna have the different parties that are interested in the stone trying to obtain it...maybe you have to side with one group and then deal with other groups? I'm not sure.


Either way, I'm excited. I don't think I'll be able to do it for quite a while after it comes out, but I'm still intrigued. I just hope we don't see any reqs above 80 :ohnoes:


I think 70-75 would be fair as "high" requirements.





xSog Bagetx

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hmmm people have been leaning towards the clue where jagex stated leave no stone unturned. What about those you see around runescape where you see a teleport icon on your mini map. Which quest is that from, cuz i also think that this new quest will hav 2 deal with whatever the quest to access those rock teleport things is from.




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finally! a sequel to fishing contest!!
i hope that was sarcasm
I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Not content with updating one skill this month, we've decided to reignite Firemaking too. In Varrock, King Roald has become increasingly wary of the evil eyes casting greedy looks at his city, so he'll be taking precautions: fourteen warning beacons, running from the River Salve to the western end of the Wilderness. The problem is, no one will be available to test them out, so - surprise, surprise - you'll become the most suitable candidate.




So begins All Fired Up, a sizzling new quest that acts as a simple and very short tutorial for beacon lighting. What can you do with large cauldrons full of sticks, you may ask? Well, your task, if you should choose to accept it, will be to light as many as possible at one time, offering you an entertaining and alternative method for training your Firemaking - oh, and the rewards will make you the toast of firemakers everywhere...


^150th quest.



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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Not content with updating one skill this month, we've decided to reignite Firemaking too. In Varrock, King Roald has become increasingly wary of the evil eyes casting greedy looks at his city, so he'll be taking precautions: fourteen warning beacons, running from the River Salve to the western end of the Wilderness. The problem is, no one will be available to test them out, so - surprise, surprise - you'll become the most suitable candidate.




So begins All Fired Up, a sizzling new quest that acts as a simple and very short tutorial for beacon lighting. What can you do with large cauldrons full of sticks, you may ask? Well, your task, if you should choose to accept it, will be to light as many as possible at one time, offering you an entertaining and alternative method for training your Firemaking - oh, and the rewards will make you the toast of firemakers everywhere...


^150th quest.




^143rd quest. Perhaps you should count them next time. ;)

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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Not content with updating one skill this month, we've decided to reignite Firemaking too. In Varrock, King Roald has become increasingly wary of the evil eyes casting greedy looks at his city, so he'll be taking precautions: fourteen warning beacons, running from the River Salve to the western end of the Wilderness. The problem is, no one will be available to test them out, so - surprise, surprise - you'll become the most suitable candidate.




So begins All Fired Up, a sizzling new quest that acts as a simple and very short tutorial for beacon lighting. What can you do with large cauldrons full of sticks, you may ask? Well, your task, if you should choose to accept it, will be to light as many as possible at one time, offering you an entertaining and alternative method for training your Firemaking - oh, and the rewards will make you the toast of firemakers everywhere...


^150th quest.




^143rd quest. Perhaps you should count them next time. ;)


:| pwnt



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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its going to be a big quest, so dont disclude the stone of jas, the mahjarrat, or the wise old man, you never know it could be biggest quest ever, well it is, it might include all of these..




What i'm interested in is the reward




I agree. The reward could be a set that when you collect (maybe up to 10) of the pieces or something like that you get an amzing reward.


I just gonna wait and see. ;)




- Rem.



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I've been training all my lower level skills and doing quests that might be requirements for it.. (:




Now wouldn't it just "suck out loud" if they happened to release a new skill in the same month, but before this quest, and then had a large requirment for the skill. :twss:




No, but in seriousness, I'd like to see this quest have almost every skill required. It gives me reason to buff mine, and it wouldn't be unreasonable for a quest this...epic.

I am nice. . .

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hmmm people have been leaning towards the clue where jagex stated leave no stone unturned. What about those you see around runescape where you see a teleport icon on your mini map. Which quest is that from, cuz i also think that this new quest will hav 2 deal with whatever the quest to access those rock teleport things is from.


Those stones are hot air balloon landing pads from An Enlightened Journey. After you complete the quest, you see balloons tied down there.

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hmmm people have been leaning towards the clue where jagex stated leave no stone unturned. What about those you see around runescape where you see a teleport icon on your mini map. Which quest is that from, cuz i also think that this new quest will hav 2 deal with whatever the quest to access those rock teleport things is from.


Those stones are hot air balloon landing pads from An Enlightened Journey. After you complete the quest, you see balloons tied down there.




YEP :thumbsup:





Still the proud owner of Quest Cape since 8th December 2007

All skills used to be 70 or higher. (Dang you Dungeoneering. Oh wait, it's not a skill...)

Drops: Whips 8, Black Mask 8, D/Skirt 1, D/Spear 1, D/Shield Left Half 1, D/Boots 12, G/Maul 4, Range Ammy 1, Hexcrest 1.

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It will probably be a quest which involves:




    [*:3ppu0d68]Black Knights
    [*:3ppu0d68]White Knights
    [*:3ppu0d68]The Dorgeshuun
    [*:3ppu0d68]Everybody Named Ali
    [*:3ppu0d68]The Barrow Brothers In Their Current Form
    [*:3ppu0d68]The Barrow Brothers In Their Past Form
    [*:3ppu0d68]The Mahjarrat
    [*:3ppu0d68]The Myreque
    [*:3ppu0d68]3 New Ways To Shear Those Sheep
    [*:3ppu0d68]More Squirrels
    [*:3ppu0d68]Even More Squirrels
    [*:3ppu0d68]Elvarg's Son
    [*:3ppu0d68]Elvarg's Daughter
    [*:3ppu0d68]Elvarg's Mother-In-Law
    [*:3ppu0d68]All The Ghosts In RS Forming Together To Create 1 GIANT GHOST! MWUHAHAHA!
    [*:3ppu0d68]Sophanem And Menaphos
    [*:3ppu0d68]The Kudos Island
    [*:3ppu0d68]The Past
    [*:3ppu0d68]The Future
    [*:3ppu0d68]The Sprit Realm
    [*:3ppu0d68]7 Other Alternative Realms That Are Created Purely For This Quest And Will Never Be Used Again
    [*:3ppu0d68]AND LOT'S OF SQUIRRELS!






Feel free to quote me and add something to make this an even more conclusive list.

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