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Russia threatens U.S. and Poland with Nuclear Attack.


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Well.. It looks as if Russia looks to take over Europe. In which case a missile shield is a good idea. But on the other hand, if Russia is threatening to blow us to hell because of the missile shields, it may not be such a good idea.

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Man, I hate what war is turning to. A button push - or threat of one - leads to possible millions of deaths. Terrible.




And I pray they don't try to take over Europe, even if they don't use nuclear weapons we're screwed. We'd have to help. :?

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Taking over Europe, in my opinion, is out of the Russian's reach. I can't imagine a single European country joining them. And remember, Europe has nuclear capabilities too. If Russia attacked the US all hell would break loose, to put it lightly. Europe would side with the west, and it would, without a doubt start WWIII.


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Man, I hate what war is turning to. A button push - or threat of one - leads to possible millions of deaths. Terrible.




And I pray they don't try to take over Europe, even if they don't use nuclear weapons we're screwed. We'd have to help. :?




Do you think America would respond and help immediately or like in WW2, have a long period of isolation?


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We would have to help, we would have no choice. If we lost some larger European members, NATO would be severely handicapped and we would a) Look like idiots for standing around, and B) Be pretty much screwed because our defenses would be lowered so much.


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And if they use nukes, so do we. Simple as that. We don't use nukes first, but if it comes to that, so be it.


That may be true, but who would be left after they used the nukes on us first to arm them :uhh: They have a ton more nukes than us remember. Plus, even if we did us nukes, their country is so big, I don't think it'd do much, they'd just move somewhere else...

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They're worried that Poland will shoot at them, and they won't be able to shoot back.




It's a missile defense system, right? If so then that concern makes no sense and the Russians shouldn't have it.


The US could shoot at the Russians, and they couldn't shoot back.


The shield could stop Russian missiles, and allow the US' right through.

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They're worried that Poland will shoot at them, and they won't be able to shoot back.




It's a missile defense system, right? If so then that concern makes no sense and the Russians shouldn't have it.


The US could shoot at the Russians, and they couldn't shoot back.


The shield could stop Russian missiles, and allow the US' right through.




Ah, I see. Makes sense, thanks for that.




Does anyone buy that this system is aimed at defending against an attack from Iran?






I suppose it could be plausible, though I'm no expert on missile defence systems.




Beside that, wouldn't the US be more worried about defending Israel against an attack from Iran, considering the motives of a guy like Ahmadinejad? If so, then I don't see how a missile defense system in Poland would be effective for that.

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All I know is that no one would have a reason to attack Wisconsin :D




chicago could a nice target, but that isn't wisconsin. it is close enough thought that milwaukee will be fried with it. baldwin would get some radiation.

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All I know is that no one would have a reason to attack Wisconsin :D




chicago could a nice target, but that isn't wisconsin. it is close enough thought that milwaukee will be fried with it. baldwin would get some radiation.

i live in the Chicago suburbs =(






Just out of curiosity are the major countries in South America allied with European countries or The U.S.A?




Would the major countries in Souh America fight if there was a world war?

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They're worried that Poland will shoot at them, and they won't be able to shoot back.




It's a missile defense system, right? If so then that concern makes no sense and the Russians shouldn't have it.


The US could shoot at the Russians, and they couldn't shoot back.


The shield could stop Russian missiles, and allow the US' right through.




Ah, I see. Makes sense, thanks for that.




Does anyone buy that this system is aimed at defending against an attack from Iran?






I suppose it could be plausible, though I'm no expert on missile defence systems.




Beside that, wouldn't the US be more worried about defending Israel against an attack from Iran, considering the motives of a guy like Ahmadinejad? If so, then I don't see how a missile defense system in Poland would be effective for that.




I think missiles might be like planes and travel on curved trajectory? And I think it is supposed to protect Europe.

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And if they use nukes, so do we. Simple as that. We don't use nukes first, but if it comes to that, so be it.


That may be true, but who would be left after they used the nukes on us first to arm them :uhh: They have a ton more nukes than us remember. Plus, even if we did us nukes, their country is so big, I don't think it'd do much, they'd just move somewhere else...


Siberia. More than half of Russia. Arctic Circle.




Really hard just to plop up and move away from their civilian centers.




And I think it could protect Europe from Iranian missiles as well. Plus, is Russia just mad they wouldn't be able to hit our east coast? Why not just shoot around...? That way the missiles travel back in time, too.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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And I think it could protect Europe from Iranian missiles as well.




Thats what it's for. The only reason that russia is mad is that Poland is cooperating with the U.S.

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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Man, I hate what war is turning to. A button push - or threat of one - leads to possible millions of deaths. Terrible.




And I pray they don't try to take over Europe, even if they don't use nuclear weapons we're screwed. We'd have to help. :?




Do you think America would respond and help immediately or like in WW2, have a long period of isolation?




You're forgetting that we had a smart president in world war 2. If world war 3 broke out, president mc[wagon] would be the first to hit the deploy troops button.

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All I know is that no one would have a reason to attack Wisconsin :D




chicago could a nice target, but that isn't wisconsin. it is close enough thought that milwaukee will be fried with it. baldwin would get some radiation.

i live in the Chicago suburbs =(






Just out of curiosity are the major countries in South America allied with European countries or The U.S.A?




Would the major countries in Souh America fight if there was a world war?






I think Colombia is the only big country that is very closely allied with the U.S. I know venezuela and ecuador don't like us but I'd doubt they matter at all. Columbia could wreck both of them. Venezuela is like russia in a way. Trying to act all tough.

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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Man, I hate what war is turning to. A button push - or threat of one - leads to possible millions of deaths. Terrible.




And I pray they don't try to take over Europe, even if they don't use nuclear weapons we're screwed. We'd have to help. :?




Do you think America would respond and help immediately or like in WW2, have a long period of isolation?




You're forgetting that we had a smart president in world war 2. If world war 3 broke out, president mc[wagon] would be the first to hit the deploy troops button.


The monkey man will be gone soon, even though its not soon enough, so lets just hope the inauguration roles around before he decides to push the "BRB".



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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The monkey man will be gone soon, even though its not soon enough, so lets just hope the inauguration roles around before he decides to push the "BRB".


There can be no coming back from that particular "BRB", if you catch my drift.


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I can't call the article crap, either. It's telegraph, which is relatively unbiased. #-o




Man, if the Russians blow us up, I'm gonna be pissed. I'm about to start high school.








The effects of a nuclear war would give everyone nightmares. :?


Thats scary right there, reducing half the world population in 20 years? *shivers*




Hopefully they will understand its a MISSLE SHIELD not a missle base they can use to attack other countries, and if russia starts WWIII I'm moving to someplace safe. Canada is with NATO which would probably at war...

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