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Where is Jagex going with the new poll?


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I'm sure Andrew last year said something like this...




"I'm tempted to add RuneScape to the new generation of gaming consoles, especially the PS3 as their browser already is compatible with OpenGL (we would have to use OpenGL for it to work) and mapping it to the PS3 is hardly any work at all"




I'm sure he posted something along those lines himself on the forums...

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i know one of the reasons i play rs is because its cheap. and as you all say, consoles greatly increase the cost, so i doubt jagex would ever go in that direction ...

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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i know one of the reasons i play rs is because its cheap. and as you all say, consoles greatly increase the cost, so i doubt jagex would ever go in that direction ...


I think they would love to, but can't right now.

~ W ~



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Ohh ya...Runescape on a console sure would be fun! Push up button. Press X. Press up button. Wait. Push down button. Push Y to bank. Repeat. Woop-de-doo!




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Ohh ya...Runescape on a console sure would be fun! Push up button. Press X. Press up button. Wait. Push down button. Push Y to bank. Repeat. Woop-de-doo!


I think he also said you'd still need a mouse... Not sure though.

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I think it would be possible to do, and just because they're releasing it as a console game doesn't mean that it's the only way you can play it. I'm sure that if they made a multiplayer console RS, it would share online with computer users. The only difference would be the control scheme. Actually, if it was to be based in the PS3's internet browser, it technically wouldn't be a console game, just playable on the PS3. The control scheme would probably end up similar to WoW's, with movement control by the left control stick, mouse the right, right-click would be right trigger, and so on. I think it could be figured out fairly easily.

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this poll isnt "new" but okay. Thought they made one today..






anyway, the Ps2 is widely loved. I do believe its console sales were and still might be beating the Ps3's But hey, that thing is pricey.








Also, its been a while since I kept up on the Ps3 related news, but i heard with a new addition of the 40gig Ps3, that backwards compatibility would be sacrificed.






i could see that contributing to the sales of the Ps2 Alot of nice quality games were available for ps1 and 2. Twisted metal being 1 of the series that was widely loved, yet I do believe a few of the games are available on the Psp










anyway, in my opinion the Wii is of less "skillful" quality. Dont get me wrong, Wii 360 and ps3 have their shares of quality skillful games to be played. But, I would like to buy the wii for the platform based games.




so they might be trying to find out the caliber of intense gaming that runs in this fan base.




so for example how many of these players follow the MLG? could Jagex model a game to potentially enter the MLG? These polls have been asked before and are interesting. Hopefully mechscape is VERY indepth and modeled from these poll results
































Ohh ya...Runescape on a console sure would be fun! Push up button. Press X. Press up button. Wait. Push down button. Push Y to bank. Repeat. Woop-de-doo!


I think he also said you'd still need a mouse... Not sure though.








A usb hub might be a good way of being able to use keyboard/mouse. Except on the psp, it would be much to small in my opinion and you would be hard pressed to hold it and type and move with the mouse.






but like the 360 which has a USB port this would be great to plug it in, then plug in a usb based mouse & keyboard.






Blue tooth and Wireless things will also make it revolutionary I think. I can only imagine HD RS on a 65inch screen.

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Who says it has to be runescape?


Jagex is a company, they have made funOrb, a totally un-related game from runescape.




Perhaps Jagex would look into a straight platformer? Perhaps a elder scrolls like game? Graphics would be kinda hard to do on the current platform they use (java) but maybe a new dev group for console games and new engines?


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The only thing on that page that jumped out at me was the fact that more runescape users play PS2 than xbox 360. I mean, the PS2 is still good and all, but they've completely stopped making games for it now. Consoles such as the PS3 and xbox 360 would be much more acceptable now. Seriously, you can get a 360 elite pack for no more than $350 on some sites. I bought mine with GTA4 for $325.




Hey, maybe people just like their ps2s and gamecubes too much. Perhaps the latest graphics and such don't appeal to them. But I was pretty sure the runescape majority was made up of young kids and teens.




No offence to anyone who answered soley PS2 or gamecube, this is just my view.




Sony PlayStation 2 44% (40447 votes)


Microsoft Xbox 360 32% (29702 votes)


Nintendo Wii 32% (29674 votes)


Nintendo GameCube 21% (19744 votes)


Sony PlayStation 3 17% (15930 votes)


I do not use any games consoles 17% (15843 votes)


WTF?A console with over a 120 million consoles sold to a console with less than a 10th of the install base.And what the [bleep] are you talking about no releases on it?its got more releases than any console on the market even at this shallow point and its going to pick up in the holiday season because publishers have realised that a ps2 version is helpful because you can sell it for $15 in wal mart and make twice as much as you did on the next gen platforms.And you can port your psp release over to ps2 and make just as much money.




While the 360 and ps3 are bleeding money and no general consumer is at all interested in dropping more than $150 on a console with $100 being the sweatspot, how can you be surprised taht the poll has turned out the way it has.




Its your view and hardly anyone with sense agrees with you.




This comes into play when we hear how the psp and the ds are going to handle content patches, and 3rd party programs because then it opens up[ the door to bringing runescape to a portable console and there isnt a barrier to not being able to update it and get it online.I can see it working on the psp and ds definatly but the ds needs to sort out its online distribution first.

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ooops. forgot to put question on wat laguage would u like runescape to be available in?




anyways i see rs on a portable gaming device but not really a console atm.




and for ppl saying funorb would be on there... comon :roll:




funorb is kiddish and runescape is by far jagex's most popular creation.

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They're probably trying to find out what other games interest the RS community and then adapt ideas and concepts from those games into RS itself. Or, they could possibly inquiring so they can branch out onto console systems (provided that PS3 and Xbox get the necessary firmware updates to allow it)


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Who says it has to be runescape?


Jagex is a company, they have made funOrb, a totally un-related game from runescape.




Perhaps Jagex would look into a straight platformer? Perhaps a elder scrolls like game? Graphics would be kinda hard to do on the current platform they use (java) but maybe a new dev group for console games and new engines?






You make a good point. Jagex could be looking to become a big player in the gaming industry and create games for different consoles. ::'




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I find it funny how only a few days before this I was talking with some people about this very subject. They intensely thought it would never happen. =P


After I told them about this poll they changed their views quickly and became somewhat excited for it, and I, being the good person I am, quickly crushed their hopes. I said what a few people mentioned earlier. (like how it might mean anything, they could make a whole different game,etc)




I made a thread a while back too about this subject...maybe I should dig it up.




Also, I find it horribly odd that so many people hate the idea of Jagex expanding to platforms.

I am nice. . .

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If they were to make a game for a platform, you wouldn't have to worry about that.


Jagex is a company, and (most) companies have different departments that each do different things. Allowing the company to (seemingly) multitask without hindering the work. =D

I am nice. . .

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The only thing on that page that jumped out at me was the fact that more runescape users play PS2 than xbox 360. I mean, the PS2 is still good and all, but they've completely stopped making games for it now. Consoles such as the PS3 and xbox 360 would be much more acceptable now. Seriously, you can get a 360 elite pack for no more than $350 on some sites. I bought mine with GTA4 for $325.




Hey, maybe people just like their ps2s and gamecubes too much. Perhaps the latest graphics and such don't appeal to them. But I was pretty sure the runescape majority was made up of young kids and teens.




No offence to anyone who answered soley PS2 or gamecube, this is just my view.




Sony PlayStation 2 44% (40447 votes)


Microsoft Xbox 360 32% (29702 votes)


Nintendo Wii 32% (29674 votes)


Nintendo GameCube 21% (19744 votes)


Sony PlayStation 3 17% (15930 votes)


I do not use any games consoles 17% (15843 votes)




You could choose more than one though, and I bet a lot of the people that have PS3s will also have PS2s tucked away somewhere.








Has anybody considered that it's possible that they needed a new poll and didn't really know what to ask and so they just put up a poll that was easy for people to answer and that nobody really cared about the answers to? Haha.

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