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Japanese Internet vs. North American Internet


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Bloody hell, 78 mb/s? you can't be serious. We've got adsl 2, the fastest currently available in Australia and the max speed i've got up to is something like 370kbs downloading from a ftp server located less than 10 kms away. Usually downloads from the internet go at about 60kb/s...


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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But Japan is far, far more technologically advanced than North America.




And us people in GB are even further behind telecomminucations-wise. Our most-well known ISP (Virgin Media) provides us with 20mbps downstream, 768k upstream fiber-optic. Not that it's not good, you get your speeds at all times. Second best would be 24mbps ADSL with 3mbps up, the company that provides it (o2/Bethere) is expanding fast and they're having a few problems at the moment.




Then you have BT, been in the game a while, not a bad provider on the whole.




And finally: there's budget broadband like the stuff that I have and it's actually okay, way better than you'd expect it to be. Fast connections are overrated, definitely. It's called patience. (it's practically free, so I'm not complaining)




Anyway, to the point of the thread now; I believe that we should have some 'free access' providers in densely populated areas of countries. It doesn't even have to be insanely fast - stability would be far better than a 5mbps connection that goes down/gets speeds cut/doesn't deliver speeds it advertises. It won't happen here (although it should as Britain is densely populated for a country in Europe) but I can definitely see it being implemented in larger cities in the USA. It would be beneficial at the very least.

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Well, that's all the motivation I need to move to Japan!


(I already have a Japanese passport since my mother is Japanese)


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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Heh, already knew this years ago because I have friends who live in South Korea and Japan. East-Asian countries have always had the fastest connections since about 2000 or so...




Americans even consider 5mb/s to be fast, Spanish people think 10mbit internet is godly... The truth is, even public access japanese backbone servers provide up to 60-200mbit/s of bandwidth to individuals, and you can get even more by forking out $$ (or actually, ¥¥).




Peer2Peer gaming is extremely popular especially in S.Korea, it's a small country yet deeply linked together via fiber optics, you barely even need a central server when everything can be done between users.




(Companies like K2 try the peer2peer gaming concept in Europe/USA with FPS games like Warrock but the phenomenal lag due to huge geographical distances make it a lot worse)

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We've had 100/100mb connections available here in Sweden for a few years now. Costs about $37 a month.




Don't we live in a nice country? =)


I want the 100 line, but can't get it since i live outside the town, 800kb/s adsl.. yey! (i hate glocalnet)

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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Where the [bleep] is Taiwan on that graph, I'd think they'd be pretty high up...


But yes, East Asia > the world when it comes to things like this.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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A good way to test your internet,








My results,






oh that's so full of [cabbage]. It says I got 17297 KB dl and 4524 upload? [cabbage]. I get like 500 KB with nothing else running, on a good day.




LOL, well, it will depend on several factors ;)


The closest server is like 40 miles away, and even thought its supposed to vary, saying I get 18 MB when I always get less than 1 is completely wrong.

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oh that's so full of [cabbage]. It says I got 17297 KB dl and 4524 upload? [cabbage]. I get like 500 KB with nothing else running, on a good day.


The closest server is like 40 miles away, and even thought its supposed to vary, saying I get 18 MB when I always get less than 1 is completely wrong.


Be careful not to confuse kiloBITS (kb) with kiloBYTES (kB) [8 bits = 1 byte]. Learn the difference, it could save your life.


Different programs/sources interchange them without differentiating.

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oh that's so full of [cabbage]. It says I got 17297 KB dl and 4524 upload? [cabbage]. I get like 500 KB with nothing else running, on a good day.


The closest server is like 40 miles away, and even thought its supposed to vary, saying I get 18 MB when I always get less than 1 is completely wrong.


Be careful not to confuse kiloBITS (kb) with kiloBYTES (kB) [8 bits = 1 byte]. Learn the difference, it could save your life.


Different programs/sources interchange them without differentiating.




Makes sense. He got a 1.7 mb upload, and 450 upload ;)

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oh that's so full of [cabbage]. It says I got 17297 KB dl and 4524 upload? [cabbage]. I get like 500 KB with nothing else running, on a good day.


The closest server is like 40 miles away, and even thought its supposed to vary, saying I get 18 MB when I always get less than 1 is completely wrong.


Be careful not to confuse kiloBITS (kb) with kiloBYTES (kB) [8 bits = 1 byte]. Learn the difference, it could save your life.


Different programs/sources interchange them without differentiating.




Makes sense. He got a 1.7 mb upload, and 450 upload ;)


still, that is like 2 MB, and I barely get a quarter of that. And what's the difference between kilo and kibi. From what I believe/know/think/fail at is that kilo is 1024 in computers and is a capital 'K.' A kibi is 1000 and is a lowercase 'k.' I'm almost 100% sure I'm wrong on that though :P

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still, that is like 2 MB, and I barely get a quarter of that.


It depends what program youre using to measure it. According to speedtest.net I get a 1750kb/s; ~200kB/s. Using a torrent/Steam download at optimised settings [+ a little tweaking I did to my registry, disabling the 'Nagle Algorithm'] I tend to max at 180kB/s. But even while theyre downloading I can continue to browse using the spare idle bandwidth. Unless you drastically mess with your bandwidth settings, youre not likely to use 100% of your bandwidth, even if its only 25% as you say.




kilo is 1024 in computers


Lets not go into binary prefixes. For sake of argument, its pretty negligible.

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still, that is like 2 MB, and I barely get a quarter of that.


It depends what program youre using to measure it. According to speedtest.net I get a 1750kb/s; ~200kB/s. Using a torrent/Steam download at optimised settings [+ a little tweaking I did to my registry, disabling the 'Nagle Algorithm'] I tend to max at 180kB/s. But even while theyre downloading I can continue to browse using the spare idle bandwidth. Unless you drastically mess with your bandwidth settings, youre not likely to use 100% of your bandwidth, even if its only 25% as you say.


Oh so I'm able to use 2 MB/sec at once, but not all focusing on one download? That's not as bad then.

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