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What the %$^&? (A look on RS censorship)


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I fully understand that RS is geared towards children and an overall younger audience than myself. However, I still get overly annoyed when I try to use words that I don't really consider swear words and they get censored. Besides which, people who really wanna swear know ways around having their message getting converted into *****. Another thing that annoys me greatly is the rule against promoting websites. For the most part, I understand why it was conceived, having seen spammers standing at the GE telling people to go to some site or other 20 million times. Where I get irked is in trying to be of some aid to someone who asks me for help on a quest I had completed long enough ago to forget the fine details. The worst part of it all is some of the random censoring, which may or may not have been eliminated in an update. This refers to words that would be partially *****ed and some things that used to just make me scratch my head in puzzlement such as a "d" by itself being * unless there is an apostrophe immediately following it. All in all, I feel that it just leads to having people get muted for no real reason. The policy Jagex has is to add someone who is annoying you to your ignore list. However, I find that I'm usually not thinking "You gosh-darned jerk, I'm gonna add you to my ignore list". It's usually more of an explicative-filled tirade that would lead me to getting muted. Fortunately enough I haven't been muted... yet. However, I know of a friend who got muted for talking about YouTube in clan chat, I'm still not sure if he has accepted that I did NOT report him. I think I'll find myself using the Rants a lot more in my RS career, so hopefully people can suffer my short temper expressed through the powerful medium of words

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All in all, I feel that it just leads to having people get muted for no real reason.
You don't get muted for stars, but I found out you can be for sarcasm... #-o




I also dislike the censor though, it blocks even the most commonplace words, making RuneScape chatting very inefficient.

I love to meet people; send me a pm if you see me on RuneScape! :)

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A censor is made.


People find ways around it.


The censor alters to fit those new words.


People find ways around it again




And so on.




Exactly, like when Runescape filters out the words for private body parts, people got around the censor by making symbol of them (which the filter absolutely cannot filter). I dont know whether it is worse than before or simply plain stupid


The Haraguroi Club: Where Yandere Thrive for Chopping

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A censor is made.


People find ways around it.


The censor alters to fit those new words.


People find ways around it again




And so on.




Exactly, like when Runescape filters out the words for private body parts, people got around the censor by making symbol of them (which the filter absolutely cannot filter). I dont know whether it is worse than before or simply plain stupid

Well they can... SAY HELLO TO QUICK-CHAT!!!




He got muted for saying Youtube? Despite the fact that Jagex itself allows you to say it?

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Well, I'm not sure all the particular details, but he said it was for mentioning a specific video on his YouTube channel. He also had said that I was the one to have reported him, so I'm not sure how accurate any of his information is. We've probably broken a few rules in clan chat, but none of us had ever reported the others.

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All in all, I feel that it just leads to having people get muted for no real reason.
You don't get muted for stars, but I found out you can be for sarcasm... #-o




I also dislike the censor though, it blocks even the most commonplace words, making RuneScape chatting very inefficient.




Wrong. You don't get banned for stars. You get muted. I learned that the hard way, now being permamute.

Levon.png Bladewing.png


It's great you know what you're talking about rustiod. Everything you've said is 100% accurate a true.


That being said...your a [bleep]ing [bleep] douchebag, and none of your advice will ever (or should ever) be taken seriously because of it.

disregard good advice because the giver is a douche



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I will admit I do evade the censors for teh lulz, I am not going to reveal them as I don't want the q p w thing to happen all over again :P... Only for private jokes on pms...




But yes I get annoyed by pluralising a word and having it censored :P

Luck be a Lady

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If we just accept that the censor exists for a moment, and let us also accept that it is going to be changed to adapt to new bypasses, then something becomes amazingly clear. The fault of the sorry state of the censor is not resting on Jagex, but on the players who are not content to type out ehir cursewords propperly, allow them to be starred (therby not being able to be reported) and relying on context to fill in the missing blanks. Sure, now you can't tell the difference between [cabbage] and crap, but context can proberably defferentiate those two from hel and the f word.

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If we just accept that the censor exists for a moment, and let us also accept that it is going to be changed to adapt to new bypasses, then something becomes amazingly clear. The fault of the sorry state of the censor is not resting on Jagex, but on the players who are not content to type out ehir cursewords propperly, allow them to be starred (therby not being able to be reported) and relying on context to fill in the missing blanks. Sure, now you can't tell the difference between [cabbage] and crap, but context can proberably defferentiate those two from hel and the f word.
Actually, you can say hell. Probably cause it's a place and the game has hellhounds in it.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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I don't see why this is a huge issue.




I play RuneScape for a few hours a day, and in the past... let's say, six months or so, I've had one word censored out (my friend thought he was hacked, and I suggested that he change his ****... I mean, password :P)




I guess it all just depends on what you talk about in the game?




I don't sit around and talk about Google and Yahoo and YouTube. I talk about RuneScape when I play RuneScape...


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First off, although I really cant be bothered to trawl through past updates of Runescape, Jagex has requested that people do not report others for using words that are starred, as the censors have done their job. This means you cannot be muted or banned for swearing in game, if the censor kicks in and what you say is starred,




Except perhaps on occasions where you consistently bother somebody and they report you for prolonged abuse in which case it may lead to a mute.




Secondly, I totally agree with the point about websites. I too have tried to help people with quests only to attempt to direct them to tip.it's quest guides for help instead. It is an annoyance, but really we just have to cope with it.




People will always find ways around the filters, and Jagex will always be working on the filters. There are times when they have accidentaly filtered something that is not neccessary, but how often do you have to say "d" on it's own really?

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The censor could use a huge overhaul. Sometimes I enter a friend's name and part of it is censored, which is crazy.

--8727th person to achieve 99 Fishing on 8/19/2008--
--6012th person to achieve 99 Thieving on 10/12/2008--

R.I.P. October 31, 2013



99 Fletching 7/16/2015

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