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Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States


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No more years of beating around the Bush.


And we avoided McCain.




Although I think McCain's character is quite decent, the election really ate up his polite and humble demeanor. Post-election should be better.




Obama ftw.

Currently P2P.


I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand.


Formerly known as: Ghstkill8, Serene Ghst, Genius Goats

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My mom is angry at me because I laughed when Palin said that when she voted on Tues. she knew she was the first VP as a woman. My mom goes ' don't mock her for believing!' I'm like 'whatever.' I still hate Obama, and am pro McCain, but am getting more and more apthetic every day. :-k

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Barack Obama is not, and will not be the president of the United States until January 20, 2009. Stop saying he is our president.






Yea, technically he's the President Elect.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Barack Obama is not, and will not be the president of the United States until January 20, 2009. Stop saying he is our president.






Yea, technically he's the President Elect.




Indeed, that's really been pissing me off.




2 questions.




When was the 22nd put in place?And is Bush allowed to do anything between now and January?Also,after an 8 year term (or any term) are they allowed to re-run?




My ignorance is pretty unhappy now.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Barack Obama is not, and will not be the president of the United States until January 20, 2009. Stop saying he is our president.






Yea, technically he's the President Elect.




Indeed, that's really been pissing me off.




2 questions.




When was the 22nd put in place?And is Bush allowed to do anything between now and January?Also,after an 8 year term (or any term) are they allowed to re-run?




My ignorance is pretty unhappy now.




"In 1937, the day of inauguration was changed by the Twentieth Amendment from March 4 to noon on January 20, beginning with Franklin Roosevelt's second term in 1937."




FDR was the only President of the US to ever run for more than 2 terms. It was considered tradition as Washington only served 2, and now it is consitutional law that 2 is the maximum. For President, anyway. Senate and House can run indefinitely.

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As for between now and January for Bush, he's still president, but it would be foolish to try anything this major at the end of his presidency. Congress would never pass a major proposal this late in the term.




All he'll do is some presidential pardons and the like. To get on good terms with some people before leaving office.

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As for between now and January for Bush, he's still president, but it would be foolish to try anything this major at the end of his presidency. Congress would never pass a major proposal this late in the term.




All he'll do is some presidential pardons and the like. To get on good terms with some people before leaving office.




Some is an overstatement :P .




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Hell yes, Barrack Obama. Hear that McCain..BLOW MY NUTS!




To all of you fellow weed smokers, Obama is all for the decriminalization of marijuana.




You sir, are most likely favoring Obama for all the wrong reasons.




I Love it when the mods delete my posts.




Anyways, that's the the ONLY reason why I would elect him. I'll tell you one thing kind sir, I am not a republican. For one, I don't believe in most republicans giving tax breaks to large companies that more than likely do not need them. They also give tax breaks the extremely wealthy and leave middle class hell to deal with.

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My mom is angry at me because I laughed when Palin said that when she voted on Tues. she knew she was the first VP as a woman. My mom goes ' don't mock her for believing!' I'm like 'whatever.' I still hate Obama, and am pro McCain, but am getting more and more apthetic every day. :-k


Kinda ironic too, given they spent so much of their time stopping Hillary from becoming the first female president.

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I just don't see why the world feels that they need/have a say in American politics.




Because America feels that they need/have a say in every country of the world's politics. The person you choose as your president, will have quite a bit to say about things that concern me too, even though I'm seperated by an ocean from your country.




My mom is angry at me because I laughed when Palin said that when she voted on Tues. she knew she was the first VP as a woman. My mom goes ' don't mock her for believing!' I'm like 'whatever.' I still hate Obama, and am pro McCain, but am getting more and more apthetic every day. :-k


Kinda ironic too, given they spent so much of their time stopping Hillary from becoming the first female president.




Yeah. Now it was suddenly important to have a female as a leader?

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By the way, what are the reasons of having the electoral college system instead of a One-person-one-vote system? I'd suppose it'd have some deep historical background.




Back when they were deciding how they were going to elect our president they couldn't agree on the an electoral college of sorts to choose or the people to choose. So they compromised and let us vote, then left the rest up to the electoral college. I'm pretty sure if everybody knew how the electoral college works they would be all for getting rid of it. But I think it might be written into the Constitution :-k


What does that matter? Change the stupid constitution. I don't get why people think that the constitution is some sort of untouchable thing that rules over all. And the electoral college is not democratic, there are ways of winning with less votes. I hate that system, it's full of faults.


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As for between now and January for Bush, he's still president, but it would be foolish to try anything this major at the end of his presidency. Congress would never pass a major proposal this late in the term.




All he'll do is some presidential pardons and the like. To get on good terms with some people before leaving office.




It'll be interesting to see who he gives pardons to, I wonder if Scooter Libby will come up in this.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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i frankly dont understand why people are voting for Obama. McCain seems like he has good and realistic policies on how to fix the economy. end the corruption on wall street. he knows about the iraq war and how to stop Al Qaeda. and he wants to drill in Alaska to remove USA's dependency on foreign oil. Obama wants to set up a socialist sort of government or communism kind by making households making over 200k+ have to give a huge chunk of that money to the poorer classes. which i think is dumb. i mean that is the main purpose as to why my family moved to the US from Soviet Union. Its unfair to take hard earned money from upperclass and give to the poor. Ever democrat wants to do this but Obama is just all over it. Next thing is that Obama has no clue about the war and just wants to withdraw. That is dumb and all that hardwork in Iraq is lost and the terrorists can grow stronger again. Next is his energy issues which i think is alright.




But clearly it looks like McCain is the better choice. He has more experience and what not. His main flaws are Sarah Palin and his health.




Personally i think he could have won this thing if he would come out much stronger in debates. When criticizing Obama for his dumb ideas it gives ppl the impression that he is a jerk. He really needed to be stronger in the debates by saying why he was a positive rather than stating why Obama is a negative. He also picked Palin which is very controversial. Im not saying shes bad but its just that some topics she really doesnt know about it and shes a woman and i guess because shes attractive they made shows on her. The point is that its risky. im sure if he picked a normal white male politician it would get some more voters.

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i frankly dont understand why people are voting for Obama. McCain seems like he has good and realistic policies on how to fix the economy. end the corruption on wall street. he knows about the iraq war and how to stop Al Qaeda. and he wants to drill in Alaska to remove USA's dependency on foreign oil. Obama wants to set up a socialist sort of government or communism kind by making households making over 200k+ have to give a huge chunk of that money to the poorer classes. which i think is dumb. i mean that is the main purpose as to why my family moved to the US from Soviet Union. Its unfair to take hard earned money from upperclass and give to the poor. Ever democrat wants to do this but Obama is just all over it. Next thing is that Obama has no clue about the war and just wants to withdraw. That is dumb and all that hardwork in Iraq is lost and the terrorists can grow stronger again. Next is his energy issues which i think is alright.




But clearly it looks like McCain is the better choice. He has more experience and what not. His main flaws are Sarah Palin and his health.




Personally i think he could have won this thing if he would come out much stronger in debates. When criticizing Obama for his dumb ideas it gives ppl the impression that he is a jerk. He really needed to be stronger in the debates by saying why he was a positive rather than stating why Obama is a negative. He also picked Palin which is very controversial. Im not saying shes bad but its just that some topics she really doesnt know about it and shes a woman and i guess because shes attractive they made shows on her. The point is that its risky. im sure if he picked a normal white male politician it would get some more voters.




I was going to argue with you, but instead, just bring your parents over. It'll be more influential on you if I argue with them

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i frankly dont understand why people are voting for Obama. McCain seems like he has good and realistic policies on how to fix the economy. end the corruption on wall street. he knows about the iraq war and how to stop Al Qaeda. and he wants to drill in Alaska to remove USA's dependency on foreign oil. Obama wants to set up a socialist sort of government or communism kind by making households making over 200k+ have to give a huge chunk of that money to the poorer classes. which i think is dumb. i mean that is the main purpose as to why my family moved to the US from Soviet Union. Its unfair to take hard earned money from upperclass and give to the poor. Ever democrat wants to do this but Obama is just all over it. Next thing is that Obama has no clue about the war and just wants to withdraw. That is dumb and all that hardwork in Iraq is lost and the terrorists can grow stronger again. Next is his energy issues which i think is alright.


Even if that were true (which it's not), what would be so bad about it?




I'm not going to argue until you've elaborated on exactly why that's bad, given US unemployment rates are now at a 14 year high, and October was the tenth month in a row in which jobs were lost from the US economy.




I just get the feeling you've heard the Republicans say "Socialist!" and you've gone "OH NOEZ WTF?!".

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i frankly dont understand why people are voting for Obama. McCain seems like he has good and realistic policies on how to fix the economy. end the corruption on wall street.


How was he going to end the corruption on Wall Street again? Was he going to do what he advocated for years upon years, which was lower the regulation?





he knows about the iraq war and how to stop Al Qaeda.



I'm so sick and tired of hearing this. If John McCain knows EXACTLY what to do then he is being the most unpatriotic and detrimental person he can be by NOT telling the US government how to get the job done. He doesn't know what to do. Nobody really knows.





and he wants to drill in Alaska to remove USA's dependency on foreign oil.




The United States wouldn't see a drop of that oil for 10 years. Nice try.





Obama wants to set up a socialist sort of government or communism kind by making households making over 200k+ have to give a huge chunk of that money to the poorer classes. which i think is dumb. i mean that is the main purpose as to why my family moved to the US from Soviet Union. Its unfair to take hard earned money from upperclass and give to the poor. Ever democrat wants to do this but Obama is just all over it.





WRONG. WRONG. FAILURE. Obama is not a Socialist. Obama is not a Socialist. Obama is not a Socialist.




And your little 200k+ give a huge chunk of money to the lower class thing is also completley wrong. Look up Obama's tax plan, because your parents will be obiding by it.









Next thing is that Obama has no clue about the war and just wants to withdraw. That is dumb and all that hardwork in Iraq is lost and the terrorists can grow stronger again. Next is his energy issues which i think is alright.




Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Go read Obama's plan (I don't really know why I keep telling you to do this, because your ignorant self won't) and come back.





But clearly it looks like McCain is the better choice. He has more experience and what not. His main flaws are Sarah Palin and his health.




And his enegry policies...




And his economic policies...




And his foreign policies...





Personally i think he could have won this thing if he would come out much stronger in debates. When criticizing Obama for his dumb ideas it gives ppl the impression that he is a jerk. He really needed to be stronger in the debates by saying why he was a positive rather than stating why Obama is a negative. He also picked Palin which is very controversial. Im not saying shes bad but its just that some topics she really doesnt know about it and shes a woman and i guess because shes attractive they made shows on her. The point is that its risky. im sure if he picked a normal white male politician it would get some more voters.




Yet he still would have got slaughtered because people don't vote for Vice President, they vote for President AND VP (but mostly the President). Palin is so stupid that it cannot even be described by words.




As a closing note, I'd like to remind you that this is supposed to be an educated community discussing real issues, not children discussing their parents ideas.

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Barack Obama is not, and will not be the president of the United States until January 20, 2009. Stop saying he is our president.




It was bothering me for a few days as well, but then the gov't started giving Obama highly classified information and Bush is going to begin meeting with Obama to make sure the transition between the two of them is a smooth one (and Bush has publicly ordered that everyone do what they can to be sure it is).




i frankly dont understand why people are voting for Obama. McCain seems like he has good and realistic policies on how to fix the economy. end the corruption on wall street. he knows about the iraq war and how to stop Al Qaeda. and he wants to drill in Alaska to remove USA's dependency on foreign oil. Obama wants to set up a socialist sort of government or communism kind by making households making over 200k+ have to give a huge chunk of that money to the poorer classes. which i think is dumb. i mean that is the main purpose as to why my family moved to the US from Soviet Union. Its unfair to take hard earned money from upperclass and give to the poor. Ever democrat wants to do this but Obama is just all over it. Next thing is that Obama has no clue about the war and just wants to withdraw. That is dumb and all that hardwork in Iraq is lost and the terrorists can grow stronger again. Next is his energy issues which i think is alright.




But clearly it looks like McCain is the better choice. He has more experience and what not. His main flaws are Sarah Palin and his health.




Personally i think he could have won this thing if he would come out much stronger in debates. When criticizing Obama for his dumb ideas it gives ppl the impression that he is a jerk. He really needed to be stronger in the debates by saying why he was a positive rather than stating why Obama is a negative. He also picked Palin which is very controversial. Im not saying shes bad but its just that some topics she really doesnt know about it and shes a woman and i guess because shes attractive they made shows on her. The point is that its risky. im sure if he picked a normal white male politician it would get some more voters.




I want you to pretend all these political threads are full of anthrax and you'll die if you even open them. Your views are horribly biased and probably come directly from your parents. Until you're old enough to think for yourself, there's no need to post in these threads.

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Yomyth, how old are you? You sound like you're 10...


Apparently January 19 is Martin Luther King Jr Day (Observed). Wow. If only Obama was inaugurated a day earlier, having the first black president put into office on MLK Day? That would be incredible.


I don't know why people still think Obama is socialist. And even if he was, it's not like that makes him the devil or anything...


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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