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The anniversary of our freedom.


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Happy 4th of July.








Enough people have pointed out the guy's mistake with the freer thing so can we stop it? No one starts bashing Christmas or Hannukah (spelling?) and this is a holiday for some of us. I know "it's not the same" but still.

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Yes, I am proud to be an American. Go ahead and flame me and jump on the bandwagon of flaming America with your half-truths and biased opinions. (not all of you, some make valid points and lordhathor did go too far in some of his points.)








I suggest you go back and re-read my post. Actually, i'll make it easy for you:








I have nothing against American people as a whole, but some people really are delusional when it comes to their own country.








I'm not going to say anything against someone who's patriotic, quite the opposite, the only problem i had with this thread is the "freer than anyone else" crap.








And I agree with that too. I just don't like the whole disliking-America-because-of-Iraq deal and George Bush. I don't particularly like Bush either, but then again I didn't like either of the candidates we had for the election of president.








If it were up to me, I'd return back to our policy of isolationism. Pull all our troops out of every country we have them in, get our soldiers out of Iraq, keep only trade routes and alliances open with other countries, and let every country deal with their problems ON THEIR OWN.








But anyway, I'm done with this post and topic, cheers :)

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Eh, seems we have alot of opinions :D thats good!








WELL first of all, I say that all of you using the terms "american haters" or whatever, im sorry to disapoint you, but I know for a fact that, Hanny, Rizla, and Cj dont hate america (im not so sure about that merc fellow though, hes a tricky one ;) ) I'm sure they don't like some things about america, and ive heard them first hand complain about our petrol prices (almost everyday :roll:) I think that one cant "hate america" but they can hate things about america (more like dislike because hate is such a strong word).








NOW, I'd like to say that im not terribly proud of be an american, I'm more proud to be in a situation were i can come on a online message board like this, and be able to type "OMG AMERICA SUX0RZ!!" or "O.M.G. GOD BLESS AMERICA, SCREW TERRORISTS" .... THAT is what im proud to be able to do. Whether this be in America, Holland, or that crazy place we call the UK. I'm proud to be able to do that. Today, I will celebrate the 4th, simply because I like fireworks (and excusses to be with girls), not because im proud that "my dad can beat your dad up" (were dads are nations ;))












WELL - ive just gotten an opertunity to celebrate the 4th just now (someone called and we are going out ;)) so im going to basically.. stopw tih this post and go.. kinda weird eh? BAI




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Have your independence and your Will Smith day, I'm all for that believe me.








BUBSA! Don't you be dissing Will Smith! He's hot.








And hilarious.








Oh, what a man.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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Happy Independence Day to all Americans.








Btw whoever said they weren't American-haters, most everyone in here who isn't from the U.S. sure seems like they hate America. :? Sorry that we are helping the world with financial aid and freeing others from oppresion... :roll:








Actually, we aren't doing our part to help the world with financial aid, at all. The upcoming G8 summit includes Bush, and yet Bush seems to want to not address issues of poverty/3rd world debt/etc. Don't let him get away with it. Go to http://www.one.org to do your part, and make Bush listen.








I signed both of them. :)








But also on http://www.one.org, it says "The US government spends less than ONE percent on overcoming global AIDS and poverty" but I'm sure that 1% is probably in the billions of dollars. Also when the tsunami relief came, America was I believe the second (?) most contributor in the world... :?








I signed them too, does that make me American? You probably were the 2nd biggest contributor because you're the richest country in the world for God's sake. So you should be.




Freedom from what, exactly? Us eeevil English? The one's who helped you ruin and take away the natural land of Native Americans?




Have your independence and your Will Smith day, I'm all for that believe me. But I spit on your term 'freedom'.








I was talking about Iraq not England... :roll: :lol:








I spit on your negative views of my country just because you dislike our president and a few of our views. :evil:

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Oh yeah Freedom from Iraq, that's a good one! :lol:




Also, where did I mention Bush in my post? :lol: OK I don't like the idiot but I didn't say that in my post, your arguement is flawed friends.




It wasn't the collective view, it was your view of freedom I didn't like.








Anyways I don't wanna American bash, lots of you are really good mates and most of all, I hope you have/had a happy holiday :P

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Oh yeah Freedom from Iraq, that's a good one! :lol:




Also, where did I mention Bush in my post? :lol: OK I don't like the idiot but I didn't say that in my post, your arguement is flawed friends.




It wasn't the collective view, it was your view of freedom I didn't like.








Anyways I don't wanna American bash, lots of you are really good mates and most of all, I hope you have/had a happy holiday :P








I never said we got freedom from Iraq, that makes no sense... :?








What I meant is that we helped the Iraqi people become free from their oppresor and to make their life become a lot better. It may not be better now, but in a few years time Iraq will have as many freedoms and you and I do right now.








That may not be your view but I feel that it should be added to 'the list' of great things that America has done. :wink:

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What I meant is that we helped the Iraqi people become free from their oppresor and to make their life become a lot better. It may not be better now, but in a few years time Iraq will have as many freedoms and you and I do right now.








That's what I was laughing at. Can I add phoney promises and justifications to America's bad list?




Look, I don't want to argue. I just wish the Yoo Ess Ay a happy holiday.




England shall rise again >.<

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What I meant is that we helped the Iraqi people become free from their oppresor and to make their life become a lot better. It may not be better now, but in a few years time Iraq will have as many freedoms and you and I do right now.








That's what I was laughing at. Can I add phoney promises and justifications to America's bad list?




Look, I don't want to argue. I just wish the Yoo Ess Ay a happy holiday.




England shall rise again >.<




:lol: Aww you know you're glad to get rid of us ;)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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the most free country in the world would be some 3rd world country, were you can actually do ANYTHING you want, even murder because the police cant do anything about it, too much time just trying to survive :D

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the most free country in the world would be some 3rd world country, were you can actually do ANYTHING you want, even murder because the police cant do anything about it, too much time just trying to survive :D








I'd say This is the most free country :lol:


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Today, you in America are freer than anyone else in any other place in the world.








Sorry to pop your nationalist bubble, but that's just rambling. You don't have legalised abortions, euthanasia or * marriage, the divide between the rich and the poor is just about the largest in the world in your country, making the poor as unfree as they could possibly be without being actual slaves. Your president doesn't give a damn about the fact that you're destroying the atmosphere more than any other nation on earth, your election system is crap (see 2000), and you will only interfere in international affairs if your nation itself gets better of it, not caring who will actually get worse of it.




Your nation's will to interfere with the businesses of other nations without any cooperation with the institutions we've been having for that purpose for almost 50 years, your secret services' interference with foreign politics and its support to regimes your own president marked as 'Terrorist', your own government having the guts to call anything an 'axis of evil', while its own country has arguably the largest maffia and organised crime circuit found anywhere in the world, while your country has the highest homocide rate found anywhere in the world, it's all absolutely disgusting.








Today's a day I'm proud not to be an American.








Please, at least adjust your title so the rest of the world won't be thinking there's something important going on. 'our freedom' - your so-called freedom is the oppression of dozens of nations all around the world - don't kid yourself.








Absolutely owned. (Did I mention it was true?)

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I'd say This is the most free country :lol:








heh, thats awesome. i want to create my own country!








Sealand. That's my provence. It's called Zeeland, translated that is Sealand. :?


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Sealand. That's my provence. It's called Zeeland, translated that is Sealand. :?








No its not Daan, Zeeland is Zealand in English.








Zealand is highlighted on the map for you.








Sealand is just off the English east coast and isnt even an island. Its like a fort in the ocean from WW2 lol.












Here is a photo of it.








Official site: http://www.sealandgov.org/



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Sealand. That's my provence. It's called Zeeland, translated that is Sealand. :?








No its not Daan, Zeeland is Zealand in English.








Zealand is highlighted on the map for you.











Zee = Sea




Land = Land








Zeeland = Sealand. :P I know where my provence is, Matt. :P


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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And I am telling you that Sealand does not = Zeeland.




Sealand is a Principality off the coast of England. Zeeland is a province in the Netherlands. Forget that Zee is Sea in English Sealand is a completely different place to Zeeland.

Zeeland (Zealand in English) is a province of the Netherlands



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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And I am telling you that Sealand does not = Zeeland.




Sealand is a Principality off the coast of England. Zeeland is a province in the Netherlands. Forget that Zee is Sea in English Sealand is a completely different place to Zeeland.

Zeeland (Zealand in English) is a province of the Netherlands








Why can't you just let me act cool, saying I live in Sealand. :cry:








Btw,I always do litteral translation, I know it's Zealand. Nieuw Zeeland <--> New Zealand.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Why can't you just let me act cool, saying I live in Sealand. :cry:
Because once we started this little argument one of us needed to be the fool. I needed to prove myself right in order for you to be the pleb of the day and not me :D muahaha *fluffles*



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Why can't you just let me act cool, saying I live in Sealand. :cry:
Because once we started this little argument one of us needed to be the fool. I needed to prove myself right in order for you to be the pleb of the day and not me :D muahaha *fluffles*








I'll addmitt defeat and put "Pleb of the day 05-07-2005/06-07-2005" in my sig. :cry:


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Sealand is just off the English east coast and isnt even an island. Its like a fort in the ocean from WW2 lol.








:lol: Sunken ship in international waters IIRC


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Why can't you just let me act cool, saying I live in Sealand. :cry:
Because once we started this little argument one of us needed to be the fool. I needed to prove myself right in order for you to be the pleb of the day and not me :D muahaha *fluffles*








I'll addmitt defeat and put "Pleb of the day 05-07-2005/06-07-2005" in my sig. :cry:








us americans will get confused with your backwards listing of the month and day. :lol:



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