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A question for fellow athiests


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I'm sick of all of the people who keep posting they wouldn't believe in God because their life isn't perfect.




Not a single person in this thread has given that reason for disbeliving








They never directly said it, but they say they don't believe because there is so much pain and suffering going on.. If there was only "a little" pain and suffering going on, they would still be complaining. They are BASICALLY implying they don't believe in God because their lives aren't perfect. Thats how I see it anyways..








Gamer.. What was the point of that post?

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And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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I'm sick of all of the people who keep posting they wouldn't believe in God because their life isn't perfect.




Not a single person in this thread has given that reason for disbeliving








They never directly said it, but they say they don't believe because there is so much pain and suffering going on.. If there was only "a little" pain and suffering going on, they would still be complaining. They are BASICALLY implying they don't believe in God because their lives aren't perfect. Thats how I see it anyways..








My reasons for disbelieving have nothing to do with pain and suffering in the world, that is my reason for not worshipping if there did happen to be a god. Nobody in this thread has said "I don't believe in god because my life isn't perfect". My life is far from perfect, but still a lot better than the lives of billions of other people, I'm not complaining. If thats how your seeing it, then your interpreting it wrong.

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Not one single person in this thread has given a reason for disbelieving in bigfoot, aliens, or ghosts (for those of you that don't believe), but that doesn't make them wrong. We don't need to come up with a reason for not believing.. God needs to give us a reason TO believe. I am not going to take the word of a man who claims to know god over my own experiences which tell me he doesn't exist.

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If I saw him, and he spoke to me, simply knowing his existence, I would worship. I've already promised him that, the day I decided to stop being a christian. I prayed for hours, half-crying, saying "All I want is a sign. If you exist, please tell me. If you do, I'll worship you forever, but until then, I have no reason to"








"But until then i have no reason to"? no reason? what about Him making you? What about Him forgiving all your sins? What about that Jesus died on the cross for you? I believe there are plenty of reasons to worship Him.








My mother made me, not him, and I definitely don't worship here. Remember, I never asked to be made. I'd much rather be unmade, and would ahve done so myself a long time ago, had I not the waning hope that there may possibly be a God (thinking of the christian god) and knowing if I was wrong, I woudl go to hell.




Forgiving my sins? I don't need him to forgive my sins. Even if I think it was necessary for any of my "sins" to be forgiven, I am certain I don't need HIM to be the one to forgive them. If I think I need to be forgiven, I will ask it of the person whom my sin was directed toward.




Jesus did not die on the cross for me. If that is the case, he died for the people who lived then. We are god's forgotten or unwanted children. If he died for us, he died in vain. Jesus died at the hands of peple he couldn't fight. He (a mere man) used the whole "dying for you" thing to make them all feel guilty later on. That's my belief anyway, and if any evidence to the contrary aside from what some dilusional prisoner wrote down is presented to me, I'll happily reverse any or all of my beliefs, or at least be open to further study and research of my own.








I was actually talking about when you used to be a Christian, than those reasons should be good enough to worship him. But if you're talking also when you were a Christian, you had that mind set, then it seemed like you were asking a god that you didn't believe in.


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If I saw him, and he spoke to me, simply knowing his existence, I would worship. I've already promised him that, the day I decided to stop being a christian. I prayed for hours, half-crying, saying "All I want is a sign. If you exist, please tell me. If you do, I'll worship you forever, but until then, I have no reason to".








I am going through a very hard time right now myself. I have a chemical inbalance in the brain that is causing my depression and the Doctor wont even give me the medication to treat it. On top of that, there have been rumours about me which are just destroying me and peoples oppinion of me. My life seems to be falling apart.








We all have our greatly desperate time of need, and that is when we need him most. If you ask him for an answer and you have faith you will recieve one, then you will get it. Never lose faith my friend, never lose hope.








You must still be in school...








Why do you care about what people think of you? Trust me, it doesn't matter. If you invest energy into caring, it'll take away from your education. It's not worth it. Once you're done with school, you look back on stuff like that and think "Wow...That was totally lame." so don't even bother with it. Tell them to shut their mouths if they have a problem.

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If I saw him, and he spoke to me, simply knowing his existence, I would worship. I've already promised him that, the day I decided to stop being a christian. I prayed for hours, half-crying, saying "All I want is a sign. If you exist, please tell me. If you do, I'll worship you forever, but until then, I have no reason to".








I am going through a very hard time right now myself. I have a chemical inbalance in the brain that is causing my depression and the Doctor wont even give me the medication to treat it. On top of that, there have been rumours about me which are just destroying me and peoples oppinion of me. My life seems to be falling apart.








We all have our greatly desperate time of need, and that is when we need him most. If you ask him for an answer and you have faith you will recieve one, then you will get it. Never lose faith my friend, never lose hope.








You must still be in school...








Why do you care about what people think of you? Trust me, it doesn't matter. If you invest energy into caring, it'll take away from your education. It's not worth it. Once you're done with school, you look back on stuff like that and think "Wow...That was totally lame." so don't even bother with it. Tell them to shut their mouths if they have a problem.








Not everybody has the self-confidence to tell bullies to shut up. It's probably part of his situation as well. If he could face them, he'd probably never be bullied in the first place. It's not that simple.








It's not just people in school who care about appearances. Some, even many, adults do too. Please don't generalise.

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Bullies are tough. Generaly, the best way to get them to stop, aside from the obvious (which obviously doesn't usualy work) is to beat the holy hell out of them. The tricky part is that if you lose, and if you're being bullied in the first place, you were probably chosen as one who won't fight back because you'll lose anyway, then it'll get worse for you. they'll see that not only can you not effectively defend yourself, but they'll have a good reason to bully you later on. If you win, and that's unlikely, you'll get in serious trouble.




Another way is to simply tell on them, but assuming anone in the school gives a damn (unlikely), they'll get a 2-day suspention max. After 2 days, you can expect more of the same, only worse.




the best thing to do is repetition. If you keep fighting back, and make sure you whack 'em good, at least once each time, eventualy they'll just find an easier target where they don't go home with a bloody nose, black eye, or bruise. If you can hit 'em once each time, they'll get sick of it.




Telling on them over and over and over won't do much good at first, and might make things worse to begin with, but the more they do it, the more trouble they get in. They'll eventualy get that "last warning" where if they mess with you again, they're expelled, in which case you can take it to the police if they try anything out of school. There are no good solutions to bullying, but there are options. Personaly, I'd suggest getting in their face whenever they pick a fight with you, make them hit you first, hten go ape[cabbage], and make sure you lose. That way, they get hurt, you don't get in trouble, and they know you'll defend yourself later. I think that would solve the problem more quickly than other solutions, but there is a risk it would continue to get worse. At the very worst, you BOTH get in trouble, even if you lose, in which case, you get the final warning the same time they do, so just make sure you don't fight back the last time (if it gets that far) and then it's solved.








Anyway, I'm sure that doesn't help, and has nothing to do with what was said before, but I like to rable, so there it is. 8) lol

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All of you 10-20 year old Atheists hate God, we know that, you have your reasons.








All of you 10-20 year old Theists hate the prospect of no God, we know that, you have your reasons. :roll:








Wow nice flame a pity no one really took notice. So you can only be an Atheist if you are over twenty, seems pretty arbitrary to me. The same could be said for Theists; maybe you are too immature to accept God if you are under 20 since you are not fully developed mentally and are open to a brainwashing.

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On the whole bully topic:




If they have friends near them, engage them in conversation until they say something you can twist to your advantage. That way, you effectively put yourself above them on the social ladder.




An example:




I was at my highschool's homecoming halftime carnivale, and was running a tug of war booth for the German club. I was looking around for folks to come play, and ran into a group of about 15 big mexican guys. They tried to get me to let them play for free, and I refused. They got around me in a big circle. This was a decidedly unhappy situation. They started yelling at me to dance, "dance whitey dance!" Then, one yelled "shake your butt!" I whirled around and told him "Hey man, leave my butt alone." Everyone else in the group turned, looked at him, started laughing, and left.








If it's a solo thing, always remain cool. No matter what they do, don't yell. The more you sound like a sociopath, the more likely they are to leave you alone. Sarcasm is also your friend. The quick and accurate use of pressure points is also an extremely effective method of getting people to leave you be.




Another example:




I was sitting on the bus. Some freshman is hitting me in the back of the head occasionally. I turn around and ask him to stop. Of course he refuses. In a commanding voice, I tell him to give me his hand. He eventually does, after taunting me a bit more. I squeeze down hard enough on the fleshy part of the hand between the thumb and fore finger that he's wretching and crying in his seat. Then, I go and sit next to him and very quietly tell him that I know pressure points that hurt much worse. I again ask him to not bother me. For the remainder of the year, he sat no closer than four seat away from me.

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It would be like praying to Bush.




















i do believe in god, and even if im wrong about his exsistence, my faith made me a better person, because good decisions i have made in my life were me following gods word.. now im not all religious and sh*t, but i think theres too strong evidence that there is a god, maybe not a christian godlike figure.. but a higher being.. the chance of the BIG BANG theory occuring i think was 1 out of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.. or so I saw on the scinece channel.

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If I saw him, and he spoke to me, simply knowing his existence, I would worship. I've already promised him that, the day I decided to stop being a christian. I prayed for hours, half-crying, saying "All I want is a sign. If you exist, please tell me. If you do, I'll worship you forever, but until then, I have no reason to".








I am going through a very hard time right now myself. I have a chemical inbalance in the brain that is causing my depression and the Doctor wont even give me the medication to treat it. On top of that, there have been rumours about me which are just destroying me and peoples oppinion of me. My life seems to be falling apart.








We all have our greatly desperate time of need, and that is when we need him most. If you ask him for an answer and you have faith you will recieve one, then you will get it. Never lose faith my friend, never lose hope.








You must still be in school...








Why do you care about what people think of you? Trust me, it doesn't matter. If you invest energy into caring, it'll take away from your education. It's not worth it. Once you're done with school, you look back on stuff like that and think "Wow...That was totally lame." so don't even bother with it. Tell them to shut their mouths if they have a problem.








Yes I am in school, but no Im not being bullied. The rumour was started by a boy, same age, slightly weaker who hated the fact that Im having a relationship with a girl that he has an interest in himself.








He was saying that we've been having sex etc. in the caretakers room everyday after school. But one day he started hitting on my gf and he started getting "touchy". So when I saw this I broke and just beat the crap out of him. And the rumours are still going around, but people just hide anything from me instead of being open about it.








Theres much more to life thats causing a hard time. Being a christian has its disadvantages, especially in your teen years. never assume so much so quickly Dark Tigra.








So thanks for being on my side, but I really dont need any help from anyone. Im sick of people thinking im so weak.

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Well, being an athiest...If god were somehow proven real, I'd still go on with my daily life.








I (personally) see no plausable reason why I "have" to dedicate my life to being "pure" or some sh....stuff...








I cant engage in what is known as "human nature" until i'm married?! i think not.








So..."thall shalt not kill"








but...even though according to The bible, there is no difference between intent and deed... so...








*i think about someone dieing*








oops. i murdered them.








It just doesn't make sense to me.








but...I am by no means 'bashing' on christians.








Everyone is entitled to their own opinion...








This is just mine.

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Well, being an athiest...If god were somehow proven real, I'd still go on with my daily life.








I (personally) see no plausable reason why I "have" to dedicate my life to being "pure" or some sh....stuff...








I cant engage in what is known as "human nature" until i'm married?! i think not.








So..."thall shalt not kill"








but...even though according to The bible, there is no difference between intent and deed... so...








*i think about someone dieing*








oops. i murdered them.








It just doesn't make sense to me.








but...I am by no means 'bashing' on christians.








Everyone is entitled to their own opinion...








This is just mine.








So just because God's laws dont make sense to you, you wouldnt follow them? God doesnt make sense to anyone, he's works in, what we would think of, mysterious ways. If you knew God was real and everything about him was true I dont see why you wouldnt want to follow his rules, because it just doesnt make sense to me to disobey GOD.

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If i got accused of being a non-believer, i would write a book on how before the truth was believed it was impossible for a human being to be able to realise the reality of gods existence.








After that, i would begin to question parts of the religion, perhaps try and get it updated and abit more 21st century.









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Well, being an athiest...If god were somehow proven real, I'd still go on with my daily life.








I (personally) see no plausable reason why I "have" to dedicate my life to being "pure" or some sh....stuff...








I cant engage in what is known as "human nature" until i'm married?! i think not.








So..."thall shalt not kill"








but...even though according to The bible, there is no difference between intent and deed... so...








*i think about someone dieing*








oops. i murdered them.








It just doesn't make sense to me.








but...I am by no means 'bashing' on christians.








Everyone is entitled to their own opinion...








This is just mine.








Well if you think about it that way, of course you will see it as absurd. But instead if you perceive the rules as warning sings, i believe they make more sense. God is trying to keep you from something for your own good, not just for His pleasure. For example:








"Human Nature" before marriage: Pregnancy and STD's.








Thou shalt not kill:




Deed: Jail




Intent: Just gonna bring stress








btw, the Bible doens't mention anything about intent to kill (I could be wrong, i just can't recall it atm if it does). It does state however that hatred is the same as murdering. Which i believe intent would start from...Hatred.








As well as for the other 10 commandments.


Dragon drops: D med x3, D Spear x2, Left Half x1, D2h x1

Crawling Hands X4, Cockatrice heads X2, Basilisk head X2, Kurask head X1

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Well, being an athiest...If god were somehow proven real, I'd still go on with my daily life.








I (personally) see no plausable reason why I "have" to dedicate my life to being "pure" or some sh....stuff...








I cant engage in what is known as "human nature" until i'm married?! i think not.








So..."thall shalt not kill"








but...even though according to The bible, there is no difference between intent and deed... so...








*i think about someone dieing*








oops. i murdered them.








It just doesn't make sense to me.








but...I am by no means 'bashing' on christians.








Everyone is entitled to their own opinion...








This is just mine.








So just because God's laws dont make sense to you, you wouldnt follow them? God doesnt make sense to anyone, he's works in, what we would think of, mysterious ways. If you knew God was real and everything about him was true I dont see why you wouldnt want to follow his rules, because it just doesnt make sense to me to disobey GOD.








Yes, let's all follow rules that we don't understand. Great idea. While we're at it, let's follow blindly along with something we have never seen or heard or viewed any evidence, direct or indirect, toward the existence of. And don't forget, if you fail to do all these ridiculous things, most of which you don't understand, you go to hell for all eternity.








Gee, why can't everyone just do that!?

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To Jackalope:








I have been thinking for about a week, and have come up with a lopehole in the thing you said about my theory with the first comendment.








Well, you said that god is greedy, yet it can be greedy if it wants too. But how would that work?








Greed is a sin, no? well if it is, that means that it isnt part of being perfect. And we were made in the form of god, perfect. But didnt we fall short of perfection just for sinning, and having free will? So if god is perfect, and greed is a sin, wich isnt part of being perfect, wouldnt that mean it wouldnt be not a sin to be greedy? because god is perfect, and we are made in the eyes of it, and god is greedy.








You see its a very large and complicated loophole.


Sig by Ikurai

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Well assuming your saying that we would live forever like in the christian religion or be condemned to hell I would simply wish to be erased from existence altogether. Because if that were the case we would:




1.Be sentenced to an eternity of hell, the peak of suffering, a torture without an end yet you still could not die.




2. Waste your life praying to God and abiding by all the rules set by him and be accepted into heaven, which is actually worse than death to me. I dont care if its the greatest place and you cant die, after the first 100000000000 trillion years it would grow old and you would wish to be erased aswell.




If you are'nt reffering to God as being the one from christianity or a similar religion than perhaps it would be one like Brahman(cant be sure of spelling) a God that you must work to become part of. And I dont know about anyone else but I dont want to go through lives just to become part of a spirit. Unless it was a God whom granted you and only you the ability to remove yourself from existence or even better, made us want to live forever(for those whom feel like me) would I be happy.

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To Jackalope:








I have been thinking for about a week, and have come up with a lopehole in the thing you said about my theory with the first comendment.








Well, you said that god is greedy, yet it can be greedy if it wants too. But how would that work?








Greed is a sin, no? well if it is, that means that it isnt part of being perfect. And we were made in the form of god, perfect. But didnt we fall short of perfection just for sinning, and having free will? So if god is perfect, and greed is a sin, wich isnt part of being perfect, wouldnt that mean it wouldnt be not a sin to be greedy? because god is perfect, and we are made in the eyes of it, and god is greedy.








You see its a very large and complicated loophole.








Sorry, but since when is God greedy?



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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To Jackalope:








I have been thinking for about a week, and have come up with a lopehole in the thing you said about my theory with the first comendment.








Well, you said that god is greedy, yet it can be greedy if it wants too. But how would that work?








Greed is a sin, no? well if it is, that means that it isnt part of being perfect. And we were made in the form of god, perfect. But didnt we fall short of perfection just for sinning, and having free will? So if god is perfect, and greed is a sin, wich isnt part of being perfect, wouldnt that mean it wouldnt be not a sin to be greedy? because god is perfect, and we are made in the eyes of it, and god is greedy.








You see its a very large and complicated loophole.








Sorry, but since when is God greedy?

Im pretty sure their reffering to him wanting everyones worship and not wishing anyone to worship a "false" god.
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To Jackalope:








I have been thinking for about a week, and have come up with a lopehole in the thing you said about my theory with the first comendment.








Well, you said that god is greedy, yet it can be greedy if it wants too. But how would that work?








Greed is a sin, no? well if it is, that means that it isnt part of being perfect. And we were made in the form of god, perfect. But didnt we fall short of perfection just for sinning, and having free will? So if god is perfect, and greed is a sin, wich isnt part of being perfect, wouldnt that mean it wouldnt be not a sin to be greedy? because god is perfect, and we are made in the eyes of it, and god is greedy.








You see its a very large and complicated loophole.








Sorry, but since when is God greedy?

Im pretty sure their reffering to him wanting everyones worship and not wishing anyone to worship a "false" god.








Ok, thanks. Now the reference to the first commandment makes sense. :)








The Biblical God is not greedy for commanding us to worship Him alone, as it is for our happiness and His glory that he does so. I believe that those two things are not at odds, but rather that they are the same.












I've got to go to dinner, but when I get back I'll back up that statement. Watch this space.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Okay, for everyone that thinks going to hell is unfair:








I believe it is the heart behind the choice - saying no to God is saying "I can do life on my own" - the whole message of Christianity is "I can't do life on my own, I need God" - and this independent attitude of doing life without God is what God so strongly dislikes, or hates, if you will.








All of this "It's my life, I can do what I want, worship what I want, believe what I want", I believe is coming from a selfish and flawed mindset - if God exists (which is what this topic assumes), then it's not *your* life - God is creator, and you belong to Him whether you like it or not.








And just like aerodynamics can be applied incorrectly, so can free will, so can Christianity. Just like there are bad Christians, there are bad choices, we can freely choose not God, and it's a bad choice, IMO.








So if you dislike God, you do not choose Him - that is what the definition of "hell" is... seperation from God - so you're getting exactly what you want, if you choose *not* God during your life on earth - you're choosing *not* God for after - all of this physical pain and suffering is located in the book of Revelation and that is most likely the most symbolic book in the Bible - and even if there is pain and suffering, it will not compare to the non-presence of God - which will be of more pain - after all, mind over matter, n'est pas?








So I don't see it fair for atheists who think they should be able to choose *not* God - and then find it unfair when that's what they get afterwards - to expect God to put them in heaven (which by defintion, is the presence of God - the very thing an atheist would abhorr), seems ludicrous to me.

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To Jackalope:








I have been thinking for about a week, and have come up with a lopehole in the thing you said about my theory with the first comendment.








Well, you said that god is greedy, yet it can be greedy if it wants too. But how would that work?








Greed is a sin, no? well if it is, that means that it isnt part of being perfect. And we were made in the form of god, perfect. But didnt we fall short of perfection just for sinning, and having free will? So if god is perfect, and greed is a sin, wich isnt part of being perfect, wouldnt that mean it wouldnt be not a sin to be greedy? because god is perfect, and we are made in the eyes of it, and god is greedy.








You see its a very large and complicated loophole.








Sorry, but since when is God greedy?

Im pretty sure their reffering to him wanting everyones worship and not wishing anyone to worship a "false" god.








Ok, thanks. Now the reference to the first commandment makes sense. :)








The Biblical God is not greedy for commanding us to worship Him alone, as it is for our happiness and His glory that he does so. I believe that those two things are not at odds, but rather that they are the same.












I've got to go to dinner, but when I get back I'll back up that statement. Watch this space.

Please note I don't feel that way, I was jsut stating what Im 99% sure they were reffering to.
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To Jackalope:








I have been thinking for about a week, and have come up with a lopehole in the thing you said about my theory with the first comendment.








Well, you said that god is greedy, yet it can be greedy if it wants too. But how would that work?








Greed is a sin, no? well if it is, that means that it isnt part of being perfect. And we were made in the form of god, perfect. But didnt we fall short of perfection just for sinning, and having free will? So if god is perfect, and greed is a sin, wich isnt part of being perfect, wouldnt that mean it wouldnt be not a sin to be greedy? because god is perfect, and we are made in the eyes of it, and god is greedy.








You see its a very large and complicated loophole.








Sorry, but since when is God greedy?

Im pretty sure their reffering to him wanting everyones worship and not wishing anyone to worship a "false" god.








Ok, thanks. Now the reference to the first commandment makes sense. :)








The Biblical God is not greedy for commanding us to worship Him alone, as it is for our happiness and His glory that he does so. I believe that those two things are not at odds, but rather that they are the same.












I've got to go to dinner, but when I get back I'll back up that statement. Watch this space.

Please note I don't feel that way, I was jsut stating what Im 99% sure they were reffering to.








Kingkonk, you were right. I though Jackalope would only replies, cause she knew waht i was talking about.








Anyways, this is where religon dosent seem to fit. Whys is it that your saying god isnt gready, when Jackalope said it is?


Sig by Ikurai

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Im indiferent, I really think its up to every person to decide if it would be considered greed if God wished for everyone to worship him. On one side it is the arguement that if he wants EVERYONE to follow him and do what he wants then obviously he is greedy. The other arguement that Astralinre is holding up is that if he created the universed he deserves the worship and doing so will result in your personnal gain. Both good arguements but it obviously depends if you beleive in God or not. Because if you dont then all you would see is a nonexistant being asking for every existing being's worship. If you do beleive in him you would find it reasonable that something that created you and everything recieve your worship. Which is why I dont think *most* atheists cant understand Astralinre's point. Please note that when I say him it is reffering to God, I simply use this because it sounds better than it. Also note I am an atheist, my views on this topic are a few posts up.

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