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gas guzzlers vs gas friendly cars


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I have to drive, because buses don't go out to the middle of nowhere, and uni is about thirty minutes away.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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I'll need a 4WD truck for my work in a couple years. But if you live in the city, a four-door sedan is really all you need.




Why's it so expensive in Europe?




Not entirely sure on this, but I think a lot of it is down to taxes and also importing Oil instead of producing it like America does. In Ireland something like 65% of the Petrol price is tax.


The price before tax is probably about the same in Europe as it is in the US - the vast majority of the price is tax.

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with fuel rising to over a dollar a liter


:lol: Gas here went over a Euro a liter 5 or so years ago. This summer it got up to about 1.57/L (Americans: Around 11$-12$/Gallon), gas is extremely cheap in America and always has been.




Which is why next to nobody drives huge SUV's and Hummer's to work and their kids soccer practice in Europe. It's just hilarious when people complain of expensive gas if it's around $2-$4 per gallon, when Europeans paid up to $12-13 per gallon this summer.




Due to politics, USA gets extremely cheap consumer petrol compared to other industrialized nations. If gas cost anywhere near the European level, even $10 per gallon, it would probably start a civil war :lol:




I think a lot of it is down to taxes and also importing Oil instead of producing it like America does




America imports almost all of it's oil, it has nothing to do with that. It's pure politics and supplier agreements in the OPEC that the US has rushed through with military threats and cold-war era deals. Europe is in the direct vicinity of the middle-east, yet it pays up to 3-4x more for gas despite having the refining capacity as well. Taxation plays a big part too.

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a honda civic or even a 'smart car' makes more sence.


honda civic ok, but not a smart car.


smart cars are for people who dont have a car for fun, and don't even have them for basic transport. people with smart cars go one step lower, they have them to get killed.





What? You think a SmartCar's impractical for basic transport?

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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Gas is $1.95 a gallon where I live, but in my area the community is barely affected by gas price changes. Whether they're at all time highs or all time lows, there is an equal amount of cars everywhere. We don't have many SUV's or other giant-[wagon] cars, but there are plenty of minivans because we have a lot of families. But I don't see why Hummers or giant SUV's or other massive cars are needed for ANYTHING where I live. There's not a dirt road for miles, it's all suburbs.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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I have a 4wd suv. And I literally need it.


2wd cars cant get to my house in any snow, and they can't get back up my driveway if they manage to get down it if theres any snow whatsoever.


I live on a mountain, and my driveway is extremely steep, so I don't have much of a choice.



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I have a 4wd suv. And I literally need it.


2wd cars cant get to my house in any snow, and they can't get back up my driveway if they manage to get down it if theres any snow whatsoever.


I live on a mountain, and my driveway is extremely steep, so I don't have much of a choice.






it's called a shovel :XD:




but i know what you mean, there's lots of snow where i live too :P


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I would rather get something bulkier and with a stronger body then these stupid, small, light 'smart' cars. After all, if you had a head on with a semi you wouldn't feel too smart. (Aussie tv show reference ftw.) Jokes aside, I would rather be in a bulky car that costs me more per litre that is less likely to crumbe in a car crash, than a small, cheaper to run car that dints from little pebbles.

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With the current fuel prices, I would be more inclined to get a car that is more friendly on your wallet, then one that will leave you with an empty pocket.


But who knows, only a few more years until I will probably buy a car, and the fuel prices might have gone down further.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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I find it interesting how Americans call cars, trucks.




I see nothing wrong with 4x4s. But I do think it's foolish to own one and not take it off road.




My current car is pretty good with fuel, 3.8litre V6 commodore, 10years old. I would like to upgrade to a newer model with the 6litre V8 some time within the next few years. It will be about the same fuel consumption as my current car because of improvements in technology. Petrol engines are getting better all the time. However I think the real potential for diesel is overlooked.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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I'm all for helping out our environment, so I'm all for gas friendly cars. I'm doing my part to try to be green on the road.

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I live in a town, and mainly drive to/from work etc. We got plenty of snow and crappy driving conditions here (Heck, I'm almost Santa's next door neighbour :P ) but I'm still more than happy with my tiny Opel Corsa. It fits all I need to stuff into my car, uses about ,5l/10km (that's city driving, less on the long trips) and is dead easy to maneuver in crowded city streets. Not to mention how easy it is to park. Whenever they get electric cars with a range of atleast 600km count me in. I really would've preferred a Smart, but my budget didn't like the thought. Saw a Porche Cayenne at the mall the other day, and what the heck??!! If you want to have a Porche (and I can understand those wo do) WHY use about 1,5M NOK on something that basically looks like a traktor....




And as for the "I would be safer in a crash" argument, that just reminds me of the cold war arms race. "My neighbour's got a bigger car, so I need one too incase we ever crash". And if you do a head on in 80km/h (about 55mph-ish) you're pretty toast nomatter what.





Ty Jeppoz for making it. Thx to the Pup for finding it after it got lost :D And thx to Kill_Life and Turtle for the ava.


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I'd prefer a gas friendly car because with all the money saved, I could buy a new game or game system. I'm surprised that people are still buying cars which have like one block to the gallon. But then again, I suppose people think that owning an army tank is going to make them seem stronger. :P


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I'd prefer a gas friendly car because with all the money saved, I could buy a new game or game system. I'm surprised that people are still buying cars which have like one block to the gallon. But then again, I suppose people think that owning an army tank is going to make them seem stronger. :P


Haha, yeah, who would want to buy a tank from Russia for 10,000 dollars, shipping not included?








Or a Humvee, Bradley Assault, pirate ship, or space shuttle...

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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