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Stupidest way you've been injured?


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Last week I was playing a game in my church basement and I was running around. Someone turned on the lights and they weren't supposed to so I yelled to the person to shut them off and I ran out the nearest door nad turned around to see if he was following me and right when I turned to back to keep running I slammed right into the corner of the wall. My forehead was bleeding a little bit and then I did the same thing again a few minutes later in a pitch black room but it wasn't a corner wall so I gashed my lip open with my front teeth. I still played after that. :lol:

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Walking into a moving bus. A girl I was talking to and I both did it. I got a cut on the face and she had a nice bruise.








This last year a little girl got upset and locked herself inside a closet and started crying. We had no choice (since nobody knew why she was crying and we feared the worst) but to break down the door. A friend and I were ramming the door with our shoulders (a practicing [him] and former defensive tackle have some power, right?) and were getting close to snapping the lock. On my hit, the door gave but I tripped and flew through the door. I smacked my head on the opposing wall and went out cold.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Once, I was 'cleaning' a piece of wood, by sawing off some of the smaller branches from the main piece....mmm kai? Anyways-ss....I was cutting one off that was giving me a bit of trouble, holding the bow saw in my right hand and the wood (right under the branch being cut) with my left. I finally got it off....and just kept going, sawing right into my left hand on top of my left index knuckle :roll:









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Recent one:








60km/h speed on a rocky road, pulled front break instead of back in accident -> sliding on my chest and rolling on about 5cmx5cm long rocks -> 20cmx20cm wound on my right side of chest, some little injuries on my knees.












Umm, can't figure anything else atm

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Once, I was 'cleaning' a piece of wood, by sawing off some of the smaller branches from the main piece....mmm kai? Anyways-ss....I was cutting one off that was giving me a bit of trouble, holding the bow saw in my right hand and the wood (right under the branch being cut) with my left. I finally got it off....and just kept going, sawing right into my left hand on top of my left index knuckle :roll:
















Sounds like fun :roll:

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this isn't me but my uncle...








Anyways back when he was like 10 he broke his arm. he was really into playing outside and building stuff so he decided to build a fence. Since he couldn't really use a hammer, he used his hard cast to hammer in nails. After a while of this, he broke off his cast and had to go back to the doctors because they had to rebrake his arm becase it grew abnormally because of it :x .








Hah my uncle pwnz j00!




He was driving, he sneezed, swerved and hit an oncoming lorry :D




Hes fine now :lol:

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The other day i was training for volleyball and went up to do a [bleep]e (im 15 and we play on open mens height) misjudged it and landed wrong next thing i know i was into the pole. Felt a bit groggy like an egg had been cracked on my head (never had that happen...i think) walked over picked up the ball went to get back in the line and notice blood dripping down my head.








Walked up to my coach and said i was bleeding he looked at it and i had split my forehead just above my eyebrow. It got cleaned it up, no stiches required. So 10 minutes later i was back playing volleyball and my coach went up for a [bleep]e hit the same pole but with his knee and needed to ice it down. To this day the pole is always given to other teams.












p.s the pole was padded and was a standard rectangular pole about 2m high (movable height) so how did i split my forehead open horizontally on it.








Had to go to classes that day with a red eyebrow <-- kinda looked weird

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my most recent one would be..... jumping my mountain bike off 5-6 ft high ramps at 18 mph (first thing I did after i was able to move again was check my max speed on my speedometer), losing the bike in the air, and smashing straight into the ground from like 7 feet up. That one was pretty cool to watch in video. I still have a scar from other stuff with skateboards and gravel and large ramps (use your imagination)








Two stupid injuries for me lol....








I was jumping on my parents' bed like any toddler would, and I fell... and my chin smacked the bedframe, according to my parents. Was bleeding and crying, eventually got cleaned up, but after the cut healed, I was left with a tiny scar on my chin. It's not really noticeable, only about a centimeter long and has faded away some. Only time you would notice is if I tilt back my head a bit and if under the correct lighting, you can see it. :oops:







lol the exact thing happened to me, i still have the scar too


rotalsnarT laciffO

Solving the confusion once and for all

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this thread needs a bump coz it owns








this just happened to me a couple of hours ago. I was at hockey-practice and we were having a match, all good and fun, neh? Well... stupid me trying to defend a guy who tries to do his backhand and somehow i ended up with the ball on my face :roll: . And ofcourse silly me forgot to use his teeth-protect thingie and it hurts now :lol: . *hopes he doesnt have to go to school tomorrow* (yes school is boring... bleh @ teachers)

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  • 3 weeks later...

well one time i was playing hide and seek and i was hiding ontop of a moldy old shed thing and i fell off,landed on a rooster,it pecked me like mad,then the cat went crazy and scratched me up...
















I tried to duck under a tree in a snowball fight and was knocked out cold when i hit the branch with my head...
















I stepped on a cats tail witch caused it to scratch my shins,and then a loose dog punced on me and bit me (goodthing it didnt have rabies)and then i ran away and ran into a tree.
















I did something like DragonFirenze on page 3.I went upto an old mans house,and knocked(i was the grim reaper too).he opened the door,screamed,took his cane and hit me over the head and then in the balls,so i went home and hid in the bushes...i kept scaring kids til one threw their candy bag at me,and was told off from their mother...had to pick up all their candy,and i went inside..

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not funny AT ALL... but the most painful for me was when i was around 4i decided it was a good time to play air-plane... air-plane jump off fridge, onto a slab of sheet metal sticking straight up, resulting in a a foor that was severed. Lucky me, i had a good doctor.... that the only major one tho. Well, there was the time i thought my fist was made of steel...and punched a brick wall as hard as i could. And when i i thought my head was made of rock... same story... AND when i was trying out my first bike i ever had i decided i was dave mirra... basicly i rode off a 10 ft drop at like age 4 :oops:








And those r me storiez f00cicles :P








PS: the sheeet metal was from the duct work... unstead of being built into the whole house we had loose fitting sheetmetal pipes wrapping around the edge of the wall... my brother (age like 2 at the time) managed to get loose and knock all the pipe down.

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I fell into a fire pit while chasing after a beach ball once....... and no fortunately there was no fire in the fire pit at the time, but there were a bunch of sticks and rocks. I fell real hard so my leg was all bloody and to this day I still have a scar.




I know what your thinking: it would have made a much better story if the fire pit acually had a fire in it, but I guess thats just the way it is. sorry.

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OW :lol: lol and iv done the exact same thing except WITH a fire, and we were tryin to jump over it... id say it was 6 x 6 feet... (i was 10 at the time)








and theres that time i stuck a roman candle between ma legs thinkin "HAHA this ll be sweet... pissin out big balls of flamez?! AWESOME MAN!" well long story short, it blew up and my balls didnt feel so good...

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I was about 8 at the time, my brother threw the 4th harry potter book at me (he was 11 at the time) hit me right in the mouth... i lost one tooth that was loose and 3 non-loose ones... he got grounded for a while after that lol.








Ooch.Was it the hardcover version?








New one:last night i tripped on a box and hit the bookshelf and convieniently all the hard cover books fell on me,and i still hurt.

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Playing tackle football at school, and I tried to deke out this chunky dude (he was pretty fats for his weight). Well I slid and he ducked and hip checked me, and I flipped over him and landed on my back... Then I decided I was going to be quarterback.... Threw the ball to my friend, broke his pinky... I have hockey stories... not going to share...

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i have quite a few actually...








first...i was riding my back back when i was 8 and a wall liek jumped out at me 8) well i was riding one handed and slipped and hit a parked car and broke my wrist.




Bad thing is i went to school with no pot or anything on it and it hurt like hell...mainly cos i had to play soccer with it.








second...i was riding my bike(again :roll: ) and the lass i fancy was walking through the park i went down a hill and all of a sudden it got really steep and i flipped over my handebars and didnt let go of the handle bars...








thrid...on a bike(again rofl) i went down a vertical hill and ran my self over :D








fourth...someone threw a rock at my head like quite big, someone shouted me i turn round and it hits me...blood pouring out my head...i was lining up to do long jump aswell rofl.








fifth...(most recent only happened on friday) me and my mates were jumping at a wall to see how high we could go...i jump my hand goes into a nail get a cut bout an inch long, half cm and deep...the cut didnt really hurt...got 2 stitches in it and they hurt(mainly cos i did it without a numbing thing) now i got my right hand bandaged for a week :( and cant do judo.








well thats it for me

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ok this happend to me last night...
















me and my friend ryan were at my house. we started drinking really heavy and we ran outside for a while. i called these twin girls that live down the road to come over and we chilled for an hour. so anyways we started running after the girls. the one girl ran next to my truck which has a towing package on the back. like a ball and hitch. and it sticks out really far. and i was running full speed and i hit that stupid hitch on the back and i cracked my leg really bad. i went to the hospital and i fractured the bone. that really hurt.

"Ive always tried to kill the greatest man alive, but then I finally realize that suicide is not the answer"



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ok this happend to me last night...
















me and my friend ryan were at my house. we started drinking really heavy and we ran outside for a while. i called these twin girls that live down the road to come over and we chilled for an hour. so anyways we started running after the girls. the one girl ran next to my truck which has a towing package on the back. like a ball and hitch. and it sticks out really far. and i was running full speed and i hit that stupid hitch on the back and i cracked my leg really bad. i went to the hospital and i fractured the bone. that really hurt.












moral of story:




Don't invite twin girls over when you have a ball and hitch on your truck and your drunk.

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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