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Stupidest way you've been injured?


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Never been seriously injured (broken bone and such)








Was at school playing markings up (AFL) and I decided to go for a screamer and got up quite high, misjudged my jump, flipped over my friends shoulders onto my neck, jarred it and bruised spine, ambulance came... Fun! :lol:


Check out my blog here!

Thanks Jopie211 for the sig

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hahah some of these are hillarious, but some sound horrible. Actualy they all sound horrible but you can laugh at them later on. I have 2:








#1: I was about 11. I was on a beach that had loads of big stones on it. I took one up (weighed about 500g) and threw it against a large 'plateau' of rock. It split in half. Half 1 rolled of to the side, half 2 flew straight upwards (no idea how) and the sharp middle made a huge gash in my eyebrow. I'm so damn lucky I'm not blind now.








#2: Probably not as bad..this happened in school. Out of boredom, someone threw a penny on the floor and see who could get it first. You can imagine what happened..I put my half curled hand down on the floor to pick it up and, purely by accident, my friend stamped on my foot. It broke the unusual way, the back of my nail was shifted about 1cm from my finger. After several operations and 9 x-rays, my finger is sort of straight but my nail will never be the same again.

.: 123 Combat :.



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Yet ANOTHER thing happened to me on thanks giving..i tripped on the stairs because my cousin dropped his fork :shock: on the stairs,fell,and landed on the remains of an old pillar.they had never managed to get it all out.. :cry:

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this didnt happen to me but it happened to a guy i know from another game.








"this is how it happend i was haveing an airsoftgun war with my friends and i was usinf and auto-matic *i turend the corner of the tree in slow motion* then BAM!!!!! right in the eye ihad blancked out i was rush to an emergancy room.l wen i woke up i could see but i look in the mer my hole other eye was gone and my parents say i went into shook wen i saw my self




and that is y i only have 1 eye"








i thought that was hilarious so i posted under it at least now u get to wear a cool eyepatch and pretend ur a pirate. :lol:

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I was long snapping in a high school football game. I snapped it, started to run down field, I look up to see the ball and as soon as I look down I have 2 people running strait for me. Being the linemen that I am, I run full speed for them. I dont remember how they hit me but they made me do a sideways flip and then I landed on my chin. I had blacked out and got a little concution.

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I've never been seriously injured. Never broken a bone, never fractured one...








In fact, I think the worst that's ever happened to me was when I got into a fight with my sister...I was about 8 or 9, I think. She thrust the end of a broomstick into my forehead and for some reason, it gave me a really deep cut. It only missed my eye by about a half an inch. I'm 16 now and I still have the scar.








But besides that, no serious injuries...I guess I should consider myself VERY lucky. :D

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i was playing backyard football with some skateboarding shoes dc's and tehy were untied and i was a running back and i broke for a big run i was gonna get the touch down, but all my weigth went into my foot as i twisted my foot and then 2 of my firends helped me and took me home i think it was a sprain foot because i couldnt put any weigth on it

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volleyball brings in so many funnie injuries lol.. i was playing at nationals for my state qld.. and this guy was sittin on the side of cort watching.. he looked the other way, then looked bak and the ball cleaned him up lol... funniest site ever

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i've broke my leg skateboarding silly mistake, and i was ahving a water fight once and i gave someone my water gun and they ran round this van the opposite way to me and i ran straight into it and cut my head open, my mum also trapped my finger in the door when i was quite young and broke it oh yeh i forgot one time i knelt down to stroke a dog and it snapped at my face, the dog seemed like a friendly dog and it was with its owner

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when i was 14 i went sledging (anyone else who lives in England will know how little snow we get... so whenever it did I liked to go sledging).








Anyway, theres 1 quite short but steep hill he went down that has a bit of a bumb in it, so when u go over the bump your sledge hops into the air and back down. We did that several times one day.








The next day we came back, not realising the snow had become really icy overnight from us all sledging over it (you know what i mean... where its basically a sheet of ice).








But in my confidence i decided to go down first.... it took me down WAAAAAY too fast (nothing i could do about it), went over the bumb, flew about 6 feet in the air, and landed on my wrist... broke it OUCH!








The weird thing was that I also jarred my back and that hurt a hell of a lot more at the time, but was fine afterwards lol.
















Also last year I tried to jump over a tennis court net.... was unsuccesful and landed on my hip, DOUBLE OUCH!

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I broke my right arm a few years ago while playing basketball.








Well...not playing persay but trying to dunk with the aid of a bench. Let's just say it didn't go to well. The worst part about it was when I went to the doctor, he had to set the bone for the cast. He tried to drowze me with various medicines but it still hurt like hell.

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My buddies had never seen me drunk, so happy to indulge their curosities I drank the better part of a handle of jack and passed out on a dinner plate that had a steak knife and a fork on it. Woke up the next morning in a puddle of blood (no hang over :shock: ) to find that my finger was sliced halfway through. Probably would have bled to death if my friend wasn't awesome at first aid and what not. (Alcohol inhibits blood coagulation and thins the blood, so I was bleeding like crazy)

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i got really mad at my sister, so i put a shovel through her door. then i ran and tried to lock myself in the bathroom. i turned too late and... bam! i ran right into the doorframe. the next thing i knew was that i was at the hospital with a broken nose.



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My writing teachers son went to his friends house. His friend lowered the b-ball hoop so they could try to dunk it, and when the son jumped and tried it, he got his incisor STUCK on the net and ripped his tooth out. They had to drive to the orthodontist to get the roots to re-connect (the tooth was ripped out, root and all). They finally got it back in. Good thing though because it w as a permanent tooth. Poor kid, he is only 10 or 11 I think.




Hmm, and as for me, people alway say that I'm really clumsy[1]. I always have multipule bruises (lol) and am always tripping over things. Probably the most painful thing to happen to me was when I was at Va. Beach and I got my leg stuck (not badly though) between 2 really big rocks. My whole back and chest was raked with red marks from the jelly fish and sea anenomes :(. ALso, when I was 3-4, I rolled off OVER the protective railing of the top of my bunk bed onto the wood floor. Wood=OW. Further refrences: (see clumsy [1])

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