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Would you remove Grand Exchange?


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I would if a price guide like the Grand Exchange could be implemented; I enjoy having some small idea of what an item is worth. Maybe it's just a coincidence but it seems like people were nicer when they were forced to interact with each other to buy and sell items.


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LMFAO "the good old days". Yea, I enjoyed screaming out "Buying Guthix set 1.3M" in flashing cyan for 2 hours behind Varrock Bank.






I would definitely not remove it, it's been the second best update of RuneScape in my opinion. T'was a blessing for me.

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LMFAO "the good old days". Yea, I enjoyed screaming out "Buying Guthix set 1.3M" in flashing cyan for 2 hours behind Varrock Bank.






I would definitely not remove it, it's been the second best update of RuneScape in my opinion. T'was a blessing for me.


Agreed, especially with items in small quantities and items needed for a quest. If you have say 25 adamant bars in your bank, nobody will buy just 25, they are looking at buying in large quantities, and so you were unable to sell them. Same with buying in small quantities, nobody would sell you just 5 oak planks, you would have had to make them yourself, which took some time compared with just buying them.

Retired Tip.It Crew Mapper.

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Heh, I appear to be alone. :|




I would definitely have the Grand Exchange removed--given that we wouldn't have to face the RWT implications. GaVaTi has it right; we're paying for our new-found trading independence, although few seem to be aware of it. The cost comes in the form of social deterioration. That's right, as I'm sure you've all heard before, we're moving toward taking the "MM" out of "MMORPG." Don't misunderstand me, I was never one for happily seeking out trade centers to stand for hours at a time buying this or selling that. It's just that, while the implementation of the Grand Exchange has made our collective lives easier, that may not be such a "good thing," after all. Whether we enjoyed it or not, trading was once one of most vital forms of inter-player communication--having all but removed this aspect of game-play, Runescape has since lost much of it's former appeal. The game has become more like a gauntlet-run with every "Home-Teleport," "Gravestone," and "Skill-X" update released--fervent and heedless races to the next benchmark, the next goal. My point in this rambling is that much of the content released in recent years has only served to drive us, the players, further apart or to otherwise remove a great deal of the challenge from achieving our goals. The Grand Exchange can be seen as the symbol for this movement, and, while I supported its implementation in light of the RWT concerns, I nevertheless regret its necessity.

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Absolutely not. I feel like half of my Runescape 'life' was spent standing in Falador screaming the same messages over and over again for hours on end.

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Selling or buying masses of items was never easier.

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Im pleased that the Grand Exchange is here, Its helped me significantly with buying/selling quest items, I'd happily keep it here. But i do agree with Rien about the loss of player communication. I also miss selling items to a desperate player for a few more k than what it was worth :lol:



F2P for now

Private is on, gimme a HYT!

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I'd move it, not remove it. Wouldn't it be better in Ardougne square? Or replacing Varrock west bank.




It's fine where it is to be honest. Ardougne can't be accessed by F2P'ers as well. Anyway, I would never thought of removing it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would say no. It's annoying that some things (like rare drops) have gone down in price, but the G.E. is worth it since it saves a lot of time.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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I like the GE. I'll probably get flamed for this, but I'd rather see normal trading go poof to eliminate junk trades and the like, and make all trades GE only.




That's a bit over the top in my opinion. By doing this you also remove a lot of players' freedom. You won't be able to share supplies in monster trips, you won't be able to get/give/lend items to other players during emergency moments.




But to the question of removing the GE:






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I'd not remove it. The one thing that turned me to being somewhat DIY was that I hated having to hop worlds and travel halfway around the map or stand in w1 or 2 for hours to get items bought or sold... Usually resulting in me having to take a really crappy offer.




Now, I can stand in the GE complex for a couple of minutes, place my offer, and go back to being antisocial \' .

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if the ge were gone, i would quit... enough said


[hide=drops]10 black masks, 39 dragon boots, 21 whip, 9 dark bow, 7 dragon legs, 8 mauls, 3 dragon left half, 2 dragon spear, 2 hexcrest, 1 kbd heads, 10 dragon med, 2 R ammy, 2 granite legs, 1 bandos boots , 1 bandos hilt , 1 bandos chestplate, 1 saradomin sword(ls), 2 dragon claws(ls)(solo)[/hide]

[hide=Viralaether's guide to Mac use]1) take your mac

2) drop it off your roof

3) ??????

4) Profit![/hide]1/7/9 quest cape ||| 5/6/9 all diaries ||| 7/14/9 300 rank MA ||| 4998th to 99 summoning on 2/27/10

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