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Why Would People Train?


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Seriously, I have trained Stength for probably over a day worth of time, and it's only level 71. I hen saw on the hiscores a guy with 81 Strength, with over 2M xp! My question is: How can you really do all that training? It's so boring and such a grind. I just need someone to explain to me how anyone can bare it.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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We trains it cause we likes it.




Yes, I do get that this is a sarcastic thread.


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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It's not sarcastic, I really don't understand. Mainly you get XP by camping at a specific monster for a few days, but it just gets to be such a grind. I can't even play anymore.




You have a lot of 99's. Tell me, how long did it take to get all that XP?


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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We trains it cause we likes it.




Yes, I do get that this is a sarcastic thread.




Hopefully this thread is being sarcastic




Anyways, some people prefer to train while others don't. Honestly, training from level 1-90 isn't that hard, its actually pretty easy.




Also, MOST skills can be trained effortlessly as following, Strength, Attack, Hitpoints, Defence, Range, Magic, Woodcutting, Fishing, Fletching, Farming, Cooking, Crafting, Agility (kinda, sorta), Slayer (kinda, sorta), Smithing (kinda), and Herblore. Those skills aren't exactly attention demanding skills, so getting from 1-99 isn't all that rough =P but it does take dedication seeing as how some of them would take over 200 hours to train from 1-99.

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We trains it cause we likes it.




Yes, I do get that this is a sarcastic thread.




chill your [cabbagesack] he's just asking how people can get such high exp. totals. If you like the game, i guess the exp. comes along with it. But there are people [Lover Romeo], who have hundreds of millions of exp! now that is something i do not understand. :uhh: (i don't get why you would waste all that time for that much xp).




2nd troll to 840+ post count.

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When you feel like fightin', you train strength. That's the secret. Feel like killin' (ice, fire, etc.)giants? That's str training. Wanna get herbs from chaos druids? That's str training. The high scores only give you xp totals- they don't tell you how long it took. Do whatever you want when playing, but if you feel like fightin', that's str training. 8-)




Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

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Just look at Zezima! Over a billion XP! He's been in it since the start but still.




It's not hard, nothing in Runescape is. But it is a MASSIVE grind.




The only training I can bare is using Slayer to train combat, and even that isn't too fun.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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fear of flight is very common actually






but seriously,




basically the same principle behind training before going to the olympics, running a marathon, etc. get better at your skills so that when you need to use them they're more effective

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People get more xp to boost their ego. They are nobody in the outside world, but once they've typed in their Username and Pass they are Gods. They stop at nothing to make themselves feel better. Their puny arms and weak fingers, as they type 'NOOB' and 'WTF' on their keyboard, slap a sense of otherworldness to the surrounding electronic Avatars. They use pixels as a sort of drug; it gets them high, and makes them feel important.

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People get more xp to boost their ego. They are nobody in the outside world, but once they've typed in their Username and Pass they are Gods. They stop at nothing to make themselves feel better. Their puny arms and weak fingers, as they type 'NOOB' and 'WTF' on their keyboard, slap a sense of otherworldness to the surrounding electronic Avatars. They use pixels as a sort of drug; it gets them high, and makes them feel important.


Man, I get high the old fasioned way, not on RS.

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People get more xp to boost their ego. They are nobody in the outside world, but once they've typed in their Username and Pass they are Gods. They stop at nothing to make themselves feel better. Their puny arms and weak fingers, as they type 'NOOB' and 'WTF' on their keyboard, slap a sense of otherworldness to the surrounding electronic Avatars. They use pixels as a sort of drug; it gets them high, and makes them feel important.


Man, I get high the old fasioned way, not on RS.


Lol, I think that's the first time I have laughed at something someone said on TIF.

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People get more xp to boost their ego. They are nobody in the outside world, but once they've typed in their Username and Pass they are Gods. They stop at nothing to make themselves feel better. Their puny arms and weak fingers, as they type 'NOOB' and 'WTF' on their keyboard, slap a sense of otherworldness to the surrounding electronic Avatars. They use pixels as a sort of drug; it gets them high, and makes them feel important.




If I'm not mistaken, that may have been the best description of one's self in a reply to a thread.




On-Topic: It's easy to train when you have a goal you're aiming at and have plenty of shows/movies to watch online! :geek:

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fear of flight is very common actually





That was simply hilarious.




Back on topic, I've got 82 H.P. (which takes longer than 81 strength if you're training strength specifically), but I did not really get it from grinding out those levels. It is possible to have that 81 strength without some terribly boring grindfest; and to get a 99, or millions of xp., all you have to do is set small goals that work up to th larger one with some rewards for yourself thrown in there. Theoretically, at least.

When I see people say it, I pronounce it "poon" in my head. Makes more sense to me. My friend said it in real life once and I almost kneed him in the family-maker.

$DO || ! $DO ; try
try: command not found

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Seriously, I have trained Stength for probably over a day worth of time, and it's only level 71. I hen saw on the hiscores a guy with 81 Strength, with over 2M xp! My question is: How can you really do all that training? It's so boring and such a grind. I just need someone to explain to me how anyone can bare it.


Was the guy on the high scores named Pinkbullet3? :lol:




But how can you watch while training?


Watch what?




[OP's answer:]


Watch vids and stuff.


Well, there's a spot in F2P in the Stronghold of Security on the 3rd floor where you have aggressive spiders... And there are 3 rooms full of these things. Place yourself in the middle and set up a YouTube window in another part of your monitor. Just be sure to keep track of your health.




I call it 'afk spiders,' but technically I'm still at the keyboard so... And since these things are aggressive, they'll constantly attack you, giving you constant exp. gains.


^ Blog.


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Seriously, I have trained Stength for probably over a day worth of time, and it's only level 71. I hen saw on the hiscores a guy with 81 Strength, with over 2M xp! My question is: How can you really do all that training? It's so boring and such a grind. I just need someone to explain to me how anyone can bare it.


Was the guy on the high scores named Pinkbullet3? :lol:




But how can you watch while training?


Watch what?




[Will edit this post once question is answered.]




Watch vids and stuff.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I then saw on the hiscores a guy with 81 Strength, with over 2M xp!




I saw about 1,000 or so 138s on the highscores and at least a few thousand for each 99 skill, up to 50 thousand or so for skills like Cooking, Fletching, Strength, and Attack. Most of my 99s were knocked out on my way to 99 Slayer/at God Wars Dungeon. The 99 Fletching was because I wanted an easy first 99, and so I had some stuff to alch to train Mage.



4x Phat owner: Blue, Green, 2x Purple


3100+ GWD bosses soloed.

Solo GWD Drops:

5 Bandos Plates, 4 Bandos Boots, 3 Bandos Hilts, 2 Arma Helms, Arma Skirt, Arma Plate, 3 Arma Hilts, 4 Zammy Spears, Steam Staff, 15 Sara Swords, 6 Sara Hilts, 29 Shards.

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this is a really stupid thread....




why play runescape with all lvl 1 skills hmm?




You read it, right? The thread creator does not think everyone should keep their skills at level one. They just want to know why and how people grind for higher levels.

When I see people say it, I pronounce it "poon" in my head. Makes more sense to me. My friend said it in real life once and I almost kneed him in the family-maker.

$DO || ! $DO ; try
try: command not found

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It is a personal challenge, setting a goal and achieving it can be rather fulfilling. It is simple really, you just keep at it until you reach the level you desire. Patience is key.




[spoiler=Stats:]Updated December 22, 2011:


Total level - 1442 - 170M+ XP , Combat level - 115

Combat skills: Attack - 90, Defence - 99 (24.45m+ XP), Strength - 90, Constitution - 99 (16.42M+ XP) Ranged - 99 (13.32M+ XP), Prayer - 60, Magic - 99 (13.25M+ XP)

Non-Combat skills: Cooking - 99 (13.80M+ XP), Woodcutting - 99 (31.95M+ XP), Fishing - 90, Firemaking - 99 (24.82M+), Crafting - 90, Smithing - 90, Mining - 85, Runecrafting - 60, Dungeoneering - 85


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I'm surprised this thread is being made about someone being 81 haha. In my RS days, I got up to 83 without seriously "grinding." I ground up to like all 70's so I could use all the equipment but the rest was just slayer and casual training.




And to answer the question on how to afk train, there is a spot in the desert with fairly week enemies who auto attack you. You're probably too weak at your level, but it can be done where you watch a TV show for an hour and only click to occasionally heal.




But yeah, grinding gets old.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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this is a really stupid thread....




why play runescape with all lvl 1 skills hmm?




You read it, right? The thread creator does not think everyone should keep their skills at level one. They just want to know why and how people grind for higher levels.


Answered in the first post.






Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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