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A Tough Time



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My dog got bitten about 40 mins ago by a snake, a brown snake to be exact, and about 35 mins ago dad rushed him to the nearest vet (about 30 mins away depending on traffic) and I was wondering if there is much chance of him living? He was like a brother to me and just can't see life here without him. It is very difficult for me at this time, and just want to talk with people about at as it is calming me down, right now I am crying and hyperventilating, not to mention there is not meny people talking on MSN.

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Umm...brown snake? Hmmmm.....




Anyway...just try to be calm. Think of other things. What did you have for lunch today?




I had a ham sandwich.




Also dad called up a min ago, and he has to take the dog to Newcastle (about an hour away :cry: )

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Umm...brown snake? Hmmmm.....




Anyway...just try to be calm. Think of other things. What did you have for lunch today?




brown snakes are very common in australia.




im no expert in snakes and pets, or even snakes for the matter. to tell you the truth i have no idea how long a brown snake bite would take to kill an average dog. BUT i would imagine it wouldn't be instant.


personally i think your dog will be fine




when i was young (about 7 or so) someones dog at a local CFA event my dad was involved was bitten by a snake. no one had any idea it had been bitten (this was about 8pm and dark, everyone was by the bonfire). the dog could have wondered around for ages before it was found, but when my dad did find it he took it for a 15-20min drive to the vet.


i forget what the dog was now, i was only 7 or 8. but it was average size, not a big huge thing some people have. no one knows what type of snake bit it, but judging by aussie conditions it would have been a brown or a tiger.


anyway, it survived.




TRY AND STAY POSITIVE!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Umm...brown snake? Hmmmm.....




Anyway...just try to be calm. Think of other things. What did you have for lunch today?




brown snakes are very common in australia.



Yeh I know that. Just that they are very poisonous and I'm not sure how the dog will go. I suppose if you act fast then the dog will have a chance. But yeh brown's aren't good.


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Umm...brown snake? Hmmmm.....




Anyway...just try to be calm. Think of other things. What did you have for lunch today?




brown snakes are very common in australia.



Yeh I know that. Just that they are very poisonous and I'm not sure how the dog will go. I suppose if you act fast then the dog will have a chance. But yeh brown's aren't good.




I'm praying he will be fine, as he kinda collapsed and even my dad had teary eyes, and I've never seen him even sad, he is always a cheery guy who didn't even cry when his uncle died, and they were really close mates.

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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I'm sorry to say this but brown snakes are extremely poisonous and can easily kill a human. I hope the snake isn't anywhere near you right now, because if it is I'm more worried about you than your dog.




I do hope your dog makes it though. I've got a dog that I love a lot too, had her for 14 years.

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I'm sorry to say this but brown snakes are extremely poisonous and can easily kill a human. I hope the snake isn't anywhere near you right now, because if it is I'm more worried about you than your dog.




I do hope your dog makes it though. I've got a dog that I love a lot too, had her for 14 years.




No, we killed it, dad jammed the gun so he had to whack the snake to death, dispite my mums worried protests (he jammed the gun shooting at it, plus he only just got the side of the snake because he didn't have his glasses on, and didn't let me use it, even though I have shot it before just fine.)

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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Why are you on TIF ?




It is very difficult for me at this time, and just want to talk with people about at as it is calming me down, right now I am crying and hyperventilating, not to mention there is not meny people talking on MSN.





[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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Why are you on TIF ?




Are you trolling or so ignorant you didn't even fully read the first post?






I'm entirely sure on how strong brown snake's venom is, I know it is dangerous though :| Hope your dog survives, it's always saddening to lose a dog suddenly (I've been through it twice).

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My parents just called up, they were at the vets, who have administered the anti-venom and have him hooked up to a heart rate monitor, and they cannot say whether he will live or not, and if he is alive tomorrow we will have to take him to another vet as the one he is at is only a night clinic, I don't think I'll get any sleep tonight, I only just sopped hyperventilating.

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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The venom is no longer a threat for him, although now we have to worry about internal bleeding and kidney failure, it doesn't look like he has any internal bleeding, but it's best to wait. We are going in a few hours to pick him up, we are going to be keeping him inside until it is clear he is fine. (he'll like that, he always comes to the door when someone opens it, and tries to blend in with the floor when it looks like someone wants to take him outside)

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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My oldest of my two dogs (14) has overcome the odds when it comes to dying twice. Once when it was in the final stages of a full-blown blood-infection and the vet said his chances were slim. Second was when the vet thought that he had a tumor in his nose, when it was really just extreme allergies/congestion. He was just about to put my dog asleep when we said that we want to come over to the vet to be there when he gets put down. But once seeing him, we decided to get a second opinion. Hes overcame a lot, and I've had him since I was 5. When he dies it will be the most impactful death I have experienced or will experience until my mom or a lover/best friend dies.




Just saying this to boost your spirits, and survivability seems to have a good outlook from your last message. Hope your dog lives, and if he/she doesn't I hope you don't dwell on his death, but remember his/her life.


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I agree with l0rd. Plus I think your dog is very strong from the way you talk about him. He's a fighter and like I mentioned in PM earlier, he's very lucky to have an owner as caring as you.




I still have the collar my kitten wore when he died. It's buried beneath a treasure chest of rose petals.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I'm glad your dog lived through the venom infection, that was probably the worst bit. I really respect you and your bond with your dog, it's a really powerful thing. Once a huge dog attacked my eldest dog when I took her for a walk when I was little, and I was blinded with rage at the other dog and it's owner since I was completely powerless against it. It was like watching my best friend being murdered right in front of my eyes.




LUCKILY she survived, like i'm sure your dog will :thumbsup: dogs are pretty invincible, from my experiences

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I'll give ya a motivation that dogs aren't the type to quit:




My beagle is closing in on 14 years old now, he's Survived the Katherine Floods in 98', fell out of a trailer at 80km/h and survived in hte bush for 4 days (Dads fault), survived a bite from a Red Belly Black snake, Dealt with a hemoriod (Which is highly rare in dogs) and had cancer (thankfully removed before spread) under his chin because the dopey idiot lays in the sun all day. Despite all thi the old bastard wont go down without a fight and nor will your dog. Give him faith (not the relegious kind ) and he wont give up. There called Man's best friend for a good reason. ;)


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I'm not trolling.




Hope your dog is ok. One of my friends dog died, and he didn't talk for a whole week.




Merely pointing out the fact that, "talking" to strangers on the internet isn't much good.


Might have phoned a friend and talked to him or her. Sometimes, just listening to another voice is calming.


Or gone for a walk.

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talking to people on the internet is completely fine. there are things i would tell people online that i wouldn't tell people irl specifically because of the anonymity aspect of it. besides, online you'll most likely find a lot more people who will listen to you, whether they actually take it to heart, or genuinely care or not, people will listen to you, and sometimes that's all people need, is for people to listen.

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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Perhaps we are the best thing he has at the moment. Not everyone can disclose their feelings to their parents, have brothers or sisters they can talk to or the money to make long calls. And as Evil mentioned, the anonymity aspect makes it easier to become vulnerable.




Also the whole reason Brent is my fiance' is because he once upon a time was the only person I could talk to and just happened to be on the internet. So I completely disagree that it's a waste of time.




And people form friendships on here, sometimes so close that they can trust them with personal information and consider them real friends. I consider a few people on here my real friends. They are people that if I had the money, I would go out of my way to meet them and form a lifetime friendship.




After all the only barrier between you and I, is the computer. We are both real people, with real feelings, who really care. Why can't that be just as good as talking to someone in real life or going for a walk?




Not to mention some people are highly linguistic. And writing or even poetry is the best way for them to express their feelings. I don't think you're trolling but I do think you are being very closed-minded today.




His dog is injured and he is upset. Is it really necessary to complain about the method he chose to comfort himself??



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Ok, I accept your point.


Just trying to coverup my single-worded, "cold hearted" behaviour. #-o




Close minded, as in having typed that up in about 5 seconds.


Realise now, its better not to post short responses which could be misunderstood for trolling. I dont do do that much. Just on this occasion, sorry.

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