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The New PS3 and Xbox360, Next Gen For The Gaming Industry?


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Revolution=Basically just a Gamecube with online play and the ability to download classic Nintendo games (big whoop)




*sigh* No comment.








By the way, the PS3 is going to be at least $400. That's my guess. Merill Lynch estimated the cost of the PS3 at $500.

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The main (well, only...) reason I'm excited for the nex-gen is for the next Grand Theft Auto that will be ported to PC...Since they were somewhat restricted in their capabilities with San Andreas...They will have so much to work with in the next GTA...If they can pull off a great title...It will be the greatest invention in human history.

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Actually, they ALWAYS do! Just ignore the Nintendo fanboys. They're just jealous because their next system is only as powerful as the GC.
I wasn't aware we had a Nintendo employee posting on the boards who happens to know the exactl specs for the Revlotion :roll:








ROFL he's making fun of the Revolution.....we all just know that the Revolution wil just end up bombing like the GC did...some games may be good but.....again Nintendo has always been known for their kid games.. their trying to attract younger audiences to play games.....so dont hurt your reputation even more by posting on this thread again... thank you

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The main (well, only...) reason I'm excited for the nex-gen is for the next Grand Theft Auto that will be ported to PC...Since they were somewhat restricted in their capabilities with San Andreas...They will have so much to work with in the next GTA...If they can pull off a great title...It will be the greatest invention in human history.








GTA games have sucked and will continue to suck....

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I've never bought an xbox and I never will. My loyalty is with the playstation. :wink:








Same me but I won't buy Playstation 3 until around 2007 (I bet PS3 could be release in the UK on September 2006). I'll only buy PS3 when many good games begin move to new console from PS2 like they did PS1 before.








I usually like many classic games from 1980's and 1990's. My favourite game of all time is Final Fantasy 7.








man you are so UNIQUE!! nobody ever talks about FF7 anymore... and oh yeah I'm not trying to bash you but you need to work on your grammer and stuff dude cuz your posts are almost impossible to read...

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ROFL he's making fun of the Revolution.....we all just know that the Revolution wil just end up bombing like the GC did...some games may be good but.....again Nintendo has always been known for their kid games.. their trying to attract younger audiences to play games.....so dont hurt your reputation even more by posting on this thread again... thank you








I don't think Rick will get a bad reputation from this thread, and to be honest: I don't think he'd care if he would get one.








You saying that Nintendo makes games for kiddies says more about you than it says something about Nintendo. A good game doesn't need a lot of gore and guns to be fun. For example, me and my friends have had more nights loaded with fun with Mario Kart than we had with Resident Evil. Maybe you'll understand it in a year or five when you left your puberty, because now you just sound like a thirteen year old who wants to sound tough because he likes violance, beer and cigarettes.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Also, don't double-post, it's bad, m'kay?








Anyway, even though the Gamecube probably isn't as succesful as it could have been, I still think the Revolution stands a chance. The main problem the Gamecube has is attracting third-party developers (besides EA that is). A lot of games that come out for PS2, XBox and PC simply get ported to every platform except for the Gamecube. If Nintendo manages to break that trend then the Revolution will be a success. Anyway, nobody can beat them when it comes to the exclusive series (Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc.), and I simply can't see Sony or Microsoft coming up with anything nearly as iconic as those.

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ROFL he's making fun of the Revolution.....we all just know that the Revolution wil just end up bombing like the GC did...some games may be good but.....again Nintendo has always been known for their kid games.. their trying to attract younger audiences to play games.....so dont hurt your reputation even more by posting on this thread again... thank you








I don't think Rick will get a bad reputation from this thread, and to be honest: I don't think he'd care if he would get one.








You saying that Nintendo makes games for kiddies says more about you than it says something about Nintendo. A good game doesn't need a lot of gore and guns to be fun. For example, me and my friends have had more nights loaded with fun with Mario Kart than we had with Resident Evil. Maybe you'll understand it in a year or five when you left your puberty, because now you just sound like a thirteen year old who wants to sound tough because he likes violance, beer and cigarettes.








I agree sort of, Rick's reputation can't get any worse as he's the leader of an underground cult that kills kittens called #darkwebz.








On to Nintendo... I kind of agree with the little 13 year old prune. Nintendo in my eyes don't really promote to the older gamer. Sure Mario Kart can be fun, but I'd rather mug an old lady in GTA3.








PS: You can't hate GTA unless you're a social [developmentally delayed] person, it's like the best set of games ever.








PPS: or is it PSS: ... Anyway, I didn't write [developmentally delayed] I wrote [developmentally delayed].


Notoriously Trollish.

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Revolution=Basically just a Gamecube with online play and the ability to download classic Nintendo games (big whoop)




*sigh* No comment.








By the way, the PS3 is going to be at least $400. That's my guess. Merill Lynch estimated the cost of the PS3 at $500.








Game retailers are taking preorders for the system at $800!!! I doubt it will be that much though because if I'm buying a system for twice as much as a 360, I expect it to be two times as good. Therefore, they will probably put it in the $500 area like you said. But who knows, Sony is insane if they make it that low because they will lose a ton of money (in the $20,000,000,000 area).








About the Revolution:




I was just trying to piss off the Nintendo fanboys. I honestly don't know much about the system exept for the fact that you can download classic Nintendo games and that they are planning to do something "revolutionary" with the controller (my guess is a touch screen controller but the games would feel less responsive without the feedback given to you with buttons and thumbsticks). I will probably buy this system as a secondary system because I love the SNES..........Sexually. Again I apologise for jumping the gun with the comments regarding the Revolution.


Gamertag: Dances w Ninjas

Retired(Oh noes!)

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On to Nintendo... I kind of agree with the little 13 year old prune. Nintendo in my eyes don't really promote to the older gamer. Sure Mario Kart can be fun, but I'd rather mug an old lady in GTA3.








What I meant is, that GTA3 is pretty boring when you're with multiple people, I mean, sure it's fun when you mug that old lady one time with your mates, but if you do it 30 times per hour it does get a little boring.








With Mario Kart you a much higher fun element. You invite some mates, grab a crate of beer, order pizza and you start gaming. Every game is different and you'll have a great laugh when you blast another shield on your mates or w/e, and same with Smash Brothers or Mario Party, it entertained me an my mates on some pretty long nights. :) Same with Goldenye or Mario Tennis and a lot of others. :)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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On to Nintendo... I kind of agree with the little 13 year old prune. Nintendo in my eyes don't really promote to the older gamer. Sure Mario Kart can be fun, but I'd rather mug an old lady in GTA3.








What I meant is, that GTA3 is pretty boring when you're with multiple people, I mean, sure it's fun when you mug that old lady one time with your mates, but if you do it 30 times per hour it does get a little boring.








With Mario Kart you a much higher fun element. You invite some mates, grab a crate of beer, order pizza and you start gaming. Every game is different and you'll have a great laugh when you blast another shield on your mates or w/e, and same with Smash Brothers or Mario Party, it entertained me an my mates on some pretty long nights. :) Same with Goldenye or Mario Tennis and a lot of others. :)












Here's what each company dominates in the gaming industry (IMO):




Nintendo: Kid Games and Party Games (Best First Party developer IMO)




M$: Online and FPS.




Sony: Does everything well (Exept FPS), they just don't dominate anything exept sales.


Gamertag: Dances w Ninjas

Retired(Oh noes!)

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Game retailers are taking preorders for the system at $800!!! I doubt it will be that much though because if I'm buying a system for twice as much as a 360, I expect it to be two times as good. Therefore, they will probably put it in the $500 area like you said. But who knows, Sony is insane if they make it that low because they will lose a ton of money (in the $20,000,000,000 area).







Well, no, I said the cost was estimated at $500. Sony will very likely just introduce it at $400, which will make them lose money. They will take the hits. They did it with Playstation, Playstation 2, at the moment they're doing it with the PSP (it was estimated the cost of the PSP to be around ~$300, I think) and they will do it again with the PS3. $500 and the PS3 will never even sell, I think they know that at Sony, but they think $400 is acceptable. I just laugh at the people thinking it will be $300.

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ROFL he's making fun of the Revolution.....we all just know that the Revolution wil just end up bombing like the GC did...some games may be good but.....again Nintendo has always been known for their kid games.. their trying to attract younger audiences to play games.....so dont hurt your reputation even more by posting on this thread again... thank you








I got a reputation. What kind? Seriously enlighten me on the situation since you seem to know a great deal on it. In four years my reputation has been to both ends of the spectrum. There is nothing else I could possibly do to damage it and I really don't give a [bleep] either way.




You on the other hand seem to be worried about it a great deal.








So how about this:




1. I do whatever I feel like




2. You /yourself








Everyone wins.








You don't have to worry about my reputation anymore and the rest of TIF doesn't have to put up with anymore of your pointless crap.








Have a nice day.

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Actually, they ALWAYS do! Just ignore the Nintendo fanboys. They're just jealous because their next system is only as powerful as the GC.
I wasn't aware we had a Nintendo employee posting on the boards who happens to know the exactl specs for the Revlotion :roll:








ROFL he's making fun of the Revolution.....we all just know that the Revolution wil just end up bombing like the GC did...some games may be good but.....again Nintendo has always been known for their kid games.. their trying to attract younger audiences to play games.....so dont hurt your reputation even more by posting on this thread again... thank you




The GC didn't bomb, it outsold the Xbox. :roll:

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Certain analysts have predicted the Rev will do three times better than GC. Trapical, world-wide, the Xbox outsold the GC by approx. 4 million units. Xbox > GC, in the USA, easily. Japan, however, is a different matter. Xbrick has yet to break 500,000 sold units in Japan. :lol:








Also, I'm not even going to try to argue with "lol it's gonna bomb like GC" person. They won't ever learn. Personally, I think the Revolution will do better than the GC, but obviously I would need to know more about. You can expect some new info in 7 days time. Anyway. A lot of wrongs with the Gamecube seem to be right with the Revolution. The online service (Nintendo wi-fi connection), the backwards compatiblity, etc. By the way, Revolution is the fist Nintendo system to feature backwards compatibility. The downloading of classic games is going to be extremely popular, depending on the price, and it's especially going to be popular in Japan (they love retro gaming). Personally, I can't wait to get my hands on the first Legend of Zelda game, and some more stuff. You will most likely be able to download free content like promotional material, demo's, even demo's for your Nintendo, which the Revolution system will download and send wirelessly to your Nintendo DS. Currently, I'm optimistic. :)








By the way, if you want to read some interesting stuff on next-gen and gaming and stuff, you might want to read http://ga-forum.com there. Now, I'm not trying to pimp this forum, but they get news very fast and very often have some nice, intelligent discussions which are nice to read. A lot of people who work in the gaming industry post there, as well as some people working for developers (Bethesda for example) post there.

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I dunno which system if any(I'm broke right now although that could change if I get a good job) I'll get but they all have features that interest me. The revolution is supposed to allow you to download all of the old games, like the ones for nes and snes and maybe for n64 as well. So we can all say goodbye to funcoland(I think they got bought out by another company), their poor service, and half broken goods. Xbox 360 and PS3 both look like they'll be really powerful platforms and have good games on the horizon. As of right now it looks like the 360 is winning out on games but PS3 boasts more computing power with it's fancy new processor so they may win over some game developers who want more power to work with in expressing their creativity. I know microsoft has claimed that their system is more developer friendly but lets face it...what has microsoft ever made that was user or developer friendly? Either way, both systems look good and strong. I"ve heard they plan on putting out an FF7 remake on the PS3 and I"d buy it just for that alone(I bought my PS1 just to play FF7.

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I"ve heard they plan on putting out an FF7 remake on the PS3 and I"d buy it just for that alone(I bought my PS1 just to play FF7.








I doubt thats true, I know their coming out With ff7:DC, but thats about it.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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The main (well, only...) reason I'm excited for the nex-gen is for the next Grand Theft Auto that will be ported to PC...Since they were somewhat restricted in their capabilities with San Andreas...They will have so much to work with in the next GTA...If they can pull off a great title...It will be the greatest invention in human history.








GTA games have sucked and will continue to suck....









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Actually, they ALWAYS do! Just ignore the Nintendo fanboys. They're just jealous because their next system is only as powerful as the GC.
I wasn't aware we had a Nintendo employee posting on the boards who happens to know the exactl specs for the Revlotion :roll:








ROFL he's making fun of the Revolution.....we all just know that the Revolution wil just end up bombing like the GC did...some games may be good but.....again Nintendo has always been known for their kid games.. their trying to attract younger audiences to play games.....so dont hurt your reputation even more by posting on this thread again... thank you




The GC didn't bomb, it outsold the Xbox. :roll:








Yeah at one time...all the systems had their turn in the top sales spotlight, but a lot of the time it was between xbox and ps2, I think the ps2 is on top right now (I'm not bashing the GC). As for the games, I also think Nintendo is the king of party games, I still can't get over mario cart and the original super smash bros. I went xbox though, but 2 of my friends have a GC which I play often . One reason I haven't gotten GC yet is because the games don't have the same fun factor as the N64, maybe because they weren't trying for flashy graphics. Too bad they didn't make a zelda for GC that was like the ones on N64, it would have been awsome.

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Xbox 360 for sure...








Just for the records, one xbox 360 game (halo 3) is so good they are purposly realeasing it on the same day as ps3 cause it can take out a whole console...








Bad move you might be thinking? Bill Gates said it would work, though he is only the most successful business person in the history of man kind.. and the richest








ill go with him

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I think the ps2 is on top right now




You think? PS2 is far and away the top in terms of sold units. World-wide, 90 million PS2s have been shipped. Compared to what, 23 million shipped Xbox? 19 Million shipped Gamecubes?




Too bad they didn't make a zelda for GC that was like the ones on N64, it would have been awsome.




Oh my God, dude? Haven't you heard of Twilight Princess?

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ps3 forever... im a sony junkie. ill never buy a cheap microsoft gaming system. playstation was here before any of the others, so ill stick to it. also playstation has a way better genre of games. we start with the grand theft autos and we have socom online...








so eat that microsoft crackers

"Ive always tried to kill the greatest man alive, but then I finally realize that suicide is not the answer"



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playstation was here before any of the others, so ill stick to it.




You do know that the Playstation was released a good 10 years AFTER the Nintendo Entertainment System, right?








I might take the time now to add that if Nintendo hadn't gone to Sony to help make some new hardware to improve the SNES there wouldn't've even been a PlayStation.








So, try to show a bit of respect :P

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