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I hope so..I'll admit I've done it to but its just so annoying now. So yesterday I learned how to elevator glitch on Derail by practicing in a private match. Its fun to just walk around in the air and snipe. For the sake of trying it I did it in a hardcore TDM and got a nuke because I walked out the map to a little mountain/ridge over-looking the map and sniped. Im done doing it but it was a fun experience.

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Yep, care package glitch is patched as far as I can tell :)


Which is better, AC130 or Chopper Gunner? I like the AC130 because you get 3 weapons.

I prefer the AC130 because it's funner, harder to hit with a stinger, and even though it has a shorter use time, anyone thats smart with it can get multi/triple kills everytime they shoot the bomb thing. I've never had a chopper that got me the other 14 kills for the nuke.

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When I turned it on this morning, there was a update for the game. Is this the care package glitch patch? I hope so!

patched thank god


its all about chopper gunner if you want kills. AC may be more fun, but the weapons have a cooldown time which wastes a lot of the measly 40 sec you with it. chooper gunner lasts a hell of a long time, and its gun is unlimited ammo.


according to my friend who 10p70 glitched, you get explosive rounds as an attachment on LMGs at 10th prestige?

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Yep, care package glitch is patched as far as I can tell :)


Which is better, AC130 or Chopper Gunner? I like the AC130 because you get 3 weapons.

I prefer the AC130 because it's funner, harder to hit with a stinger, and even though it has a shorter use time, anyone thats smart with it can get multi/triple kills everytime they shoot the bomb thing. I've never had a chopper that got me the other 14 kills for the nuke.


Really depends on the map. on maps like Scrapyard and Favela its easy to get 25+ kills with Chopper Gunner. That said I probably think AC-130 is more fun, but Chopper Gunner is more effective. Persobally I switch bewteen them every few levels.


according to my friend who 10p70 glitched, you get explosive rounds as an attachment on LMGs at 10th prestige?


MG4 with FMJ is called MG4 explosive rounds. It works exactly the same as normal FMJ.


This new patch fixed unlimited CP/EAD, Bling Pro'd 1887s, and those child abusers who use M/LW/C and a CP marker so they can run ridiculously fast.

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MG4 with FMJ is called MG4 explosive rounds. It works exactly the same as normal FMJ.



i know that. evidently he doesnt lmao.


im so happy the fixed the glitches. now maybe i wont be [cabbage]ting on the glitchers in ctf who use mlwc with cp

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
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~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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Anybody know how to make videos with commentary for Youtube? I want to make some sniping tactic videos and overall MW2 tip videos but I don't know where to start? Can anyone help?

you would need to buy a cap card if you want some good quality videos or you can just set up a camera on a stand and record your tv while your doing it.

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Anybody know how to make videos with commentary for Youtube? I want to make some sniping tactic videos and overall MW2 tip videos but I don't know where to start? Can anyone help?

you would need to buy a cap card if you want some good quality videos or you can just set up a camera on a stand and record your tv while your doing it.


Yeah, get a cap card, it's much better quality than recording it with a camera. Also, whatever you do, in the end, make sure to speak in the text later in a good mic. It's way better quality, and if it'll be something like a tactic video, it'll be easier to cut stuff away without making the stuff you're saying weird. As in, you can edit the footage and still have matching text since you didn't speak everything in while playing.


Also, try to think up what you'll do before doing it. Don't wing it, think of stuff you really want to tell, maybe write them down so you don't forget, then execute them multiple times so you can give multiple examples or pick out ones that didn't go too well. Otherwise, I don't know what other advice I can give.

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Anybody know how to make videos with commentary for Youtube? I want to make some sniping tactic videos and overall MW2 tip videos but I don't know where to start? Can anyone help?

No offence to you at all, but you do realise nobody would really care about sniping "tips" right?


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I finally got to lvl 70 last night and started using the AK, with great success (for me, anyway). I played a game on wasteland and went 32 and 8 or something like that, called in my first 2 non-hardline harrier strikes. I then played a game on scrapyard and went 18 and 3 and played another on wasteland - 28 and 12 with another harrier strike. It's a lot of fun using an assault rifle/RPG class on wasteland and just launching rockets into the bunker.


Oh and I had a bit of a win over a sniper who was trying to kill me on wasteland. I was out in the open and he shot at me, missing. I jumped/ran around a bit, saw him and killed him with my AK. He spawns close by, tries again but ends up dying again.

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Anybody know how to make videos with commentary for Youtube? I want to make some sniping tactic videos and overall MW2 tip videos but I don't know where to start? Can anyone help?

No offence to you at all, but you do realise nobody would really care about sniping "tips" right?

That's the beauty of the internet, they don't have to care.

Haha to Skully none taken, its just several friends and after a game which I sniped in alot of people recommended I make a video teaching people to snipe. I don't see why not, sounds like fun. Im not aiming for alot of views or anything, just an intresting experience. Probably won't do it for a while though.


Edit: Also Skully just looked at your signature, and if Tip.it has an official quickscoper, that would be me.

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if you need thermal to snipe, you plain suck [wagon]. I'll come around with cold blooded pro and knife you in the back fool

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
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~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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Thermal wouldn't be that bad on maps such as Derail, except that snow is apparently hot, since it shows up so well in the scope <_< Other than that, it is a decent scope. Thermal + silencer is good for some HC games, although I will always like the normal scope.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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if you need thermal to snipe, you plain suck [wagon]. I'll come around with cold blooded pro and knife you in the back fool

Cold-Blooded doesn't make you invisible, you just don't glow. We can still snipe you easily if we see you.

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I love how people think that if they can snipe they are godly at this game.

Were you refering to me? I snipe because it's most efficient on large maps. I use thermal because it makes it even more effiecient. I'm not one of those "Check out my 1337 quick scope sniper skillz" people.

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I love how people think that if they can snipe they are godly at this game.

Were you refering to me? I snipe because it's most efficient on large maps. I use thermal because it makes it even more effiecient. I'm not one of those "Check out my 1337 quick scope sniper skillz" people.


No not at all, more generally the people in lobbies with ridiculously generic names and an Intervention title/emblem. I just hate how some will run around a map with a sniper, getting an average score and then claiming to be amazing at the game.

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Anybody know how to make videos with commentary for Youtube? I want to make some sniping tactic videos and overall MW2 tip videos but I don't know where to start? Can anyone help?

No offence to you at all, but you do realise nobody would really care about sniping "tips" right?

That's the beauty of the internet, they don't have to care.

Edit: Also Skully just looked at your signature, and if Tip.it has an official quickscoper, that would be me.




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