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Pking in vesta

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wheres a vesta weap?


7/10 for the pking though,would like a vesta weap when u said pking in vesta :? :wall:




Hmm good point.. I never thought of that lol. Just got it for the insane offence/defence bonuses + Ags

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And people like that [bleep] who PJed you with an AGS are why I no longer PK in members. Jagex needs to ****ing fix that, it's so ridiculous. 1/5 people above level 115 are noobs in bandos, fire capes, and d claws/AGS who sit there with prayer on, waiting to PJ somebody.




Nice vid, though :)

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And people like that [bleep] who PJed you with an AGS are why I no longer PK in members. Jagex needs to ****ing fix that, it's so ridiculous. 1/5 people above level 115 are noobs in bandos, fire capes, and d claws/AGS who sit there with prayer on, waiting to PJ somebody.




Nice vid, though :)




4/5. More PJers than PKers.




But the vid is 9/10 IMO. Not safing, sure its got good def but a lucky spec, anyway very GJ :D



Current goal: Legends, Regicide, Roving Elf's, Barrows RFD, 95+ Attack.

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9/10 for insane risk and spending on the vesta armor, the balls to attack dharokers who don't risk much and can easily get a powerful pwn hit on you, and the fact that you didn't quit pking forever after a sad loser with an ags spec pj took you out.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Actually a pretty crappy vid. You barely got any kos and tbh what you did doesn't take much skill, okay you're risking a lot big deal, the vid was boring as hell... Also funny how you fight people whose levels are green to you...

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Also funny how you fight people whose levels are green to you...


I think that's because he's maxed in combat? ;)




Nice vid. 9/10

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Well... considering that 99.9% of people aren't maxed combat, it's not feasible to limit yourself that far.


there are a lot of 120+ pkers he could be fighting out there but he prefers 118s

DO you really think that the few attack or defence levels 118s dont have will really make any difference in p2p pking? If you do your ignorant to the fact the p2p pking is just waiting for luck to give you back to back high hits as long as the 118 has 99 strength it a fair fight. P2P fights rarely last for more then a minute at a time, unless the are praying protection prayers. Maybe troll some place else.... Nice vid and sucks you got pjed.
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defense and attack make a considerable difference. try putting a 99 99 99 vs a 90 99 90 and see what happens.


either way, the vid was [cabbage] and you obviously have no idea what you're saying

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