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Should Runescape players be able to change usernames?


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Well, it would be kind of hard to implement but if they could do it i would be happpppppyyyyyy.


I am sick of people thinking I'm a bot - or used to be, and being surprised when i tell them my WC level is only 79 :|


Just to clarify: I wouldn't have a clue how to set up a macro anyway :lol:




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It's an interesting idea.




If you look at what Jagex has already done, a big example, it's a full blown RPG that is done in a flash player. I don't think the idea of them creating a way to change your username is that far fetched.




Also, as for everyone that keeps saying "It would ruin the 'block' sytem." If you really stopped to think about it, you would be able to see that this would be easy to stop. Many people have already posted idea's about how to stop this from happening.




One thing that I noticed was not addressed was how you would know your friend has changed his username. I can see two sulutions to this problem. The first is simple.




Example2: Hey, this is Example1 I changed my username.


Me: Ah, was wondering who that was.


It be the same as when your friend changed accounts alltogeather (I'm sure that's happened to a great deal of people)




But, there is another sulution that would be more imidiate. Say your one of those people who regularly go through their friends list, and people they don't talk to anymore or don't remember they delete (like me). Well, you might delete your friend before they can tell you who they are (Such as someone stated earlier). They could have something such as is done with the grand exchange. A message would pop up




Welcome to Runescape.


Example1 has changed his name to example2.




It's nice and simple and very effective. I'm sure most people notice the "Items are waiting for you at the grand exchange" message that is shown.




However, this wouldn't work if you log in and out in crowded areas, if this were the case, instead of a message in the text screen, they could use a pop up.




Also, to stop immiture players from changing their names Jagex could use some kind of payment to change names, such as is done with gender changes.




I myself would probably not use the name changing system, because I'm grown attached to it over the years, and even on other RS accounts people still call me death, so I couldn't really get away from it anyways lol.



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I know I'd Change my Username to my real name: Sir Tim C. (If its not taken alreay)




You'd be breaking the rules, and they'd either force you to make a new character, or re-change your name. Not allowed to have your real name (any part) in your character name.


My rsn has my name and gender in it.




Pureprayer, you're awesome.
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in mod mmg's cc he said they are currently working on a way to make name changes possible and that he would like to see it done. i would love to drop the lame extra h and l that i was forced to use when they wouldnt let me use hank hill (even though when i started and even now hank hill isnt on the hiscores :evil:) but i honestly dont see it happening...first of all theres the whole friends list/ignore list/clan chats that they would have to deal with which they are very smart im sure they could figure somthin out but then theres the hiscores which for many arent just ranks but they are years of hard work and if they dont like their name and decide to change it then everyone will be like "oh where did getjaars go? nub" so yah itd take alotta man power and time to do so if it does eventually happen i dont see it coming soon :(


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Honestly, I've always wanted to change it name; I've been playing rs for a bit of years now, and have really changed and matured sense my junior high "hey, look how funny my name is guyz" days.




It's like people respect me less because of my username. I hate the name, and I hate that I added numbers to it when I made my guy, but...if I had the choice to change my name...I probably wouldn't.




I've been playing this game for years, a lot of happy times, many late nights/all nighters, made tons of friends, and made a lot of memories, and well; my username is just one if those memeories.







"been scaping since 05'...been noob since 92'" xD

long-term goal:getting a quest cape before 100 combat; aswell as buying a Santa Hat

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i would def use it, i missed an L out of my name and it annoys me as i repeatedly try and log in with the wrong name.




also yeah my preferences have changed over the years ive had this account.




either put a limit on it, put it as a user name system or do a WoW and make people pay for it, jagex is a business at the end of the day



yep thats f2p..just waiting for my membership to expire

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although I think it's a good idea I feel it also has its negtives. I wouldn't change my name, I'm happy with it. I think it would just be abused somehow. I think theres too many (insert famed name here) wannabes as it is, nevermind loads of people being nicknamed that. Or even people saying they know such people for personal gain. Despite this, I'm sure some of them would've matured and would like to change their name.




However, I don't think they really should be able to change their usernames.



F2P for now

Private is on, gimme a HYT!

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The only reason its probably not been implemented yet is due to the limitations of the java engine.




Other MMO's utilize completely different engines that are much easier to toy with and is why name changes are common place.




Obviously a fee would most likely accompany the name change, and in reality with the amount of kids that play the game that struggle to even pay the monthly subscription i doubt the system would be abused.




I would assume Jagex have given this idea quite a bit of thought and most likely already know how to implement it. It would most likely accompany a major update to the game/engine.

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"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds."

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I'm happy with my username, I'd probably never change it. One thing I'd find interesting is that let's say your friend is going to change his name for about 2 days and then change it back. So you change your own name to his name and all his friends start talking to you. You could make him sound like an idiot :wall:



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I'm not sure about this idea, think from players side , okay your friend changed his nickname (let's say once again err) and you have to remove his old name from the friend list and (yet again) add his new one.


If jagex will want to do this idea they will need lots of work then on the nickname changing. And it would be harder for new players to find nicknames that can be used.




Actually they have this in another game, and basically the name say "Jay" that got switched to "Pete" just switches automatically, w/o the hassles of you having to switch it yourself.

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Not sure if this has been said: maybe RS has a day/ few days dedicated to a "username change". Everyone is allowed to change their username to anything not chosen yet- but if they do not wish to choose it they do not have to. Also, the people on your friends/ignore list would not have to be re-added, their name would be automatically changed




I, for one, created my username nairage a few years back, and it seems a bit childish to me now. However, I do not believe this will happen, as changing over 1,000,000 people's names at the same time would be near impossible to do..


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I like the regulation part that was mentioned. I too am burdened with name I do not want.




Perhaps grant a name change to players that have been loyal to RS e.g. get a name change "token" for every year you played, membership, or a payment to change the name.




This could also be included in password recoveries.






If you have had a name change please provide it:











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Who is rgxt44? Deleted. (rgxt44 was your friend ury86g)


Oh well. You deleted all of your friends.


This would also negate the effect of the ignore list. Think before you post dumb ideas like this.




Mod MMG said they were working on it. He never specified when it was coming out, but he said they were looking into it.

This feels exceptional on my under-carriage.

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Who is rgxt44? Deleted. (rgxt44 was your friend ury86g)


Oh well. You deleted all of your friends.


This would also negate the effect of the ignore list. Think before you post dumb ideas like this.




Mod MMG said they were working on it. He never specified when it was coming out, but he said they were looking into it.


They've been "looking into" some stuff for years. But I think some of it they decided wasn't in the best interest of the game experience.

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I would love to at least be able to change my name in terms of npc chats. "Zelda12346, you have given my daughter a proper burial. she can finally rest in peace" would not sound as good as "Emilia Rapshire, you have given my daughter a proper burial. She can finally rest in peace." I'd like to also be able to change my username for player to player role playing and just creating the environment in general. However, changing usernames means changing hiscore, changing friends lists, checking availability CONSTANTLY (you're not the only one who would be changing their name ;)), et cetera. It would be very difficult to change the username for player to player interaction, but I see no reason why Jagex can't change it for npc chats seeing as my name is Thorton according to the Fremeniks.

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Who is rgxt44? Deleted. (rgxt44 was your friend ury86g)


Oh well. You deleted all of your friends.


This would also negate the effect of the ignore list. Think before you post dumb ideas like this.




Maybe you should be less of an [wagon]? I never said this was my idea, I simply asked if it should happen or not. Jesus Christ maybe read before your post idiot.


Maybe you could read my post first. I almost forgot. You called me an idiot. I am very sad about that. You've made me sad. At least my post brought something to the table. I'm pretty sure the only reason you created this thread was to boost your post count.




If I'm not mistaken, you were the one that came up with the idea of "long-distance trading", and you're calling his idea dumb?

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Who is rgxt44? Deleted. (rgxt44 was your friend ury86g)


Oh well. You deleted all of your friends.


This would also negate the effect of the ignore list. Think before you post dumb ideas like this.




Maybe you should be less of an [wagon]? I never said this was my idea, I simply asked if it should happen or not. Jesus Christ maybe read before your post idiot.


Maybe you could read my post first. I almost forgot. You called me an idiot. I am very sad about that. You've made me sad. At least my post brought something to the table. I'm pretty sure the only reason you created this thread was to boost your post count.




If I'm not mistaken, you were the one that came up with the idea of "long-distance trading", and you're calling his idea dumb?


"Grand Exchange while at the castle wars arena" in Runescape and "Mail" in WoW.


Both are "long-distance trades" and very successful, if I may say so.


And tehraven, he was only giving a reasonable and non-volatile explanation on what would happen when changing usernames.




There's nothing really to get upset about unless there are some fragile psyches or misunderstood sentences.

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