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April Fools :P


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Well April Fools is on Wednesday. Most of the dragon things have been released. So what do you guys think this years April fools joke will be?




I was thinking of a mysterious man that gives you fake money :lol:


Chat ahead 8-)

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Well, we had the abby demon pet give you a fake whip, so that is possible, but not likely. Not a ship. Maybe a dragon pick, lock a dragon lockpick?

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Going with the sailing idea, instead of releasing Sailboats, like what would be expected with a sailing skill, Jagex could release a Sale Boat.




I don't know where they'd put it - Port Sarim, I guess - but just have a giant barge with some GE bankers there letting you access the Grand Exchange from somewhere other than Varrock.




Jagex seems to like plays on words, like with the dragon plate (spinning plate) item, so this might be a possibility.

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Everyone has afros for the day and they give you a "Dragon Pick" for you to groom it with.


That would be awesome! :thumbsup:


But instead of just having the afro for the day, make it so that when you wear the Dragon Pick it turns your hair into an afro with the pick sticking out. Retro styling whenever you want!



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So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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Going with the sailing idea, instead of releasing Sailboats, like what would be expected with a sailing skill, Jagex could release a Sale Boat.




I don't know where they'd put it - Port Sarim, I guess - but just have a giant barge with some GE bankers there letting you access the Grand Exchange from somewhere other than Varrock.




Jagex seems to like plays on words, like with the dragon plate (spinning plate) item, so this might be a possibility.




Hah, this would be a great idea. Maybe you can buy one of the aforementioned "dragon pick" items from the "sale boat", too.

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You know how the Abyssal Minion pet gives you a fake whip but then takes it away? Something like that maybe?




Last year it was some fake BTS article. It was funny, but didn't really make an impact.

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What if everyone is banned for the day like permanently?




That would be hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:






Would be quite funny+it's a weekday, so it wouldn't have a huge impact.

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Switch the looks of the main style armors: Bronze looks like rune, Iron looks like addy, black-mith etc. Everything else looks like a chicken suit :shock:

Generally when i throw up i would rather not have it in my mouth :-X
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