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You know, one could say that America is Canada's [wagon] (or toilet, whatever you prefer).




That would be Mexico. And Central America is the pipeline leading to the sewer, South America.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I'm sure the barrell roll pic is funny. pureprayer's pic, however, is not.


He said it wasn't allowed because it was 9/11 based and i said it was ok (we have had 9/11 threads in OT before).




I forgive you just for your Canada sig.


I am now apart of Pureprayer's signature. <3:




But my name was removed for privacy. :(

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I'm sure the barrell roll pic is funny. pureprayer's pic, however, is not.


He said it wasn't allowed because it was 9/11 based and i said it was ok (we have had 9/11 threads in OT before).




I forgive you just for your Canada sig.


I am now apart of Pureprayer's signature. <3:




But my name was removed for privacy. :(


Some people tend to hate me.




I now have a fan club with 3 members.




Pureprayer, you're awesome.
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You know, one could say that America is Canada's [wagon] (or toilet, whatever you prefer).




That would be Mexico. And Central America is the pipeline leading to the sewer, South America.




So the map actually looks like this, huh.




[hide=America doesn't exist]americadoesntexist.png[/hide]

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You know, one could say that America is Canada's [wagon] (or toilet, whatever you prefer).




That would be Mexico. And Central America is the pipeline leading to the sewer, South America.




So the map actually looks like this, huh.




[hide=America doesn't exist]americadoesntexist.png[/hide]


No Mexico is Americas toilet. Not to offend anyone. I use oxyclean on my toilets, and so does America.




Pureprayer, you're awesome.
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You know, one could say that America is Canada's [wagon] (or toilet, whatever you prefer).




That would be Mexico. And Central America is the pipeline leading to the sewer, South America.




So the map actually looks like this, huh.




[hide=America doesn't exist]americadoesntexist.png[/hide]




Wrong. America is tall with a appollo like head. Mexico is the unwiped [wagon].


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I'm sure the barrell roll pic is funny. pureprayer's pic, however, is not.


Psssht. Lighten up and realize that you just saw a still image of hundreds of peoples' deaths. Is that awesome or funny? I'll let you decide.




Actually,Ii should probbably point out that I'm not saying it is.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I'm sure the barrell roll pic is funny. pureprayer's pic, however, is not.


Psssht. Lighten up and realize that you just saw a still image of hundreds of peoples' deaths. Is that awesome or funny? I'll let you decide.




It's death! Of course it's not funny. It's... it's.. it... tehee. Omg, Lenin's mind control is taking over.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Where did the Profit meme originate from?




http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... s_plan.png




That's where it originated, but the actual meme usually goes something like this:


1. (first part of plan)


2. (second part of plan)


3. ???


4. Profit!




For some reason almost always 4 steps, and for some reason always 3 question marks. Not sure why.



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Where did the Profit meme originate from?




http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... s_plan.png




That's where it originated, but the actual meme usually goes something like this:


1. (first part of plan)


2. (second part of plan)


3. ???


4. Profit!




For some reason almost always 4 steps, and for some reason always 3 question marks. Not sure why.




It's just how the meme goes, that's why it's known.




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I'm sure the barrell roll pic is funny. pureprayer's pic, however, is not.


Psssht. Lighten up and realize that you just saw a still image of hundreds of peoples' deaths. Is that awesome or funny? I'll let you decide.




It's death! Of course it's not funny. It's... it's.. it... tehee. Omg, Lenin's mind control is taking over.




He's already influenced my mind...it's slowly taking over as we speak. Save yourself while you can.


*end typewriter*


On topic: Anyone know where the 'my future girlfriend' meme came from and how? I thought that one was pretty stupid. One of those forced memes?

Pretty much done with rs now

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I'm sure the barrell roll pic is funny. pureprayer's pic, however, is not.


yes it is.




In that case...








:lol: :lol: :lol:






Aura: That was pretty funny :D


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Ugh, I was hoping threads like these would never infect OT.




Anyway, some meme's are pretty funny, while others are epicly stupid. Motifakes/demotives, although they're not totally meme's, are perhaps the funniest things you can find on the internet when they're done right like some of the ones posted above. But the other ones where they repeat what's blatantly obvious in the picture? Just another useless addition to the meme pile.




The Game is a fun meme (I just lost btw) and one of the few that have infected real life as well as the internet. In my high school at least half our freshman class plays the game, and chaos ensues every biology class when one person states they lost the game. Mind[bleep]s are humorous and occasionally terrifying. Barrel rolls and "all your bases are belong to us" are moderately funny. Courage wolf and occasionally advice dog actually makes me laugh.




Then there are the stupid memes. Mudkipz, over 9000, etc. They're the kind of memes that are just spouted randomly with no intelligence and creativity behind them.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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