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Do your parents still treat you like a small child?


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I'm 15, I don't do drugs, I don't drink, I'm not an idiot. But she won't let me walk home from the gym because of some reasons I don't know of (she never tells me any reasons to contradict what I say, ever), and it's really bugging me.




Are any of you in a similar predicament? It doesn't have to be exactly mine, you could still have filters on the internet and whatever, I'm just interested and would like to know (if you're comfortable with telling me).




Sorry, I had to rant.

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I've never even so much as gotten a detention. I've earned my parents trust. I guess. But I still have to be home by 9pm (excluding Fri and Sat). I'm 17 damn it. I still feel like i get treated like I'm 5 every now and then, but that's life. In the end, I'm probably better for it. I actually perfer it over having parents that just don't give a crap. Kids with parents like that tend to be rather bad. My ego problem converts that stereo type into making me feel better about myself.




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Didn't you post something exactly like this a few months ago?




Anyways, no, I actually earned my parents' trust.




No, that was anger. And this is not for advice, this is for a discussion (somewhat).




And there's not much I can do because they're stubborn as hell. If I run away they'll think I'd be doing something illegal.

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My parents are a lot different from most as far as I can tell. They always trusted my brother and I, would let us stay out as late as we wanted, even on school nights, because they knew we weren't getting into trouble. Our unspoken deal that we had was pretty much we tell them where we were gonna be and give them a call when we were on our way home, and that's it. Even for things like if they were heading out of town they wouldn't mind if we just stayed home by ourselves versus finding us a place to stay, and they'd let me go on road trips with friends throughout high school.




So yeah, I had a pretty slack childhood as far as strict parents go, but there is still one thing that bugs me about my mom. I'm 20 years old and still to this day, anytime I'm either on the road or at home (meaning staying at home versus out at college for like a weekend) she'll worry about me. I'll be out at a friend's house and get a call from her at like 3am because she wants to know when I'm coming home or wondering if I'm still alive. #-o So now I just refuse to tell her when I'm coming home or give her a heads up when I plan on coming back from college for a few days.

May the presents of our lord and savior, Santa, be with you this holiday season!

First annual Clausmas - 2009 December 25

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I've never had really strict parents either. My dad is great and he understands that I can think things through and not make irrational decisions. I have never done anything that would really destroy this trust and I generally improve upon my faults over time. Even though they are not strict, and let me choose when to sleep and such, they still treat me like a child in other ways. An example is giving me an affectionate nickname which really ticks me off :lol: , but recently they haven't used it much.

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I've never had really strict parents either. My dad is great and he understands that I can think things through and not make irrational decisions. I have never done anything that would really destroy this trust and I generally improve upon my faults over time. Even though they are not strict, and let me choose when to sleep and such, they still treat me like a child in other ways. An example is giving me an affectionate nickname which really ticks me off :lol: , but recently they haven't used it much.




Yeah, too bad I don't live with my dad, but he's not in good shape right now.




On an non-personal note, I haven't done anything to break the trust we have. The problem is, it seems like there isn't any at all.

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A large factor on how parents raise their kids is how they themselves were raised...and that's just one of the many possible reasons as to why there's no trust, but trust me - there is a reason.

May the presents of our lord and savior, Santa, be with you this holiday season!

First annual Clausmas - 2009 December 25

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A large factor on how parents raise their kids is how they themselves were raised...and that's just one of the many possible reasons as to why there's no trust, but trust me - there is a reason.




I'm sure there is, they just never tell me.




I think the main reason is that they think I'll get abducted. I don't even know why'd they think that period.

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My mom was always paranoid about stuff like that too, and I live in a very safe thousand mile radius. Parents (specifically moms) have a tendancy to be paranoid because they only ever hear about bad things happening - it's not news/gossip if it isn't bad - then get the mindset that all these murders, rapes, and abductions are common occurances when in reality they aren't (at least not for your everyday average person).

May the presents of our lord and savior, Santa, be with you this holiday season!

First annual Clausmas - 2009 December 25

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Heh, I stay out in town all night at 15 with a few friends.


There is just a thing about not going to bed late as my mum things its a 'Waste of life' or some [cabbage], and I just ignore her and do otherwise :)




So no, not really :D



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I'm 17 and it's sort of mixed...


I can pretty much go anywhere I want, within vague limits, the furthest probably being a 2 hour train to Telford half way across the country for an anime convention. They don't even set a time I need to be in at night because they know that I don't go out anyway (seriously) and they also leave me in charge of my 9 year old brother practically all the time to the point it pisses me off. Sometimes I'm left with him from when he finishes school at half 3 to 10-11 o'clock with no idea where my mum and dad are, we just assume the pub :| . I think they do treat me more like an adult, but they see me as a small child, I've never done any of the things that 'normal' teenagers do. I won't drink (even when asked to by parents), I won't smoke, I don't go out with friends at night, I don't have boyfriends or get involved in stupid things... so they've never really had to think of me as an adult. I don't want to think of myself as an adult!


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My parents don't treat me like a child because I don't behave like a child. I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't do drugs. My parents know this. The worst thing I do is slack on my homework sometimes.

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My parents will let me stay out late if it is at a friend's house. Yet with this 'freedom' they still call to ask when I'm coming home, where I am, how I'm coming home yadda yadda basic parently concerns. They'll allow me to do what I want but only if they know 100% what I'm doing.



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they probably would if i let them. but because i'm not a pushover and mentally [developmentally delayed]ed, they understand i'm capable of handling myself so they usually know their limits. when they try to cross that line, they usually regret it




i broke my curfew @ 17 because my work at the time closes really late (I usually got home by midnight) so they just stopped caring when I go out. the only time they care now is when i drive (which they have every right to because i'm just borrowing their car)

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I'm 16, and not really, they treat me (most of the time) like an average teenager. I drink socially, but I don't go out often at night and I have never smoked or taken drugs.




I can't help anyone else because parents, situations and solutions will vary wildly.

~ W ~



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I'm 16, and not really, they treat me (most of the time) like an average teenager. I drink socially, but I don't go out often at night and I have never smoked or taken drugs.




I can't help anyone else because parents, situations and solutions will vary wildly.




That's exactly why I didn't ask for help, I just mainly put it up to see if others have this problem.

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She probably thinks that you'll go out finding trouble or that trouble will find you. My parents are kind of like average, they will ask where i'm going, they trust every one of my friends and i'm fairly responsible so there's no need to fret, although she gets worried if I walk on my own in the dark incase I get raped or something...







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I don't have much of a social life exactly, and I can't recall the last time I went out with friends, but my parents are pretty much laid back about what I do or don't do. I haven't had a detention in months (and I have only once gotten one for a just reason in my entire secondary school life), I do most of my homework well before time, and I'm getting moslty A's; so they know I'm perfectly capable of doing my schoolwork without being nagged.




I have no desire to rebel, and they have no desire to restrict me: it's a good relationship.

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