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scariest game


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Dead Space for me, just due to the fact that it makes me jump, even on the 2nd playthrough.




Oh and i don't see how people can find BioShock or Left4Dead scary. Bioshock, looks nice and i think is more of an action game then survival horror - Left 4 Dead, that's just a fast pased, adrenaline rush game that's just fun. To be honest, there's really no time TO GET scared, since it's so fast paced.




Dead Space and maybe the old resident evils for me, especially Dead Aim ^^




EDIT: Thought i'd post the video of me killing the last boss. It really is the worst example to show you how scary the game is. I mean the last enemy is the least scary thing you can think of :S







IM planning on making more videos soon, probably a compilation of the scariest moments.

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We've been in and out of Bioshock, now I think it;s time to give some attention to Condemned. And I mean Criminal Origins, not the sequel that was neither scary nor fun.




While playing the demo I made up my mind that I wouldnt buy CO, not because I didn't like it, but because I didn't think I could finish it :ohnoes:




Condemned is scary, more scary than anything I've ever played. It didn't make me jump so much, it's just that some of the settings can be related to real life so easily (the maps and some character, not the genetic mutants and the likes obviously).




The school level on Condemned, wow, the layout is pretty similar to my school and some moments....well......they're pretty damn scary.

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There's a level in one of the oringal dooms where you look in one direction to push a switch, then a wall would open up behind you (without you knowing) then before you know it "Unh!" and you had a demon right behind you. It gets me every time.




(Also hearing spider masterminds/Aranotrons stomping around behinds walls still scares me.)



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[hide=Seeing this when I was 6.]801303clankerlarge.jpgIn Banjo Kazooie. In order to enter the place he was you had to go via an tunnel, and the first thing you saw when you exited that tunnel was his huge grinning face. I was too scared to go in so I had my sister do it for me. Who was 6 too. :lol:[/hide]

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I used to find the deep well in ocarina of time scary, but i was v young at the time, and it was kinda creepy :oops:




I played through hl2 recently, i didn't find ravenholm that scary, but maybe its because its the third time ive been through it so i knew what was coming. I did however find the elevator part in hl2:ep1 scary. Its pitch black and all you have is your flashlight, and the 'zombine' just come out of nowhere with grenades, almost flew out of my chair from one of them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I dunno if this has been said, but Penumbra is a pretty scary series. I just bought the whole pack on steam of $5 yesterday. Scariest thing I have ever seen.




Penumbra: Overture (First Episode)






Penumbra: Black Plauge (Second Episode - Way scarrier!)






(Just to add, the sale is now over.)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, someone gave ratings for suspense and other factors of "scary", and I think I'll do the same because I know the ultimate moment in suspense. The feeling never goes way either no matter how many times you play which beats any other scary suspense.








Right there where the blue bouncy thing is. When Jumpman is climbing up that ladder on 75m, it always looks like you're going to die and even if you're sure you're fine (which I am 95% of the time) it still puts you in suspense for that moment.




Ultimate suspense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going back to the Bioshock/Dead Space discussion. I have now played both of the games and in my opinion Dead Space was much more scary than Bioshock was. In fact, I was never really scared in Bioshock, it was fun to play, just never scary.

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  • 3 weeks later...

roflmao how is bioshock or left 4 dead scary? Bioshock is a joke compared to other games if it was trying to be scary. Left 4 Dead is easy, just shoot, run, shoot, run. You get used to the zombies just endlessly running at you.




The only game that has ever scared me to the point of not been able to play is Dead Space, try 12:00AM, plasma screen T.V. at a friends house, completely dark, surround sound system top quality. Walking down a corridor, and a little [cabbage] mutant baby comes around the corner and lunges for you. You just escape, then out of nowhere you hear a vent break, the choking sound they make. Turn around the corner, it just freaking latches on and slices you in half with all the sound effects.




The last boss is so epic and huge (about the size of a city in the crater from concept art) but too easy. The death scene is so epic. Arms, then half your body get ripped off in 30 seconds. Best death scene ever :P


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Doom 3 end of discussion




Doom 3 was just monsters popping out of closets pretty much, was a really disappointing game.




Now Doom 2 back in the day? Yeah man that could scare the [cabbage] out of you.

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Doom 3 end of discussion




Doom 3 was just monsters popping out of closets pretty much, was a really disappointing game.




Now Doom 2 back in the day? Yeah man that could scare the [cabbage] out of you.




If a game doesn't have the proper atmosphere it seriously sucks as a horror. Few games can create a good atmosphere of "holy crap thats scary!". Doom 2 succeeded, and yeah playing that game when it came out would of been crazy :ohnoes: Doom 3 is a letdown. You get used to monsters jumping out at you after, oh, say one hour?


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