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Best Games.

Guest warscdc

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Write please what your most favourite game?


Half-Life 2,S.T.A.L.K.E.R.,F.E.A.R. 2,CALL of DUTY,Crysis ?




Games, prompt!




Who as considers. What computer game the most good?


1 place..........


2 place..........


3 place..........


4 place..........


5 place..........

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Erm this is general discussion for all RUNESCAPE related discussion.




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Let the fanboyism begin. I wouldn't say there was an absolute best game though, nearly every game has its flaws and you've got all the different genres to consider. There are a lot of games that I like for example, but I wouldn't say one was the best. I have favourites I like to play, but I wouldn't pick one over all the others as being the best.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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The half life series. This isn't just rabid fanboyism either, the series is constantly the highest rated game of all time amongst publications all around, and for a great reason too. No other game has helped shape a genre as much as half life has. (id software may have very well invented and made the FPS popular, half life made it into what it is today.)




I could continue to go on and say how the series its self has spawned several of the most popular multiplayer FPS's in the world, and how several of those have redefined the way we look at online FPS.








Really though this thread has been beaten to death over and over.

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Call of Duty because it's the only one I played. I also enjoy the realistic war theme.




Realistic my arse.




They can use Desert Eagles man. The recoil on those is huge...




Realistic as in your enemies are real people instead of mutated aliens. :? Not speaking in terms of physics.

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Final fantasy 7 or fable 2.




Oh, computer games....Uuuuh....probably Spore.




If you think its that good, then get it damn right. Its VII, not 7.




And even then, it is far from the best, too overrated. Its only that highly regarded because it was the first fully 3D Final Fantasy.




Zierro, there is plenty of FPS out there that have humans are enemies, besides, most CoD themes are overdone, I mean, it focuses mainly on the World Wars, boring.




Aside from that, it barely has any story to it.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Call of Duty because it's the only one I played. I also enjoy the realistic war theme.




Realistic my arse.




They can use Desert Eagles man. The recoil on those is huge...




Both national forces in it using DE are elite forces, it's safe to say their trained in how to use Desert Eagles. The militants, well they're just [bleep]ing nuts.




Either way though, it is the most realistic war game I've played so far, and I'd say the vast majority of people who love war games will agree.




My favorite games =




Grand Theft Auto series, most notably San Andres, 4 was just trying to make something ridiculous realistic


Fable 1 and 2


Age of Empires




Tiger Woods series.

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And even then, it is far from the best, too overrated. Its only that highly regarded because it was the first fully 3D Final Fantasy.




I agree with that. It was good, but way too overrated if you ask me. There were much better Final Fantasy's, such as the fifth one.




Zierro, there is plenty of FPS out there that have humans are enemies, besides, most CoD themes are overdone, I mean, it focuses mainly on the World Wars, boring.




Yeah, but it was the only realistic FPS that I can recall playing. When I think of shooters anything else that comes to mind usually consists of games like Quake, Doom, Half-Life, pretty much any game with a weird bestiary. I liked CoD because, when I think of FPS and the "you're really there experience" it's important to me that things are as realistic as possible. When it comes to weird monsters, I'd much rather hack and slash them with a sword than use a rifle - ya know to keep things more fantasy oriented.

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And even then, it is far from the best, too overrated. Its only that highly regarded because it was the first fully 3D Final Fantasy.




I agree with that. It was good, but way too overrated if you ask me. There were much better Final Fantasy's, such as the fifth one.




Zierro, there is plenty of FPS out there that have humans are enemies, besides, most CoD themes are overdone, I mean, it focuses mainly on the World Wars, boring.




Yeah, but it was the only realistic FPS that I can recall playing. When I think of shooters anything else that comes to mind usually consists of games like Quake, Doom, Half-Life, pretty much any game with a weird bestiary. I liked CoD because, when I think of FPS and the "you're really there experience" it's important to me that things are as realistic as possible. When it comes to weird monsters, I'd much rather hack and slash them with a sword than use a rifle - ya know to keep things more fantasy oriented.




Regarding FF. Personally, I've played VII - X and XII.




Out of them, I'll disregard IX as I played little of it (damn discs), I'd say VIII was the best. mainly from the character development point of view (Squall really changes through it).




Honestly, I thought HAZE was a pretty good FPS. Okay, maybe the dialog was pretty weak, but it had a good story, without being too futuristic (take out Nectar, and its pretty much set in a time similar to ours), and unlike CoD, it had a story behind it, and made you question which was right and wrong. Unlike CoD which just says "You're good, they're evil", HAZE, you start out thinking you are on the right side, then that all changes once you get the full story. However, neither side is fully good or evil.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Regarding FF. Personally, I've played VII - X and XII.




Out of them, I'll disregard IX as I played little of it (damn discs), I'd say VIII was the best. mainly from the character development point of view (Squall really changes through it).




Dang, that's it? I always judged you as a hardcore FF fan because of your avvy. Yeah, VIII was really good. The beginning was a bit slow, but the more you progress the more fun I was having. I've beat all 1-10, excluding the 2nd because it just bored me too much. My favorite would probably have to be IX, namely because of the abilities system. Your abilities became permanent after you mastered them. XII was cool too but I never beat it yet. I probably should this summer actually. :)

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I can't stand any of the modern Final Fantasies. Story development is too slow, boring combat and they're pretty cliche.




The old SNES ones were the best. Then again I've never been a JRPG fan.

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Heh, well its been kind of hard to obtain the games now, otherwise I would have tried the earlier ones. Back when they remade the older ones to put on the PS1, I was still young then, and couldn't afford them. Now that I can, I haven't got around to it XD.




And yes Nadril, I did enjoy HAZE. I don't give a [bleep] what other people think of the games I play. For one, since it was more ignored, it had a better online, and wasn't full of American [bleep]ing kids with their damned voices raping my ears.




[hide=PS3 games]Oblivion GOTY, LBP, CoD4, GH III, GH:WT, Killzone 2, Mirror's Edge, Assassain's Creed, X-Men Origins, Fallout 3, GTA IV, Mirror's Edge, Heavenly Sword, Def Jam ICON, MGS4 and Pure. Of course, I have borrowed some off my mate, Motorstorm, Dynasty Warriors 6 and The Orange Box.[/hide]




Why don't you [bleep]ing realise its not the only [bleep]ing game I have. Unlike other games in the FPS genre now, it had a story, and if I could be [bleep]ing bothered, I would add in my list of PS2 games. Infact, I still find games such as Super Mario 64 enjoyable.




Face it, we all have different [bleep]ing tastes. I rarely pay attention to damn reviews as it doesn't say anything about what I would enjoy.




Don't [bleep]ing judge me based on one game in my collection. Face it, I'm only [bleep]ing 17, so I've not been around for a lot of the classics, and its [bleep]ing better than being a media tool and judging games based upon what they say.




I've played a lot of the games that were considered great at their time. I did enjoy them, and even then, it wasn't because I read reviews and [cabbage]. I take risks when it comes to purchasing. The majority of my CDs? I bought them upon impulse, and hell, I like them.




Oh, and I also enjoyed FFX-2, care to judge me on that?


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Fight! Fight! Stab him with your pointer icon!








On topic, I think Half Life was pretty bad. I mean yeah it opened up the door to better FPS, but isn't that what Final Fantasy did with RPG? They are horribly cliched though.

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