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E3 2009 - The Big 3 & the Minorities


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you have to wonder how much MS laid down to get MGS




Yeah its obvious Microsoft to get that. No Kojima and no Snake makes me skeptical.




New motion camera looks great as long as Microsoft don't go down the Wii road with it. We don't need another family console with no appeal to serious gamers.

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Yayayayayayayayayayayayayayyayayayayayayayayay very happy now! :D




Christ, we didn't need L4D 2, it should have been left to mods on PC like they're other successful game, and left to wither and die on 360.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Did E3 already start? I thought it was supposed to start the 2nd. Anyhow someone post here if they hear officially about a PS3 price drop. I don't care about anything else, so the only news I'll see about E3 are the digg headlines.



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Big money EP3, please!




Hope they announce it at the EA keynote.




edit: http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/ea-e3/


^the stream. Few mins left til it starts!






Christ, we didn't need L4D 2, it should have been left to mods on PC like they're other successful game, and left to wither and die on 360




I'm torn on it. On one hand, it's more L4D -- and if you read about it they're adding a lot. On the other hand it does seem soon. To be honest I sort of think that valve realized that they couldn't really do some of the things they wanted with L4D.




Hopefully that is, it's odd to see them do a new one so quick though, being valve and all.

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you have to wonder how much MS laid down to get MGS




Yeah its obvious Microsoft sucked some big dicks to get that. No Kojima and no Snake makes me skeptical.




New motion camera looks great as long as Microsoft don't go down the Wii road with it. We don't need another family console with no appeal to serious gamers.




Kojima wasn't involved? Well, that makes the news a little better.




But if they can play through as Raiden, I will swear, repeatedly.




But on the bright side, FO3 DLC for the PS3. Never thought it'd come.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Anyone else watching the EA speech?




For the first 10 minutes, I was rapidly losing faith in EA, but then, they showed that FIght Night Round 4 video. Oh my [bLEEP] god!!!!




The detail is incredible. I hate boxing, but I was enthralled!

So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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I'm really looking forward to The Saboteur. I just hope the gameplay doesn't get repetitive.






EDIT: Ubisoft's presentation starts in 6 minutes. It could be interesting.

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all i care about right now is modern warfare 2.




but something from valve would be nice, i miss hl2dm. that game is pretty much a ghost town now, it has nowhere near as many people playing it as 1-2 years ago.


Darwin's Radio, stairway to stardom 2009

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Ubisoft is pushing their movies at a game conference. All of the live chats are getting very restless. I'm about ready to stop watching. I don't even know if there is going to be any game footage tonight.

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Just finished watching the stream for Ubisoft's conference, and my God what a waste of time. I didn't think it was possible for such a big developer to dissapoint so much.




The presenter was an absolute idiot who seemed incapable of speaking without staring at the teleprompter on the floor. If he didn't know what to say, he would relentlessly use the word "AWESOME!" to fill the gap, and introduced the most famous football player of all time as "Pale-ay" rather than "Pele". It was as if he just forgot to practice, woke up, half-drunk, in the afternoon of the presentation and thought 'Meh, I'll wing it. So what if I don't know my lines.'




As to the games on display; there was more time spent on Ubisoft's beloved "Petz" et al franchise than on 'Assassin's Creed 2' whose only feature was a pre-rendered trailer.




Worst part was that 'Beyond Good & Evil 2' didn't even get a mention.




For shame, Ubisoft. For shame.


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Ubisoft failed, but Microsoft definitely did a crap load better than the past two years. I'm hoping though that MS is usually the low on the ladder of good conferences that Nintendo and Sony will be able to top Microsoft, but really, I'm feeling that the three will be very close in presentation. Still that's good.




Left 4 Dead 2 I'm skeptical on. It could have just been a huge game altering patch and then later on a patch to connect the two games together in some fashion. I'm gonna miss not having the original cast to make their comments while playing, but hopefully the new cast of characters will make it more worthwhile. IGN has a good article including a few gameplay vids and the explanations behind the game are quite settling.




Halo announcements were cool, but I'm not a fan of Halo, GG.




Nintendo's is in 13 hours and 30 minutes. Lol. C'mon Zelda for the Wii!!!!

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oh [cabbage], i thought MGS4 was coming out for the 360. you mean a NEW MGS game is being made for the 360?




makes things even worse for people who "bought PS3 for MGS"




[hide=]Ubisoft failed, but Microsoft definitely did a crap load better than the past two years. I'm hoping though that MS is usually the low on the ladder of good conferences that Nintendo and Sony will be able to top Microsoft, but really, I'm feeling that the three will be very close in presentation. Still that's good.




Left 4 Dead 2 I'm skeptical on. It could have just been a huge game altering patch and then later on a patch to connect the two games together in some fashion. I'm gonna miss not having the original cast to make their comments while playing, but hopefully the new cast of characters will make it more worthwhile. IGN has a good article including a few gameplay vids and the explanations behind the game are quite settling.




Halo announcements were cool, but I'm not a fan of Halo, GG.




Nintendo's is in 13 hours and 30 minutes. Lol. C'mon Zelda for the Wii!!!![/hide]




That's a load of [cabbage]. The only time Nintendo did "good" in E3 was when they announced the revolution. Everything from then was a downhill slide.

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oh [cabbage], i thought MGS4 was coming out for the 360. you mean a NEW MGS game is being made for the 360?




makes things even worse for people who "bought PS3 for MGS"




The mentality of buying a console for one series is a bit stupid.




Though I'll admit the FFXIII was a factor in me getting the PS3, before I knew it was going to be on the 360 too.




But hell, I stand by my choice.




But meh, if MGS:R does come out to be on the PS3 aswell, I hope its not just some half-assed attempt that is too similar to the 360 version.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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But meh, if MGS:R does come out to be on the PS3 aswell, I hope its not just some half-assed attempt that is too similar to the 360 version.


I'm pretty sure both versions will have the core elements, but the 360 version may have a selling feature like an alternating ending. But really Sony needs to have like four extra, exclusive features on the PS3, to make people want a PS3 to play it.

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Well they have the game that preceded it so they're essentially one up if it is multiplatform. It looks like a prequel, so players will probably want to know what happened to Raiden in MGS4.




But yes you're right Microsoft will probably have bought some kind of exclusivity.

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