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Dragon X Bow?


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That (Awesome looking) Dragon Crossbow, does raise some questions, however that green bow on the far wall is kind of interesting too ;)




Still though, maybe a release of it somehow with the bar? (Idk, play beer pong and get a Crossbow? :lol: - it is a bar afterall)



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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It's the new pub they're designing for Ardounge, just southeast of the southern bank.




I reckon they're just teasing for now, it'll come out at the end of the dwarven quests I guess, along with the hammered. The dPlate and Claws came out in WGS so I reckon the Dwarf Grandmaster Quest will bring out two dragon things as well.

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It's not a cross bow.




It's a longbow/shortbow with an arrow loaded and perpendicular to the bowstring, looks more like a dark bow or a strange equivalent.




Maybe, but with the Drag X bow already expected, it's more likely to be this, IMO




Did Jagex confirm the release of the Dragon xbow? Because I could say that this is a hugely disproportional dragon pickaxe, with a bit of wire/rope across it to hold it up. The release of the dragon pick was confirmed by Jagex.




I could be wrong about the normal bow (I'm definitely wrong about the pickaxe :P) but just don't get your hopes up, all it does is let you down, which is what MMG does not want.

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It's not a cross bow.




It's a longbow/shortbow with an arrow loaded and perpendicular to the bowstring, looks more like a dark bow or a strange equivalent.




Maybe, but with the Drag X bow already expected, it's more likely to be this, IMO




Did Jagex confirm the release of the Dragon xbow? Because I could say that this is a hugely disproportional dragon pickaxe, with a bit of wire/rope across it to hold it up. The release of the dragon pick was confirmed by Jagex.




I could be wrong about the normal bow (I'm definitely wrong about the pickaxe :P) but just don't get your hopes up, all it does is let you down, which is what MMG does not want.




Haven't confirmed, but it's definitely an expected update, as is the dragon pick, kite, etc.




And jagex obviously included this "teaser", or what have you, on purpose

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It is probably a quest start point which makes the dragon x bow available, although why have a dragon x bow? What special would it have since the specials are in the bolts(unless there is only one type of bolt that can be used with it like the bone crossbow)? Kudos to Jagex if it is going to be released and even more kudos if they can figure out something new for the dragon crossbow.



[hide=Drops]Dragon: Spear x1, Med helm x3, legs x2, pickaxe x1, skirt x3, scimitar x1

Barrows: DH helm x1, Verac Brassy x2, Karil Skirt x1, Ahrim Hood x2, Guthan Spear

GWD: Arma Helm x1

Other: Handcannon x4, Leaf Bladed Sword x3[/hide]

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It is probably a quest start point which makes the dragon x bow available, although why have a dragon x bow? What special would it have since the specials are in the bolts(unless there is only one type of bolt that can be used with it like the bone crossbow)? Kudos to Jagex if it is going to be released and even more kudos if they can figure out something new for the dragon crossbow.






Higher ranged bonus for one, and Jagex is a creative bunch, they'll think of something ;)

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It is probably a quest start point which makes the dragon x bow available, although why have a dragon x bow? What special would it have since the specials are in the bolts(unless there is only one type of bolt that can be used with it like the bone crossbow)? Kudos to Jagex if it is going to be released and even more kudos if they can figure out something new for the dragon crossbow.




maybe spec always does damage, or has a high chance of activiating a bolts gem special?

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Well, I admit that it certainly does look like it could be a Dragon Drossbow. However it does raise some rather interesting questions. For one, why would some random bar happen to have such a weapon hanging up on its wall? As far as the games storyline is concerned, dragon equipment is supposed to be rare, valuable and powerful. So it doesn't make too much sence for it to be there, especially when it is not seen anywhere else. Although who knows, it very well could be the fabled Dragon Crossbow.


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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Ooohhhh... =P~ If you'll excuse me, I need to go get a towel to mop up my drool.




I say d-xbow. I also say that the spec will take 100% of the bar and activate an enchanted bolt's special.

Balance may be power, but chaos is still pretty damn fun.


Canada can't be second rate, polar bears are their main mode of transportation.

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Ooohhhh... =P~ If you'll excuse me, I need to go get a towel to mop up my drool.




I say d-xbow. I also say that the spec will take 100% of the bar and activate an enchanted bolt's special.


thats a really good idea, and i do hope it is a dragon c bow and that its released soon.


Gamertag: EFs Predator.

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It's not a cross bow.




It's a longbow/shortbow with an arrow loaded and perpendicular to the bowstring, looks more like a dark bow or a strange equivalent.




Look at the middle of the bow; you can see it thickens just like the stock of a cbow


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