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Nintendo Revolution's...Controller


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i can imagine the kinda games they can make, sounds sweet. A step closer to VR? :D :D :D








umm... didn't Nintendo already bomb in the VR department? as I said before I hope the Rev does do good because I want to see some competition this time... not just Sony and MS going at it and Nintendo sitting on the sidelines....but I'm sure Nintendo will get going in this war... but I'm going with the 360 for XBOX Live and also Gears of War, RE5, and of course... Condemned

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umm... that wasn't me being childish...you see.. I'm from the USA where I can express my opinion freely and not get shot for it like you would in your country..... but if you want childish, I can be childish, but for now.. let me express my opinion the way I want, now go eat your crumpets or cats or whatever food you eat over there








I think I'm going to do a bit of opinion expressing at you.


















Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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you see....Nintendo is trying so hard to be "unique" that they don't realize that their making a mistake... as some of you pointed out.. third party games... if they do make it to the Rev then it will most likely be harder to play them on Nintendos console unlike MS and Sony...And besides I do believe the Rev will be compatible with the GC controller so Nintendo fanboys have nothing to worry about... an also I'm just pointing out to those of you that probably didn't notice... you can flip the remote horizontally making it look like a NES controller....just for those of you that didn't know....




And also, I'm just pointing out to those of you that probably didn't notice, if you throw a ps3 controller the right way, it comes back :shock:




It can also be used as a 2-way d!ldo for all of you l3sbos out there :D

People please! Don't judge us humble xbox fans on this idiot here! We are not all as stupid and childish as he!












umm... that wasn't me being childish...you see.. I'm from the USA where I can express my opinion freely and not get shot for it like you would in your country..... but if you want childish, I can be childish, but for now.. let me express my opinion the way I want, now go eat your crumpets or cats or whatever food you eat over there








Haha, nice... Or not.. Wait, I forgot, his country is the origin of the language you are right now 'expressing yourself freely' with. Sorry, I also forgot it was his countrymen that founded the country you are living in now, a few hundred years ago. Not to mention the English people, especially the queen, eat cats all the time. Not being childish? I can clearly see where you're coming from, you're a racist, making a clear remark on a certain country/countries where they might eat different food, thinking it's amusing.








On the issue of the controller: I searched through a few large message boards, and I can't believe how many people are saying it looks 'crap' or 'I liked Nintendo before but now it's g*y'. I don't think it gets any more childish than that. You can't judge something before you have even tried it. Good job all you little sherlocks.

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i can imagine the kinda games they can make, sounds sweet. A step closer to VR? :D :D :D








umm... didn't Nintendo already bomb in the VR department? as I said before I hope the Rev does do good because I want to see some competition this time... not just Sony and MS going at it and Nintendo sitting on the sidelines....but I'm sure Nintendo will get going in this war... but I'm going with the 360 for XBOX Live and also Gears of War, RE5, and of course... Condemned








Don't forget DoA4!!!


Gamertag: Dances w Ninjas

Retired(Oh noes!)

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you see....Nintendo is trying so hard to be "unique" that they don't realize that their making a mistake... as some of you pointed out.. third party games... if they do make it to the Rev then it will most likely be harder to play them on Nintendos console unlike MS and Sony...And besides I do believe the Rev will be compatible with the GC controller so Nintendo fanboys have nothing to worry about... an also I'm just pointing out to those of you that probably didn't notice... you can flip the remote horizontally making it look like a NES controller....just for those of you that didn't know....




And also, I'm just pointing out to those of you that probably didn't notice, if you throw a ps3 controller the right way, it comes back :shock:




It can also be used as a 2-way d!ldo for all of you l3sbos out there :D

People please! Don't judge us humble xbox fans on this idiot here! We are not all as stupid and childish as he!












umm... that wasn't me being childish...you see.. I'm from the USA where I can express my opinion freely and not get shot for it like you would in your country..... but if you want childish, I can be childish, but for now.. let me express my opinion the way I want, now go eat your crumpets or cats or whatever food you eat over there

:lol: I wasn't even talking about you. You just confirmed it about yourself though. :lol:
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you see....Nintendo is trying so hard to be "unique" that they don't realize that their making a mistake... as some of you pointed out.. third party games... if they do make it to the Rev then it will most likely be harder to play them on Nintendos console unlike MS and Sony...And besides I do believe the Rev will be compatible with the GC controller so Nintendo fanboys have nothing to worry about... an also I'm just pointing out to those of you that probably didn't notice... you can flip the remote horizontally making it look like a NES controller....just for those of you that didn't know....




And also, I'm just pointing out to those of you that probably didn't notice, if you throw a ps3 controller the right way, it comes back :shock:




It can also be used as a 2-way d!ldo for all of you l3sbos out there :D

People please! Don't judge us humble xbox fans on this idiot here! We are not all as stupid and childish as he!












umm... that wasn't me being childish...you see.. I'm from the USA where I can express my opinion freely and not get shot for it like you would in your country..... but if you want childish, I can be childish, but for now.. let me express my opinion the way I want, now go eat your crumpets or cats or whatever food you eat over there

:lol: I wasn't even talking about you. You just confirmed it about yourself though. :lol:








I don't get why I'm childish because I said the PS3 controller was a 2-way dildo. You have to admit it does look like one.








I have no idea why anybody can't take a joke here.


Gamertag: Dances w Ninjas

Retired(Oh noes!)

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I don't get why I'm childish because I said the PS3 controller was a 2-way dildo. You have to admit it does look like one.








I have no idea why anybody can't take a joke here.
















This forum doesn't exactly welcome mature comments like that =\

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umm... that wasn't me being childish...you see.. I'm from the USA where I can express my opinion freely and not get shot for it like you would in your country..... but if you want childish, I can be childish, but for now.. let me express my opinion the way I want, now go eat your crumpets or cats or whatever food you eat over there








I think I'm going to do a bit of opinion expressing at you.




























yeaaahhhh you just know everything about me I guess.... but I don't remember ever associating myself with gay people...so sorry

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you see....Nintendo is trying so hard to be "unique" that they don't realize that their making a mistake... as some of you pointed out.. third party games... if they do make it to the Rev then it will most likely be harder to play them on Nintendos console unlike MS and Sony...And besides I do believe the Rev will be compatible with the GC controller so Nintendo fanboys have nothing to worry about... an also I'm just pointing out to those of you that probably didn't notice... you can flip the remote horizontally making it look like a NES controller....just for those of you that didn't know....




And also, I'm just pointing out to those of you that probably didn't notice, if you throw a ps3 controller the right way, it comes back :shock:




It can also be used as a 2-way d!ldo for all of you l3sbos out there :D

People please! Don't judge us humble xbox fans on this idiot here! We are not all as stupid and childish as he!












umm... that wasn't me being childish...you see.. I'm from the USA where I can express my opinion freely and not get shot for it like you would in your country..... but if you want childish, I can be childish, but for now.. let me express my opinion the way I want, now go eat your crumpets or cats or whatever food you eat over there








Haha, nice... Or not.. Wait, I forgot, his country is the origin of the language you are right now 'expressing yourself freely' with. Sorry, I also forgot it was his countrymen that founded the country you are living in now, a few hundred years ago. Not to mention the English people, especially the queen, eat cats all the time. Not being childish? I can clearly see where you're coming from, you're a racist, making a clear remark on a certain country/countries where they might eat different food, thinking it's amusing.








On the issue of the controller: I searched through a few large message boards, and I can't believe how many people are saying it looks 'crap' or 'I liked Nintendo before but now it's g*y'. I don't think it gets any more childish than that. You can't judge something before you have even tried it. Good job all you little sherlocks.








hey hey good point.. but i believe it was my countrymen that kicked his countrymens a*ses out of this country and thank god they did because I couldn't stand living in a country run by morons.... but I forgot George W. Bush is my President... but atleast he can talk... halfway decent...








and also... his country may be the origin of my language but atleast people can understand me when I talk... and also I'm not racist.. I just said I can be childish so I went ahead and did it for him just to make his post make more sense

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atleast people can understand me when I talk...








I understand the fact that you're one of the biggest tools this board has ever seen.




You say you're not a racist after saying "but i believe it was my countrymen that kicked his countrymens a*ses out of this country and thank god they did because I couldn't stand living in a country run by morons"?




Yeah, way to be understandable there buddy. See this ->,<-, it's called a comma - try using it once in a while.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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atleast people can understand me when I talk...








I understand the fact that you're one of the biggest tools this board has ever seen.




You say you're not a racist after saying "but i believe it was my countrymen that kicked his countrymens a*ses out of this country and thank god they did because I couldn't stand living in a country run by morons"?




Yeah, way to be understandable there buddy. See this ->,<-, it's called a comma - try using it once in a while.








no see this is the internet.. I don't have to use correct grammar... I'm actually really good in English.. I make straight A's in that class.. and trust me English III isn't exactly easy when you have a phsyco teacher that tells you to have a good weekend... everyday of the week... like right when the bell rings she always says have a good weekend... even on monday.... it's insane... but I'll make a deal with you guys... we can stop the arguing and get back to the topic... deal? I gotta go now I'm in school and the bell is about to ring.. so bye bye

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atleast people can understand me when I talk...








I understand the fact that you're one of the biggest tools this board has ever seen.




You say you're not a racist after saying "but i believe it was my countrymen that kicked his countrymens a*ses out of this country and thank god they did because I couldn't stand living in a country run by morons"?




Yeah, way to be understandable there buddy. See this ->,<-, it's called a comma - try using it once in a while.








no see this is the internet.. I don't have to use correct grammar... I'm actually really good in English.. I make straight A's in that class.. and trust me English III isn't exactly easy when you have a phsyco teacher that tells you to have a good weekend... everyday of the week... like right when the bell rings she always says have a good weekend... even on monday.... it's insane... but I'll make a deal with you guys... we can stop the arguing and get back to the topic... deal? I gotta go now I'm in school and the bell is about to ring.. so bye bye

What does it feel like to be the only kid in preschool with pubic hair?
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i can imagine the kinda games they can make, sounds sweet. A step closer to VR? :D :D :D








umm... didn't Nintendo already bomb in the VR department?








None has achieved VR yet.. could take several hundred years.

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That looks... unwieldy, if the Revolution controller actually is like that, I doubt I would buy it, at least right away. I think the DS touch screen was a risk that turned out ok on their part, but this might be pushing it.

Small Children Scared Count:3


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It's a shame that everybody(including Nintendo) is too concerned with the controller to show us any software. We haven't even seen any games for this system (exept NES, SNES and N64 games).


Gamertag: Dances w Ninjas

Retired(Oh noes!)

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:? I dont know ^ The new 360 controlor dosent look that confortable to me, i never really like the smaler xbox ones. I liked the big ones.








Looky what i found on ABS, looks like they got a jap comertial or something for the new controlor http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/revolution


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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are the controllers for the ps2 compatable with the ps3 (i dont fancy playing with that boomarang)








I was thinking that. The Ps3 controllers look like crap, and that's coming from someone who's owned and loved ps1 and ps2.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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I was glad they kepy the same design for ps2 as ps1 dual shocks. i really dont like the new ps3 ones and hope theres a way to continue using old ps3 controllers which i still consiter to be the best design on a console controller ever



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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:? I dont know ^ The new 360 controlor dosent look that confortable to me, i never really like the smaler xbox ones. I liked the big ones.








Looky what i found on ABS, looks like they got a jap comertial or something for the new controlor http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/revolution












I sort of agree... no controller is ever really comfortable, but there is always a controller that is more comfortable than the others.

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atleast people can understand me when I talk...








I understand the fact that you're one of the biggest tools this board has ever seen.




You say you're not a racist after saying "but i believe it was my countrymen that kicked his countrymens a*ses out of this country and thank god they did because I couldn't stand living in a country run by morons"?




Yeah, way to be understandable there buddy. See this ->,<-, it's called a comma - try using it once in a while.








no see this is the internet.. I don't have to use correct grammar... I'm actually really good in English.. I make straight A's in that class.. and trust me English III isn't exactly easy when you have a phsyco teacher that tells you to have a good weekend... everyday of the week... like right when the bell rings she always says have a good weekend... even on monday.... it's insane... but I'll make a deal with you guys... we can stop the arguing and get back to the topic... deal? I gotta go now I'm in school and the bell is about to ring.. so bye bye

What does it feel like to be the only kid in preschool with pubic hair?












I offer a truce and you still try and go at it? Ok, you say I'm in preschool(I'm actually a Junior in Highschool, cause I have a good educational system over here) when your the one that comes up with tired comebacks.I don't try and make comebacks I just speak what's on my mind, not try and get a good giggle out of anything, that's why people hate me so much and I am a very hated person cause I will be brutally honest with you no matter who you are, but only if you reach a limit, you guys haven't really seen much here but OH BOY, it's fun. So either you do me a favor and shut up, or do the whole world a favor and shoot yourself, because honestly I couldn't care less.Also you people shouldn't take much of what I've said seriously or offensively because I joke around a lot, I'm a very laid back person that just wants to hang out and talk about stuff and then people hate me for being who I am. Now Can We Please Talk About The F-Ing Topic cjlhdevil? :!:








And also cjlhdevil if it helps I'm sorry for what I said about you and your country. If it offended you that much you should've said something because I'll apologize in an instant if it actually offended you. *off topic*So guys lets chill, and if you've got Xbox Live send me a friend request or something my Gamertag is frollikar.

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