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Trend [bleep] kills everything


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Especially in RuneScape. Usually a meme of sorts is meant to be used in moderation not to every 3rd sentence in a chat. Trendwhoring has wrecked so many things.


I hear people say fml nearly all the time which [cabbage]s me off since about 90% of the time its not saddening in any way. "k bye guys fml" ... wtf? 'fml' could be funny in moderation but nono, trendwhoring = makes you cool.



I dont need a siggy no moar.

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F my life.




It's just the way certain clan chats and peope in RuneScape act, they hear one thing, adopt it, and say it all the time. Where this simple abbreviation or meme would be funny if used occasionally, Trend [bleep] pick it up and use it so often it loses meaning in something like a week. The old days memes ran out in a few months.. :|

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I totally agree with you on the whole FML thing, people seem to say it in every sentence they type even when it doesn't make sense. I guess they think it is funny or cool, I just think they look like idiots.

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I totally agree with you on the whole FML thing, people seem to say it in every sentence they type even when it doesn't make sense. I guess they think it is funny or cool, I just think they look like idiots.




Hey, one thing has been stopped.


OVER 9000

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I don't understand half of memes because they aren't funny but the first time. Chuck Norris was funny the first time, and Rick Rolled, but they keep using it like it is the greatest thing ever. Some teenagers went into Gamestop while I was there and asked if they had Battletoads (The old guy at the counter ended up making fun of them for using an old and stupid meme. The kids ended up running off after getting (for lack of a better word) owned by the store clerk).




Memes are stupid. What's over 9000 mean anyway? Where'd that come from?

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Came from DBZ.


Vegeta! What does the Scouter say about his [Goku] power level!?


It's.. ITS OVER 9000!




Something like that




But people getting owned by shop owners is so funny.



I dont need a siggy no moar.

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It's not just in RS, everywhere in the world too. :roll:




When the hell did I say it was only runescape?




Yeah, its everywhere. Your best bet is to just to ignore it and don't let idiots get to you. If they're trying to be annoying, don't get angry, because that's what they want you to do.




No they just want to be cool or funny and it just pisses people off

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I wish everyone was as cool as me.




You have a really big ego.




Oh, don't worry. We can be sure he's overcompensating for something else.




Anyway, FML means [cabbage] now. Just look at half the crap on the site.




They aren't funny unless used in the right situation, and be honest, when does the right situation arise?


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Well, just think of memes as the online equivalent of Family Guy humour.




Funny at first, but then pathetic when everybody tries to be funny and repeat it.




Though, they make me laugh. Laughing at how pathetic they are of course.




Maybe they just have a different sense of humor with you^^

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It's not just in RS, everywhere in the world too. :roll:




When the hell did I say it was only runescape?





You said "especially" in RuneScape. Maybe I should rephrase. I meant its widespread and popular everywhere in the world, not only widespread and popular just in RuneScape.

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... online equivalent of Family Guy humour.



And thanks to you, I just remembered Family Guy is on in ten minutes.




On Topic: Its annoying when its either over-used, or used at the worst time possible. Like sure I'll give a chuckle if someone asks a serious number question and someone replys "Over 9000" but not an everyday thing. Also, FML is just overkill now. Too many people (including tif'ers) are using it.




And as a final retort to this conversation on memes, While me and a friend were maaging our business (Shop Owner's away so we're taking over till he returns) A man came in and ordered a Pizza, after he asked how much my friend blurted out from back shop "They cost over $9000!" at which point the customer laughed and implyed "I'm liking this shop, good humor."


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I thought fml was for my loss :-#


Always funny to watch people join trends I'm on of those if I like a word I'll use it if not I not bothered.


You'd be surprised with the amount of people who just look at you if you say dude, mint, sweet (last 2 being used not as a food term :D ) or any other old "fad" word. "OMG people still use that", "WTF thats so 90's" or "???" are normal responses.




Anyway I've never jumped on the fad wagon and always feel sorry for the people who feel they must to fit in.


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I thought fml was for my loss :-#


Always funny to watch people join trends I'm on of those if I like a work I'll use it if not I not bothered.


You'd be surprised with the amount of people who just look at you if you say dude, mint, sweet (last 2 being used not as a food term :D ) or any other old "fad" word. "OMG people still use that", "WTF thats so 90's" or "???" are normal responses.




Anyway I've never jumped on the fad wagon and always feel sorry for the popel who feel they must to fit in.




yet ironically, you're jumping on the traditional tip.it response bandwagon.




"OMG yeah dude i know what you mean that bugs me too people shouldn't do/say/act like ____"

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