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Michael Vick is now a free man. (Signs With The Eagles)


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I say give him one more chance. If he screws it up, ban him for a lifetime.


How can he of screwed up!? I really don't get that. Not just Vick, but any other criminals. If he willingly committed the crime, how can we say it was a mistake. He knew it was wrong and and still did it. It's not a mistake, he didn't screw up, he willingly committed the crime.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I can see why the NFL wouldn't let him back in though. The fact of the matter is that he is going to be hated - whether he should be hated or not, he still will be. Football relies heavily on fanboyism. Put a "bad guy" into the mix and that's not a good thing at all.




As for the actual people hating on him, someone summed it up nicely. It's more about making him into a monster than caring about those dogs - code of the vegetarian. :lol:

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It doesn't matter, Goodel just wants to seem all powerful so he will not let Vick in. He likes to be able to judge people. Seriously, all of these league comissioners think that they are God. Goodel is the worst of them, and will not let Vick back in because of it. So it doesn't really matter what you guys think about it.








Humans are above nature





I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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All of you are missing the point. I hunt, i eat meat, i have dogs but they are no where near equal to me, i hate PETA and all groups like them....but for someone to do this to animals? Its terrible. A clean shot to drop a deer, great. Hanging a dog in a basment, and then shooting it because it lost a forced fight? Yeah sure, a few months is enough time.....NO. [cabbage].




Losing dogs were sometimes killed by electrocution, drowning, hanging or gunshots.




You're telling me this sick mofo did enough time for this? I don't think so.


If my goldfish dies because I forget to feed him, I get no penalty.




If my dog dies because I forget to feed him, I get a fine or a lawsuit.




Why? What's the difference? If I kill a midget I get the same sentence as if I kill a giant! Hell, we should include flies too! If you swat a fly, mandatory 2 months in prison, end of story.


Someone killing a close friend or family member is worse than killing your dog, right? The fact is that there is a difference. Certain creatures have more value than others, for various reasons.


But yet you can still get punished for killing one of the lower valued ones?


Yes, society assigns values to living things, and you will be punished accordingly.

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It doesn't matter, Goodel just wants to seem all powerful so he will not let Vick in. He likes to be able to judge people. Seriously, all of these league comissioners think that they are God. Goodel is the worst of them, and will not let Vick back in because of it. So it doesn't really matter what you guys think about it.








Humans are above nature








You seem to be judging Goodell as well. You have no right to say how well he handles things. He's the best commissioner in the sporting world right now, definitely better than Selig and Stern. He gave Pacman one more chance, then he screwed that up.




What about Donté Stallworth? I totally agree with his banning, like I agreed with Vick's.




I wouldn't mind him playing again as long as he doesn't kill any dogs in the process. That's my two cents.

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It doesn't matter, Goodel just wants to seem all powerful so he will not let Vick in. He likes to be able to judge people. Seriously, all of these league comissioners think that they are God. Goodel is the worst of them, and will not let Vick back in because of it. So it doesn't really matter what you guys think about it.








Humans are above nature








You seem to be judging Goodell as well. You have no right to say how well he handles things. He's the best commissioner in the sporting world right now, definitely better than Selig and Stern. He gave Pacman one more chance, then he screwed that up.




What about Donté Stallworth? I totally agree with his banning, like I agreed with Vick's.




I wouldn't mind him playing again as long as he doesn't kill any dogs in the process. That's my two cents.




As far as Pac-Man goes, what pissed me off is that he suspended him before the conviction. Innocent before proven guilty doesn't apply in the NFL? If someone has done their time, they should be allowed to play again. Isn't that how the other leagues work? Goodel just makes it a huge media story about the judgement date of the player, which pisses me off.




And I will of course retract this whole statement and call Goodel awesome if he fixes the terrible NFL overtime system.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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From a business perspective, it would be good if Rodger Goddell in the end, reinstates him.




Michael Vick would put people in the seats, yeah I agree that some fans of the team will at first hate him. But if Michael Vick can somewhat be similar like how when he led the Falcons to the NFC Conference Championship. Then the fans won't complain.




ESPN is currently saying he could go to the UFL, work there until Thanksgiving. Become a free agent and sign with an NFL team afterwards.




I know the UFL would like him to be attention to their league. Who wouldn't? Everyone is going to be interested if Michael still has it.




Everything is in the past now.

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I say give him one more chance. If he screws it up, ban him for a lifetime.


How can he of screwed up!? I really don't get that. Not just Vick, but any other criminals. If he willingly committed the crime, how can we say it was a mistake. He knew it was wrong and and still did it. It's not a mistake, he didn't screw up, he willingly committed the crime.


What I absolutely hate about this whole debate is that people wouldn't give a rat's distended anus if he wanted to be a garbageman, but since he's going to be making millions every year, he is opposed.




I think it's jealousy.


What...? It could be Vick the Football player of Vick the garbage man for all I care, if you willingly committed a crime you should be punished. It's not a mistake, its not a screw up, its your illogical desire to do unnecessary harm.


I really don't know where you got the money factor from...maybe read, next time? :?





Humans are above nature






What, you think we should be allowed to kill and to fall into our savage instincts? As humans, we are a special part of this world, something of a higher level of complexity. At that higher level we shouldn't be relying on things animals do. We should be responsible for our crimes, but ultimately not commit them.




I'm pretty sure you'll agree, in which case please ask what I mean rather than use RSOF debate tactics.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Hopefully he lost all his "talent" while rotting for those long months. He should of been serving even more time. He is getting off easy and i hope he crashes and burns. Thug at Virginia Tech, Thug at Atlanta, Thug for life. Lock this moron up.


Lock him up? For what? Crimes that he's paid his dues for? :roll:

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What...? It could be Vick the Football player of Vick the garbage man for all I care, if you willingly committed a crime you should be punished. It's not a mistake, its not a screw up, its your illogical desire to do unnecessary harm.


I really don't know where you got the money factor from...maybe read, next time? :?


He WAS punished. With 2 years in jail and 70 million in fines. If that isn't enough for killing a few dogs then that's your opinion but apparently the opinion of the judge and jury is that he is now a free man.


2 years is hardly enough. That's my point. And jail, lets be honest folks, its a joke. TV, exercise, socializing with inmates...the only "hardship" you might have is with gangs, but that's what you get anyway. And isn't "killing a few dogs", it makes it sound so insignificant when you say it like that. He made dogs fight for no reason at all (it isn't like he was going to eat them afterwards, right?0 made them suffer for no reason at all, then electrocuted them afterwards. I'm no animal lover, but we should at least be decent with these creatures. If Vick was a dog-eater, then kill the dogs quickly. Not force them to fight and suffer for who knows how long.




.I'm saying that nobody would care if this was a garbage man who committed the crime.


No [cabbage] Sherlock, society would only care if its one of their heros who did something wrong. But replace "Vick" in my post with any other criminal and it would still fit according to me.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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It's one thing to kill animals for food or to end suffering. It's another to starve them, mistreat them, pump them with steroids, and pit them together in a fight to the death. Then kill the loser in horrible ways for "entertainment." Not so much to just put it out of its misery, but just for [cabbage]s and giggles.






However, Vick did his time in accordance with the law. Think he didn't serve enough time? Then start a petition for stiffer punishments for crimes like that. Otherwise, just leave him alone.

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Humans are above nature






What, you think we should be allowed to kill and to fall into our savage instincts? As humans, we are a special part of this world, something of a higher level of complexity. At that higher level we shouldn't be relying on things animals do. We should be responsible for our crimes, but ultimately not commit them.




I'm pretty sure you'll agree, in which case please ask what I mean rather than use RSOF debate tactics.




We are not above nature. Sure, we are the top species, but we will never be above nature, to be so would mean that we are immortal, and we could control the weather. Sure, we are more important, but not above nature. I agree with your point, but the way you worded it was bad.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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.I'm saying that nobody would care if this was a garbage man who committed the crime.


No [cabbage] Sherlock, society would only care if its one of their heros who did something wrong. But replace "Vick" in my post with any other criminal and it would still fit according to me.


So he shouldn't be allowed to ever do the whole American dream thing ever again... because he killed dogs. :wall: Either way it's still stupid as hell to not allow someone to go back to work after paying his dues.


No he shouldn't. Along with all other criminals who comitted horrible acts willingly. He had a chance to save himself, but he didn't take it. He wanted to cross the line, knew what would happen on the other side, and crossed it anyway. Humans control themselves so they DON'T cross the line. People who can't control themselves, can't function in this world. Simple.




And again, "It isn't "killing a few dogs", it makes it sound so insignificant when you say it like that. He made dogs fight for no reason at all (it isn't like he was going to eat them afterwards, right?0 made them suffer for no reason at all, then electrocuted them afterwards. I'm no animal lover, but we should at least be decent with these creatures.".





We are not above nature. Sure, we are the top species, but we will never be above nature, to be so would mean that we are immortal, and we could control the weather. Sure, we are more important, but not above nature. I agree with your point, but the way you worded it was bad.


Oh, I see. Maybe saying "We're above natural instincts" would be better?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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It doesn't matter, Goodel just wants to seem all powerful so he will not let Vick in. He likes to be able to judge people. Seriously, all of these league comissioners think that they are God. Goodel is the worst of them, and will not let Vick back in because of it. So it doesn't really matter what you guys think about it.








Humans are above nature








You seem to be judging Goodell as well. You have no right to say how well he handles things. He's the best commissioner in the sporting world right now, definitely better than Selig and Stern. He gave Pacman one more chance, then he screwed that up.




What about Donté Stallworth? I totally agree with his banning, like I agreed with Vick's.




I wouldn't mind him playing again as long as he doesn't kill any dogs in the process. That's my two cents.




As far as Pac-Man goes, what pissed me off is that he suspended him before the conviction. Innocent before proven guilty doesn't apply in the NFL? If someone has done their time, they should be allowed to play again. Isn't that how the other leagues work? Goodel just makes it a huge media story about the judgement date of the player, which pisses me off.




And I will of course retract this whole statement and call Goodel awesome if he fixes the terrible NFL overtime system.




So your judgment will change if he fixes a rule? That's pathetic.




I assume you're a Colts fan, but let's leave that out of this.

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Even if he is the most vile human being in the world with nothing but spite in his heart, he is still more important than any animal.




I disagree(in general not on vick), someone like BTK had a negative value and as such would have been better off as a gerbil.




I wish they could have just forced him to pay millions to some type of animal program; and made him do a ton of community service.




I wouldn't rate a Dog's life to be Millions of dollars. Nor would I consider a dog to be worth dozens of hours of community service.




I know you feel strongly about your own pets, I have 2 dogs and a cat myself, but do you give a damn about some guy frim Fiji's Retriever? No. Humans are far more important than animals imo, however murderers are near the same league.

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From a business perspective, it would be good if Rodger Goddell in the end, reinstates him.




Michael Vick would put people in the seats, yeah I agree that some fans of the team will at first hate him. But if Michael Vick can somewhat be similar like how when he led the Falcons to the NFC Conference Championship. Then the fans won't complain.




ESPN is currently saying he could go to the UFL, work there until Thanksgiving. Become a free agent and sign with an NFL team afterwards.




I know the UFL would like him to be attention to their league. Who wouldn't? Everyone is going to be interested if Michael still has it.




Everything is in the past now.


I really want to see him in the UFL :lol: He'd be blowing by people even more than he did when he was in the NFL.




And man, this topic is smaller than I thought it would be. I figured it would be all the PETA fans versus everyone else :?




If he can seriously scramble like he did before, he's going to abuse the UFL.




What a dual threat!





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Well thats my opinion. Humans can find a job somewhere somehow if they really want to. They can beg on a street, or even steal. But can dogs? That what I thought.




If you dont like my opinion, good for you.


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Being from Bama' I got to see Vick play all the time, He's one of the most exciting players I've ever seen. He's done his time, no one can tell him otherwise, everyone deserves a second chance and Vick is no different. I really hope to see him playing soon, I don't think it's likely he'll be back at QB but I think he'd be a great addition to any team as a RB.




Also all the people who say he hasn't been punished enough, do you even know what he did? He didn't just go on a dog killing spree, he personally didn't really do anything. He just made the mistake of going along with his friends and letting them run a dog fighting ring at one of his houses, he's not a dog killing monster.

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It doesn't matter, Goodel just wants to seem all powerful so he will not let Vick in. He likes to be able to judge people. Seriously, all of these league comissioners think that they are God. Goodel is the worst of them, and will not let Vick back in because of it. So it doesn't really matter what you guys think about it.








Humans are above nature








You seem to be judging Goodell as well. You have no right to say how well he handles things. He's the best commissioner in the sporting world right now, definitely better than Selig and Stern. He gave Pacman one more chance, then he screwed that up.




What about Donté Stallworth? I totally agree with his banning, like I agreed with Vick's.




I wouldn't mind him playing again as long as he doesn't kill any dogs in the process. That's my two cents.




As far as Pac-Man goes, what pissed me off is that he suspended him before the conviction. Innocent before proven guilty doesn't apply in the NFL? If someone has done their time, they should be allowed to play again. Isn't that how the other leagues work? Goodel just makes it a huge media story about the judgement date of the player, which pisses me off.




And I will of course retract this whole statement and call Goodel awesome if he fixes the terrible NFL overtime system.




So your judgment will change if he fixes a rule? That's pathetic.




I assume you're a Colts fan, but let's leave that out of this.




I would just hate him less. But fixing that rule would be awesome.




And actually I am a Titans fan. But now that you mentioned it, that game was a prime example of why it needs to be fixed.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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I hope you know that that rule was in place even before Goodell became commissioner. And I fail to see why it is an example. Just because Manning didn't get a chance to get on the field? Yeah, if he got the ball first we'd be hearing about how great of a game it was for Manning.




But that's besides the point. Vick is now reinstated.

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I can understand outrage over a celebrity who got a weak sentence just for being famous (i.e. Martha Steward and Paris Hilton), but this man already did his time, he payed his fines, he left the NFL in disgrace in front of his fans. Now he's gone through all that and gets a second chance, and STILL no one is happy with his punishment? I mean, does anyone think there can be a limit for how much a man has to endure before animal-lovers are satisfied? I can't believe people are actually putting human life at the same level as dogs. He did his punishment fair and square and he will always continue to live his life disgraced because of his crime, I think we can stop giving him hell at least for now. If he says he has no regrets, that's a different story.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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