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Michael Vick is now a free man. (Signs With The Eagles)


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HAMPTON, Va. -- Suspended NFL star Michael Vick ended his federal dogfighting sentence Monday, freeing him to lobby for a return to the field.




Vick's attorney Lawrence Woodward told The Associated Press outside Vick's suburban Virginia home that the former Atlanta Falcons quarterback had been released from federal custody as scheduled.




That means Vick no longer has to wear the electronic monitor he's had while under home confinement for the last two months of his 23-month sentence.




Shortly before Woodward came out of the house, two men in a government car with a U.S. Probation Services folder on the dashboard paid a brief visit to the home.




They carried a large case similar to the one that Vick's ankle monitor was delivered in when he started home confinement. The men declined to identify themselves or speak to waiting reporters.




Vick then drove to the federal courthouse in nearby Norfolk to meet federal probation officials to take care of paperwork. Vick declined to answer reporters' questions as he left the courthouse with Woodward about an hour and 45 minutes later.




Freedom will allow Vick to step up his efforts to resume his pro football career. Vick hopes to soon meet with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, who has said he would review Vick's status after Vick completed his sentence.




Goodell has said he wants to sit down with Vick, but it's unclear when that face-to-face meeting will take place.




"The review of his status is ongoing, but we are providing no other details at this time," league spokesman Greg Aiello said Monday.




If Vick is able to return to the NFL, it won't be with Atlanta. The Falcons released him in June.




"Michael did an egregious thing," Goodell told The Associated Press in April. "He has paid a very significant price for that."




He said people are forgiving when someone who has done wrong shows remorse and is prepared to live a different life.




"That's something he has to prove to myself and the general public," Goodell said.




Vick did not initially show enough remorse to satisfy U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson. The 29-year-old player apologized in court in 2007, but Hudson denied him an "acceptance of responsibility" credit that could have reduced his sentence. He sentenced Vick to 23 months in prison -- more than any of Vick's three co-defendants.




Under the federal truth-in-sentencing law, Vick had to serve at least 85 percent of his sentence. He served the first 18 months in the federal penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kan., before being transferred to home confinement in May.




While on home confinement, Vick -- once the NFL's highest-paid player -- worked a $10-an-hour construction job for a few weeks. He switched jobs last month, assisting in children's health and fitness programs at the Boys and Girls Clubs.




Vick will remain on probation for three years. He also is under a three-year suspended sentence for a state dogfighting conviction.








I wonder if he gets a job back in the NFL, and how will PETA go and protest now. I know he still has a lot of fans in Atlanta, but he also gained a lot of enemies in dog lovers.








NEW YORK(AP)Michael Vick(notes) is back in the NFL. Now all he needs is a team to play for.




Vick, free after serving 18 months in prison for running a dogfighting ring, was reinstated with conditions by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on Monday. He could participate in regular-season games as early as October.




Vick can immediately take part in preseason practices, workouts and meetings and can play in the final two preseason games - if he can find a team that will sign him. A number of teams have already said they would not.




Once the season begins, Vick may participate in all team activities except games, and Goodell said he would consider Vick for full reinstatement by Week 6 (Oct. 18-19) at the latest.




http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=A ... &type=lgns




Update 2:




PHILADELPHIA -- Michael Vick is back in the NFL. When he finally gets in a game, it might be at a new position.




Looking to add a new dimension to their offense, the Philadelphia Eagles gave the disgraced quarterback a one-year deal with an option for a second year. Vick wasn't brought in to compete with five-time Pro Bowl quarterback Donovan McNabb for a starting job, but the two could end up on the field together.




The first year of the deal is for $1.6 million with the second-year option worth $5.2 million, sources told ESPN's Chris Mortensen. Vick can also earn an additional $3 million in incentives over the two years of the contract, sources told ESPN.com's Len Pasquarelli.





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PETA have proved their illegitimacy already, no one takes them seriously. Vick served his time, good for him I guess; would rather Goodell not make himself look like a moron by reinstating this guy, I personally wouldn't care, but you better believe it would waste real news time for weeks, even months.

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PETA have proved their illegitimacy already, no one takes them seriously. Vick served his time, good for him I guess; would rather Goodell not make himself look like a moron by reinstating this guy, I personally wouldn't care, but you better believe it would waste real news time for weeks, even months.




Not even on a conditional reinstatement?




I seriously think if he can get back in shape, some NFL team who plays the wildcat will look into acquire his talent. Or any team wanting to put butts in the seats, as he will certainly attract attention.

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Hopefully he lost all his "talent" while rotting for those long months. He should of been serving even more time. He is getting off easy and i hope he crashes and burns. Thug at Virginia Tech, Thug at Atlanta, Thug for life. Lock this moron up.

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Dog lovers at this point are just looking to someone like Vick more to promote themselves than for their genuine love of dogs or animals. The man spent years in prison, he's suffered enough for killing dogs. Now excuse me while I go eat some furry animal.

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I can't believe they ruined this talented athlete's life because he made some dogs fight. it's just so nonsensical, I can't even begin to understand. Thousands of dogs are "put down" every single day, or shot or killed by their owners, who never see justice.




Cockfighting and bullfighting are considered entiertainment in many other countries. To ruin a man's life and his record and put him in prison for a year for fighting dogs is stupid as hell. Might as well start jailing people for stepping on cockroaches.

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I can't believe they ruined this talented athlete's life because he made some dogs fight. it's just so nonsensical, I can't even begin to understand. Thousands of dogs are "put down" every single day, or shot or killed by their owners, who never see justice.



Not exactly. If the owner decides to shoot/put down his dog, there is usually a reason for it. Whether the dog is getting old and can't do much anymore and is in pain, or because it has a disease that it is going to die from eventually. And isn't there a show on Animal Planet about cops going out to find cats and dogs and other animals being abused by their owners? If they find enough proof, they lock the owner up. Granted there ARE people out there who shoot their dog just for peeing on the carpet and get away with it though. :cry:

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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Pardon my language, but that [wagon] needs to be starved for 2 weeks and put in a cage with other people and see what happens. Who ever would starve a dog and make them fight should have a special place in hell.


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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All of you are missing the point. I hunt, i eat meat, i have dogs but they are no where near equal to me, i hate PETA and all groups like them....but for someone to do this to animals? Its terrible. A clean shot to drop a deer, great. Hanging a dog in a basment, and then shooting it because it lost a forced fight? Yeah sure, a few months is enough time.....NO. [cabbage].




Losing dogs were sometimes killed by electrocution, drowning, hanging or gunshots.




You're telling me this sick mofo did enough time for this? I don't think so.

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Pardon my language, but that [wagon] needs to be starved for 2 weeks and put in a cage with other people and see what happens. Who ever would starve a dog and make them fight should have a special place in hell.


It's not okay to let a dog starve but it's okay to ignore a homeless person on the street?


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Pardon my language, but that [wagon] needs to be starved for 2 weeks and put in a cage with other people and see what happens. Who ever would starve a dog and make them fight should have a special place in hell.


It's not okay to let a dog starve but it's okay to ignore a homeless person on the street?


Never said anything about a homeless person. But you never know if that person is some rapist or a murderer or something. Plus they have the ability to find a job somewhere somehow. I dont think a dog is going to murder you or rape you. and they sure cant get a job themselves.


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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Pardon my language, but that [wagon] needs to be starved for 2 weeks and put in a cage with other people and see what happens. Who ever would starve a dog and make them fight should have a special place in hell.


It's not okay to let a dog starve but it's okay to ignore a homeless person on the street?


Never said anything about a homeless person. But you never know if that person is some rapist or a murderer or something. Plus they have the ability to find a job somewhere somehow. I dont think a dog is going to murder you or rape you. and they sure cant get a job themselves.


Well we don't know you're not a rapist or murderer either. So if you were on the side of the street starving to death you'd want me to ignore you because you might be a rapist? Not everyone is a bad person and when you meet someone you shouldn't assume.

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Pardon my language, but that [wagon] needs to be starved for 2 weeks and put in a cage with other people and see what happens. Who ever would starve a dog and make them fight should have a special place in hell.


It's not okay to let a dog starve but it's okay to ignore a homeless person on the street?


Never said anything about a homeless person. But you never know if that person is some rapist or a murderer or something. Plus they have the ability to find a job somewhere somehow. I dont think a dog is going to murder you or rape you. and they sure cant get a job themselves.


So you'd honestly give the dog some food but ignore the human being?




Dude >.<




I hate the sort of mentality that 'OMG EVERYBODY IS GOING TO RAPE YOU AND IS A PEDO AND IS A TERRORIST DON'T TALK TO ANYBODY THEY ALL WANT TO GET YOU!!!@@@@' V.V I wonder if the human race will ever learn to trust it's fellow man?


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Pardon my language, but that [wagon] needs to be starved for 2 weeks and put in a cage with other people and see what happens. Who ever would starve a dog and make them fight should have a special place in hell.


It's not okay to let a dog starve but it's okay to ignore a homeless person on the street?


Never said anything about a homeless person. But you never know if that person is some rapist or a murderer or something. Plus they have the ability to find a job somewhere somehow. I dont think a dog is going to murder you or rape you. and they sure cant get a job themselves.




You need to be put into a cage with a some lions. Bring your peta friends too and your accesorized dogs.

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Regardless of whether he did enough time or not, I think people should be allowed to earn a living and be brought back into society after they serve their time. Don't get me wrong, I find what he did detestable and I think his sentence was a bit lenient but he had no real control over how long he went in for and I think that once your time is done you should be allowed to re-enter society in a meaningful way. I think he should be allowed to earn a living doing what he did best. Of course, if he re-offends that is a different matter.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Even if he is the most vile human being in the world with nothing but spite in his heart, he is still more important than any animal.




I disagree(in general not on vick), someone like BTK had a negative value and as such would have been better off as a gerbil.




I wish they could have just forced him to pay millions to some type of animal program; and made him do a ton of community service. In all honesty, if he's a rotten person then this small stint in jail isn't going to change him; and if he is a good person community service and a multi mil fine would have been sufficient. I don't want to trivialize what he did, but I do value human life over animal life; and he's not exactly a serial killer.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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I value a search and rescue dog or a police K9's life more important than well:








One is just more useful than the other.




OT: I don't respect Vick, he made dogs fight to the death for money and entertainment, but he did his time (should have been more) so he's free, and there's nothing we can do about it.

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Mr. Michael Vick.....




1) did the time he owed to society for the horrible atrocities he committed against dogs (almost 2 yrs in prison)


2) didnt complain about the result of being sentenced to prison.


3) took responsibility from the beginning


4) legitmately was sincere and sorry about his wrong doings






if he can get himself into elite football shape as he was before all this happened. there is absolutely no reason for anyone to deny his right to play again. anyone who has a problem with him trying to make a legitimate comeback is holding a 12 year old child-like grudge and needs to get over it. people make mistakes, no ones perfect. and those who exemplify the right actions to overcome the mistakes he's made (which i made 4 absolutely great examples above) should be able to get that kind of redemption.

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All of you are missing the point. I hunt, i eat meat, i have dogs but they are no where near equal to me, i hate PETA and all groups like them....but for someone to do this to animals? Its terrible. A clean shot to drop a deer, great. Hanging a dog in a basment, and then shooting it because it lost a forced fight? Yeah sure, a few months is enough time.....NO. [cabbage].




Losing dogs were sometimes killed by electrocution, drowning, hanging or gunshots.




You're telling me this sick mofo did enough time for this? I don't think so.


If my goldfish dies because I forget to feed him, I get no penalty.




If my dog dies because I forget to feed him, I get a fine or a lawsuit.




Why? What's the difference? If I kill a midget I get the same sentence as if I kill a giant! Hell, we should include flies too! If you swat a fly, mandatory 2 months in prison, end of story.


Someone killing a close friend or family member is worse than killing your dog, right? The fact is that there is a difference. Certain creatures have more value than others, for various reasons.

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All of you are missing the point. I hunt, i eat meat, i have dogs but they are no where near equal to me, i hate PETA and all groups like them....but for someone to do this to animals? Its terrible. A clean shot to drop a deer, great. Hanging a dog in a basment, and then shooting it because it lost a forced fight? Yeah sure, a few months is enough time.....NO. [cabbage].




Losing dogs were sometimes killed by electrocution, drowning, hanging or gunshots.




You're telling me this sick mofo did enough time for this? I don't think so.




I hope you know I respect you very much, but I tend to disagree with what you're saying.




Killing an animal is killing an animal. Period. Nothing that lives upon this planet deserves to die in any disgusting way. It's very pathetic that people do that to animals.




I'm not saying you shouldn't hunt, because I eat meat that is hunted all the time, but killing an animal is killing a piece of life on Earth. It's just the way it is.

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All of you are missing the point. I hunt, i eat meat, i have dogs but they are no where near equal to me, i hate PETA and all groups like them....but for someone to do this to animals? Its terrible. A clean shot to drop a deer, great. Hanging a dog in a basment, and then shooting it because it lost a forced fight? Yeah sure, a few months is enough time.....NO. [cabbage].




Losing dogs were sometimes killed by electrocution, drowning, hanging or gunshots.




You're telling me this sick mofo did enough time for this? I don't think so.




I hope you know I respect you very much, but I tend to disagree with what you're saying.




Killing an animal is killing an animal. Period. Nothing that lives upon this planet deserves to die in any disgusting way. It's very pathetic that people do that to animals.




I'm not saying you shouldn't hunt, because I eat meat that is hunted all the time, but killing an animal is killing a piece of life on Earth. It's just the way it is.


But there's a difference between killing an animal quickly for food and torture it for entertainment/needlessness. And don't throw the "killing is natural" [cabbage] argument. Humans are above nature, we're responsible for our actions.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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All of you are missing the point. I hunt, i eat meat, i have dogs but they are no where near equal to me, i hate PETA and all groups like them....but for someone to do this to animals? Its terrible. A clean shot to drop a deer, great. Hanging a dog in a basment, and then shooting it because it lost a forced fight? Yeah sure, a few months is enough time.....NO. [cabbage].




Losing dogs were sometimes killed by electrocution, drowning, hanging or gunshots.




You're telling me this sick mofo did enough time for this? I don't think so.




I hope you know I respect you very much, but I tend to disagree with what you're saying.




Killing an animal is killing an animal. Period. Nothing that lives upon this planet deserves to die in any disgusting way. It's very pathetic that people do that to animals.




I'm not saying you shouldn't hunt, because I eat meat that is hunted all the time, but killing an animal is killing a piece of life on Earth. It's just the way it is.


But there's a difference between killing an animal quickly for food and torture it for entertainment/needlessness. And don't throw the "killing is natural" [cabbage] argument. Humans are above nature, we're responsible for our actions.




There's hunting for sport then there's hunting for food, then there's both. I disagree with the first one. And I wasn't, every human being is responsible for their actions.




I say give him one more chance. If he screws it up, ban him for a lifetime.

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Killing an animal is killing an animal. Period. Nothing that lives upon this planet deserves to die in any disgusting way. It's very pathetic that people do that to animals.




What about spiders and cockroaches? :-#

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