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Hegemony-V2 begins page 302


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With the troops borrowed from Argentina and Russia, Luxembourg now has full control over Zimbabwe. Casualties were insignificant, and all Russian troops will be returned in 1 year, after being stationed in Mozambique along with the Argentian troops. All Indian immigrants remaining (as Adrenal seems to want them back now, lol) have settled in Zimbabwe for a permanent stay. Luxembourg's population has increased 20% due to the lack of birth control. Vatican City has been closed to tourism, and converted into a military training center. The Pope has returned to Luxembourg, and is currently in his palace.




I would also like to discuss a peacful relation with the country (Egypt I think?) who is taking over Northern Africa. I expect to have full control over Mozambique in 1 year. Zimbabwe is now 90% catholic, and a similiar fate will befall Mozambique. Diamond discovery has slighty fallen, however living conditions have been significantly improved in Zimbabwe, making it just as livable as Luxembourg itself. I am currently occupying and converting Mozambique.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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There are 2 minutes remaining until Faroe is taken for Iran.


All citizens have been evacuated to Iran, and the Islands have begun conversion to a military, biological, chemical and physics research facility.


Should be ready for operation by 9:30PM GMT.


If any of my allies wish to use the facility, they have full freedom to do so.


It is out of bounds for anybody else unless they have specific permission.

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Due to the people's heavy interest in hydropower, the first station was constructed ahead of schedule and is fully online. More are starting immediately, to be completed in a year and a half.




Iran, Venezuela would like permission to use you Faroe base to further improve our strain of Verde Soylante. We will of course share any improved variations.


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man sleepy and blind in the eyes.

Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!

If it's the thought that counts, why aren't humans innately telepathic?

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Due to the booming agricultural industry, MAD has decided to start investing in greener technology to conserve the oil that is produced off shore. I am interested in solar panels to be installed on the rooftops of most buildings, if another country could sell them to me. Agriculturally, we now grow vast amounts of coffee, sugarcane, and vanilla, as well as enough rice to feed the population. Nearly all resistance forces have ended, and we are now developing underwater mine technology to protect our shores from any possible invaders.

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Due to the people's heavy interest in hydropower, the first station was constructed ahead of schedule and is fully online. More are starting immediately, to be completed in a year and a half.




Iran, Venezuela would like permission to use you Faroe base to further improve our strain of Verde Soylante. We will of course share any improved variations.




If this offer is accepted, then Japanese scientists will take part also, providing that Venezuela is somewhat secretive about their discoveries outside of the institute.

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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Due to the people's heavy interest in hydropower, the first station was constructed ahead of schedule and is fully online. More are starting immediately, to be completed in a year and a half.




Iran, Venezuela would like permission to use you Faroe base to further improve our strain of Verde Soylante. We will of course share any improved variations.




If this offer is accepted, then Japanese scientists will take part also, providing that Venezuela is somewhat secretive about their discoveries outside of the institute.


The offer is accepted, I feel improving the Verde Soylante plant would benefit us all.


You will only be able to publish results and findings from Faroe to other countries under Iran's permission.


Basically, what you do on Faroe, stays within Faroe and the nations taking part. (Discuss it in PM until permission is given to publish it)




Remember, there are NO civilians nearbye, the entire population of Faroe(Around 65,000) is of scientists and the military.


There are sectors of the Island for each of the subjects that are being researched.


The facility is powered by offshore wind farms, and minimal oil usage (This will soon be replaced completely by a sealed nuclear reactor deep underneath the southern Island)


The very latest military tech is being put into place to defend Faroe.




Edit: We could really do with an updated map, and I suck at stuff like that, could somebody do it if they have time?

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Sorry about the confusion with country's a few pages ago. I quoted that and left the tab open, and didn't notice it wasn't Israel saying that. I do know who everyone is though, unless they're new.




Brazil now has total control over angola, though most of the old government officials are still in place, they answer to us now. We are starting negotiations with Namibia, Botswana, and Zambia as well. All petroleum drilling is now being funded directly by the Brazilian government, and 50% of it is being put into reserve. We have also left the Opec Cartel, and are requesting admission to Nopec. 65% of iron is being shipped back to Brazil for refining and use in internal projects, the rest is being sold to the international market. Diamond smuggling has been cracked down upon, and diamonds are now being shipped back to Brazil en masse for construction of a torre dos céus.




Construction of facilities for building ah helicopters is nearing completion. 50,000 troops are now stationed in angola, and our supercarrier, a normal carrier and two nuclear submarines are anchored off the coast. AIDS and malaria vaccines we received from argentina are finally being put to use in angola, and our scientists are replicating the cures in order to make more.




So, luxembourg, we're now pretty close to you in zimbabwe.


Solar panels are starting to be deployed in strategic locations throughout angola.




Also, tristan da kuhna is now claimed by Brazil. This took about a week to take control of game time, due the fact that there are only like 200 people there.



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With more copper, tin and iron found in demand, the Construction business has been booming. Houses are being built for every family in Mexico so all families have been sheltered and the amount of homeless and those on welfare have significantly decreased.


and you got a recently found nice cave of crystals:"





Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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A new virus broke out (Called Solanum) and has turned Mexico into a zombie infested dead zone, Mexican Government has dissolved, leaving the town ravaged, ransacked, and robbed from the last few survivors, and infested with many infectious zombies.

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With the recent virus outbreak in Mexico, I dipatch troops to the borders and totally seal it, nothing gets in or out, alive or dead.




I urge the other nations to do the same.




It also gives me a chance to test out my Prototype heat cannon, capable of firing superheated air (upwards of 1500 Degrees)


In a meter radius line in front of it.


It is effective against zombies, destroying the brain in seconds.


Although it has terrible fuel efficiency, and will likely never see any real combat use.

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A new virus broke out (Called Solanum) and has turned Mexico into a zombie infested dead zone, Mexican Government has dissolved, leaving the town ravaged, ransacked, and robbed from the last few survivors, and infested with many infectious zombies.


I don't think we want this turning into a zombie game, so unless you decide to change your mind on all that, brazil would be moving 300,000 troops to secure the southern border, and then three aircraft carriers would be stationed off the coasts, bombing the living hell out of all infested zones.



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A new virus broke out (Called Solanum) and has turned Mexico into a zombie infested dead zone, Mexican Government has dissolved, leaving the town ravaged, ransacked, and robbed from the last few survivors, and infested with many infectious zombies.


I don't think we want this turning into a zombie game, so unless you decide to change your mind on all that, brazil would be moving 300,000 troops to secure the southern border, and then three aircraft carriers would be stationed off the coasts, bombing the living hell out of all infested zones.


Thats essentially the plan, basically bomb the hell out of Mexico.


Iran has sent jets out to drop bombs, annihilating every building possible.

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Estonia providing little resistance, negotiating annexation.


1 more jet has been completed.


Awaiting permission from Russia to build air force bases.


Negotiations under way to merge with Sweden and Norway.


Excess of 150,000 barrels of oil per day.


Lumber and grain is being traded for uranium, plenty to last a long time.


Unemployment rate down 3%.


Literacy rate up by 2%


Stocks of Finnish companies up by an average of 10% in the past year.


85% of businesses in Finland are Finnish.


Population has grown to 6.5 million people.


Military has approximately 65,000 soldiers, with 20,000 in reserves.


56,730 new recruits are able to enter the military (net) each year.


Around 10,000 actually enter the military per year, pushing for at least 15,000 next year.


Nuclear power supplies 92% of Finland's electrical power, 6% hydroelectric, and 2% by conventional means.


A plan for more tanks has been released. It will contain approximately 80 units.


Blue prints for a large bridge are in the works to span the Gulf of Finland from Helsinki to Tallinn,Estonia.


The bridge should be completed in 15-20 years.


Items such as food and luxuries are up to private businesses to import.


The government will only import items used by government owned facilities (power plants, military operations, schools, etc).


Finland has officially come to the decision to not join the EC, but wishes to be peaceful with members of the EC.


Finland requests a new map of the Sovereigns of the New World.


Finland wishes for knowledge about whether or not all of Denmark is under attack, or just a chain of islands.

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Finland and Sweden have requested that along with Norway we all merge together. Norway wishes to remain autonomous, although I am willing to do a stronger alliance. Whereas in our original "alliance" one of the stipulations was that if one of the members attacks another country, Norway at least would have automatically broken the alliance. Finland has been attacking countries, and under a new alliance Norway will not break the alliance when a member country attacks. In private talks Norway mentioned uniting the military under one rule, but is redacting that. Norway will continue to serve mostly autonomously. My military will be used solely for defense, but I am willing to increase it and use the increased military to put forward defensive bases near the borders of the alliance.




Finland has proposed the name Republic of Nordic Emirites (RNE) and Norway accepts, still waiting on Sweden for verification.




If both Finland and Sweden are OK with what I said here, you can begin to mark us all under one colour on the map.




Norway seconds the request for knowledge on how much of Denmark is being attacked.




Norway would like to announce cooperation with SAR on a space program. More details to follow later.



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There has been a breakthrough at Faroe, and a new chemical has been created that can combat Cancer.


It is similiar to an enzyme already existant in humans, but has been modified to totally ignore normal human cells as if they aren't there, but target and destroy mutated cells.


It is still in early stages, but should be ready by about 2018.




Irans population is growing by around 5% each year, and carbon emmissions have been reduced by 22% in the last year alone.


The Military budget is now increased to $11 billion, almost double what it was before, and the amount of active soldiers is now closer to 700,000. Iran has 400,000 in reserve.

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Population has grown to 8 million people.


Military has approximately 4,000,000 soldiers, with 2.5 million in reserves.


56,730 new recruits are entering the military (net) each year.



The [bleep]?


Finland had 5 million people in 2009. It's now 2012 game time, your population doesn't almost double that fast.


4.000.000 with 2.5 in reserve would make it the second largest military in the world. Bigger than china's. That means over 3/4 of your nation is in the military, and on active pay. That's the equivalent of China have like 900 million soldiers in their military. Also, finlands real army is 35,000 with 350 in reserve. You're army didn't just increase by like 1700% in about 2 years. If it did, Finland is so far in debt that it would need the gdp of several americas to pay it off.


I was looking at the wrong stats for my military estimation. I based it off of the manpower available for military service. I apologize for my stupidity and I will edit my post.

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Norway would like to announce cooperation with SAR on a space program. More details to follow later.


Technically it's just Brazil, the SAR was disbanded. Though Brazil made up a good 2/3's of the SAR, so it's not a huge difference.



I was looking at the wrong stats for my military estimation. I based it off of the manpower available for military service. I apologize for my stupidity and I will edit my post.


No worries, I almost did that at first. No big deal.



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Technically it's just Brazil, the SAR was disbanded. Though Brazil made up a good 2/3's of the SAR, so it's not a huge difference.




That's what I thought, but you had SAR in your sig so I went with that.



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Technically it's just Brazil, the SAR was disbanded. Though Brazil made up a good 2/3's of the SAR, so it's not a huge difference.




That's what I thought, but you had SAR in your sig so I went with that.





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Double post probably, but here's the list from page 15. I'm not in the mood to go through 20 pages and have to read through all annexations.


Add your name to the list or update it if needed. I'll make a map once I get this list done. I'll post the list every two pages so people see it.








Kranked-Republic of Ireland






Blackdawn, Sue_kitsu, Sworddude-UK






Doomsavenger-Brazilian Empire


War_Eagle777-Columbia, Peru, Ecuador


Nick-Greater Argentina
























Ross_the_knight-Iran and Faroe islands.






Misc. zones:


Mexico - Uninhabitable zombie wasteland.


Hawaii - Uninhabitable, destroyed by falling satellites.



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[hide=list (added my name and misc. zones)]Adrenal-India




Kranked-Republic of Ireland






Blackdawn, Sue_kitsu, Sworddude-UK






Doomsavenger-Brazilian Empire


War_Eagle777-Columbia, Peru, Ecuador


Nick-Greater Argentina


























Ross_the_knight-Iran and Faroe islands.




Misc. zones:


Mexico - Uninhabitable zombie wasteland.


Hawaii - Uninhabitable, destroyed by falling sattelites.[/hide]

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The coalition between Brazil and Norway in regards to space exploration has started off well. With our combined knowledge we both made great advances in space technology. The work on space modules is now a step closer to them being self sustaining.



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[hide=list (added my name, fixed typo)]Adrenal-India




Kranked-Republic of Ireland






Blackdawn, Sue_kitsu, Sworddude-UK






Doomsavenger-Brazilian Empire


War_Eagle777-Columbia, Peru, Ecuador


Nick-Greater Argentina
























Ross_the_knight-Iran and Faroe islands.






Misc. zones:


Mexico - Uninhabitable zombie wasteland.


Hawaii - Uninhabitable, destroyed by falling satellites.[/hide]


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man sleepy and blind in the eyes.

Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!

If it's the thought that counts, why aren't humans innately telepathic?

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