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what is wrong with the f2p community?


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Today as i was fming outside of varrock west bank with my lvl 3 skiller a lvl 4 and lvl 21 began following me around for half an hour calling me a noob. After trying to get them to leave me alone i just decided to ignore both of them (the first time in my 3 yrs of rs ive ever had to). I dont understand why people feel the need to call someone a noob just for being a skiller. I really think the game of runescape has taken a dramatic turn for the worse in the past year or two.

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Noob calling has been around ever since this game was created. This is nothing new, this is not showing any trend whatsoever, your analysis is pretty shortsighted and if getting called a noob is setting you off enough that you have to come here to rant, take some time off the net. There should be a sticky in the rants forum for all these "people insulting me over the net" threads.




Can a mod create this so all the insecure players have a place to meet and rant while the top of the rants forum gets filled with legitimate discussion-worthy rants?




EDIT: this should be moved to the behavior sticky. AS should the dozen or so threads like this that pop up weekly.



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A couple of strangers called you a non-offensive name and your response is to post a rant about it. If you're seriously upset about this, then maybe you needed the ego deflation this incident seems to be for you.

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Honestly if you make a rant about this kind of trivial crap, you shouldn't be playing a ONLINE MULTIPLAYER game...




There are always [wagon] on the internet who don't seem to have anything to do other than fling insults around. If you're going to waste everybody's time and drown out legitimate rants with this kind of shortsighted and pointless, overly-discussed rants, you might as well get off the forum, or else people are going to flame you to hell.

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People call me noob all the time because I take their ore at rune rocks, I'm not offended :P just happy I'm better than they'll ever be ;)




Just put them on ignore that's what u got that list for!

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If people see someone who they can pick on, they will. Just don't talk or say anything, and they will leave you alone. Challenging them or telling them to go away gets the usual "my main could kick your ***" response.

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Yeah I hate all the 'bot' 'gold farmer' etc comments I get when I'm on my level 3.




I'm not sure why people go to F2P without public off; that's like going to KBD without an anti-dragon shield.




Bullocks... Not all F2p are like that, and I bet P2p has its fair amount of rotten apples themselves, so no need to put public off, you only have to right click --> ignore, or you must know the right way to communicate.




Saying all F2p are shaits is first of all racist (exclusion of a group of people because we don't pay), and second a generalization. It's like pointed out above before me; Some p2p-ers that come to f2p try and show off their skills and such, and are most likely unresponsive to lower lvl-ed players or they are just mean, that doesn't mean all p2p-ers are rotten bastardo's




Anyways all I can say is many human beings in general are not nice; my favorite quote from scrubs; Humans are basterd coated basterds filled with basterd filling





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@ Mauranius, I agree with your post, but your last sentence can be used as an incentive to put public chat to off (in both F2P and P2P).



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Well with public on you can only hope to see lots of funny stuff, as well as pretentious people being nice to each other. If you don't like it you can turn it off, but I think it has nothing to do whether u play in f2p or p2p.




And really many people are always insensitive en egoistic, so you know that with communication (a good thing) also come some bad things, like people trying to scam (pointing finger @ merch clans), or people calling you things you don't like. If you cannot handle it, then put public off, if you can you either just play along (I usually call them something far less sensitive, though on the edge of being reportable), or you can put them on your red smiley face list :)




In fact I believe human beings lose their ability to be nice at around age 6, you can see it by the time bullying starts on elementary school. A few of them regain this ability (or in very very rare cases never lose it) and remain the nicest part of the population, however some of them will always end up being like the rest of us, because human beings will keep trying to get an advantage out of these people..... Yeh humans still lack the skills to become "humane", in fact animals are more humane then we are ( I never seen an animal that got into a fight, killing the other because they have different beliefs.... )




If you don't want to talk at al you can put it off, however occasionally you'll miss out on some of the good things :lol:




P.S. I never have public off ;)

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Ohhh I'm not in disagreement with you on this subject!




But I'll just reply with this part of your post:




in fact animals are more humane then we are ( I never seen an animal that got into a fight, killing the other because they have different beliefs.... )




Taken to an extreme, I could say I did. Ever saw 2 males lion having a go at each other for the tribes leadership? It could be argued that the dominant one is imposing his "beliefs" that his genes are superior and better for the tribe...




Lol, just throwing a brick in your theory, not to be taken too seriously and not worth replying to ( don't want to take this topic too off-topic)



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I agree! That stupid F2Per who was level three and called me a noob for cutting down the tree he was chopping at...GOD this game has gone downhill! The whole community has gone to hell! I blame Jagex for not making "noob" an illegal word to say!


-.- -.-




Why must everyone complain because people call them a noob? Is it really that big of a deal that some guy calls you a noob? That's like complaining because some random guy called you on the phone to call you a noob, you can't say the whole world is going downhill because a guy called you to call you a noob.


I never have remembered any people complaining about being called a noob since I came to the rants forum. Is it really that big of a deal? And how does two peoples actions reflect upon the community as a whole?


And why is it the F2P community to blame? Why does everyone blame F2P for everything wrong with the people playing? If we are going to blame the community, blame everyone, not just F2P, because their are dirtbags playing members as well.




And what is FMing? Just a question cause I don't understand a lot of the lingo anymore. I thought it meant farming, but why would you blame F2P when you are doing a members activity? Could someone tell me?

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I agree! That stupid F2Per who was level three and called me a noob for cutting down the tree he was chopping at...GOD this game has gone downhill! The whole community has gone to hell! I blame Jagex for not making "noob" an illegal word to say!


-.- -.-




Why must everyone complain because people call them a noob? Is it really that big of a deal that some guy calls you a noob? That's like complaining because some random guy called you on the phone to call you a noob, you can't say the whole world is going downhill because a guy called you to call you a noob.


I never have remembered any people complaining about being called a noob since I came to the rants forum. Is it really that big of a deal? And how does two peoples actions reflect upon the community as a whole?


And why is it the F2P community to blame? Why does everyone blame F2P for everything wrong with the people playing? If we are going to blame the community, blame everyone, not just F2P, because their are dirtbags playing members as well.




And what is FMing? Just a question cause I don't understand a lot of the lingo anymore. I thought it meant farming, but why would you blame F2P when you are doing a members activity? Could someone tell me?




FM = Firemaking ;) since firemaking can be cut down to FM, and farming usually is denominated as farm :P

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That type of behavior will always exist over the internet. Many people around the world feel that they can do anything they want on the internet because they are just a person behind a screen name, and no one knows them.




The way I see it, if you would not be willing to write a message on a piece of paper, and sign it, and give it to anyone in the world, then do not write the message online either.




I am sorry this had to happen to you. You did the right thing by adding them to your ignore list. Something else you could have done was to temporarily switch your private chat to Friends Only, and then switch worlds. I am pretty sure that by the next day they would not be bothering you anymore.

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Most of them are Immature Kids under the age of 10... I really have to give Mauraunis Props for putting up with it :twss:


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All those people saying he wastes your time.. I just wondered. Didn't you click this topic yourself? And those noob-calling people also annoys me. Not because of the word noob. But because of their lack of humanity and humor. What's fun about that.. And now I expect 10 ppl calling me noob, 5 saying I'm stupid and 2 saying they don't understand what I say.. Idc about being called a noob actually. I care about the person saying I'm a noob. They have no life though... And.. It's mostly p2p that annoys me about this fact.. Saying I'm a noob because I don't get p2p because I own them hard(a lot of them :P :P)

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