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[DevBlog] Trust Us, We're QA


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In other words those in charge use as us free testers and have no problem admitting it. Ha.




Do they care that people lose items, money, time, fun due to lazyness/trying save cash.




See those who are smarter just avoid new content until everyone else has tested it as the company can not cope with game braking bugs before release.




This isnt about bashing the QA I am sure they do their best. Its just what options they have available to them isnt good enough imo. Or us.

Ahh yes i almost never try out new the new updates until a few days later i always find really funny to hear about some guy who goes to a new update holding all his most valuable items then looses it to a bug and then blames others for his stupidity. Why would you ever need to bring your most valued item or money to some place new??
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At first I was like:






Then I lol'd






My point being, that they really aren't even broaching the huge number of ridiculous, gamebreaking bugs this year.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Ahh yes i almost never try out new the new updates until a few days later i always find really funny to hear about some guy who goes to a new update holding all his most valuable items then looses it to a bug and then blames others for his stupidity. Why would you ever need to bring your most valued item or money to some place new??




With the amount theese people seem to lose with some bugs, why even take that ANYWHERE?!




Bringing 300m+ to new mini/anywhere is not very smart >.<

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Any one ealse notice that in the first picture the guy in the grey beard has only half a face?








Guess Q.A dont check pictures. \'








Love the irony there, but they did just put the pictures in there for fun as they can't really put any others in their DevBlog.




I think Kietaro1's post expresses the same thoughts that i have.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Ahh yes i almost never try out new the new updates until a few days later i always find really funny to hear about some guy who goes to a new update holding all his most valuable items then looses it to a bug and then blames others for his stupidity. Why would you ever need to bring your most valued item or money to some place new??




With the amount theese people seem to lose with some bugs, why even take that ANYWHERE?!




Bringing 300m+ to new mini/anywhere is not very smart >.<






Holy [bleep]! a paying customer expects the game they pay for to work? [cabbage] THAT'S SOME CRAZY STUFF!




With the reduced amount of good updates, and the crazy amount of bugs, it's no wonder why people complain. Good grief...

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Ahh yes i almost never try out new the new updates until a few days later i always find really funny to hear about some guy who goes to a new update holding all his most valuable items then looses it to a bug and then blames others for his stupidity. Why would you ever need to bring your most valued item or money to some place new??




With the amount theese people seem to lose with some bugs, why even take that ANYWHERE?!




Bringing 300m+ to new mini/anywhere is not very smart >.<






Holy [bleep]! a paying customer expects the game they pay for to work? [cabbage] THAT'S SOME CRAZY STUFF!




With the reduced amount of good updates, and the crazy amount of bugs, it's no wonder why people complain. Good grief...


It's fine to complain, but the fact of the matter is that bugs happen. Testing every feasible permutation of how every object will interact with each other would take more time than any QA would ever be allotted. Yelling at those guys to get stuff fixed or calling them "incompetent" or what have you is not going to make bugs disappear. It's going to make the QA feel unappreciated, since they do a lot of hard work.




It's like I said in another [ironically related] thread here: You don't expect software to be bug-free. You expect it to be bug-free to a reasonable degree. Demanding that a piece of software as complicated as RuneScape be bug-free every time something is changed is just plain foolish. Now I'm not saying that bugs are okay, I'm saying they're inevitable - just don't bite QA's heads off every time something breaks in an obscure manner.




[Honestly. Who would have thought that someone would be logged out or log out during a MA tutorial, losing everything?]

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Makoto_the_Phoenix, while your statement is true, it's actually the lesser aspect of the problem. Sure, no software is bug-free, as is to be expected. Rather, it is the response to these bugs that poses a threat to the community. I myself have not played WoW, but I have heard testimonies that customer service goes out of their way to return lost assets due to software errors. This can also be seen in material companies, which routinely dish out store credit as compensation for lost or damaged valuables/time spent rectifying a defect in their product. When similar things occur in Runescape, players are given the cold shoulder with Jagex standing by its stance that it does not issue items or gold even when the problem results from their end.




If you can't stop the bullet, try and mend the wound.




[Honestly. Who would have thought that someone would be logged out or log out during a MA tutorial, losing everything?]
No one, which is why Jagex should have issued out a return of assets lost, especially if they can determine the players who were targeted by the anomaly. As one of the Jagex Moderators said, "I know more about your account than you do." It's a shame they, or at least he, refuted the player's claim with such a belligerent attitude.
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Must be a British thing.




British? Arrogance? I don't see the connection. emot-britain1.gif




How about they trust me when I say, "I guarantee you that the next minigame you release will have at least one game breaking bug in the waiting room/entry system".




In other words those in charge use as us free testers and have no problem admitting it. Ha.




That's all MMO developers, only some of them use Public Test Servers to test those updates before they're released. Doesn't get rid of all bugs though.




See those who are smarter just avoid new content until everyone else has tested it as the company can not cope with game braking bugs before release.




People who are smarter don't test anything until some time after release because that's the deal with ALL software. Anyone who has a lot of experience with MMOs/Software will tell you a few things: You don't get into an MMO until a few months after launch, you don't buy a new operating system until about six months after launch, you don't fly into new content on an MMO with all of your precious items on you, and there's no way for a company to accurately stress test how the server will react under live stress.




This isnt about bashing the QA I am sure they do their best. Its just what options they have available to them isnt good enough imo. Or us.




You have unrealistic expectations for an MMO. These bug tests are easier on any other genre because there's less load to work with, and a development team can easily simulate the load on, say, a 32 man server.




I would've liked it much more if they had atleast attempted to justify some of their recent bugs, such as the unbelievably obvious "invalid teleport" bug. You can't even possibly blame that one on having thousands of players using the content live, all QA had to do was teleport to their player-owned house and they would've caught the bug..




The only explanation is: Stuff happens. Take a look at several times when random updates caused the floor to warp in various areas of the game. As for server load affecting teleport: The servers were unable to pull the player's POH off of the external server where player owned houses are kept (POH's are stored on separate servers, that is fact). Due to the teleport location not being spawned, the server responded with an "invalid teleport"




I'm not saying that's what happened, but it is a reasonable explanation.




If I download software that I PAID for and it broke my pc they better fix it or I stop paying/switch software. Mainly as I need my pc to work and I cant be bothered with a program that makes everything else broke. Again... It is not acceptable for game braking bugs, bugs that make us lose items/gp, that prevent us doing routine tasks or bugs that put us in some kinda danger - The majority of the upates. I hardly ever have updates for paid software that brake my pc. There might be bugs in there but it doesnt crash my pc anymore than is to be expected from conflicting software which is a totally different matter that jagex doesnt have to deal within the game itself.




Your wrong about me getting those pc braking bugs that give me in any particular hassle. Sure software has bugs but they still function how they are ment to most the time. The most bugs I experience on my pc that give me problems is while playing runescape and possibly other pc games. If say my internet banking doesnt work.. for 10 months straight! I f-ing complain to the bank if they want me to continue to be with them. Any service I use - espeically those I pay for! - I expect to work WELL. I dont expect to be the tester no. And no most software isnt tested directly on me. I choose to beta test some things but I just dont see what programs I am currently working that are in a 'beta testing stage' or whatever. They are stuff that works and had been tested previously. There is a difference between doing all you can to fix bugs and then release content experiencing new unfound bugs, to just releasing content without extensive enough bug checking. (Again that isnt the testers fault though)




Its your prerogative to kiss jagex [wagon] but to me its obvious they are not up to standard this year. If they wish to repolish code then they should either a) spend more time on it B) Hire more staff to deal with it.




Besides even if the bugs arnt too 'dangerous' its a bit thick to not be able to access them. That will certainly put people off their game if its a continuous thing which it has been this year. Add danger to those bugs and well.. People have the right to complain.

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Why won't they release public test servers and make the people who test agree to a non-disclosure agreement to not share any media of the new content before release. This way, a few hundred PLAYERS can test this and try to find any last minute bugs.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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In all honesty Jagex doesn't care if you rant about glitches, as long as you are addicted enough to keep paying membership they can just churn out filler updates to keep you momentarily busy.




In terms of software used for things other than entertainment, such huge glitches would be big problems, but since hundreds of thousands of addicted kids have their parents pay $74/year to play the game, stuff like that can happen.




I really would have hoped that over time Jagex would learn why such horrible bugs "slip" through QA and modify the test server/QA process to prevent the same things slipping through. For example if I was testing MA I would try everything I could to lose items in a "safe" minigame, then I would try everything possible to break the process for getting into a game (such as getting 20 players, or computer drones, into the waiting room and seeing the average waiting time per game of each), then finally I would try to find ways to abuse the system to get faster reward credits (like suiciding on Siege). After all that is solid then I would start worrying about graphical glitches and unresponsive units. Unfortunately, every one of those game-breaking bugs made it through.

2496 Completionist

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Those few hundred people still have an advantage over other RS players when the content is finally released. Besides they could find a really useful bug (free planking please) and not tell anyone about it. Then when it gets released they go "oh look at that".




One day of slightly disrupted gameplay I can stand. For something like POH which are rediculously complicated you have to expect a couple of small bugs to get through. You can bet that QA find ways to duplicate items etc every now and again and catch them.




And for people STILL whining about the MA inventory glitch the answer is simple. Don't carry around your life savings on you! You never know when another instant death bug/invent wipe could occur. Ah memories of the Lumbridge Caves.

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If I download software that I PAID for and it broke my pc they better fix it or I stop paying/switch software. Mainly as I need my pc to work and I cant be bothered with a program that makes everything else broke. Again... It is not acceptable for game braking bugs, bugs that make us lose items/gp, that prevent us doing routine tasks or bugs that put us in some kinda danger - The majority of the upates. I hardly ever have updates for paid software that brake my pc. There might be bugs in there but it doesnt crash my pc anymore than is to be expected from conflicting software which is a totally different matter that jagex doesnt have to deal within the game itself.




I believe it was Kaspersky anti-virus, and several others, that have had incidents where they unintentionally flagged explorer[Caution: Executable File] as a virus infected file and immediately deleted it. Those who were affected had to reinstall windows.




And no most software isnt tested directly on me. I choose to beta test some things but I just dont see what programs I am currently working that are in a 'beta testing stage' or whatever. They are stuff that works and had been tested previously. There is a difference between doing all you can to fix bugs and then release content experiencing new unfound bugs, to just releasing content without extensive enough bug checking. (Again that isnt the testers fault though)




Yes it is. Software is always being tested on you, and simply denying it doesn't make it untrue. Jagex does do extensive bug testing, and as I've said already, hopping on the "omg jagaz dose no bug chex" is just an ignorant, whiny copout.




Its your prerogative to kiss jagex [wagon] but to me its obvious they are not up to standard this year. If they wish to repolish code then they should either a) spend more time on it B) Hire more staff to deal with it.




Is it your prerogative to cry like a barely coherent child? I think we've already nailed down the fact that there are bugs that cannot be found without live testing. Hiring new people would do nothing.




Besides even if the bugs arnt too 'dangerous' its a bit thick to not be able to access them. That will certainly put people off their game if its a continuous thing which it has been this year. Add danger to those bugs and well.. People have the right to complain.




They do have the right to complain. There's a massive difference in complaining and whinging, of which the average scaper tends to lean on the latter.




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Jagex should just make beta servers. Who gives a damn if content is "found out" or something like that. I think the majority of players would agree that they would rather learn about content a week before they can play it rather than getting to play and potentially losing items or just having a bad experience.




I'm not going to pretend that the QA team does a bad job because obviously there is a lot of stuff they have to cover but they could do a better job by simply adding beta servers.




I didn't read the thread btw.

If you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.

^^^At least I'm not the only crazy one

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And no most software isnt tested directly on me. I choose to beta test some things but I just dont see what programs I am currently working that are in a 'beta testing stage' or whatever. They are stuff that works and had been tested previously. There is a difference between doing all you can to fix bugs and then release content experiencing new unfound bugs, to just releasing content without extensive enough bug checking. (Again that isnt the testers fault though)




Yes it is. Software is always being tested on you, and simply denying it doesn't make it untrue. Jagex does do extensive bug testing, and as I've said already, hopping on the "omg jagaz dose no bug chex" is just an ignorant, whiny copout.




Telling its true doesnt make it true either. Things are tested beforehand for the bulk of bugs and if they didnt people wouldnt buy their product due the sheer volume of bugs. Whining at people because they are fedup with the volume of bugs is counter productive against those who want a better service from them. Aka - Those who dont kiss their [wagon]. Its a f-ing company that I pay for entertainment. Fanboys or not that shouldnt stop people speaking their minds. I dont think its out of hand to complain about bloody bugs that keep ruining gameplay nearly every update.




Its your prerogative to kiss jagex [wagon] but to me its obvious they are not up to standard this year. If they wish to repolish code then they should either a) spend more time on it B) Hire more staff to deal with it.




Is it your prerogative to cry like a barely coherent child? I think we've already nailed down the fact that there are bugs that cannot be found without live testing. Hiring new people would do nothing.




Lol k.




Besides even if the bugs arnt too 'dangerous' its a bit thick to not be able to access them. That will certainly put people off their game if its a continuous thing which it has been this year. Add danger to those bugs and well.. People have the right to complain.




They do have the right to complain. There's a massive difference in complaining and whinging, of which the average scaper tends to lean on the latter.




Again thats wrong. People complain because they do not feel satisfied by jagex service. Whinging on the otherhand is exactly what your doing. There is no call whinging at players who have a complaint about the service of a company.




Unless ofcourse your a jagex big boss who doesnt wish to thoroughly have the programming checked before risking it on their players. (Again thats not directed at the programmers or testers)

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Ranting about the number of bugs is also counter-productive. There is simply LITTLE THEY CAN DO. Thousands of players all accessing a single feature at once will cause bugs that are impossible to reproduce under the environment that the QA team can work under.




And the volume of bugs is GREATLY over stated, in my opinion. The most recent construction update had around 5-7 bugs, NONE of which were serious. Oh boo hoo, it takes several clicks to do something/access in my house. Oh sob, our Bandos tactics have to be temporarily changed, with no aggressive familiars.




Just because there are a few notieable bugs does NOT mean the QA team is doing a bad job. Thanks to them, there are tons of bugs which never see the light of day in each update. I think they are doing a great job, especially given the complexity of the game's code, their time contraints, and they environment they can possibly work under.




EDIT: Also, you have to give Jagex some credit for their haste at fixing bugs spotted by players. Majority of bugs spotted by players are fixed within a couple hours.




And just a note. If you're worried about game-ending bugs (like logging off during MA tutorial and losing your inventory), then for a couple days after the update, BE CAREFUL. Don't carry 350m freaking GP's worth of items when you access a newly released feature. Carry little wealth, that way if you lose it you don't freak out and quit, but you can easily continue with your reamining wealth and tell Jagex about the bug. Everyone wins. There's simply no reason to have that much wealth on you at ANY time (unless it's all contained in one item, our you're selling stuff).

When you go feather dragon god, you never go back.

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I think most people whining about jagex not reimbursing items lost to bugs dont realize that your character and items ALL BELONG TO JAGEX and they really dont have to give them to you if you lost them. Personally, i wait at least a few hours after an update before i use runescape and therefore havent noticed a single bug other than graphical glitches (and mobilising armies missing 3/4 of the game modes.) Jagex does a great job of fixing bugs after they show up, and as for more bugs with projects with longer development times recently, thats because runescape is more complex than ever before, and more content will interact weirdly with other parts of runescape. Many more bugs only happen when content is used by many players simultaneously, as others have said earlier.


RIP Chuck Schuldiner

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I think most people whining about jagex not reimbursing items lost to bugs dont realize that your character and items ALL BELONG TO JAGEX and they really dont have to give them to you if you lost them. Personally, i wait at least a few hours after an update before i use runescape and therefore havent noticed a single bug other than graphical glitches (and mobilising armies missing 3/4 of the game modes.) Jagex does a great job of fixing bugs after they show up, and as for more bugs with projects with longer development times recently, thats because runescape is more complex than ever before, and more content will interact weirdly with other parts of runescape. Many more bugs only happen when content is used by many players simultaneously, as others have said earlier.
So? My characters and account are owned by Blizzard and, if I were to lose items or money due to a software glitch, they'll, cheerfully, fix the problem for me. Furthermore, the bugs are generally there in testing but, if they're not, then the conditions used FOR testing need to be changed. And content acting weirdly is not the problem. The problem is that players lose bundles of cash, whatever is in their inventory, or items that have taken a long time to acquire and Jagex replying to their complaints with a cheerful "Bugger off." Or, on the opposite of the spectrum, we have people receiving free items or items at greatly reduced cost and Jagex not doing a thing about them. Though they may have whipped out the banhammer for free planking.




Seriously, the bugs, inconsequential updates, and Jagex's policy towards customers have caused me to cancel my membership. So, yeah, you could say that this sort of thing DOES have repercussions.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Makoto_the_Phoenix, while your statement is true, it's actually the lesser aspect of the problem. Sure, no software is bug-free, as is to be expected. Rather, it is the response to these bugs that poses a threat to the community. I myself have not played WoW, but I have heard testimonies that customer service goes out of their way to return lost assets due to software errors. This can also be seen in material companies, which routinely dish out store credit as compensation for lost or damaged valuables/time spent rectifying a defect in their product. When similar things occur in Runescape, players are given the cold shoulder with Jagex standing by its stance that it does not issue items or gold even when the problem results from their end.




If you can't stop the bullet, try and mend the wound.




[Honestly. Who would have thought that someone would be logged out or log out during a MA tutorial, losing everything?]
No one, which is why Jagex should have issued out a return of assets lost, especially if they can determine the players who were targeted by the anomaly. As one of the Jagex Moderators said, "I know more about your account than you do." It's a shame they, or at least he, refuted the player's claim with such a belligerent attitude.




You have a decent point. Responding to critical, game-breaking bugs hasn't been really pleasant, but what does that really mean? How many ultra-super-major bugs have been confirmed besides the one we're discussing, anyway? Admittedly they should implement a system that *does* give items back in the event of a glitch, but I wouldn't really count on it. I don't think that a system effective enough could be implemented, and not have an impact on either production time or customer support turnaround, since it would almost always have to be a human doing the checking, anyway.




[i wonder how long this guy is going to be made a marty- no, he's not a martyr - he's a freakin' poster child now...wonder how long it has to last before people just move on...]




I think most people whining about jagex not reimbursing items lost to bugs dont realize that your character and items ALL BELONG TO JAGEX and they really dont have to give them to you if you lost them. Personally, i wait at least a few hours after an update before i use runescape and therefore havent noticed a single bug other than graphical glitches (and mobilising armies missing 3/4 of the game modes.) Jagex does a great job of fixing bugs after they show up, and as for more bugs with projects with longer development times recently, thats because runescape is more complex than ever before, and more content will interact weirdly with other parts of runescape. Many more bugs only happen when content is used by many players simultaneously, as others have said earlier.




So? My characters and account are owned by Blizzard and, if I were to lose items or money due to a software glitch, they'll, cheerfully, fix the problem for me. Furthermore, the bugs are generally there in testing but, if they're not, then the conditions used FOR testing need to be changed. And content acting weirdly is not the problem. The problem is that players lose bundles of cash, whatever is in their inventory, or items that have taken a long time to acquire and Jagex replying to their complaints with a cheerful "Bugger off." Or, on the opposite of the spectrum, we have people receiving free items or items at greatly reduced cost and Jagex not doing a thing about them. Though they may have whipped out the banhammer for free planking.




Seriously, the bugs, inconsequential updates, and Jagex's policy towards customers have caused me to cancel my membership. So, yeah, you could say that this sort of thing DOES have repercussions.






Man...where to begin...




First. Do us all a favor and stop comparing Jagex's item return policy to Blizzard's. Their staff is significantly larger than Jagex (think 2,000 to about 500), so they have the time to sift through all of those reports and actually return items. It can't be done by a program, no matter what you think - you not only have to verify the bug (software can't tell you if it's glitched), but you also have to verify that the player in question was affected adversely by it. Next, the environment for testing is probably alright, it's just that testing things with 50 people is probably nothing compared to letting every active player "test" it. Third, there was only ONE bug in which ONE player lost a bundle of cash. The only other instance like that which springs to mind would be the Durial incident, but no one could've seen that coming. Fourth, bans are handed down in situations in which a player gains an obscene advantage, and they often tell their players NOT to go around and do stuff like that. Besides, it was patched within the day, and those that deserved punishment, I'm sure, were punished.




Why in Gods' name are you making this recent string of bugs out like they not only took your cookies, but drank your milk? Not being able to go to your POH or test the new update is like...what, 3 hours worth of content compared to the rest of the game? Maybe some time away from RS would do you good; I've seen you do nothing but complain for the last six months.




Besides even if the bugs arnt too 'dangerous' its a bit thick to not be able to access them. That will certainly put people off their game if its a continuous thing which it has been this year. Add danger to those bugs and well.. People have the right to complain.




They do have the right to complain. There's a massive difference in complaining and whinging, of which the average scaper tends to lean on the latter.




Again thats wrong. People complain because they do not feel satisfied by jagex service. Whinging on the otherhand is exactly what your doing. There is no call whinging at players who have a complaint about the service of a company.




Unless ofcourse your a jagex big boss who doesnt wish to thoroughly have the programming checked before risking it on their players. (Again thats not directed at the programmers or testers)




The difference between a complaint and whining:




"I don't feel that the QA team has done a quality job as of the last few updates. It seems that more things keep breaking. I want Jagex to resolve to be more diligent in their bug checks in the future."




"I don't feel that QA even exists. I mean, c'mon - look at all the freaking bugs! It's like the guys there are drunk or half asleep! It's like they just don't care about the players, or the quality of their own game. What's up with that?"




I shouldn't have to tell you which is which, and I most certainly shouldn't have to tell you which has shown up on forums (here and RSOF) the most.




Why won't they release public test servers and make the people who test agree to a non-disclosure agreement to not share any media of the new content before release. This way, a few hundred PLAYERS can test this and try to find any last minute bugs.




What's the difference between a few hundred players and a few hundred QA people? From a testing standpoint, nothing. You would still have the same amount of testing time as if it were done by the QA staff. Besides, there are always going to be those unscrupulous few that want to ruin a surprise for someone, or blurt out confidential stuff. Sure, it'll get removed as soon as someone catches wind of it, and someone will land in jail - but the knowledge would have been out there long enough for someone to get a hold of it, anyway.




Long story short, I personally don't like the idea of beta servers. It might mean that the code gets more exposure, but still - what's a hundred people compared to a hundred thousand?

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Telling its true doesnt make it true either. Things are tested beforehand for the bulk of bugs and if they didnt people wouldnt buy their product due the sheer volume of bugs. Whining at people because they are fedup with the volume of bugs is counter productive against those who want a better service from them. Aka - Those who dont kiss their [wagon]. Its a f-ing company that I pay for entertainment. Fanboys or not that shouldnt stop people speaking their minds. I dont think its out of hand to complain about bloody bugs that keep ruining gameplay nearly every update.




Yea, because I kiss Jagex's [wagon]. Good lord you're an ignorant crybaby. It's an industry fact that some bugs cannot be tested until they're in a live environment. Every software developer knows this, EVER software developer does this. Just because, in your closed little mind where everyone else is great and Jagex is omg-evul-devel-comney-uv-playur-haten-d00m, doesn't mean Jagex is "too lazy" to test out their products because there are some bugs in them, a keen difference you seem to be ignoring so you can fire off a quick "LOL UR NAZI KISASS, U DUN LIEK PEEPUL MAEKING OPINYINS!"




I've already said that I'm referring to the people who make immature comments like "omg jagax have no QA!" and "They just want us to quit Runescape for Mechscape!"




Lol k.








Again thats wrong. People complain because they do not feel satisfied by jagex service. Whinging on the otherhand is exactly what your doing. There is no call whinging at players who have a complaint about the service of a company.




Unless ofcourse your a jagex big boss who doesnt wish to thoroughly have the programming checked before risking it on their players. (Again thats not directed at the programmers or testers)




No, people regularly complain for the sole purpose of having something to complain about, and looking like an internet tough guy. Hell, there was a larger crying-party when Jagex made the pot icon in general stores empty.




But go ahead and keep reiterating the same talking points. I'm a kissass, Jagex hates its players, blah blah whinging. Keep throwing the same half-witted rhetoric and hope that something will eventually stick. It seems to work occasionally for the other preteens on the RSOF.




@Omali: Is it really our job to count on other stupid players to test out our content first? What if these stupid players get smart and do the same thing? Imagine a new update, and everybody waiting for other people to try it first




There are plenty of people who will fly right into new updates with their prized possessions in their bank. If half of runescape learned from past events, we would have someone diving neck first into Mobilising Armies, one of the biggest ventures as far as the Runescript system can go, with 350mil waiting to be lost.




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